Clinical Validation of a Model-based Glycaemic Control Design Approach and Comparison to Other Clinical Protocols IEEE EMBC, August 30 – September3, 2006, New York, NY J.G. Chase et al Dept of Mechanical Engineering University of Canterbury A Well Known Story Hyperglycaemia is prevalent in critical care Impaired insulin production + Increased insulin resistance = High BG Average blood glucose values > 10mmol/L are not uncommon All due to the stress of the patient’s condition Tight control better outcomes: Reduced mortality ~17-43% (6.1-7.75 mmol/L) [van den Berghe, Krinsley] SPRINT reduces mortality 32-45% depending on LoS in ICU (details to come) Costly treatments (mech. ventilation, transfusions, … ) are also reduced However, how best to attack the problem? How to manage highly insulin resistant patients (usually high APACHE score)? How to provide better safety from hypoglycaemia? Model-based methods may offer an opportunity to better design and compare Glucose Balance & Control • If the ability to remove excess glucose from nutrition was fully functional • Then plasma glucose would be lower – – • Only 2 ways to reduce glucose levels: – – • Add insulin limited by saturation effects, therefore only so much can be done Reduce excess nutritional glucose Several recent studies have shown that high glucose feeds in critical care are one cause of hyperglycaemia [Patino et al, 1999; Krishnan, 2005; Weissman, 1999; Woolfson, 1980; … ] – – • Hence, any excess nutrition effectively “backs up” in the plasma Inputs and the patients ability to utilise them are not being properly matched Krishnan et al noted that above 66% of ACCP Guidelines increased mortality! Patino et al kept glycaemia < 7.5 mmol/L (average) with reduced dextrose feeds This study seeks to use both sides of the glucose balance to tightly regulate blood glucose levels in critical care – – Modulate both nutritional input and insulin bolus/infusion Rather than a more typical normal insulin-only approach Glucose Control = Balance Measurement & Intervention Frequency Size of swings in glucose Rising Glucose Falling Glucose • Nutritional Inputs • Exogenous Insulin • Endogenous Glucose Production • Endogenous Insulin • Non-insulin Removal Control Inputs Match inputs and ability to utilise A Simple PK-PD Model Glucose compartment G pG G S I G Ge Q 1 GQ Q kQ kI Interstitial insulin compartment Plasma insulin compartment P (t ) I nI u (t ) ex 1 I I V Model has been validated in 3 prior clinical studies A Simple Nutritional Input Model Plasma glucose rate of appearance from stepwise enteral feed rate fluxes P(t) P2 Increasing stepwise enteral feed rate fluxes ~ intestinal absorption = FAST t1/2 = 20mins P3 P1 P2 Decreasing stepwise enteral feed rate fluxes Impaired splanchnic and peripheral glucose uptake = SLOW t1/2 = 100mins P(ti t ti 1 ) Pi 1 ( P(ti ) Pi 1 )e k pd ( t ti ) where Pi 1 P(ti ) k pr ( t ti ) where Pi 1 P(ti ) P(ti t ti 1 ) Pi 1 ( P(ti ) Pi 1 )e Virtual Patient Design Approach P(t(i+1)) and u(t(i+1)) Virtual Patient Trials - Control input/s using fitted long term, retrospective patient data to create virtual patients to test protocols in simulation ─ ─ ─ ─ N = 19-49 patients used typically with an average of 3-8 days stay each, which can provide several patient years in Monte Carlo analysis. Ethics approval by the NZ South Island Regional Ethics Committee (A) SI(t) and pG(t) SI (L/min.mU) -3 3 Model-based targeted glucose reduction Iterative Bisection Method: control inputs G pG G S I (G GE ) Insulin sensitivity x 10 2 nI u (t ) I ex 1 I I V + Constant feed-rate, variable insulin control protocol 6000 4000 G pG G S I (G GE ) 2000 0 Q 1 GQ P(t) Q kQ kI 6000 nI u (t ) I ex 1 I I V 4000 2000 + SI(t(i)) and pG(t(i)) P (tu(t)) Integral-Fitting Method: time variant patient parameters Variable feed-rate and insulin control protocol G pG G S I (G GE ) u(t) P(t) Generate patient glycaemic 0 Glucose-Insulin System Hospital control response to controller-determined 100 control inputs 50 0 Q P (t ) 1 GQ Q kQ kI 1 0 u(t) (mU/min) / P(t) (55000*mmol/L.min) ─ Tests algorithms and methods safely Provides insight into potential long term clinical performance Provides relatively