POLICY TEMPLATE 1.1.4 Return to Policy Office, VPFO Twamley Room 314, 264 Centennial Dr., Stop 8378 - OR Email completed template to jen.dobrowski@und.edu Policy Title: Responsible Office: Responsible Executive: Vice President for Finance and Operations Section 1 – General 2- Finance 3 - Human Resources 4 – Payroll 5 – Facility Management 6 – Safety/Security 7 – Information Technology Policy Number: (assigned by Policy Office) POLICY STATEMENT – Generally 2 to 4 sentences The Policy Statement states the requirements or provisions which this policy is placing on/extending to the University community, and why, but does not describe “how-to” procedures. REASON FOR POLICY – Generally 2 to 4 sentences The Reason for Policy recognizes the legitimate interests of all parties, describes the problem or conflict the policy will resolve, and cites any legal or regulatory reasons for the policy. SCOPE OF POLICY The Scope of the Policy explains who is affected by the policy, who should observe it and follow its procedures, and who must understand it in order to do their job. This policy applies to all members of the University community and should be read by (check all that apply): President Vice Presidents Deans, Directors & Department Heads Area Managers & Supervisors Faculty Staff Students Others Last Revised 6/29/2016 WEB SITE REFERENCES – To be completed by the Policy Office. This policy: Policy Office: Vice President for Finance & Operations: RELATED INFORMATION This section should only include information that is directly related to the policy. The Related Information should be listed alphabetically or chronologically and provide links for the reader. Other related University or SBHE policies Related University or NDUS procedures. Documents required to complete the procedures. Documents that provide helpful, relevant information. State laws or ND Century Code. Relevant programs or training courses. Include link addresses when applicable. Example - SBHE Policy Section 305.1(3)(g) http://www.ndus.edu/policies/sbhe-policies/policy.asp?ref=2400 CONTACTS The Contact section of the policy tells the reader who to contact with specific questions regarding the policy. The first item is usually “Policy Clarification” which directs the reader to the Responsible Office. Other items relate to subject matter in the document about which the reader may have follow-up questions. General questions about this policy can be answered by your department’s administrative office. Specific questions should be directed to the following: Subject Matter (alphabetical order) Office Name (NOT the name of an individual) Telephone Number Department E-Mail / Web Address Example - Policy Clarification Finance & Operations Policy Office (701) 777-4392 vpfo@email.und.edu http://www.und.edu/dept/policyoffice/ Last Revised 6/29/2016 DEFINITIONS List unique terms that, by being defined, would add to the reader’s understanding of the basic policy. Define unfamiliar terms, technical terms, and terms which special meanings. List all terms in alphabetical order. Example - Interim Policy Provisional policy document issued when a University policy is needed within a time period too short to complete the process described herein. It is in effect for at least 6 months with possible extensions of six-month increments. PRINCIPLES – the “Overview” section The “Principles” section of a policy is an expansion of the Policy Statement, an “overview”. This section allows for a fuller description of the contents than what was possible in the “statement” section. Generally 1 to 4 paragraphs. Last Revised 6/29/2016 PROCEDURES A Finance & Operations University policy at UND must contain procedures for compliance. This section will mirror the “Responsibilities” section which outlines required actions by job function, whereas in the “Procedures” section, such actions are listed by the tasks themselves. RESPONSIBILITIES Summarize the responsibilities of all University parties and offices named in the policy. Example - Stakeholder When invited by the Vice President for Finance & Operations or Responsible Office, comment on the draft policy in relation to its likely impact on members of the University community. FORMS List all related forms required for complance and reference how they can be obtained (website, office, etc.) Example - Simplified Policy Template http://www.und.edu/dept/policyoffice/html/policy%20tools.html Last Revised 6/29/2016 APPENDICES - optional Appendices are used for informational materials that are helpful, but not directly related to the implementation of the policy. List corresponding appendices and attach separate documents. Include location where available. Include link addresses when applicable. Example Appendix 1 – Flowchart Contact the Finance & Operations Policy Office Appendix 1 – Appendix 2 – Appendix 3 – Appendix 4 – Appendix 5 – Appendix 6 – Appendix 7 – Appendix 8 – Appendix 9 – Appendix 10 – REVISION RECORD Track what type of changes or made and when xx/xx/xxxx – Policy Implementation Signed by President Robert O. Kelley Last Revised 6/29/2016