Monday, Feb. 7, 2005

PHYS 3446 – Lecture #6
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
Dr. Jae Yu
1. Nature of the Nuclear Force
• Short Range Nature of the Nuclear Force
• Shape of the Nuclear Potential
• Yukawa Potential
• Range of Yukawa Potential
2. Nuclear Models
• Liquid Drop Model
• Fermi-gas Model
• Shell Model
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
• How many of you did send an account request to Patrick at
– I was told that only 7 of you have contacted him for accounts.
– There will be a linux and root tutorial session next Wednesday,
Feb. 16, for your class projects.
– You must make the request for the account by this Wednesday.
• First term exam
– Date and time: 1:00 – 2:30pm, Monday, Feb. 21
– Location: SH125
– Covers: Appendix A + from CH1 to what we cover next Monday,
Feb. 14
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Properties: Binding Energy
• The mass deficit
M  A, Z   M  A, Z   Zm p   A  Z  mn
• Is always negative and is proportional to the nuclear
binding energy
• How are the BE and mass deficit related?
B.E  M  A, Z  c
• What is the physical meaning of BE?
– A minimum energy required to release all nucleons from a
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Properties: Binding Energy
• de Broglie’s wavelength:
– Where is the Planck’s constant
– And is the reduced wave length
• Assuming 8MeV was given to a nucleon (m~940MeV),
the wavelength is
197 Mev  fm
 1.6 fm
2  940  8
2mc 2T
• Makes sense for nucleons to be inside a nucleus since
the size is small.
• If it were electron with 8MeV, the wavelength is ~10fm,
a whole lot larger than a nucleus.
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Properties: Sizes
• Another way is to use the strong nuclear force using sufficiently
energetic strongly interacting particles (p mesons or protons, etc)
– What is the advantage of using these particles?
• If energy is high, Coulomb interaction can be neglected
• These particles readily interact with nuclei, getting “absorbed” into the nucleus
– These interactions can be treated the same way as the light absorptions resulting
in diffraction, similar to that of light passing through gratings or slits
• The size of a nucleus can be inferred from the diffraction pattern
• From all these phenomenological investigation provided the simple
formula for the radius of the nucleus to its number of nucleons or
atomic number, A:
R  r0 A  1.2  10
A cm  1.2 A fm
How would you interpret this formula?
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Properties: Magnetic Dipole Moments
• Every charged particle has a magnetic dipole
moment associated with its spin
• e, m and S are the charge, mass and the intrinsic
spin of the charged particle
• Constant g is called Lande factor with its value:
g  2: for a point like particle, such as the electron
g  2: Particle
possesses an anomalous magnetic
moment, an indication of having a substructure
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Properties: Magnetic Dipole Moments
• For electrons, e~B, where B is Bohr Magneton
B 
 5.79 1011 MeV/T
2me c
• For nucleons, magnetic dipole moment is measured in nuclear
magneton, defined using proton mass
N 
2m p c
• Magnetic moment of proton and neutron are:
n  1.91 N
 p  2.79 N
• What important information do you get from these?
– The Lande factors of the nucleons deviate significantly from 2.
• Strong indication of substructure
– An electrically neutral neutron has a significant magnetic moment
• Must have extended charge distributions
• Measurements show that mangetic moment of nuclei lie -3N~10N
– Indication of strong pairing
– Electrons cannot reside in nucleus
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nature of the Nuclear Force
• Scattering experiments helped to
– Determine the properties of nuclei
– More global information on the characteristics of the
nuclear force
• From what we have learned, it is clear that there is no
classical analog to nuclear force
– Gravitational force is too weak to provide the binding
– Can’t have an electromagnetic origin
• Deuteron nucleus has one neutron and one proton
• Coulomb force destabilizes the nucleus
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Short-range Nature of the Nuclear Force
• Atomic structure is well explained by the electromagnetic
– Thus the range of nucleus cannot be much greater than the
radius of the nucleus
– Nuclear force range ~ 10-13 – 10-12cm
• Binding energy is constant per each nucleon, essentially
independent of the size of the nucleus
– If the nuclear force is long-ranged, like the Coulomb force
– For A nucleons, there would be ½ A(A-1) pair-wise interactions
– Thus, the BE which reflects all possible interactions among the
nucleons would grow as a function of A
B  A( A  1)
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
For large A
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Short-range Nature of the Nuclear Force
• If the nuclear force is long-ranged and is independent of the
presence of other nucleons, BE per nucleon will increase
linearly with A
– This is because long-range forces do not saturate
– Since any single particle can interact with as many other particle
as are available
Binding becomes tighter as the number of interacting objects
– The size of the interacting region stays fairly constant
– Atoms with large number of electrons have the sizes compatible to
those with smaller number of electrons
• Long-rangeness of nuclear force is disputed by the
experimental measurement that the BE/nucleon stays
– Nuclear force must saturate
– Any given nucleon can only interact with a finite number of
Feb. 7, 2005 in its vicinity PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Short-range Nature of the Nuclear Force
• What does adding more nucleons to a nucleus do?
