Graduation Application and Graduation Instructions – 2 pages! 11/10/2015 1:06 PM Graduation Application and Graduation Instructions The Graduate College has moved to an electronic graduation application and can no longer accept paper applications. Deadlines to complete the Online Graduation Application: Spring and Summer graduates - December 1st. Fall and Winter graduates - May 1st. Step 1: To begin the process of becoming eligible for graduation Refer to “Program of Study – Clinical Speech-Language Pathology” section on this page. a. Students who will not be graduating soon will keep their POS. They will not email it to the CSD Office until graduation time. They will always bring it to their advisor meeting. b. Soon to be graduating students email the filled in POS (to date) back to the CSD Office (as an attachment) in an email. It must be signed by the student. For courses not yet taken, but to be taken, you will fill in the semester/year/hours columns but not the grade. The CSD Office compares the POS to the Course Sequence document in the student’s file. The Course Sequence is always kept up to date by the advisor at the start of each session. If everything is correct, the CSD Office has the Advisor and Chair sign the POS. A copy is made for the student’s file. If something is incorrect, the CSD Office will contact you. The approved POS is emailed back to the soon to be graduating student, with all 3 signatures, as an attachment. Step 2. You are now eligible to apply for graduation Go to the LOUIE Student Center and upload your signed Program of Study. If you have questions about Step 2, please contact, not the CSD Office. Graduation Extremely important to read! Continued on next page Revised: November 24, 2015 Graduation Application and Graduation Instructions – 2 pages! 11/10/2015 1:06 PM More Problems? Contact: Student Center > My Academics > View my graduation status Your grade for Externship will show on your transcript by the date indicated in your Syllabus. Your “Conferred degree” statement and date will show on your transcript by the first week of the following month. Revised: November 24, 2015