Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 1 Data, Fabrication Work From: Cinzia Da Via, Jasmine Hasi, Steve Watts (Manchester University) Chris Kenney (Molecular Biology Consortium) Sherwood Parker (University of Hawaii) Angela Kok, Thor-Erik Hansen, Trond Hansen, N. Lietaer (SINTEF) Sally Seidel, Martin Hoeferkamp, . . (University of New Mexico) Kevin Einsweiler, Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBL) Norbert Wermes, Markus Mathes, Lars Reuen, . . (Universität Bonn) S. Pospisil, Vladimir Linhart, Tomas Slavicek, Tomas Horadzov, . . (Czech Technical University) G. Anelli, P. Jarron, M. Despeisse (CERN – Microelectronics group – high speed work) J. Morse (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility), Eric Perozziello 2 Planned steps for the full-3D project include: 1. If needed, complete some or all of the remaining wafers in the current run. (We already have enough for the FP420 part of the fall CERN tests, and the plan is to have SINTEF provide sensors for ATLAS part.) 2. Continue test beam work (Sept. – Dec. 2007). 3. Start and complete a developmental fabrication run (Sept. 2007 – Mar. 2008). 4. Test sensors from that run (Jan. – June 2008). 5. Test samples fabricated by SINTEF (by September 07). 6. Neutron irradiation, up to SLHC fluences, for 4-electrode per pixel sensors. 7. Start proton irradiations of 2-, 3-, and 4-electrode per pixel sensors. 8. Start advanced planning for B-layer replacement items that could affect current developments (December 07 – August 08). 9. Pre-production for the B-layer replacement (January 2009). 3 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 4 Figure 6. Stanford clean room near diffusion furnaces, looking in the direction of the red arrow. 5 Pictures of clean rooms like the one preceding are familiar, but many other things are needed for high yield, for example: specific, careful checking of the results of each of the 37 main steps and of the many sub-steps, cleanliness not just of the room and air, but of everything used – tools, chemicals, cassettes, etc. The deep etching may leave an uneven surface that makes it difficult to spin on a uniform layer of photoresist for a following lithography step. If this step is a deep etch, a thick resist is needed. They seem to have a higher level of particulates and clumps of resist. Active edge fabrication requires support wafers, which must be oxide-bonded to the sensor wafer under extremely clean conditions. 6 The following specific steps were added to the fabrication procedure for the two-order-of-magnitude larger, 9 cm2 planar / 3D active edge Totem sensors: 1. The wafers were carefully inspected after every litho step. If defects were seen, the resist was removed, new resist was applied, and the wafers were re-spun and re-exposed. 2. Defects in the thick resist used for the trench etch were covered with polyimide. 3. The surface planarity in the region of the dips at the centers of the poly-filled electrodes was improved by etching the poly off the top surface, and then repeating the fill and etch procedure. (Use of CMP would be better.) 4. The plasma dice lane was widened from 50 microns to 120 microns. The more open trench prevented the formation of silicon chips along the trench edges. This seems to have eliminated this defect class, which caused a 25% loss for the first batch. 5. Evaporated aluminum instead of sputtered gold was used for 7 the backside contact. Add Yield Improvement Steps – First 10 of 107 steps: 2) CLEAN at WBNONMETAL - YIELD FACTOR: Change chemicals/ Do at least two spins on the spin dryer 3) CLEAN at WBDIFF - YIELD FACTOR: Change chemicals/ Do at least two spins on the spin dryer 5) FIELD IMPLANT BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK SURFACES OF THE WAFERS - YIELD FACTOR : When picking up the double-sided device wafers, only pick up from the laser edged area of the wafer and Use clean tweezers 6) CLEAN at WBNONMETAL - YIELD FACTOR: Change chemicals / Do at least two spins on the spin dryer 7) CLEAN at WBD - YIELD FACTOR: Change chemicals / Do at least two spins on the spin dryer 8) GROWN THERMAL OXIDE USING TYLAN1-4 - YIELD FACTOR: Load with delrin tweezers and let wafers cool down before unloading the wafers from the furnace with the delrin tweezers. 9) PREPARE SURFACES FOR FUSION BONDING AT WBDIFF - YIELD FACTOR: Change chemicals, definitely for the HCL step prior to fusion bonding the wafers. 