Recruiting Syllabus Spring 2016.doc

Houston Community College System (HCCS) Distance Education
Recruiting HRPO 2371
CRN 90588 for Spring 2016
Michelle Dentinger Diaz, MBA
Instructor Contact Information and Contact Guidelines
Contact me via ‘Mail’ via email in Eagle. I will respond to all emails as soon as possible. Send
all assignments for this course via Eagle as well. Do not send assignments or course questions
via personal email or via telephone for this correspondence will not be recognized as course
Instructional Support Specialist (ISS)
An ISS supports this course and is available to assist students. The students may contact the ISS
in an emergency or for general distance education support.
The ISS for this course is Mrs. Ayesha Gates in the DE Instructional office. Ayesha Gates is at
Required Textbook
You must have a textbook when the course starts! It is the student’s responsibility to be ready
for the course. The instructor is not required to extend assignments if the students are not able to
obtain a textbook.
Human Resource Management - Gaining a Competitive Advantage, 9th Edition
Authors: Hoe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright
Publisher is McGraw Hill Education
To order textbooks on-line click or visit:
NOTE TO STUDENTS: See the Course Home Page for all Student information!!! The
course home page has everything you need to be successful in the course!
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this course is to enhance the student’s knowledge and skills regarding recruiting,
selection and retention in the workplace in order for the student to become a more effective
human resources professional.
This course does not have any prerequisites.
The Distance Education Student Handbook contains policies and procedures unique to the DE
student. Students should have reviewed the handbook as part of the mandatory orientation. It is
the student's responsibility to be familiar with the handbook's contents. The handbook contains
valuable information, answers, and resources, such as DE contacts, policies and procedures (how
to drop, attendance requirements, etc.), student services (ADA, financial aid, degree planning,
etc.), course information, testing procedures, technical support, and academic calendars. Refer to
the DE Student Handbook by visiting this link:
The student handbook is updated on line and it is the student’s responsibility to review and
keep up with updated policies and procedures at HCCS. Updates will NOT be posted in
the course itself; only at the above website.
Much DE student information can be found on the DE Student Services website:
Advising or counseling can be accomplished through our online request form
AskDECounseling. Student Services Associates (SSA) and Counselors can assist students with
admissions, registration, entrance testing requirements, degree planning, transfer issues, and
career counseling. In-person, confidential sessions, can also be scheduled to provide brief
counseling and community referrals to address personal concerns impacting academic success.
For the following topics for DE Students, you must reference the most up to date
information on line in the DE Student Handbook:
International Students
Students with Disabilities
Notice for Students outside of HCCS local area
Virtual Classroom Conduct
Scholastic Dishonesty
Attendance – Distance Education
Use of Cameras or Recording Devices
Early Alert System
Course Repeater Policy
HCCS Withdraw Policy for DE Students
Online Tutoring Available to Students
Registration is simple:
►Go to
►Use your HCC students e-mail address.
►Choose a user name and password YOU will remember.
►Submit questions and papers 24 / 7/ 365 and get an answer within 24 hours
►Get help with papers for all classes.
Weekly Format
This course is broken down into weeks then broken down into lessons within that week. Each
chapter in the textbook is associated with a week. The week starts on Monday at 12 AM and
ends on a Sunday at 11:59 PM. All assignments are TYPICALLY due on Sundays by 11:59
p.m. Central Standard Time at the latest regardless of the time zone the student may reside in.
Note: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they read each section and review the due date
for each assignment so that all assignments are attached in Eagle on time.
Make-up Exams
There are no make-up exams offered in this course.
How to Navigate Through this Course
Read and outline the chapters indicated on each topic in order to be prepared for your course
assignments. I recommend students to read, review and outline one complete chapter per week
for this course during the fall and spring and two complete chapters per week in the summer.
Organize your time by managing the course content and setting realistic completion goals for
yourself for each item in course content. Many new on line students do not realize the amount of
time it may take to successfully complete an on line course. Time management and staying on
top of weekly work and not getting behind are the keys to your success! Print the due date list
that the instructor posts the first week of class. Post this due date list on your refrigerator and
stay on task!
Grade Breakdown, HCCS
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
Below 69%
Each assignment in the course is assigned a number of maximum points in the course. Your
points will determine your grade at the end of the semester. Your points grading scale is posted
on the front page of your course in Eagle.
Course Goals
Course goals for this course follow the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills
(SCANS) requirements of HCCS so that students gain workplace competencies. These goals
will allow the student to enhance workplace competencies in order to successfully gain
employment, continue employment, and/or enhance the student’s personal and professional
Upon completion of the course, students will have achieved the following SCANS competencies:
Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources. We will accomplish this
through weekly communications with each other and fellow classmates along with meeting
course assignment deadlines.
Interpersonal: works with others. We will accomplish this through our group project and
required course on line discussions.
Information: Acquires and uses information. We will accomplish this through regular
use of the course textbook and course content then applying this information in our course on
line discussions, examinations and group project.
Systems: Understands complex inter-relationships. We will accomplish this through
course content understanding and fellow student interactions.
Basic Skills: Reads, writes, performs arithmetic operations, listens and speaks. We will
accomplish this through our course on line discussions, reading, reviewing and outlining our
textbook chapters, and completing a group project.
Thinking Skills: Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes, knows
how to learn, and reasons. We will accomplish this through course on line discussions, seeking
our resources for the group project and completing course exams.
Personal Qualities: displays responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management,
integrity and honesty. We will accomplish this through completing weekly chapter outlines,
completing course content in a timely manner, meeting commitments to group members, and
interacting with the instructor and fellow students regularly and in a positive manner.