MODL BA-New Academic Plan-

University Curriculum Committee
Proposal for new Academic Plan, Plan change, or Plan Deletion
1. College
2. Academic
Arts and Letters
3. Academic
Plan Name
B.A. Modern Languages
5. Effective Date
6. Is this proposal for a :
4. Subplan (if
Modern Languages
2 Subplans: French,
New Plan
New Subplan
X Plan Change*
Subplan Change
*Plan changes must be accompanied by an updated 8 semester plan.
7. ALL Education plans, please indicate NCATE Designation:
Initial Plan
Advanced Plan
Change from Initial to Advanced Plan
Revised 09/07
Remove Designation
Change from Advanced to Initial Plan
Plan Deletion
For Plan Changes, place the existing catalog
text in this column. Please copy and paste the
text directly from the current on line academic
Be sure you include all catalog text that pertains
to this plan change
Show the proposed changes in this column.
Please BOLD the changes, to differentiate from
what is not changing and strikethrough what is
being deleted.
(Describe the changed requirements under headings
that match those used in the left column. Please be
aware that if the units are not totaled correctly, the
catalog editor will adjust them accordingly.)
For New Plans, leave this column blank.
B.A. Modern Languages
B.A. Modern Languages (extended major)
To earn this degree, you must complete at least
120 units of coursework:
You may pursue the study of two languages with
this extended language major. To earn this
degree, complete at least 120 units of
coursework, which we describe in the sections
that follow:
at least 35 units of liberal studies requirements.
Be aware that you may not use courses with the
prefix of your primary or secondary languages to
satisfy these liberal studies requirements.
at least 53 units of major requirements
elective courses, if needed, to reach an overall
total of at least 120 units
Be aware that some courses required for your
degree may have prerequisites that you must
also take. Check the courses in the appropriate
subject. (You may be able to count these
prerequisites toward your liberal studies or
general elective credit.)
• At least 35 units of liberal studies requirements.
Be aware that you may not use courses with the
prefix of your subplan to satisfy any liberal
studies requirements.
• At least 35 units of major requirements. You
must average a 2.00 in all 35 units.
• Elective courses, if needed, to reach an overall
total of at least 120 units
Please note that you must complete Northern
Arizona University’s diversity requirements by
taking two 3-unit courses, one in U.S. ethnic
diversity and one in global diversity awareness.
These courses may be used to meet other
requirements within your academic plan if you
choose them carefully. Click here for a list of the
available diversity courses.
Also be aware that Northern Arizona University
requires that at least 30 units of the courses you
take for your degree must be upper-division
courses (those numbered 300 and above).
Finally, please note that you may be able to use
some courses to meet more than one
requirement; however, you must still meet the
total of at least 120 units to graduate. Contact
your advisor for details.
Major Requirements
For this degree, take a total of 53 units, with at
30 units in the primary language, excluding
courses numbered 101 and 102
20 units in the secondary language, excluding
courses numbered 101 and 102
Revised 09/07
Be aware that some courses required for your
degree may have prerequisites that you must
also take. Check the courses in the appropriate
Please note that you must complete NAU’s
diversity requirements by taking two 3-unit
courses, one in U.S. ethnic diversity and one in
global diversity awareness.
Also be aware that NAU requires that at least 30
units of the courses you take for your degree
must be upper-division courses (those numbered
300 and above).
You must complete the 35 units described in this
section, including the core requirements and an
emphasis in French or German.
In order to complete one of our emphases, you
must be a declared Modern Languages BA major.
Many students complete a second major,
although it is not necessary. The Modern
Languages BA can complement a variety of NAU
degrees. Your advisor can work with you to
identify a complementary second degree.
CORE CLASSES (15 units)
LAN 450C: Capstone Seminar; meets NAU's
senior capstone requirement. (3 units)
LAN 350: World Cinema. (3 units)
LAN 250: Introduction to Language Study for
Within these units, take:
one of FRE 303W or 304W; GER 304W; or SPA
304W, 311W, or 312W, any of which meets
Northern Arizona University’s junior writing
one of FRE 403C, 404C, or 485C; GER 406C; or
SPA 451C, 452C, 460C, or 480C, any of which
meets Northern Arizona University’s senior
capstone requirement
Consult with your advisor in choosing the courses
you take in each language. You must get this
student individualized plan approved as early as
possible to ensure that you graduate in a timely
fashion; please be aware that your advisor must
approve these 53 units of coursework.
Language Learners. (3 units)
Please be aware that you may only take lowerlevel courses in your primary and secondary
languages if you have not already taken
advanced coursework in these languages. For
instance, after you’ve completed 200-level
courses in one of these languages, you can’t take
courses at the 100 level in the same language;
after completing a 300-level courses you can’t
take 100- or 200-level courses.
General Electives
• FRE 201 and 202 (8 units)
• FRE 300 and FRE 400 level courses (9 units)
• FRE 303W or FRE 304W (3 units)
Additional coursework is required, if, after you
have met the previously described requirements,
you have not yet completed a total of 120 units of
You may take these remaining courses from any
academic areas, using these courses to pursue
your specific interests and goals. We encourage
you to consult with your advisor to select the
courses that will be most advantageous to you.