10) FUSION BOND - YIELD FACTOR: Wear face shield to reduce particle generation. Perform after hours or on weekend when there aren’t many 8 people around. (Seems not to be needed now.) Test Metal Over 17,000 electrodes per chip Active edge 4 cm long per chip One flaw and the chip is useless Use temporary aluminum pattern to characterize the diodes Temporary metal connects the electrodes into a set of 9 to 11 “strips” per chip Remove temporary aluminum after testing, then deposit final metal, etc. 9 Test Metal 3E test pattern – interdigitated “strips” of alternating N and P electrodes Each “strip” equals 320 ATLAS pixels ACTIVE EDGES P ELECTRODES N ELECTRODES 10 Preliminary Tests • 3 Wafers Test So Far at 40 Volts • Two have Contact Problem – Hope to Solve • Of 40 Chips Tested, 32 Work • 80% Yield 11 Contact Problem Contact Analysis • Only Affects n+ Electrodes 1.4 1.2 1 Current • Likely Affects about Half of Wafers 1.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Location (Column) • Correlated with Residual, Hazy Film • Additional Plasma and Wet Etching Ameliorates the Effect Hazy Film 12 Plan • Understand/Fix Contacts • Test Remaining 7 Wafers • Finish Processing All 10 • 2 to Bonn/IZM for Mechanical Sawing and Bump Bonding 13 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 14 Aug. 17 Sept. 3, 2006 H8 Cern beam line x scint. Telescope by Lars Reuen (Bonn group) 3D x scint. y y 100 GeV pTriggers: 3x3 mm2 , 12x12 mm2 15 16 CERN, H8 beam line, August 2006, Beam telescope, detectors under test 17 (3D – ATLAS readout is tilted) 18 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 19 Radiation hardness tests Praha, 2005 Volume = 1.2 x 1.33 x 0.23 mm3 = 0.37 mm3 (pixel volume = 0.18 mm3) Inter-electrode spacing = 71 mm n-electrode readout n-type before irradiation 12 kW cm Irradiated with neutrons (Praha) Name Fluence Fluence [n1MeV/cm2] [p/cm2] 7F 3.74e15 6.0e15 7A 5.98e15 9.6e15 7D 8.60e15 1.4e16 20 Peak amplitude versus bias voltage scan of the measured samples. The Non-irradiated sample is visible at the top of the plot and shows a full depletion voltage of 15V, while the plateau amplitude is reached at 160V for 21 the most highly irradiated sample. 0.002 Amplitude [V] 0 15 -0.002 8.6 e -0.004 5.98e -0.006 n/cm 15 3.7e 15 2 n/cm n/cm 2 2 -0.008 NON IRRADIATED C. DaVia et al March 06 -0.01 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 1 10 2 10 3 10 Time [s] 22 Averaged radiation induced volumetric leakage current at 20oC versus fluence 23 Full depletion voltage versus fluence (n/cm2) 24 1.8 x 1016p/cm2 = 10 years SLHC at 1035cm-2s-1 At r=4cm 3x1015 p/cm2 = 10 years LHC at 1034 cm-2s-1 At r=4cm 2 Fluence [p/cm ] 0 8 10 15 16 1.6 10 16 2.4 10 16 3.2 10 100 Signal efficiency [%] 80 60 3D silicon C. DaVia et a. March 06 Diamond W. Adam et al. NIMA 565 (2006) 278-283 40 20 n-on-p strips P. Allport et al. IEEE TNS 52 (2005) 1903 n-on-n pixels CMS T. Rohe et al. NIMA 552(2005)232-238 0 0 Simulation by S. Watts/Brunel 5 10 15 16 C. Da Via'/ Aug.06 16 1 10 1.5 10 2 Fluence [n/cm ] 2 10 16 Signal Efficiency versus 1MeV equivalent neutron (bottom legend) and 24 Gev/c proton fluence (top legend) per cm-2. The data are from the 3D samples, from silicon pixel [16] and strips [17] and from pixilated diamond 25 detectors [18]. 26 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 27 28 no low-side tail, so very few, if any, events with partial charge collection efficiency 29 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 30 Reasons for dead borders on standard planar technology sensors a b d c a. b. c. d. space for guard rings sawed edges connecting top and bottom are conductors chips and cracks are also conducting and can reach inside the edges the field lines bulge out, and should be kept away from b and c 31 Active Edges oxide p p n 1. etch border trenches 2. diffuse in dopant n 3. grow protective oxide cover sensor wafer 4. fill trench with poly support wafer 5. vertical, directed etch (to dotted lines) oxide 6. turn off sidewall protection step p p n support wafer n oxide 7. isotropic etch to oxide stop 8. additional steps are not included on this slide (and note, bonding oxide to support wafer not colored ) 9. n and p electrodes can32 be reversed 45-54 36-45 27-36 18-27 9-18 54 45 0 0-9 36 60 27 18 9 0 120 180 microns 240 300 360 Current from scan in an x-ray microbeam, of another 3D sensor with a photomicrograph of the corresponding part on the right. Grid 33 lines are spaced 10µm apart. 28 Cinzia Da Via 34 line scan 50 ID 3rd harmonic 100 1.73keV p+ electrode 0 0 20 40 60 Energy (keV) electrode pitch 150mm Window count integral to 24.9keV ADC counts linescan through p+ electrode column and across active edge 6000 15mm 3000 6000 0 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 thresh6.5keV thresh10keV thresh15keV 3000 edge response over ~10mm 15V bias 0 100 200 300 position (microns) 35 270 Totem X5 test beam at CERN. 1. The 3D planes: 16 -- 200 µm (y) by 40 -- 100 µm (x) cells, n bulk and edges. 