October 4, 2010

Faculty Senate Meeting
October 4, 2010
Please email corrections to Faculty.Senate@nau.edu
I. Call to order/ Acceptance of Agenda:
Larry Mohrweis
Faculty Senate President Larry Mohrweis called the meeting of the NAU Faculty Senate (FS) to order in
the Havasupai A&B Rooms of the Student Union at 3:04 pm.
Members Present: Sara Aleman, TS Amer, Shadow Armfield, Allen Atkins, Nancy Barron, Jonathan
Bergeron, Laura Blank (Ro Haddon standing in), Natalie Cawood, Michael Costelloe, Bill Culbertson,
Rebecca Dames, Joyce DeVoss (appeared telephonically), Kate Ellis, Jay Farness, Jean Ann Foley,
Bruce Fox, Kathleen Ganley, Bill Grabe, Ro Haddon, John Haeger*, Natalie Hess (appeared
telephonically), Richard Hofstetter, Lenka Hospodka, Chase Hunt*, Gae Johnson, Astrid Klocke, Ellen
Larson, Rich Lei, Emily McKay, Michelle Miller, Phillip Mlsna, Larry Mohrweis, Ishmael Munene,
Greta Murphy, Pat Peterson, Allen Reich, Jon Reyhner, Erik Schiefer, Guy Senese, George Speer, Laura
Sujo-Montes, Andi Thode, Walter Vannette, Kristen Waring, David Williams, and Marsha Yowell.
(*indicates ex officio members)
Members Absent: Tom Alcoze, Wendy Campione, Rom Coles, Chris Downum, Alex Finkral, Heidi
Fogelberg, Liz Grobsmith*, Josh Hewes, Karen Jarratt-Snider, Chunhye Lee (excused), Rich McNeill,
Wilbert Odem, Roderic Parnell (on sabbatical), Ricardo Pereira, Edward Smaglik, Monica Torres, and
Ric Wiggall.
Others present: Tom Bauer, David Bousquet, David Camacho, Christy Farley, Marcus Ford, Paul
Gazda, Pat Haeuser, Daniel Kain, Deb Larson, MJ McMahon, Rich Payne, Karen Pugliesi and Erin
Faculty Senate President, Larry Mohrweis, presented the agenda for approval. He stated that the agenda
order has been changed to accommodate the schedules of speakers. The agenda was accepted by
II. Approval of Minutes
Larry Mohrweis/Action Item
Larry presented the minutes of the September 13th FS meeting for approval. A motion was made and
seconded to approve the minutes. The motion passed.
III. The Arizona State Legislature – State Politics Report
Christy Farley
Larry welcomed Christy Farley, NAU’s Lobbyist and Vice President or Governmental Affairs. He
explained that he invited Christy to speak to the FS regarding what we, as a Senate, can do in addressing
state legislative matters as well as explaining what she see’s occurring during the current legislative
session. Christy began by discussing key points of her presentation to the Faculty Senate last year
wherein she reviewed the parameters covering appropriate lobbying activities for state employees when
acting as an employee or as a private citizen. She also noted those individuals who are registered to
lobby on behalf of NAU at both the state and federal levels. Christy stressed that no public resources
can be used to influence elections which include the use of work e-mail and work hours. In discussing
what the legislature will be focused on this year, she stated that it will be all about the budget and related
matters. The State is predicting a large shortfall for the current fiscal year. She also noted the likely
makeup of the legislature after the November elections might change and the expected change will
impact the universities’ budgets and policies. She then entertained questions.
IV. Report from the President
John Haeger
President John Haeger began with the announcement of the ground breaking ceremony that took place
earlier today for the new Native American Cultural Center. He then proceeded to expand on Christy
Farley’s description of the projected budget situation. In answer to a frequently asked question
regarding why the university has reserves, the President noted the reserves are there to counter the effect
of budget cuts. He reviewed the budgets of the last few years and discussed possible scenarios we may
face in the coming year. In essence, the universities are faced with a new reality. It is this reality that
the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) had asked the four Presidents (3 university presidents and the
President of ABOR) to provide a report on how the universities will move forward given this new
reality. The report, Strategic Realignment of Arizona Higher Education, has been presented to ABOR.
The President stressed that it is important for everyone to read the report and understand the challenges
we face and the suggestions within this report. Some of the suggestions included in the report are:
 offering fewer programs;
 changes in delivery systems and
 state funding based on results not enrollment.
Dr. Hager suggested that further dialogue will take place across campus after this information has been
widely distributed and digested. In order to help with this effort, he will be bringing speakers to campus
to help get out the information regarding the new realities in higher education. The first of these
speakers will be Dennis Jones. He will be on campus November 11th.
Larry stated that the Strategic Realignment of Arizona Higher Education report has been posted on the
Senate website. He also noted that there is a condensed version of the report in today’s FS materials.
President Haeger answered questions regarding the following concerns:
 possible changes to the mission of the university;
 the privatization of programs;
 the effect of the Lumina effort and
 concern that faculty have not been more involved in the changes being discussed.
V. Faculty Senate President’s Report
Larry Mohrweis
Larry announced that he neglected to mention earlier that Provost Grobsmith would not be in attendance
as she is in China and that Guy Senese is sitting in as Parliamentarian in Marsha Yowell’s absence.
