HCC Course Syllabus for CDEC 2326-Fall 2014.doc

Course Syllabus
Administration of Programs for Children I
CDEC 2326
Semester with
Course Reference
Number (CRN)
Fall 2014
CRN 26397
Instructor contact
Diquana Gray-Shields
information (phone Diquana.Gray@hccs.edu
number and email
(713) 718 - 6303
Office Location and Education Development Center, Room D116
By Appointment Only-Contact Me via Email
CDEC 2326 Administration of Programs for Children I
Thursdays 6-9 pm, Room D 116
Course Semester
Credit Hours (SCH)
(lecture, lab) If
Credit Hours
Lecture Hours
Laboratory Hours
Total Course
Contact Hours
Course Length
(number of weeks)
16 weeks
Type of Instruction
Lecture-Face to Face
Application of management procedures for early child care education programs.
Includes planning, operating, supervising, and evaluating programs. Topics
cover philosophy, types of programs, policies, fiscal management, regulations,
staffing, evaluation, and communication.
Program Learning
NAEYC Standard 6. Becoming a Professional
1. Analyze the planning functions; evaluate the operational functions; and
Course Student
Learning Outcomes interpret the supervisory functions of an administrator.
CDEC 2326 page 2
(SLO): 4 to 7
2. Summarize the evaluation of functions in an early care and education
3. Explore methods of effective communication.
4. Utilize skills in speaking, writing, computation, and computer applications
(Numbering system
should be linked to
SLO - e.g., 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, etc.)
Analyze the planning functions; evaluate the operational functions; and
interpret the supervisory functions of an administrator.
1.1 Analyze different types of early childhood programs.
1.2 Discuss components of a philosophy.
1.3 Write a parent policy handbook for an early care and education program.
1.4 Discuss the licensing process.
1.5 List major categories of income and expenses budgeted in an early care and
education programs.
1.6 Discuss employment process (e.g., job descriptions, recruiting, screening,
interviewing, selecting, terminating).
Summarize the evaluation of functions in an early care and education
2.1 Summarize methods to evaluate the program.
Explore methods of effective communication.
3.1 Explore methods of communicating with staff and families.
Utilize skills in speaking, writing, computation, and computer applications
4.1 Develop and present a program portfolio for an early education program.
SCANS and/or Core
Competencies: If
Course Calendar
See Below
Face to Face - (100%)
Two Quizzes, Final Exam, Center Survey, Director’s Interview, Philosophy,
Center Information, Employee Handbook, Program Brochure, Building
Playground Diagram, Start Up Budget, Menu Cycle, Budget, Parent Handbook,
Program Notebook and Bulletin Board,
Two Quizzes and Open Book Final Exam
2 Inch Binder with Index Dividers
Sheet Protectors
Analyze the planning functions; evaluate the operational functions; and
interpret the supervisory functions of an administrator.
Workplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates Money
Workplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates Material & Facility Resources
Workplace Competencies - Resources -Allocates Human Resources
Summarize the evaluation of functions in an early care and education
Workplace Competencies - Systems -Understands Systems
Workplace Competencies - Systems -Improves & Designs Systems
Explore methods of effective communication.
Foundation Skills - Basic -Listening
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
Utilize skills in speaking, writing, computation, and computer applications
Foundation Skills - Basic -Writing
Foundation Skills - Basic -Mathematics
Foundation Skills - Basic -Speaking
CDEC 2326 page 3
Program/Discipline NOTICE This course of study would not be appropriate for anyone who falls into
the following category as noted by the Texas Department of Family and
Requirements: If
Protective Services. "No person with a conviction or who is under indictment for,
or is the subject of an official criminal complaint alleging violation of any of the
crimes listed as a felony against the person or felony violation of the Texas
Controlled Substance Act may be present while children are in care."
Orientation Students who are completing lab, practicum, or field experience
components at Houston Community College Child Development Lab School
must complete a mandatory Orientation to the Department of Early Childhood
Studies. Contact the department at 713-718-6303 for more details about the
HCC Grading Scale
A = 100- 90
4 points per semester hour
B = 89 - 80:
3 points per semester hour
C = 79 - 70:
2 points per semester hour
D = 69 - 60:
1 point per semester hour
59 and below = F
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress)
0 points per semester hour
0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)
0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit)
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student
must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and
continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide
the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The
grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA.