2. They are tied together in x-rows for a y readout using SCTA integrated circuits and a scintillator trigger. 3. The 3D planes are centered between a 4-plane silicon strip telescope with 4 y planes and 2 x ones. σy = ± 4 µm. 4. The beam was set for 100 GeV muons. 36 Some results from the CERN X5 beam test (100 GeV muons) Measured hit position in 3D sensor plane #3 vs. predicted position from beam telescope. Fitted 3D sensor width = 3,203 ±4µm. Drawn width = 3,195 µm. Sensor efficiency = 98%. System efficiency less due to DAQ, triggering electronics. 37 X5 (Totem) beam test – cell uniformity measurements Observed 3D hits / predicted telescope hits as a function of position within the 100 µm x 200 µm non-edge cells. To improve statistics, the hits for all cells are superimposed. (Note: 3D discriminator thresholds can magnify the true collection efficiency differences.) n Left above: grid with p electrodes on corners. Right above: grid with p electrodes in center. p 38 Center: data is further projected onto one quadrant. Null-field points are at upper right and lower left. 1. It was expected the grain boundary regions in polycrystalline silicon might be a large source of leakage current if the depleted region with its fields reached it. So the implants in the surrounding single crystal region were designed to stop the field. 2. Electrons at room temperature diffuse about 1 μm in 1 ns. 3. Their lifetime in poly is proportional to the grain size and is 0.5 ns for 1 μm grains. 4. Our grain size is about 2 – 3 μm. So electrons in poly might be expected to diffuse no more than a few microns before capture. 5. It would then be expected ionization created in the outer regions of the poly electrodes might have a probability p, with 0 < p < 1, of escaping to the electric field region and to being counted. 6. This should result in pulse height distributions with low-side tails. 7. But the results on slides 28, 29 and 35 disagree. 39 Some possible sources of the observed differences in collection efficiencies seen from n and p electrodes: 1. Differences in electrode diameters and thermal history (increased Dt increases dopant diffusion distances and radius of built-in fields, and can increase grain sizes – the N electrodes were done first). electron lifetime vs. grain size 2. The dopant gasses available at SNF produce an oxide layer on the hole surface which remains after the hole is filled; they may differ in radii and effectiveness as barriers. 3. Electrons and holes have different diffusion rates and lifetimes in the poly electrodes. 4. Note: The CERN -- X5 beam test data shows counts, not signal heights, and discrimination levels will affect the results. (from Kamins – Polycrystalline silicon for integrated circuit applications) 40 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 41 42 43 44 First, one problem with betas: an example of a possible angled track distorting the pulse shape. (We will need real test beam data) trigger adjacent adjacent 3d.speed.20v.02 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 time (ns) 45 trigger adjacent adjacent two triggers later, a clearer example 3d.speed.20v.04 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 time (ns) 46 a track in two and an induced pulse in the other (green) neighbor trigger adjacent adjacent 3d.speed.20v.09 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 time (ns) 47 Uncollimated 90Sr betas, 20 C, hex sensor (20V bias) to 0.13 μm current amplifier, self-triggers, events 1 and 99 of 99 trigger channel adjacent channel adjacent channel Sr - 90, 20V, event 99 2 2 0 0 pulse height (mV) pulse height (mV) Sr - 90 20V, event 01 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -30 -2 -4 -6 -8 30 ns -20 -10 0 time (ns) 10 20 30 -10 -30 30 ns -20 -10 0 10 20 30 time (ns) 48 trigger channel adjacent channel adjacent channel 0.8 ns rise time pulse to cal. input 2 pulse height (mV) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 time (ns) 49 Estimate the time resolution at room temperature with • the hex sensor, and •a preliminary version of a 0.13 µm integrated circuit readout •using data from un-collimated 90-Sr βs (but only with tracks in the central channel). •(A wall-electrode with parallel plates would give shorter times, but the hex sensor already has the same output rise time as a 0.8 ns input rise time pulse generator, so the output shape is primarily determined by the amplifier, not the sensor). •To simulate a constant fraction discriminator set at 50% (where slope is steepest): •Fit leading baseline, and measure noise, •Fit top and find halfway point, σ-noise ΔT •ΔT = σ-noise / slope •With wall-electrode sensor and a parallel beam, might do better fitting entire pulse. The measured ΔT values for first 20 pulses (other than two channel cases): average 131 ps, maximum 286 ps, minimum 40 ps. (partial, very preliminary) If random, 9 layers would give 44, 95, and 13.3 ps. But watch out for beam pipe fields! And unexpected systematic errors should be expected. 