Larry stated that after last month’s discussion of Proximity Card Scanners, the issue has been referred to
the Council on Learning for review and recommendations on any actions needed by the Senate. He then
introduced Ro Haddon, Chair of the Council on Learning. Ro stated that the council is putting together
a fact sheet after review of literature and other materials and will provide the Faculty Senate Executive
Committee with their findings.
VI. Campus Parking
Erin Stam
Larry next introduced Erin Stam, Director of Parking Services. He has invited Erin to inform the Senate
on what is happening this year with regard to long range parking plans and parking fees. Erin began by
stating that she has worked at NAU for over 20 years most of which with Residence Live and Academic
Advising. She has been in her new position with parking services for less than two years. Her approach
to her new role as Director of Parking Services is from her service background which is to address
problems with open lines of communication.
Erin addressed questions frequently raised by faculty, staff and students including the raise in fees and
changes to parking designations. She explained that parking services became independent from the
university budget process and has been fully self sustaining for the last few years. They are responsible
for all aspects of parking services on campus including staffing, repairs of asphalt, technology, and
maintenance. Secondly, the new construction on campus has created challenges to parking services by
removing available parking and creating traffic flow problems. She referred everyone to the master plan
which outlines the plans for campus growth which includes a 1300 stall parking garage behind Fronske
Health Center. She also noted that there is a joint venture with the City of Flagstaff to build a transit line
on campus to provide new shuttle service. She has been sharing this information at all of the new
student orientations to let discourage students and their parents from bringing cars to campus. She also
explained the reasoning behind the placement of metered parking and the changes to the designated
parking areas. She finished by discussing bike ridership, police enforcement, parking services taxi
service, and free eco passes for faculty and staff. She is open to all ideas and asked for those to be sent
to her. She then entertained questions that included snow removal problems, parking garage issues, and
the ticket payment process. She finished by stating her doors and ears are open.
VII. Herbicides on Campus Update
Marcus Ford
Larry introduced Marcus Ford and Paul Gazda to present the recently released Final Report of the
Herbicide Elimination Committee. Marcus began by describing the reasoning and purpose behind the
formation of this committee. He gave a brief description of the findings of the committee. He stated
that they have not been successful in convincing the administration to change practices regarding
pesticides and herbicides. They believe this would be in the best interest of the entire university
community and could be used as a recruiting tool. They are asking for the Faculty Senate to continue its
advocacy of a herbicide-free campus by appointing a liaison to the Sustainable Environmental Practices
team and restate its commitment to the committee and its work. Larry stated that the FSEC will take this
matter into consideration and will bring it back to the FS for any future action. Larry asked if there was
anyone interested in volunteering for this committee. With no immediate volunteer, he stated that
anyone who is interested should contact the Faculty Senate office.
VIII. Announcements from the Vice-Provosts
Dan Kain/Karen Pugliesi
Vice Provost, Dan Kain spoke in Provost Grobsmith’s absence. He thanked the FS for its help at the last
meeting in providing representation to the Faculty Activity Reporting Project. He stated that they are
currently reviewing software which will be considered as they move forward. He went on to note that
the task force to look at the post tenure review cycle has also met. This task force includes both Bill
Culbertson and Gae Johnson. He gave a brief explanation of what the task force hopes to accomplish.
He entertained a few questions regarding the task force and noted he will bring forth the task force’s
Vice Provost Karen Pugliesi also addressed the Senate in Provost Grobsmith’s absence. She began by
calling everyone’s attentions to a report in last week in Inside NAU that referenced the most recent
results of the national survey of student engagement. It references NAU and speaks to the work the
faculty has contributed by engaging with students. She thanked everyone and encouraged everyone to
go to Inside NAU and read the report for all the details.
She next addressed some tools moving forward:
 The expansion of the GPS program (Grade Performance Status). This program was piloted last
year using only first year students. As a result of its success, it will now be open to all student
levels. It is an excellent tool for faculty, students and advisors to communicate and help students
become successful.
 The e-planning project is in an earlier stage and more information can be brought at a future
meeting. This is a substantial project which will develop a suite of tools for students, faculty,
departments, and advisors to help with academic planning for students. This will include the
development of a new academic catalogue under Debra Larson’s directions.
She announced that
 Today is the first day mid term grades are open.
 The program, Student Learning and Curriculum Design has been in place for three years. It is a
program that facilitates faculty groups in undertaking a deep analytic mapping of their programs
and developing smart designs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Currently 18
departments or programs are involved in this process which represents over 30 of our majors or
She closed by following up one of the key points President Haeger referenced from the Arizona Higher
Education Enterprise Report. The report states that the universities will focus on our results as opposed
to enrollment for funding. One of the key results will be student achievement and graduation. She
would like to follow up with faculty leaders to discuss this at a future meeting.
IX. Old Business/New Business Items/Announcements
Larry Mohrweis
Larry announced that there will be a debate on SB 1070 “Battle over Immigration” this evening at
7:00pm at the High Country Conference Center.
X. Adjourn
Larry Mohrweis
There being no further business, a Motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:52.