Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes June 20, 2011 Please email corrections to Faculty.Senate@nau.edu 1. Call to order Acceptance of Agenda: Allen Reich Faculty Senate President Allen Reich called the meeting of the NAU Faculty Summer Senate (FS) to order in the Pattea Room of the Blome Building at 3:03 pm. Members Present: Rebecca Dames, Heidi Fogelberg, Ro Haddon, John Haeger*, Astrid Klocke, Rich Lei, Allen Reich, Jon Reyhner, Karen Sealander, Laura Sujo-Montes, and Walter Vannette. Members Absent: Liz Grobsmith*, Phillip Mlsna, and Roderic Parnell. (*indicates ex officio members) Others present: David Camacho, Tracie Hansen, and Karen Pugliesi. 2. Acceptance of Agenda: Allen Reich Allen stated that President Haeger has a scheduling conflict and would like to address the FS earlier on the agenda. He also noted that Provost Grobsmith is in China and will be represented by Vice Provost Karen Pugliesi. Allen thanked everyone for their service to the Faculty Senate over the summer break. He stated that his thrust as President will be to ensure NAU provides a quality education for our students. To that end, he has compiled his thoughts in a handout titled President’s Report/Possible Objectives for the Coming Year. He will address this report later in the agenda. Allen presented the agenda allowing for flexibility to accommodate the President’s schedule. A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed. 3. Approval of Minutes Allen Reich/Action Item Allen presented the minutes of the May 2nd FS meeting for approval. Allen asked Astrid Klocke to comment on the showing of a movie regarding the Virginia Tech shooting mentioned in the minutes. Astrid reported that the film showing was very well attended and a well balanced discussion followed with the guest speaker, a survivor of the shooting and subject in the film. Allen followed up by asking what resources NAU has in place to deal with difficult students. A brief discussion followed outlining some of the resources available. Laura SujoMontes then asked Rich to give a brief summary of what transpired at the May 20th meeting of the NAU Benefits Committee. Rich stated that the May 20th meeting was the first meeting of the benefit committee in the negotiation process. He felt the meeting was optimistic in the way the issues were framed. It appears that the amount of the Blue Cross Blue Shield increase will be less severe than once thought. The committee has been charged by President Haeger to find approximately two million dollars of savings in their budget. They are currently looking at changes to the employee co-pay and some services offered. It is his understanding that where we are now and where we need to be will likely be a matter of tweaking rather than wholesale changes to the program. The committee met in June and will meet again in July. He will continue to keep the Senate informed. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion passed. 1 4. Faculty Senate President’s Report Allen Reich Allen began by referring to his handout regarding Faculty Senate objectives in the coming year. He explained that the material composed has not been prioritized, it is meant to be a starting point for ideas. He compiled the report after consultation with past FS presidents, members of the administration, the Chair of the Academic Chairs Council (ACC), the President of ASNAU and others. Many of the areas listed have been addressed by the Senate but he felt are ready for the next step. He then outlined the first 5 areas. Allen tabled discussion on the remaining items and went out of order to agenda item 6, President Haeger’s report. After President Haeger’s report, Allen continued outlining the remaining items. Discussion under item 6, Senator Interest/Faculty Interest, led to a discussion of how best to keep faculty involved. It was decided that it would be helpful if a brief synopsis or talking points of each meeting be shared with faculty. How best to do this was discussed. Astrid volunteered to share a brief summary of today’s meeting with those present for their comments. This could then be used by each senator as they see fit within their college as well as placed on the senate website. This discussion raised questions on how to present the information within this document to encourage faculty input. Allen stated that he intended to have a brief review of the FS Constitution and Bylaws at the first FS meeting and then ask for ideas on the role the Senate has in accomplishing the responsibilities it is charged with. A lengthy discussion followed which included: thoughts on how best to proceed to communicate with faculty; how to seek faculty input on the role of the Senate; and the faculty’s perception of the senate and its relationship to the administration. Allen then continued with his brief description of each item in his report. It was pointed out that some of the items on the list could be combined and some areas are already being addressed by other entities on campus. Under item 9, Course Coordinators, Karen Pugliesi gave a brief update on how Course Coordinators are used at NAU. After discussion it was decided that items 17 and 18, both dealing with faculty evaluations, are being addressed on many different fronts and is not something the senate needs to take on at this time. At the end of Allen’s report the discussion focused on what and how much the Senate should take on. Allen stated that the focus should be first on our specific needs and secondly how those needs mesh with the direction of the Enterprise Report. 