large, repeatable cohort for easy comparison Very fast fine tuning performance and safety schemes Monte Carlo simulation to account for different sensors and their errors Controller Retrospective patient profile of u(t) (mU/min) / P(t) (1000*mmol/L.min) ─ ─ "Virtual Patient" 0 1000 2000 3000 Model P(t) u(t) 4000 5000 Time (mins) 6000 7000 8000 9000 "Patient" Glycaemic Response G(t(i)) Q P (t ) 1 GQ Q kQ kI nI u (t ) I ex 1 I I V SPRINT • Optimises both insulin and nutrition rates to control glycaemic levels • Developed through extensive computer simulation – Designed to mimic computerised protocol based on effective insulin sensitivity from prior hour • Simple interface for ease of use by nursing staff: • Mimics the very tight control of computerised simulations with minimal implementation cost – (no bedside computer required…) Protocol Comparisons • Evaluated several published protocols – Van den Berghe et al, Krinsley, Laver, Goldberg – Two different sliding scales from Christchurch • Virtual trials with N = 19 cohort – Average APACHE II = 21.8 – Average LoS ~3days • Monte Carlo simulation including measurement error n = 20 times per patient • Results reported as probability density functions for comparison Protocol Comparisons SPRINT ~18-45% 45% AIC4 Density of measurements 0.4 Bath 0.35 Leuven 25% 0.3 Mayo Clinic Yale 0.25 Sliding Scale 0.2 Bad! Also Bad! Aggressive sliding scale 0.15 0.1 Very Bad! 0.05 0 0 Not Trying? 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Blood glucose level [mmol/L] 20 Protocol Comparisons SPRINT AIC4 Mayo clinic Leuven Bath Yale Log Median or Mean 5.79 5.93 8.59 5.60 6.21 6.70 6.89 6.61 Multiplicative STD 1.29 1.35 1.29 1.65 1.45 1.4 1.36 1.33 68.3% range (4.50-7.45) (4.39-8.01) (6.68-11.05) (3.40-9.24) (4.27-9.03) (4.78-9.40) (5.08-9.33) (4.99-8.77) 95.5% range (3.50-9.58) (3.25-10.82) (5.20-14.20) (2.06-15.24) (2.94-13.13) (3.41-13.18) (3.75-12.65) (3.77-11.62) Time in 4-6.1 band 61.7% 62.2% 11.2% 35.8% 45.5% 22.3% 41.9% 43.8% Time in 4-7.75 band 83.5% 82.9% 27.4% 51.0% 70.0% 64.8% 60.0% 65.2% Time less than 4 4.4% 1.1% 0.6% 23.6% 7.1% 5.9% 2.4% 2.8% Time higher than 7.75 12.1% 16.1% 72.0% 25.3% 22.9% 29.3% 37.5% 32.0% Average insulin (U/hr) 2.4 2.6 1.6 3.0 5.8 4.6 1.9 2.1 Average % feed of goal 61.9% 75.8% 67.7% 67.7% 71.8% 71.4% 67.7% 67.7% Similar and tightest Sliding scale Agg. sliding Clear 2nd Note virtual trial cohort APACHE II scores are much higher than in many protocols Clinical vs. Simulation Results Note: SPRINT trial data for first 8613 measurements, ~90 patients. All simulated results were for the 19 virtual patients, ~1700 hours of trials Time in Band and CDF Very tight control puts high percentage in bands Percentiles for ICU data- SPRINT 2.5mmol/L = 4.1x 10-5 Cumulative probability 3.0mmol/L = 0.001 4.0mmol/L = 0.041 6.1mmol/L = 0.59 7.0mmol/L = 0.81 7.75mmol/L =0.91 > 90% SPRINT ICU raw data- 26-04-06 ICU data- SPRINT (lognormal) 26-04-06 Model simulation- SPRINT (lognormal) Model simulation- van den Berghe (lognormal) Model simulation- Krinsley Simulated vs. Clinical differences smaller here Glucose mmol/ L Performance Outcomes Tightness of glucose control: the first 165 patients Average BG Average time in 4 -6.1 Average time in 4 -7 Average time in 4 -7.75 Percentage of all measurements less than 4 Percentage of all measurements less than 2.5 Average hourly insulin Average percentage of goal feed Average feed rate (assuming 1.06 cal/ml for feed) 5.8 mmol/L 61% 82% 89% 3.3% 0.1% 2.9 U 73% 56.3 ml/hr 1431 cal/day All performance indicators agree with simulation and tight control! Protocol is safe – no clinically significant hypoglycaemia Effective use of insulin and nutrition Sepsis: • A major cause of mortality and significant clinical issue that can be addressed with tight control • Mortality from Sepsis is down -46% • For LoS > 3 days mortality with sepsis is down -51% (for LoS < 3 it is down -10%) • Analysis is still rough and not yet significant, although trends appear stable at this time • More importantly, no “Breakthrough Sepsis” reported yet, i.e. no new sepsis once under control Mortality after ~25k Hours • Reductions in mortality for patients with