50 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 51 Task/Group Bonn Freiburg Genova Glasgow Fabrication Assembly * Test Beam, pixels x x x x x x Lab tests Radiation damage Data analysis, simulation LBL x Irradiation** Lab tests pixels Hawaii MBC Stanford x x x x Manchester Oslo x x x x x x x x SINTEF CTU Praha U. New Mexico x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x * The CERN silicon facility will also be used **Ljubljana, Los Alamos, and CERN are also other proposed irradiation facilities. 52 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 53 Possible Topics for R&D investigations 1) electrodes a) poly crystallization b) doping: lifetime x mobility – affects efficiency? 2) Contacts – yield a) geometry / topography b) films? 3) CMP (chemical – mechanical polishing) 4) Back side bias contacts 5) Surface studies: Q (ox), etc. 6) Temporary test structure W, Al, ... 7) ALS beam test: charge collection from tracks in electrodes 8) 5- electrode pixel 9) Breakdown, radiation hardness, capacitance optimization. This can take a lot of time as it is a lot of work. Just getting the CMP going and a process developed for us could take a month or more. We might also have to purchase special and costly slurries. 54 ATLAS R&D SNF Poly Runs Masks Wafers FZ Wafers CZ Equipment Implants Travel CERN Travel LBL Eng. Eric Phys. CJK A 8 4 14 25 50 months 2500 batches 1000 masks 600 wafers 80 wafers 23 per month per batch per mask per wafer per wafer 4 1 8 30 3 batches 500 trip 2000 trips 51 hours 80 months 10000 per batch per trip per trip per hour per month Sum Cost 20000 4000 8400 2000 1150 5000 2000 2000 408 2400 30000 CJK, JH, EP Upgrade Mtg. ALS beam test 77358 OVERHEAD (U. Hawaii is 20.6% on first $25K) 55 ATLAS R&D B (partial r&d, no tests, limited ability to study electrode efficiency, etc.) Cost SNF 6 Poly Runs 0 Masks 8 Wafers FZ 15 Wafers CZ 25 Equipment Implants 2 Travel CERN 0 Travel LBL 0 Eng. Eric 0 Phys. CJK 2 Sum months batches masks wafers wafers 2500 per month 1000 per batch 600 per mask 80 per wafer 23 per wafer batches trips trips hours months 500 per batch 2000 per trip 51 per trip 80 per hour 10000 per month 15000 CJK, JH only 0 4800 1200 575 2000 1000 0 Upgrade Meeting 0 ALS beam test 0 20000 44575 OVERHEAD 56 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 57 SINTEF 1. They have all the needed machines except boron diffusion which they will get. (We will do that step for them on this first run.) 2. They have started a fabrication run. 3. P-spray implants and oxide-bonding to support wafers have been done. 4. They have successfully etched holes. (See next two slides.) 5. They use a different mask material for their plasma etching. 6. It makes better masks, but any residue could cause problems for later steps. 7. They now have a cleaning regime that has given satisfactory results on a SIMS test (secondary ion mass spectroscopy – a primary ion beam sputters out secondary ions which are analyzed – less than 1:1014, both on the surface and in the holes). 8. They will be sent here for a TXRF test (total x-ray reflection fluorescence – a SNF requirement – more sensitive to some contaminants, but only for surfaces). 9. They do not have CMP (chemical-mechanical polishing), which is now being installed in SNF. 58 59 60 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. introduction yield H8 – ATLAS beam tests radiation damage tests a puzzle active edges speed tasks / groups SNF r & d fabrication run SINTEF fabrication run conclusions 61 Conclusions – Full-3D, active-edge sensors: • • • • • • • • We have adequate fabrication yields for now. But specific steps should still be improved. Test beam results with ATLAS readout OK. Neutron irradiation to 1016 protons/cm2 OK. Must now use protons (oxide damage, etc.). Non-zero electrode efficiency is a surprise. We should try to improve it. An r & d fabrication run at SNF will be important for that and many other reasons. • SINTEF has started on an ATLAS sensor fabrication run. 62