TECA 1354 – Child Growth and Development CLASS LOCATION: Houston Community College SW, Missouri City Campus, M/W 9:30-11:00pm INSTRUCTOR: Caroline Roberts, MAT, Sp. Ed. caroline.roberts@hccs.edu OFFICE HOURS: Before class or upon request after class on Mondays or Wednesdays. REQUIRED TEXT and COMPANION WEBSITE: Berk, L.E. (2012). Infants, Children, and Adolescents. (7th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. (e-text and code for website available at bookstore) http://www.myvirtualchild.com/ Join the class with class code 5562 Fall, 2012 Course Calendar (Second Start) Date Readings/ Assignments Due Class work Week 1 Sept 24, 26 Introductions/Course Content Chapter 1-2 Ask Online; Plagiarism Tutorial; Writing Sample; Virtual Child; Eagle Online, Case Study Information Week 2 Oct. 1, 3 Chapter 3-4 10/3- Assignment 1 due Week 3 Oct. 8, 10 Week 4 Oct. 15, 17 Week 5 Oct. 22, 24 Week 6 Oct. 29, 31 Week 7 Nov. 5, 7 Week 8 Nov 12, 14 Week 9 Nov. 19 Week 10 Nov. 26, 28 Week 11 Dec. 3, 5 Week 12 Dec. 10, 12 Chapter 5-6 Virtual Child – Computer Lab Chapter 7-8 10/17-Case Study One due (0-2.5 years) Chapter 9-10 10/24- Assignment 2 due Chapter 10-11 10/31- Case Study Two due (3-6.5 years) Chapter 12-13 11/7- Assignment 3 due Chapter 14-15 11/14-Case Study Three due (7-11.5 years) Thanksgiving Week -TBA Review Case Study Requirements 10/31- Midterm Chapter 16 11/28- Assignment 4 Chapter 17 12/5- Case Study Four due(12-18 years) FINAL EXAM (During Class Time) 12/12-Final Exam 1. Assignment Requirements 1. Assignments and lecture topics/dates are subject to change. If you miss class, check FIRST with a classmate regarding work. 2. All papers handed in must be typed and double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and handed in online. Spelling and grammar are graded and college standards of writing/documentation are expected. Attach available rubric. 3. Late Work Policy= Late assignments accepted with a 50% grade deduction. You have until 11:55 the day the assignment is due. ALL assignments turned in using Eagle Online. 4. There are no make-up exams. Exceptions are made only in extreme emergencies, at the discretion of the instructor. Roberts – TECU 1354 Fall 2012 (Second Start) II. Student Responsibilities 1. Being an active participant in the educational process (i.e. participating in class discussions and activities). Class begins on time and you are expected to be on time. 2. Read the textbook and other assigned materials PRIOR to class meetings, 3. Review Students Services policies on their website: http://hccs.edu/student-rights III. Attendance Policy 1. Attendance is mandatory. You are allowed 6 hours of class absence, regardless of the reason. Instructor does NOT need/want to know the reason for class absence. 2. 3 tardies/early departure, leaving class for extended periods of time= 1 absence. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their attendance. Absences exceeding this will result in withdrawal from the course. After the withdrawal date, every hour of absence over the allowed 6 hours will result in 5 points deducted from the student’s overall class grade. For absences to be changed to tardies, a tardy form must be filled out and submitted by the end of the next class. IV. Key Instructional Assignments *** = Required to receive a grade for this course. 1. ***Case Studies (4 @ 50 points) - There are 4 case studies to complete. This assignment (key assessment) is required for completion of this course. If this assignment is not completed with 70% of possible points, you will not receive a passing grade in this class. The purpose of this case study is to give the reader a detailed description of the child as viewed by you, the writer, with respect to the developmental areas listed in the outline, available on Eagle Online. 2. Assignments (4 @ 25 points). These will be based directly on work using My Virtual Child/My Development Lab. Details TBA. 3. Tests (2 @ 100 pts) - Midterm (Chapters 1-8), Final (Chapters 9-16) COURSE TOTAL POINTS = 500 V. Grades 500- 450 = A 449- 400 = B 399- 350 = C 349- 300 = D < 300 = F Roberts – TECU 1354 Fall 2012 (Second Start)