length of stay >= 3 days • Cohorts are well matched for APACHE II and APACHE III diagnosis ICU mortality reduced 32% p = 0.03 30% 2004-05 Mortality % 25% APACHE II 20% 15% 10% 5% 44 deaths in 168 patients 21 deaths in 119 patients 0% 2004-05 SPRINT SPRINT Total Mortality Total Mortality 1-14 19 1 14 2 15-24 80 22 49 13 25-34 27 10 25 3 35+ 1 0 5 3 ~75% of APACHE II scores available in both cases Rest of levels are not significant as yet • Reductions are large, particularly compared to ROD for APACHE II • Almost all reductions are in the more critically ill (APACHE II: 25-34, p = 0.02) - as expected? Summary & Conclusions • Development of an Insulin+Nutrition control approach • Virtual Trials control design method – Good correlation with published results for other protocols – Other protocols do not appear to provide as tight a control as modelbased methods (e.g. Blank et al and others) • SPRINT is a simpler version mimicking the computerized and model-based method – for ease of clinical validation • SPRINT results include: – Reduced ICU and hospital mortality by ~29-36% for patients with LoS > 3 days – Bigger reductions at LoS > 4 and 5 days – Very tight control shown with this approach • Model-based approaches present a sure method of designing safe, effective and optimal control for this and similar problems Acknowledgements AIC1 Jessica Lin & AIC3 AIC2 Jason Wong & AIC4 AIC5: Mike, Aaron and Tim Dunedin Thomas Lotz Assoc. Prof. Geoff Chase The Danes Prof Steen Andreassen Dr Kirsten McAuley Prof Jim Mann Maths and Stats Gurus Dr Dom Lee Dr Bob Broughton Prof Graeme Wake Dr Chris Hann Acknowledgements Intensive Care Unit Nursing Staff Christchurch Hospital Cohort Match APACHE II score Risk of death 2004-05 SPRINT (78% available) (76% available) 21.3 20.1 33% 39% 37 36 15 12 15 1 0 0 8 3 0 0 16 23 17 8 11 0 0 1 8 2 0 1 127 87 APACHE II similar APACHE III diagnosis Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Neurological Trauma Renal Gynaecologic Orthopaedic Sepsis Metabolic Haematologic Other Total Distribution of diagnoses similar between cohorts Mortality vs. LoS • Statistical significance for a reduction in mortality for different length of ICU stay – SPRINT reductions in mortality more evident for patients that stay in ICU longer. z-test LOS > =2 LOS > =3 LOS > =4 LOS > =5 Fisher test LOS > =2 LOS > =3 LOS > =4 LOS > =5 p-value ICU Hospital 0.13 0.15 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 p-value ICU Hospital 0.16 0.19 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 Both ICU mortality and inhospital mortality significant for lengths of stay greater than 3 days. Survival Curves - ICU Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve - ICU Mortality, SPRINT vs. 2004-05 Kaplan-Meier Method Censoring Column in ICUMort - SPRINT, ICUMort - 2004-05 100 Variable SPRINT - ICU Mortality 2004-05 - ICU Mortality 90 Table of S tatistics M ean M edian IQ R 14.9914 * * 18.4822 22.2 * Percent 80 70 60 SPRINT 50 2004-05 40 0 5 10 15 20 Time (days) p = 0.002 for a difference between curves 25 30 Survival Curves - Hospital Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve - Hospital Mortality, SPRINT vs 2004-05 Kaplan-Meier Method Censoring Column in HospMort - SPRINT, HospMort-04-05 100 Variable SPRINT - Hospital Mortality 2004-05 - Hospital Mortality 90 Percent 80 Table of S tatistics M ean M edian IQ R * * 17.0955 14.2 23.9 15.7395 70 60 SPRINT 50 40 2004-05 30 0 5 10 20 15 Time (days) p < 0.002 for a difference between curves 25 30 BG Distribution - Overall Distribution of BG Means BG Variation Time to Band – Hourly Average BG Note: each hourly BG distribution is lognormal so those statistics are used. Bars are 95% intervals. 7.75 mmol/L 6.1 mmol/L ~3.75 mmol/L minimum Number of respondents Nursing Survey: SPRINT 15 Very Good 10 Good Satisfactory 5 Poor 0 Ease of Use Quality Suitability 23.6% of simulated van den Berghe measurements < 4mmol/L 2.6% of SPRINT clinical measurements < 4mmol/L 0.6% of simulated Krinsley measurements < 4mmol/L 70% of simulated Krinsley measurements > 7.75 mmol/L 10% of SPRINT ICU measurements > 7.75 mmol/L 25.3% of simulated van den Berghe measurements > 7.75 mmol/L