NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE MEETING MINUTES APRIL 10, 2000 Senators Present: Roger Bacon, David Bruner, Ward Cockrum, Joseph Collentine, Jack Dustman, J’Anne Ellsworth, Chris Everett, Paul Ferlazzo, John Hagood, Dayle Hardy-Short, David Hartman, Dawn Hawley, Pat Hays, Richard Howey, Max Jerrell, David Kitterman, Martha Lee, Sheryl Lutjens, David McKell, Ramona Mellott, Cecilia Ojeda, Sally Oran, Lon Owen, Nita Paden, Brian Painter, Nancy Paxton, Barbara, Perry, Paul Peterson, Jim Pinto, Judy Sellers, Guy Senese, Thomas Sheeley, Cathy Small, Connie Smith (attended the Jan., Feb., and Mar. meetings), Roy St. Laurent, Sandra Stone, Michael Sullivan, Peter Veinus, Bob Yowell (ExOfficio Member: Provost Somerville) Senators Excused: David Arnall, Lawrence Fritz, Gina Long, Larry Middleton, Andrew Milton, Devon Mihesuah, Bruce Palmer, Nancy Riggs Senators Absent: Jack Ferrell, Deb Klass, George Koch Guests: Marilee Sellers Minutes follow the order of the items as discussed. 1. Called to Order: 3 P.M. by Judy Sellers, Chair. Announcement: Dayle Hardy-Short announced that the honors speaker for the School of Communications had just learned that she had received the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for her story on the American killing of Koreans during the war. She will be speaking tonight in the Cline Auditorium. 2. Approval of Agenda: Under &. Old Business add c. on Learning Centered Education. The minutes for 2/7, 3/13, and 3/20 all need approval. M/S/A as amended. 3. Acceptance of Minutes of 2/7, 3/13, and 3/20 accepted as written. M/S/A. 4. Opening Comments from the Chair and Vice-Chair: a. The Vice-Chair announced that the Senate Office will be moving into a larger space in the Blome Building at the end of May. The Interim Provost thanked President Lovett for all she had done and the Chair thanked Bob Yowell and Dona Van Dyke for their work. b. The Chair said a letter had gone to the Governor’s Task Force on Higher Education with three items for consideration. 1) deferred maintenance; 2) low faculty salaries; 3) a change in the methods of teaching means more development is necessary. A letter has gone to Vice-President Mullen expressing concerns over Parking Lot P-10. A letter has gone to the Interim Provost stating that the FSEC supports the move of the Honors Program to a central reporting authority and recommends an independent budget for it. The Chair explained what had prompted the letter. 5. Communication with President Lovett and Interim Provost Somerville: The Interim Provost said that: 1) the President was involved in a conference call in preparation for the Wednesday meeting of the Governor’s Task Force: 2) ABOR approved the Ph.D. in Physical Therapy; 3) ABOR approved the residence rates at $100 and the students presented themselves well; 4) he will be e-mailing the College of Engineering to make his pending return to the college official. The Interim Provost also explained the proposed partnership with Embry- Riddle University. 6. ASNAU President – Paul Peterson: Peterson reported that: 1) the ABOR meeting had been survived; 2) last week was a successful Unity Week; 3)elections were held and Sara Pressler will be ASNAU President next year; 4) the year-end report is forthcoming. 7. OLD BUSINESS a. By-Laws / Constitution: Proposed changes to the draft of the constitution considered during the special Senate meeting on March 21 were discussed. Motion: It was moved and seconded that “...and be consulted in the formulation of educational policy and the governance of the universities. Accordingly the faculty...” be added to Section 1.3 of the constitution. The motion passed with two nay votes and one abstention. Motion: It was moved and seconded that the proposed language change for Section 1.3.1 of the constitution be tabled until precise wording is presented later in the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Motion: It was moved and seconded that “Faculty participation as described in the Arizona Board of Regents Policies Document (ch. VI-6-201 Conditions of Faculty Service revised 9/99) requires that faculty participate in the formulation of educational policy and the governance of the University.” be added to Section 1.3.2 of the constitution. The motion failed with one aye vote. Motion: It was moved and seconded that proposed language change for Section 1.3.1 of the constitution be untabled. The motion passed unanimously. Motion: It was moved and seconded that “When policies are implemented without formal Senate approval or without sufficient consultation with faculty representatives, Senate standing committees, faculty curriculum committees, then the Faculty Senate, given the mandate of shared governance, has the right to withhold compliance with such policies.” Replace the bold and underlined segment as an addition to Section 1.3.2 of the constitution. The motion passed with a hand-raising vote of 24 aye votes and 10 nay votes. Motion: It was moved and seconded that the amended draft of the Faculty Constitution be accepted as the Faculty Constitution. The motion passed with one nay vote. Motion: It was moved and seconded that the proposed Faculty Constitution be presented to the Senate Chair for forwarding to the full faculty on September 1, 2000. The motion passed unanimously. Dayle Hardy-Short of the By-Laws Committee thanked Chris Everett, Nancy Paxton, and Roy St. Laurent for their hard work and dedication. b. Committee on Instructional Technology and Distributed Learning: Committee chair, Paul Ferlazzo, announced that the committee is now complete and has met. The first project will be to send a questionnaire to faculty who have worked with IITV and/or University House to discern their experiences. The Senate chair reported that the AFC has put together a plan to consider possibilities for Learner Centered Education and described the language used in the plan. The Interim Provost presented an anecdotal example of why ABOR is concerned about learning outcomes. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Nominations: Nominations Committee chair, Dayle Hardy-Short, provided a chart (handout) which showed the nominations made so far for open positions. Nominations will continue to be accepted. The Senate will vote during the May 8 meeting. 9. REPORTS a. The chair of the Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Council, Joe Collentine, reported that a draft of the background check policy has been completed and will be forwarded next week. He also reported that the council will be working with the new provost next Fall on the evaluation of administrators. 10. Future Agenda Items of Charges to Councils: A suggestion was made that incoming Senators be given some sort of orientation concerning activities. 11. Good of the Order: It was stated that Robert Mosher from the Psychology Department had died. 12. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M.