A Scenario for Strong Gravity (Without Extra Dimensions) Why it could happen; How it might behave; How it might be tested at LHC. SCIPP seminar May 8, 2007 D. Coyne, SCIPP/UCSC (Oral presentation of limitations of a “scenario”: not a theory, more than a speculation; discussion.) Fgravity /FCoulomb = GN Me2/ c 3·10-43 Assumed that some theory of quantum gravity will restore sensibility to the relative size of gravity and the other forces, when interactions at the Planck mass 1019 GeV are reached from below (HEP), or from above (22mg) by black hole evaporation. (Oral discussion of the string theory scenario for black hole production at LHC). Note that the theory is elegant but also presumptuous. The first step (presumptuous) is to give the reason why gravity is so small: IT ISN’T A Perfectly Elegant explanation already exists for why gravity appears weak Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos & Dvali: hep-ph/9803315 Banks & Fischler: hep-th/9906038 Giddings & Thomas: hep-ph/0106219 Dimopoulos & Landsberg: hep-ph/0106295 MP c GNewton M Pn c GBulk If extra “ large” dimensions exist, then experiments near MPn confront the merging of QM and GR into QG; black holes should be produced in energetic collisions. Possibility of large dimensions was enabled by the lack of experimental data on the form of the gravitational potential at small distances. Classical Region: RM T M -1 SM2 M 2 ??? ??? String Black Hole Region: R M 1/6 T M -1/6 S M 7/6 M 1/3 Adapted from Carr & Giddings, Scientific American, May 2005 The Problems with this Scenario 1. It’s a scenario, not a theory, so that there are: 2. Many regions of important experimental phase space where the predictions are not sharp, and there is no prediction of… 3. What real size of extra dimensions should be expected, and.. 4. The experimentalists in this field are direct descendents of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan Experimentalists! r m1m 2 V (r) GN 1 e r 10 6 at ~ 1mm (J.Price, late 1980’s, UCSC seminar ) Reviewed by J.C. Long, SSI 2005 The Problems with this Scenario And besides…..the Lyyken criterion, where thermodynamics rears its hot head. A global theory of particles should converge to the proper entropy in each energy region In special cases, strings turn into black holes; in others, there is a string field-QFT duality. (Long oral presentation) Story from student days about Feynman lecturing to grad students in experimental particle physics: how experimental error misleads theory. My observation that theory can also mislead: suggestion that string theory not wrong, but derives power from degrees of freedom and form of equations, not from paradigm that extra dimensions exist. Suggest looking for other basic paradigms and for other places where large numbers of degrees of freedom can exist; in particular, use the same starting presumption for why the gravitational force is weak: IT ISN’T But could there be a different reason that it isn’t? Historically, how did we “find” the forces? (oral discussion of how measurement of shielded forces gave wrong impression of strengths and radial dependences; suggestion that we have never yet observed true strong gravity because of shielding) What if gravity is really strong, but shielded? Where would it be “visible”? Embark on a program of looking for a critical system in physics where gravity becomes competitive with all other forces, but where current theory fails us. Also look for preexisting theories which individually work well but appear to fail for this particular limit. The tiny evaporating black hole is the ideal candidate! • J. Bardeen, J. Bekenstein and S. Hawking combined the time-honored theories of thermodynamics, GR and QFT to come up with a consistent picture of black hole evaporation which fails only near the Planck mass. We speculate that strong gravity exists only on or within a new type of horizon formed in the “endpoint” of black hole evaporation. 1) Why is gravity seen at all from stars and planets, everyday objects and (presumably) from fundamental particles? Why would the basic underpinnings of cosmology (GR) depend on the leakage of gravity from small black holes, which, it is often suggested, are rare or may not even exist? 2) Configurations of electric or color charges can both have neutral states, but how can one neutralize (and thus shield) gravity? Formation of the models for Schwarzschild black holes: (Hawking, Page, Carr, MacGibbon, Halzen, Zas) | P T A | | 2G M dMc c M , spin 4 dt 8k G M c | | | | | | | | dM so t M dM , dt M | 4 2 3 4 o 2 N M (t) o dM 2 o 2 , where o oGN2 dt GN M 2 N 2 B (DGC & D.C. Cheng; J.M. Hanna Senior thesis, UCSC, Aug. 2004) Mo 2 The key assumption of the strong gravity model is that G is a variable, an artifice to simulate the effects of an unknown theory of quantum gravity. We use for the Strong Shielded Gravity Scenario: TP G(T ) GN TP T v v dM 2 o 2 holds dt G M exactly into all mass regions! and assume Why would we be so crazy as to introduce infinities in G when we want to get rid of infinities in curvature? Not so crazy: the solution for G(M) is implicit and not a pole at all! c 3 T , and so T P G(M P )M P G( 8k BGM GM v v v c /G ) c /G This looks messy but the definition for G simplifies in a few easy steps to: M P G 1 G /GN M GN With all the little v’s gone, and MP back to the usual 1019 GeV. Then, with g = G/GN and m = M/MP, the solution for g in terms of m is simply: The Hawking equation then becomes: 2 1 1 1 g 2 4 m 4 m ot M M g 2 m 2 dm 3 P M o and is exactly integrable! Fgravity /FCoulomb GN Me2/(— hc) = 3·10-43 Asymptotic form for G is G/GN = (MP/M)2, so if we blindly apply this to a particle with mass Me, then: — hc) =1/ =137, a strong Fgravity /FCoulomb Ge Me2/() = GNMP2/( scale. Classical Region: SSGS SubPlanckian Region: RM T M -1 SM2 M 2 R M-1 TM S log M M-2 Black Hole Thermodynamics dU PdV TdS First Law: Second Law: (A new generalization, too involved for this talk) Specific Heat: cBH 1 dU U dT Black Hole Thermodynamics First Law: dMc Jd TdS 2 Specific Heat: cBH 1 dM M dT Black Hole Thermodynamics First Law: Bekenstein-Hawking realization: SSGS realization: (sub-Planckian) Specific Heat: dMc TdS 2 S dM 2 M horizon area T S dM T cBH mgdm ?????? 