Learning Event example, Cafeteria Plan

For events providing instructional hours toward CAFETERIA PLANS - Complete ALL sections
TITLE: Creating Safe and Respectful Schools: Balancing Caring and Accountability
Date(s) of Event & Beginning and Ending Times: (ex. August 20: 12:00 pm – 3:00pm)
August 22, 8:30 am – 4:40 pm
# of Instructional Hours (do not count lunch breaks in total hours): 7
City and Venue/Site of Event: Grafton, Grafton Public School
Target Audience: All Educators from schools in Pembina and Walsh Counties
PRESENTER/FACILTATOR INFO: (copy this & add ALL presenters/facilitators HERE)
Name: Rick Heidt
Current Position/Title: Associate Director, NDCEL; Consultant with MREC in the area of bullying
in schools.
Place of Work: NDCEL/Bismarck
Highest Degree and Field of Study: Masters in Educational Administration
DESCRIPTION Please provide a detailed description to include purpose of this learning event,
strategies to involve participants, and any other information which will explain what content is
being covered during this event.
Teachers will develop the next-steps practical procedures to change the climate of our school
districts. We have been developing and implementing positive behavior programs. This course
is designed as a follow up seminar to address barriers we face implementing a behavior
program along with promoting civility. The purpose of this one-day session is to discuss with
staff some common barriers when implementing a program. Discussion topics include: 1)
Teacher resistance to participate; 2) How staff can destroy a well thought out plan; 3)
Understand and practice skills to be able to talk to parents effectively; and 4) Why teachers
must learn and practice how to talk with students and parents to build relationships.
**AGENDA - (If the event extends over 4 hours, attach an agenda outlining topics to be
covered during AM and PM sessions, and/or for the each date the event meets.)
Agenda provided as separate attachment.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES/TARGETS: Please provide 2-3 learning objectives which you will use as
targets for participant learning.
 Learners will learn and use common language to redirect negative behavior into prosocial behavior.
 Participants will learn strategies to use with parents and students to reduce disrespectful
and inappropriate behavior.
Participants will understand the importance of having a positive behavior program and
the need for participation by all staff.
EVALUATION PLAN: Noting the instructional hours for this event, what appropriate (and
required) assessment of learning will you ask the participants to complete/participate in?
REFLECTION of Participant Learning, and/or, APPLICATION of New Learning: Please
explain how or what the participants do to provide evidence of these. (This can occur be
during the event or as a follow-up to the event).
•Participants will use Q & A and discussions during this workshop to clarify and show
evidence of understanding new concepts that are introduced.
•Participants will practice and role play different scenarios to become confident in
dealing with difficult students and/or parents.
•Teachers will design a positive behavior intervention for their classrooms for the 20112012 school year.
For events providing instructional hours toward CAFETERIA PLANS - Complete ALL sections
TITLE: Using I Can Statements – Common Core Standards and Aligning Assessment Systems,
Assessment Practice, and Data Collection: Linking Learners to Educators
Date(s) of Event & Beginning and Ending Times: (ex. August 20: 12:00 pm – 3:00pm)
August 23, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
# of Instructional Hours (do not count lunch breaks in total hours): 7
City and Venue/Site of Event: Grafton, Grafton Public School
Target Audience: All Educators from schools in Pembina and Walsh Counties
PRESENTER/FACILTATOR INFO: (copy this & add ALL presenters/facilitators HERE)
Name: Jill Jackson
Current Position/Title: Consultant and Instructor
Place of Work: Jackson Consulting (http://jackson-consulting.com/)
Highest Degree and Field of Study: M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction
DESCRIPTION Please provide a detailed description to include purpose of this learning event,
strategies to involve participants, and any other information which will explain what content is
being covered during this event.
This course will focus on understanding the importance of implementing the I Can Statements
aligned with the Common Core Standards and an assessment system. Teachers will learn the
linkage between I Can Statements and the Common Core Standards. To make the relationship
with the assessment analysis by showing assessment data collection to teachers to be able to
use assessment practice to improve their teaching practice and the student learning process.
Participants will:
 review the I Can Statements and new teachers will be introduced to Common Core
 review the importance of an assessment system and assessment data collection.
 review the connection between I Can Statements and Common Core Standards with an
aligned assessment system to improve teaching practices and student learning.
 use assessment data to ensure state content standards are taught to identify what
students know
**AGENDA - (If the event extends over 4 hours, attach an agenda outlining topics to be
covered during AM and PM sessions, and/or for the each date the event meets.)
Agenda provided as separate attachment.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES/TARGETS: Please provide 2-3 learning objectives which you will use as
targets for participant learning.
Teachers will:
 create I Can Statements that reflect the Common Core Standards,
 create assessments to determine levels of student achievement of the Common Core
Standards, as defined by I Can Statements
 demonstrate understanding of their ability to identify what students know (i.e.what
they have or haven’t learned) by analyzing sample assessment data
RESOURCES/MATERIALS (if applicable): All assessments used in our school; NDSA; NWEA;
Unit assessments provided by math/reading/language arts/science/social studies curriculum
EVALUATION PLAN: Noting the instructional hours for this event, what appropriate (and
required) assessment of learning will you ask the participants to complete/participate in?
REFLECTION of Participant Learning, and/or, APPLICATION of New Learning: Please
explain how or what the participants do to provide evidence of these. (This can occur be
during the event or as a follow-up to the event).
 Participants will complete an exit slip that identifies the most significant idea for
improving instruction that they learned, what they intend to immediately start
developing for use in the classroom, and what they still need answered that wasn’t
clarified during the session.