5. Liaison Vacancies Allen Reich Allen asked FS Administrative Assistant Pam Lynch to address this item. Pam announced that there are many senate liaison vacancies on key university committees. While the Senate fills these each fall, the Liberal Studies Committee has requested that a liaison be appointed as soon as possible. Allen asked if anyone would like to serve in this capacity. There being no interest it was decided that an e-mail would go out to all Senators with this request. Ro Haddon, Chair of the Council on Learning (COL), asked that the email include a request for volunteers to serve as members on the COL. The e-mail will go out this week with both requests. 6. Report from the President (taken out of order) John Haeger President Haeger gave a brief update on the many construction projects underway on campus. He discussed the details of the progress underway on the transportation spine. Much of this work was made possible by a federal grant as part of an intergovernmental operation. The Health and Learning Center is in the final building stages and is looking very nice. Two facilities in the planning stages are a science and health building on North campus and a multi purpose event center which will be located at the old alumnae field house. Part of the funding for the science and health building will derive from SPEED monies. The university is currently looking to partner with the city and private donors before moving forward on the multi purpose event center. Regarding the budget, President Haeger stated that he is working on handling the 30 million dollar cut to NAU’s budget. Each division on campus is looking at a 4% cut to their budgets. If we can’t raise more savings through other strategies i.e. benefits and other pieces we will have to increase the size of the cut to each division. We do have reserves that can be used to balance whatever we can’t handle of the 30 million this year. 2 The following year he expects the state budget position will be better but the year after that the sales tax increase expires and we will once again be concerned with more cuts to the budget. He then entertained questions regarding the budget. President Haeger stated that the Enterprise Plan Metrics presented at last week’s ABOR meeting, are going to drive future agendas. The State Legislators, ABOR and the Governor believe that these measurements are needed for future accountability and funding. He stated that the universities are working with the legislature regarding a performance funding model that will be broad enough to cover all 3 universities. The funding model proposed includes a base funding number for each university with additional funding based on a variety of performance metrics. He has asked the board to come up with a number that represents parity among the institutions. This issue has many layers and will likely take place over a four or five year period of time. He then entertained further questions. 7. Report from the Provost Liz Grobsmith Vice Provost Karen Pugliesi gave a brief report in Provost Grobsmith’s absence. Karen stated that fall enrollment is moving smoothly. This year we will see a reduction in the use of part time faculty due to the ability to predict the teaching needs of the incoming class. The university is launching a number of success initiatives including the First Year Learning Initiative. She would like to return to the Senate and provide more information on these programs this fall. The programs include a new summer hybrid math bridge program which is being coupled with student coaching that involves students in an on-line learning experience and follows up with an in person experience during Welcome Weekend. It is hoped that this will allow more of these students to qualify for college level math classes in the fall. We are also implementing a more extensive and varied program of coaching in the fall with particular sub populations of students. The Liberal Studies Review is underway and we have secured two consultants which will provide us with valuable advice. They will be on campus for a site visit the week of September 19th. She reported that she will be presenting a report to the Academic Affairs Council of ABOR next month on Advancing/Accelerating General Education. All 3 universities worked together to compile the material that will educate the board on what Liberal Studies and General Education are and how they fit with our majors. She announced that Laurie Dickson has been hired as the new Director of Learning Design and Assessment. She will be on sabbatical in the fall and will start in January. Karen will fill in till then. 8. Old Business/New Business Items/Announcements Allen Reich There was no old or new business. Allen stated that he will try to come up with a plan for coalescing those thoughts shared today and the items in his report. He will also look at how we can solicit a list from faculty of their thoughts on this subject. He invited anyone who might have suggestions to contact him. 9. Adjourn Allen Reich There being no further business, a Motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:02. 3