1 dM M dT Specific heat solutions: a) Hawking solution b) SSGS:Super-Planckian c) SSGS: Sub-Planckian • At slightly less than MP, the specific heat becomes positive and the black hole can be in stable equilibrium with a thermal bath. • At 3 Kelvins, the black hole is in thermal equilibrium with the CMB at a mass of 6 milli eV, an addition to hot dark matter that has increased with universe age! Black Hole Thermodynamics dMc TdS 2 First Law: S dM 2 M horizon area T SS dM dM TT Bekenstein-Hawking realization: SSGS realization: (sub-Planckian) Specific Heat: cBH mgdm ?????? ?????? mgdm 1 dM M dT The Global Entropy of the SSGS The super-Planckian asymptotic form is: The sub-Planckian asymptotic form is: S A 4 (in Planck area units S SL 8 ln M ML The Lykken criterion is satisfied. GN ) 3 c Quantization: the real point of contact with experiment. For black holes, it’s an old idea and a new idea J. D. Bekenstein, The Quantum Mass Spectrum of the Kerr Black Hole, Lett.Nuovo Cimento 11, 467,( 1974). V. Mukhanov, Are black holes quantized?, JETP Lett. 44, 63 (1986). C. Rovelli and L. Smolin, Discreteness of area and volume in quantum gravity, Nucl. Phys. B442 (1995), 593. Erratum: Nucl. Phys. B456 (1995), 734; also at gr-qc/9411005. J. Bekenstein and V. Mukhanov, Spectroscopy of the quantum black hole, Phys.Let. B360,7 (1995); gr-qc.9505012 . G. ‘t Hooft, The Scattering Matrix Approach for the Quantum Black Hole: An Overview, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A11, 4623 (1996). G. Immirzi, Quantum Gravity and Regge Calculus, Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 57 65 (1997); also at gr-qc/9701052. S. Hod, Bohr’s Correspondence Principle and the Area Spectrum of Quantum Black Holes, Phys.Rev.Lett. 81 (1998) 4293; gr-qc/9812002 . O. Dreyer, Quasinormal Modes, the Area Spectrum, and Black Hole Entropy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 081301 (2003); gr-qc/0211076 . L. Motl, An analytical computation of asymptotic Schwarzschild quasinormal frequencies, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 6 (2003) 1135-1162; gr-qc/0212096 . From Bekenstein’s “adiabatic invariant” to loop quantum gravity’s spin networks, the quantum of area seems to be: Ao 4(ln 2) (in units of GN /c2 ) This quantization scheme leads to dA MdM M 1/ M or, if successive states are steps of nAo , Mn 1 (ln 2)(| n | 1) MP 2 (n large) All of this is for super-Planckian masses! The SSGS Scheme for Quantization Which makes more sense, quantizing area or entropy? From the point of view of shielding horizons, quantize the information needed to establish the horizon. (Wheeler’s IT from BIT) SSGS generalized entropy quantization for sub-Planckian region (with step size qln2): M (e q ln 2 / 8 1)M , M n M Le q ln 2 ( n1) 8 leading to Are the SSGS spectra discrete or continuous? A sensible lifetime for a state is: 1 dM 1 n dt M n M n1 (how does dM/dt know anything about branching ratios?) RESULTS: o !! For super-Planckian masses, states are discrete for all masses and both quantization schemes. For sub-Planckian masses and Area quantization, the states merge into a continuum at about MP/2, and at the level of ML, the density of states is absurdly high. LHC/detectors melt. But, for Entropy quantization, the states are widely-spaced and always discrete for any spacing more than 1 bit of information. The SSGS predictions for LHC physics at CERN Parameters: ML = 100 GeV; quantum of information = 16 bits. The pattern of the states is the real prediction! Competing LHC Scenarios 14TeV Classical Region: RM T M -1 SM2 M 2 ? ? SSGS Sub-Planckian Region: R M-1 TM S log M M-2 String Black Hole Region: R M 1/6 S M 7/6 T M -1/6 M 1/3 And when we get to the Planck mass in 2307: There is no “End of High Energy Physics”! hep-th/0602183 hep-th/0609097 DGC: A Scenario for Strong Gravity without Extra Dimensions DGC & DCC: Quantization of Black Holes in the Shielded Strong Gravity Scenario (I. Neutral Scalar States) We long have been important particlestotohave find;them There has a motivation don’t confuse theyou situation! there (at least a few). Now have a to possible The SSGS states are uncharged scalars, coupled fundamentally gravity (i.e., mass). do you thinkcame they could be? reason forWhat where they from. Linear comparison between black-hole Higgs width and tan = 30 MSSM Higgs width. Carena & Haber. Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys., 50 ,2003, 71 What is the pertinent variable Planck mass in the region of elementary particles? c MP G v c M 2 M P GN M !! If black holes become particles via something like the SSGS, then the Planck scale relevant for those particles is their own mass! Elementary particle physics is innately governed by quantum gravity at all mass scales. The landscape of masses M, with a scale log M/MP; the arrows indicate the most massive elementary particle (at left) that can be emitted by a black hole (at right). The second law of thermodynamics holds separately for intrinsic entropy of particles; there is no lost-information problem. A Scenario for Strong Gravity (Without Extra Dimensions) Why it could happen; How it might behave; How it might be tested at LHC. SCIPP seminar May 8, 2007 D. Coyne, SCIPP/UCSC