See "Health Science Program/Discipline Requirements" for grading scale.
Instructor Grading
EGLS3 – Evaluation
for Greater Learning
Student Survey
Grading Criteria:
950 -855 =A (10%)
854-683 = B (20%)
682-477 = C (30%)
476-286 = D (40%)
285 and Below = F (50%)
Click, P. M. (2014). Administration of Schools for Young Children.
(9th ed.) Albany, NY: Delmar.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. (2010). Minimum
Standards Rules for Licensed Child- Care Centers.
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student
feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated
time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based
questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be
made available to your professors and division chairs for continual
improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston
Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
CDEC 2326 page 4
HCC Policy Statement:
http://www.hccs.edu/hccs/current-students/student-handbook/the-studentAccess Student
Services Policies handbook
on their Web site:
Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies
Access DE
Policies on their
Web site:
Access CE
Policies on their
Web site:
Course Calendar / CDEC 2326 Administration of Programs for Children I
Date of Classes
1/August 28, 2014
In Class
Assignments Due
Course Description of Assignments/Policies
Writing Sample:
“My Vision as a Director or
Chapter 1* The Director: A Broad View
Chapter 2 *Diversity in Early Education
Sign Up for Bulletin Board (100
3/September 11, 2014
Chapter 3 *Choices: Schools and Programs
Center Survey (25 pts)
4/September 18, 2014
Chapter 3 * Choices: Schools and Programs
Chapter 4 * Administering Program Plans
Director Interview (25 pts)
5/September 25, 2014
Chapter 5* Planning: Infants and
Review Chapters 1-5 for Quiz #1
Chapter 6* Planning Preschool-Age
Quiz #1 Chapters 1-5 (100 points)
Chapter 7*Planning: School Age Children
Chapter 8* Staff Selection/Personnel Policies
Philosophy Statement (25 pts)
Chapter 8* Family Childcare
Chapter 9* Staff Selection/Personnel Policies
Review Chapters 6-10 for Quiz #2
Chapter 10* Staff Supervision and Training
Quiz#2 Chapters 6-10 (100 points)
Employee Handbook (50 pts)
2/September 4, 2014
6/October 2, 2014
7/October 9, 2014
8/October 16, 2014
9/October 23, 2014
10/October 30, 2014
Chapter 11* Budget
Center Information (25 pts)
Program Brochure (50 pts)
Building/Playground Diagram
(make in class) *Minimum
Budget Start Up (25 pts)
Building/Playground (25pts)
11/November 6 , 2014
Chapter 12* Nutrition, Health and Safety for the
*Menu Planning (in class) According to
Minimum Standards
Budget (50 pts)
CDEC 2326 page 5
12/November 13, 2014
13/November 20, 2014
14/November 27, 2014
15/December 4, 2014
16/December 11, 2014
Chapter 13* Beginnings: A New Program/
A New Year
Chapter 14* Including Families and the
Thanksgiving Break-campus closed
Menu Cycle Planning (50 pts)
Chapter 15*Maintaining the Quality of Child Care
Parent Handbook (50 pts)
Program Notebook (100 pts)
Bulletin Board (100 pts)
Chapters 11-15 (100 pts)
Review for Final Exam-Terms to Know
Final Exam/Open Book (No notes)
In class activity (parent
This calendar is subject to change.
General Information:
 All assignments are required and must be submitted at 6:00 pm; will not
accept any assignments electronically.
 All assignments are typed in Arial font 12 point and one color. Please do
not submit any assignments where the ink is faded.
 Final Exam will be given at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm; open book only, no notes
 Tardiness Policy: Class begins at 6:00 p.m. if you are tardy more than 3
times by 45 minutes or more it will count as a tardy. Please do not call to let
me know you are running late.
 Absence Policy: As an adjunct professor, I have the right to withdraw a
student if (six) or more hours (2 class meetings) are missed throughout the
semester. Please do not call to let me know you will be absent. I don’t
excuse any absences.
 Quiz/Test Policy: No make up quizzes or test are given unless prior
arrangements are made.
 You will be provided notes from power point at each class meeting; if you
are not present for class, please get them from another student.
Student Responsibilities:
1. Actively participate in class discussions and activities
2. Read the textbook and other assigned materials PRIOR to class meetings; be on