Factorial ANOVA Cal State Northridge 320 Andrew Ainsworth PhD Topics in Factorial Designs What is Factorial? Assumptions Analysis Multiple Comparisons – Main Effects – Simple Effects – Simple Comparisons Effect Size estimates Higher Order Analyses Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 2 Factorial? Factorial – means that: 1. You have at least 2 IVs 2. And all levels of one variable occur in combination with all levels of the other variable(s). Assumptions – Same as one-way ANOVA but they are tested within each cell – i.e. Normality, Homogeneity and Independence Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 3 Simplest Form: 2 x 2 ANOVA B b1 A b2 a1 a2 Video Game GTA NBA 2K7 Gender Men Women Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 4 Analysis Performing a factorial analysis does the job of three analyses in one – Two one-way ANOVAs, one for each IV (called a main effect) – And a test of the interaction between the IVs – Interaction? – the effect of one IV depends on the level of another IV • The variability that is left over after you assess each IV • The 2 IVs together work to affect scores over and above either of them independently Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 5 Analysis The between groups sums of squares from 1-way ANOVA is further broken down: – Before SSbg = SSeffect – Now SSbg = SSA + SSB + SSAB – In a two IV factorial design A, B and AxB all differentiate between groups, therefore they all add to the SSbg Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 6 Analysis Total variability = (variability of A around GM) + (variability of B around GM) + (variability of each group mean {AB} around GM) + (variability of each person’s score around their group mean) SSTotal = SSA + SSB + SSAB + SSerror 2 2 2 ( Y Y ) n ( Y Y ) n ( Y Y ) i GM a a GM b b GM nab (Yab YGM ) 2 na (Ya YGM ) 2 nb (Yb YGM ) 2 (Yi Yab ) 2 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 7 Analysis Degrees of Freedom – dfA = #groupsA – 1 – dfB = #groupsB – 1 – dfAB = (a – 1)(b – 1) – dferror = ab(n – 1) = abn – ab = N – ab – dftotal = N – 1 = a – 1 + b – 1 + (a – 1)(b – 1) + N – ab Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 8 Analysis Breakdown of degrees of freedom Breakdown of sums of squares SStotal SSbg SSA SSB N-1 SSwg SSAB ab-1 a-1 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge b-1 N-ab (a-1)(b-1) 9 Analysis Mean square – The mean squares are calculated the same – SS/df = MS – You just have more of them, MSA, MSB, MSAB, and MSWG – This expands when you have more IVs • One for each main effect, one for each interaction (two-way, three-way, etc.) Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 10 Analysis F-test – Each effect and interaction is a separate F-test – Calculated the same way: MSeffect/MSWG since MSWG is our error variance estimate – You look up a separate Fcrit for each test using the dfeffect, dfWG and tabled values Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 11 Example A: Profession a1: Administrators a2: Belly Dancers a3: Politicians 2 2 2 Y 0 1 B: Vacation Length b1: 1 week b2: 2 weeks b3: 3 weeks 0 4 5 1 7 8 0 6 6 5 5 9 7 6 8 6 7 8 5 9 3 6 9 3 8 9 2 22 1046 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 12 Analysis Sample data reconfigured into cell and marginal means (with variances) A:Profession a1: Administrators B: Vacation Length b1: 1 week b2: 2 weeks b3: 3 weeks Marginal A means Ya1b1 = 0.333 Ya1b2 = 5.667 Ya1b3 = 6.333 2 a1b1 s Ya2b1 = 6 a2: Belly Dancers a3: Politicians Marginal B Means Y 2 1046 = 0.333 2 a2b1 = s 1 Ya3b1 = 6.333 2 a3b1 s = 2.333 2 a1b2 s = 2.333 Ya2b2 = 6 2 a2b2 s =1 Ya3b2 = 9 2 a3b2 s =0 2 a1b3 s = 2.333 Ya2b3 = 8.333 2 a2b3 s = 0.333 Ya3b3 = 2.667 2 a3b3 s = 0.333 Yb1 = 4.222 Yb2 = 6.889 Yb3 = 5.778 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge Ya1 = 4.111 Ya2 = 6.778 Ya3 = 6 Y... = 5.630 13 Example – Sums of Squares SStotal (Yi YGM ) 2 (____ ____) 2 (____ ____) 2 (____ ____) 2 (5 5.630) (7 5.630) (6 5.630) 2 2 2 (5 5.630) (6 5.630) (8 5.630) 2 2 2 (4 5.630) (7 5.630) (6 5.630) 2 2 2 (3 5.630) 2 (2 5.630) 2 190.296 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 14 Example – Sums of Squares SS A na (Ya YGM )2 [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(6 