 Each participant will work within their grade level or content area to plan
implementation of using the I Can Statements and assessment of the I Can Statements.
For events providing instructional hours toward CAFETERIA PLANS - Complete ALL sections
TITLE: Creating Safe and Respectful Schools
Date(s) of Event & Beginning and Ending Times: (ex. August 20: 12:00 pm – 3:00pm)
August 24, 8:00 – 11:30 am & 12:00 – 4:00 pm
# of Instructional Hours (do not include lunch breaks in the total hours): 7.5
City and Venue/Site of Event: Minto, Minto Public School
Target Audience: All Minto PS Educators
PRESENTER/FACILTATOR INFO: (copy this & add ALL presenters/facilitators HERE)
Name: Linda Lutovsky
Current Position/Title: Superintendent
Place of Work: Minto PS
Highest Degree and Field of Study:
Name: Jane Misialek
Current Position/Title: Elementary Principal
Place of Work: Minto PS
Highest Degree and Field of Study:
DESCRIPTION Please provide a detailed description to include purpose of this learning event,
strategies to involve participants, and any other information which will explain what content is
being covered during this event.
We will continue our discussion that was started with Shelly Freeman in January at the
professional development event in Grafton. Shelly then visited our school in April and with her
guidance, we are developing an emergency response plan document. This document is being
completed, with the teachers’ input. We will be revising, discussing and analyzing this
document. We want our teachers to study this document and know what is expected of them
in the case of an emergency. We will have simulated drills, etc. during this day. The teachers
will also put together their personal emergency plan kit, decide on the best location and know
what is in the kit and how it is to be used.
**AGENDA - (If the event extends over 4 hours, attach an agenda outlining topics to be
covered during AM and PM sessions, and/or for the each date the event meets.)
Agenda provided as separate attachment.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES/TARGETS: Please provide 2-3 learning objectives which you will use as
targets for participant learning.
Teachers will know how to respond appropriately in numerous emergency situations to provide
a safe and respectful environment.
RESOURCES/MATERIALS (if applicable): Minto Public School emergency Plan Document
EVALUATION PLAN: Noting the instructional hours for this event, what appropriate (and
required) assessment of learning will you ask the participants to complete/participate in?
REFLECTION of Participant Learning, and/or, APPLICATION of New Learning: Please
explain how or what the participants do to provide evidence of these. (This can occur be
during the event or as a follow-up to the event).
 Teachers will be asked for their input – what worked, what needs to be improved, etc.
This is a working document and we need their insights. Teachers will add their input to
this document.
 Teachers will participate in the simulated drills to determine if teachers have
understood the policies and can perform the procedures as defined in the emergency
response plan.
For events providing instructional hours toward CAFETERIA PLANS - Complete ALL sections
TITLE: Book Study - Classroom Assessment for Student Learning
Date(s) of Event & Beginning and Ending Times: (ex. August 20: 12:00 pm – 3:00pm)
October 3 – April 28; Teachers will have the option of meeting either 7:00 am or 3:30 pm for
one hour twice a month (14 total sessions)
# of Instructional Hours: 14
City and Venue/Site of Event: Minto, Minto Public School
Target Audience: ALL Minto PS Educators
PRESENTER/FACILTATOR INFO: (copy this & add ALL presenters/facilitators HERE)
Name: Jane Misialek
Current Position/Title: Elementary Principal
Place of Work: Minto Public School
Highest Degree and Field of Study:
DESCRIPTION Please provide a detailed description to include purpose of this learning event,
strategies to involve participants, and any other information which will explain what content is
being covered during this event.
All teachers will be participating in this book study. Some teachers have had an over-view of
the book, while others have not. The purpose of this year’s book study is to take a concept
from the book and implement the concept and then meet to analyze the results on student
learning. Teachers will read, discuss and implement strategies to improve the education of their
Classroom Assessment for Student Learning is grounded in research shown to increase student
motivation and learning through improved classroom assessment. This user-friendly, practical
book is full of real-world examples of what assessment for learning looks like in today’s
classrooms. Presented in a format appropriate for use by individuals or collaborative learning
teams, the book teaches two central concepts: How to create accurate classroom assessments
of all types and how to integrate assessment with instruction day to day, with a focus on
student involvement.
**AGENDA - (If the event extends over 4 hours, attach an agenda outlining topics to be
covered during AM and PM sessions, and/or for the each date the event meets.)
The Tentative agenda for each session, listing chapters & concepts covered, is attached as a
separate document.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES/TARGETS: Please provide 2-3 learning objectives which you will use as
targets for participant learning.
Participants will be prepared to:
- Differentiate formative and summative types of assessment and their uses
- Establish clear learning target
- Deconstruct complex content standards into classroom-level learning target
- Select assessment methods that match learning targets
- Involve students in the assessment process
RESOURCES/MATERIALS (if applicable): Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, Rick
Stiggins et al.
EVALUATION PLAN: Noting the instructional hours for this event, what appropriate (and
required) assessment of learning will you ask the participants to complete/participate in?
REFLECTION of Participant Learning, and/or, APPLICATION of New Learning: Please
explain how or what the participants do to provide evidence of these. (This can occur be
during the event or as a follow-up to the event).
 Teachers will write a reflection paper at the conclusion of the book study.
 Teachers will implement strategies included in the book during the course of the
book study and share the results during book study session with colleagues.
Special Thanks to Jane Misialek for granting permission to use this document as an
“Example” for other submitters!