Instruction for McPrem, The UTA DØGrid Team, Dec. 5, 2003 Instructions for McPrem, the McPerM Remote Daemon Dec. 5, 2003 Prashant Bhamidipati ( ) The McP_remote.tar contains the following files. o main_xml o make_dir o This is the main script which converts the archives to XML. This is the script which will create the required directory structure. This files contains various modules required by main_xml for various conversions and file types. o conf_file This is a sample configuration file from which the final configuration file for your farm will be created. 1. $FARM_BASE is a good place to store the mcperm scripts. So, create a folder ‘mcperm’ in $FARM_BASE and store the McP_remote.tar in the folder. 2. Untar McP_remote.tar using the command tar –xvf McP_remote.tar. Above four files will be in the $FARM_BASE/mcperm folder. 3.By default, McPrem creates the XML database for the archives in $FARM_BASE/mcperm/database. However, if a different location is desired to store these files (for example due to the available storage space, etc), do the following: o Edit the file main_xml o Change the variable main_database_location to the desired location main_database_location= [full path to desired database location] 4. The frequency with which the script main_xml is to be executed can be controlled by the update_interval parameter in the same file. Default is 12 hours. One can change this interval to the desired value as follows: o Edit the file main_xml o Change the variable update_interval to the desired value update_interval=your_desired_time_interval 5. Run the script make_dir in the $FARM_BASE/mcperm folder as follows: o make_dir <farm_name> <host_name> <university> <globus_fetch> The parameters enclosed in < > are necessary parameters . All have to be given. Their significance is as follows <farm_name>: This is the name of your farm as you would like it to appear on the final McPerM display (eg : Please keep it short. 1 UTA-SWIFT). Instruction for McPrem, The UTA DØGrid Team, Dec. 5, 2003 <host_name>: This is the host name of the globus gatekeeper node that the main server from UTA will fetch the XML database files from. The directory where the database is fetched from must be accessible from the gatekeeper node. (eg : <university>: This parameter is same as the first three characters (like “OU-“, “UTA”, “LTU”, “TAT”, or “LU-“) of the job-name on your farm, that is set by McFarm. <globus_fetch>: This parameter specifies whether the XML files are to be deleted after being fetched by the main server. Options are: enable : would NOT DELETE the files disable : would DELETE these files upon completion of fetch The synopsis of this make_dir script is main_xml UTA-SWIFT UTA enable The following structure is created in the mcperm folder after step 5. The files main_xml and xml_modules are also automatically moved to the $FARM_BASE/bin folder. Once the above is done, you can start the main_xml daemon by issuing the command as the user mcfarm. main_xml start You can also stop main_xml daemon by issuing the command as the user mcfarm, main_xml stop From this point on, the ball is in UTA McPerM server’s court. 2