5.630) ] 33.852 2 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 15 Example – Sums of Squares SS B nb (Yb YGM ) 2 [___*(____ ____) ] [___*(____ ____) ] 2 2 [___*(5.778 5.630) ] 32.296 2 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 16 Example – Sums of Squares SS AB nab (Yab YGM ) 2 na (Ya YGM ) 2 nb (Yb YGM ) 2 [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(____ ____) 2 ] [___*(9 5.630) 2 ] [___*(6.333 5.630) 2 ] [___*(8.333 5.630) 2 ] [___*(2.667 5.630) 2 ] 170.296 170.296 33.825 32.296 104.148 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 17 Example – Sums of Squares SS Error (Yi Yab ) 2 (____ ____) 2 (____ ____) 2 (____ ____) 2 (____ ____) (____ ____) (____ ____) 2 2 2 (5 6.333) (6 6.333) (8 6.333) 2 2 2 (4 5.667) (7 5.667) (6 5.667) 2 2 2 (3 2.667) (2 2.667) 20 2 2 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 18 Analysis – Computational Marginal Totals – we look in the margins of a data set when computing main effects Cell totals – we look at the cell totals when computing interactions In order to use the computational formulas we need to compute both marginal and cell totals Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 19 Analysis – Computational Sample data reconfigured into cell and marginal totals A: Profession a1: Administrators a2: Belly Dancers a3: Politicians Marginal Sums for B B: Vacation Length b1: 1 week b2: 2 weeks b3: 3 weeks 1 17 19 18 18 25 19 27 8 b1 = 38 b2 = 62 b3 = 52 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge Marginal Sums for A a1 = 37 a2 = 61 a3 = 54 T = 152 20 Analysis – Computational Formulas for SS a T SS 2 A SS B 2 bn abn b an 2 T2 abn ab a b 2 SS AB 2 n SSerror Y 2 bn ab T2 SST Y abn an 2 T2 abn 2 n 2 21 Analysis – Computational Example a 2 T2 SS A bn abn ___ 2 ___ 2 542 ___ 2 SS A ____ ____ 33.85 3(3) 3(3)(3) b 2 T2 SS B an abn 382 ___ 2 ___ 2 ___ 2 SS B 888 855.7 32.30 3(3) 3(3)(3) Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 22 Analysis – Computational Example ab a b 2 2 2 T2 SS AB n bn an abn ___ 2 ___ 2 ___ 2 182 182 252 19 2 27 2 82 SS AB 3 37 2 612 542 382 622 522 1522 3(3) 3(3) 3(3)(3) ____ 889.55 888 855.7 104.15 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 23 Analysis – Computational Example SSerror Y 2 ab 2 n 12 17 2 192 182 182 252 19 2 27 2 82 SSerror _____ 3 ____ 1026 20 2 T SST Y 2 abn 1522 SST 1046 1046 855.7 190.30 3(3)(3) Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 24 Analysis – Computational Example df A a 1 3 1 2 df B b 1 3 1 2 df AB (a 1)(b 1) (3 1)(3 1) 2(2) 4 df Error abn ab 27 9 18 dftotal abn 1 27 1 26 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 25 Analysis Example Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: ENJOY Source PROFESSION LENGTH OF STAY PROFESSION * LENGTH WITHIN GROUPS TOTAL Type III Sum of Squares 33.852 32.296 104.148 20.000 190.296 df 2 2 4 18 26 Mean Square 16.926 16.148 26.037 1.111 F 15.233 14.533 23.433 Sig. .000 .000 .000 The MSWG is also the pooled (average) variance across the cells, since all n are equal: (.333+2.333+2.333+1+1+.333+2.333+0+.333)/9 = 1.111 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 26 Analysis Fcrit(2,18)=3.55 Fcrit(4,18)=2.93 Since 15.25 > 3.55, the effect for profession is significant Since 14.55 > 3.55, the effect for length is significant Since 23.46 > 2.93, the effect for profession * length is significant Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 27 Effect Size Revisited Eta Squared is calculated for each effect 2 effect SSeffect SStotal Omega Squared also for each effect 2 Effect SS Effect (k Effect 1) MSWG SST MSWG Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 28 Effect Size Example Effect Size for Profession 2 Profession SS Profession 33.852 .178 SS total 190.296 2 Profession SSProfession (kProfession 1) MSWG SST MSWG 2 Profession 33.853 [(3 1) *1.111] .165 190.296 1.111 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 29 Multiple Comparisons If a main effect is significant and has more than 2 levels, than you need to do marginal comparisons If the interaction is significant – You should break the interaction down by performing a simple effect analysis of A at each level of B (The effect of A at B1, A at B2, A at