(Please note that you may also use prerequisites
or transfer credits as electives if they weren’t
used to meet major, minor, or liberal studies
Click here for more information about our courses
in undergraduate French, undergraduate
German, undergraduate Spanish, undergraduate
Navajo, undergraduate Chinese, and
undergraduate Japanese.
Click here for more information about our Modern
Languages faculty.
At least 6 study abroad units from either FRE
323, FRE 423, GER 323 or GER 423. NAU has
various study abroad options for you to complete
your French or German study abroad
requirement. Your advisor will work with you
personally to identify necessary courses as well
as an affordable and an effective experience.
Choose one of the following options:
French Subplan
You must complete at least 9 FRE units at the
400 level.
Some courses may be fulfilled by CLEP or by
challenge exam.
You may not count FRE 101 and 102 toward your
major requirements or liberal studies.
In addition, you may only take lower-level FRE
courses if you have not already taken advanced
FRE coursework. For instance, after you’ve
completed 200-level FRE courses, you can’t take
FRE courses at the 100 level; after completing a
300-level courses you can’t take 100- or 200-level
In addition, it recommended that you pass the
Test de connaissance du français. This
proficiency verification can be invaluable in your
post baccalaureate endeavors. See your advisor
for details.
German Subplan
• GER 201 and 202 (8 units)
• GER 300 and GER 400 level courses (9 units)
• GER 304W or GER 350W (3 units)
You must complete at least 9 GER units at the
400 level.
Some courses may be fulfilled by CLEP or by
challenge exam.
You may not count GER 101 and 102 toward
your major requirements or liberal studies.
Revised 09/07
In addition, you may only take lower-level GER
courses if you have not already taken advanced
GER coursework. For instance, after you’ve
completed 200-level GER courses, you can’t take
GER courses at the 100 level; after completing a
300-level courses you can’t take 100- or 200-level
In addition, it recommended that you pass the
Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache exam with a
score of gut or better before completing your
undergraduate degree. This proficiency
verification can be invaluable in your post
baccalaureate endeavors. See your advisor for
A minor is not required for the Modern
Languages BA. However, if you do not have a
second major, we strongly encourage you to
consult with an advisor about a minor and/or
elective coursework that is appropriate for your
career aspirations and educational needs.
9. For undergraduate plans, will this requirement be a student individualized plan*?
*A Student Individualized Plan is an academic requirement that varies by student, such as the 15-unit BAiLS focus, for which
coursework requirements are established by the student in consultation with the advisor.
If yes, the academic unit listed at the top of this form hereby takes responsibility for providing complete
information about each student’s individual requirements for the degree audit system.
10. For undergraduate plans, will a milestone** be used to:
a. verify satisfactory completion of a non course requirement.
b. indicate admission to a major.
c. will not be used.
**A Milestone is used to record noncourse requirements, such as the HRM 800-hour work experience requirement or admission to Business
Major status.
If yes, the academic unit listed at the top of this form hereby takes responsibility for maintaining the
milestone and keeping individual student records up to date.
11. Please list the Learning Outcomes of the Plan/Subplan (see degree major assessment webpage
1. Understand the cultural, political and artistic interconnectedness of the cultures of the target-languagespeaking populations on a global scale and demonstrate transcultural and translingual competence.
Revised 09/07
2. Analyze the socio-historical context, language, themes, and structure of target-language literary, visual, and
cultural texts and reflect upon the nature and consequences of diversity and on how it is represented in these
3. Recognize, investigate, and produce target-language written or oral discourse, communicating findings about
historical, environmental, ethnic, and other related contemporary issues important to life in target-language
speaking countries.
12. Justification for proposal. Please indicate how past assessments of student learning prompted proposed
These changes follow, in part, from the findings of the Modern Languages 2009 program review. The report
suggested that French and German combine resources to deliver a program with a common set of goals
oriented towards international education. Students in the program will take a common core of courses from the
beginning to the end of their undergraduate careers, examining general linguistic principles (thus, the proposed
new course LAN 450C: Capstone Seminar), globalization in the context of film in French and German (thus, the
new course LAN 350: World Cinema), and a capstone course (thus, the new course LAN 250: Introduction to
Language Study for Language Learners). The majority of the courses that students take, however, will be in
their subplan: French or German.
The plan also brings the Modern languages degree in line with the Global Learning Recommendations. Faculty
from French and German worked during the summer of 2010, funded by an Implementation Grant, to develop
curricular strategies for infusing the global learning recommendations into the BA in Modern Languages. For
instance, students will now be required to do a summer or a semester abroad studying the language of their
subplan. In addition, the German subplan will include a new course (GER 350W: Environmental Sustainability in
Germany: Issues, Models, and Applications).
Finally, the proposed changes and initiatives also address pertinent issues of curricular efficiency.
13. If this academic plan/subplan will require additional faculty, space, or equipment, how will these
be satisfied?
14. Will this academic plan/subplan affect other majors, liberal studies course offerings, plans/subplans,
curricula, or enrollment at NAU?
If so, attach supporting documentation from the affected departments/units and college dean.
15. Will present library holdings support this academic plan/subplan?
Department Chair/ Unit Head (if appropriate)
Chair of college curriculum committee
Revised 09/07
Dean of college
For committee use only
For University Curriculum Committee
Action taken:
Revised 09/07
__________approved as submitted
__________approved as modified