– Only increases the size of the nucleus
• Recall that R ~ A1/3
– The size of a nucleus grows slowly with A and keep the
nuclear density constant
Another supporting evidence of short-range nature of
nuclear force
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Shape of the Nuclear Potential
• Nuclear force keeps the nucleons within the nucleus.
– What does this tell you about the nature of the nuclear force?
It must be attractive!!
• However, scattering Experiments with high energy
revealed a repulsive core!!
– Below a certain length scale, the nuclear force changes from
attractive to repulsive.
– What does this tell you?
• Nucleons have a substructure….
• This feature is good, why?
– If the nuclear force were attractive at all distances, the nucleus
would collapse in on itself.
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Shape of the Nuclear Potential
• We can turn these
behaviors into a squarewell potential
– For low energy particles,
the repulsive core can be
ignored, why?
• This model is too
simplistic, since there
are too many abrupt
changes in potential.
– There would be
additional effects by the
Coulomb force
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Potential w/ Coulomb Corrections
Results in
• Classically an incident proton with total energy E0 cannot be closer
than r=r0. Why?
– For R<r<r0, V(r) >E0 and KE<0  Physically impossible
• What about a neutron?
– Could penetrate into the nuclear center.
• Low energy scattering experiment did not provide the exact shape of
the potential but the range and height of the potential
• The square-well shape provides a good phenomenological description
of the nuclear force.
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Potential
• Description of nuclear potential using a square well shape
suggests the basis of quantum theory with discrete energy
levels and corresponding bound state as in atoms
– Presence of such nuclear quantum states have been confirmed
• Scattering experiments
• Studies of the energies emitted in nuclear radiation
• Studies of mirror nuclei and the scattering of protons and
neutrons demonstrate
– Once Coulomb effects have been corrected, the forces between
two neutrons, two protons and a proton and a neutron are the
same  Nuclear force is charge independent!!
– Inferred as charge independence of nuclear force.
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Nuclear Potential
• Strong nuclear force is independent of the electric
charge carried by nucleons
– Concept of strong isotopic-spin symmetry.
– Under this symmetry, proton and neutron are the two
different iso-spin state of the same particle, nucleon
– If Coulomb effect can be turned off, protons and
neutrons would be indistinguishable in their nuclear
– This is analogues to the indistinguishability of spin up
and down states in the absence of a magnetic field!!
• Iso-spin symmetry!!!
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Range of Nuclear Force
• EM force can be understood as a result of a photon
– Photon propagation is described by the Maxwell’s equation
– Photons propagate at the speed of light.
– What does this tell you about the mass of the photon?
• Massless
• Coulomb potential is expressed as
V r  
• What does this tell you about the range of the
Coulomb force?
– Long range. Why?
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Yukawa Potential
• For massive particle exchanges, the potential takes
the form
 r
V r  
– What is the mass, m, in this expression?
• Mass of the particle exchanged in the interaction, or the force
• This form of potential is called Yukawa Potential
– Formulated by Hideki Yukawa in 1934
• In the limit m 0, Yukawa potential turns into
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
Ranges in Yukawa Potential
• From the form of the Yukawa potential
V r  
• The range of the interaction is given by some characteristic
value of r, Compton wavelength of the mediator with mass, m:
• Thus once the mass of the mediator is known, range can be
predicted or vise versa
• For nuclear force, range is about 1.2x10-13cm, thus the mass of
the mediator becomes:
c 197 MeV  fm
mc 
 164 MeV
1.2 fm
• This is close to the mass of a well known p meson (pion)
 139.6 MeV / c ; m
 135MeV / c
• Thus, it was thought that p are the mediators of the nuclear
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu
1. End of the chapter problems:
2.2, 2.5, 2.9.
2. Draw Yukawa potential for particles with the
following masses as a function of the radial
distance, r, in the range of 10-14 – 10-20 m in a semilogarithmic scale.
130 MeV/c2
80 GeV/c2
115 GeV/c2
Due for these homework problems is next Monday,
Feb. 16.
Monday, Feb. 7, 2005
PHYS 3446, Spring 2005
Jae Yu