B3, etc.) and vice versa – If any of them are significant and if A has more than 2 levels, follow up with simple comparisons Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 30 Multiple Comparisons Simple Effects for B b1 b1 b2 b2 b3 b3 a1 a2 a3 a1 Simple Effects for A a1 a2 a3 a3 Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge Simple Comparison for A 31 Specific Comparisons If the comparisons were planned than analyze them without any adjustment to the critical value If they were post-hoc than the values needs to be adjusted (e.g. Tukey, Bonferroni, etc.) – This is the same as previously covered Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 32 Multiple Comparisons Example Main Effect: Profession Multiple Compari sons Dependent Variable: ENJOY LS D (I) PROFES S 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians Bonferroni 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians (J) PROFE SS 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers Mean Difference (I-J) St d. -2. 67* -1. 89* 2.67* .78 1.89* -.78 -2. 67* -1. 89* 2.67* .78 1.89* -.78 E rror .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 Sig. .000 .001 .000 .135 .001 .135 .000 .004 .000 .405 .004 .405 95% Confidenc e Int erval Lower Bound Upper Bound -3. 71 -1. 62 -2. 93 -.84 1.62 3.71 -.27 1.82 .84 2.93 -1. 82 .27 -3. 98 -1. 36 -3. 20 -.58 1.36 3.98 -.53 2.09 .58 3.20 -2. 09 .53 Based on observed means. *. The mean differenc e is significant at the .05 level. Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 33 Multiple Comparisons Example Main Effect: Length of Stay Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: ENJOY LSD (I) LENGTH 1 1 week 2 2 weeks 3 3 weeks Bonferroni 1 1 week 2 2 weeks 3 3 weeks (J) LENGTH 2 2 weeks 3 3 weeks 1 1 week 3 3 weeks 1 1 week 2 2 weeks 2 2 weeks 3 3 weeks 1 1 week 3 3 weeks 1 1 week 2 2 weeks Mean Difference (I-J) -2.67* -1.56* 2.67* 1.11* 1.56* -1.11* -2.67* -1.56* 2.67* 1.11 1.56* -1.11 Std. Error .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 .497 Sig. .000 .006 .000 .038 .006 .038 .000 .017 .000 .115 .017 .115 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -3.71 -1.62 -2.60 -.51 1.62 3.71 .07 2.16 .51 2.60 -2.16 -.07 -3.98 -1.36 -2.87 -.24 1.36 3.98 -.20 2.42 .24 2.87 -2.42 .20 Based on observed means. *. The mean difference is s ignificant at the .05 level. Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 34 Simple Effect and Simple Comp. Profession at 1 week ANOV A ENJOY Between Groups W ithin Groups Total Sum of Squares 68.222 7.333 75.556 df 2 6 8 Mean S quare 34.111 1.222 F 27.909 Sig. .001 Multiple Compari sons Dependent Variable: ENJOY LS D (I) PROFES S 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians Bonferroni 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians (J) PROFE SS 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers 2 Belly Dancers 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 3 Politicians 1 Adminis trators 2 Belly Dancers Mean Difference (I-J) St d. -5. 67* -6. 00* 5.67* -.33 6.00* .33 -5. 67* -6. 00* 5.67* -.33 6.00* .33 *. The mean differenc e is significant at the .05 level. E rror .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 .903 Sig. .001 .001 .001 .725 .001 .725 .002 .002 .002 1.000 .002 1.000 95% Confidenc e Int erval Lower Bound Upper Bound -7. 88 -3. 46 -8. 21 -3. 79 3.46 7.88 -2. 54 1.88 3.79 8.21 -1. 88 2.54 -8. 63 -2. 70 -8. 97 -3. 03 2.70 8.63 -3. 30 2.63 3.03 8.97 -2. 63 3.30 35 Higher-Order Designs Higher-order – meaning more than 2 IVs – With 3 IVs; each with 2 levels you have a 2 x 2 x 2 design – If we have even 5 subjects per cell we are talking about a minimum of 40 subjects – We are also talking about: • SST = SSA + SSB + SSC + SSAB + SSAC + SSBC + SSABC + SSWG Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 36 Higher-Order Designs Higher-order – meaning more than 2 IVs – With 4 IVs; each with 2 levels you have a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 design – If we have even 5 subjects per cell we are talking about a minimum of 80 subjects – We are also talking about: • SST = SSA + SSB + SSC + SSD + SSAB + SSAC + SSAD + SSBC + SSBD + SSCD + SSABC + SSABD + SSACD + SSBCD + SSABCD + SSWG Psy 320 - Cal State Northridge 37