Please email corrections to Faculty Senate Meeting

Faculty Senate Meeting
March 5, 2012
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I. Call to order/ Acceptance of Agenda:
Allen Reich
Faculty Senate President Allen Reich called the meeting of the NAU Faculty Senate (FS) to order in the
Kaibab Room of the Student Union at 3:02 pm.
Members Present: Shadow Armfield, Charlie Balch (appeared telephonically), Laura Blank (appeared
telephonically), Michael Costelloe, Joyce DeVoss (appeared telephonically), Kate Ellis, Heidi Fogelberg, Pam
Foti, Kathleen Ganley(appeared telephonically), Bill Grabe, Liz Grobsmith*, Ro Haddon, John Haeger*,
Susan Harris, Richard Hofstetter, Ryan Holder, Lenka Hospodka, Gae Johnson(appeared telephonically),
Astrid Klocke, Ellen Larson, Rich Lei, Rich McNeill, Phillip Mlsna, Larry Mohrweis, Pin Ng, Roderic
Parnell, Ricardo Pereira, Veronica Perez Rodriguez, Pat Peterson(appeared telephonically), Allen Reich, Jon
Reyhner, Linda Robyn, Erik Schiefer, Claire Schonaerts (appeared telephonically), Karen Sealander, Edward
Smaglik, Cathy Small, George Speer, Julie Swann, Kathleen Timbers, Walter Vannette, David Williams, and
Gerald Wood.
Members Absent: Sara Aleman, TS Amer, Allen Atkins, J. Allen Woodman for Nancy Barron, Jonathan
Bergeron, Blaise Caudill*, Natalie Cawood, Chris Downum, Ishmael Munene, Lori, Poloni-Staudinger,
Nicholas Ross, Rick Stamer, and Ric Wiggall. (*indicates ex officio members)
Others present: David Bousquet, Jan Bowers, David Camacho, Don Carter, Dan Kain, Cynthia Kosso, M.J.
McMahon, and Karen Pugliesi.
Faculty Senate President, Allen Reich presented the agenda for approval. The agenda was approved with
the change to move President Haeger’s report to item 4.
II. Approval of Minutes
Allen Reich/Action Item
Allen presented the minutes of the January 9th and February 6th FS meetings for approval. A motion was
made and seconded to approve the minutes of January 9th. The motion passed. A motion was made
and seconded to approve the minutes of February 6th. The motion passed.
III. Faculty Senate President’s Report
Allen Reich
Allen reported on the following:
 The Faculty Senate will be giving a $1,000 scholarship to an NAU student this year. The application is
on the Senate website.
 The FSEC held a retreat February 27th. The major topic discussed was shared governance. Other topics
included the process involved in filling the Provost’s position and the preparation of a detailed listing
of responsibilities for each senate officer position. The FSEC will offer a workshop for senators
March 26th 1-4 in the Kaibab room. Tentative Topics include: shared governance; student success
initiatives; faculty workload; tenure density; and increasing the effectiveness of the Faculty Senate.
 ABOR meeting summary:
o ABOR philosophically agrees with the AACU (American Association of Colleges and
Universities) on major national issues.
o State support for higher education is decreasing and must be based on proof of value (i.e.,
performance based funding), and there must be low cost options for college and access for all
capable students.
o There was discussion regarding allowing the Chair of the AFC (Arizona Faculties Council) a
voting seat on the Arizona Board of Regents.
o Michael Crowe’s presentation to ABOR discussed focusing on driving their brand; aggressive
recruitment of all possible students and increasing efficiency and effectiveness through
retention and increasing graduation rates.
o During the Call to Audience at the February ABOR meeting, Allen Reich joined the two other
university faculty Presidents in speaking out against guns on campus. A motion was made to
express opposition to guns on campus. Support was unanimous.
IV. FS Council and Committee Reports
Committee/Council Chairs/Liaisons
Astrid Klocke, Chair of the Council on Learning (COL) announced the following:
 COL will facilitate a discussion regarding student success at the upcoming senate workshop. The
discussion will focus on integrating the curriculum design and assessment processes faculty is
responsible for. She asked for any input or questions anyone wishes to add to the agenda be forwarded
to her.
 The B.U.S. Steering Committee has finalized the application form for the new degree and discussed the
role of advisors in minor programs that will serve this student group. The Steering Committee will host
faculty orientations and workshops for individual departments and advisors on the new degree plan and
the needs of its students.
 The University College Implementation and Planning Group met for a ½ -day retreat. The core issues
discussed included: the different types of faculty designations in the UC and how faculty members
qualify for each; the flow of the UC review into a faculty member's home department's annual review
process; and incentives for departments to send their best instructors to teach courses in the UC. As
actual rules and policies are put into place they will be communicated to the faculty senate on a regular
basis. The UC Group will design a communication plan at its next meeting.
Ro Haddon, member of the Liberal Studies Committee(LSC), announced the March 8 informational meeting of
the LSC in the Kaibab room to discuss proposed changes to the LS program.
V. Report from the President
John Haeger
President John Haeger announced his plans to select a new Provost to replace Provost Grobsmith. The new
provost will be selected from among sitting Deans, the Provost Staff and sitting Vice Presidents. The position
will be for a term to coincide with President Haeger’s contract. The search will be concluded quickly. He
would like to announce his decision sometime after spring break.
Currently there are searches underway for an Athletic Director (AD) and a Basketball Head Coach. M.J.
McMahon is heading the AD search and Mason Gerety heads the Basketball Head Coach search. They hope to
have the AD search concluded so he/she will be able to partake in the Basketball Head Coach selection. It is
anticipated that these searches will be complete by the end of April.
ABOR will review the universities’ budget proposals at the next ABOR meeting. Under NAU’s proposal
most continuing students belong to a pledge program and therefore will see no tuition increase. Tuition will
increase by about a 3% for statewide students; 4½% for graduate students; and 5% to the pledge program for
Fall 2012. President Haeger, asked David Bousquet, VP Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, to
explain how tuition rates for those student on the four year pledge program who require more time till
graduation will be handled.
VI. Grade Performance Status Feedback System (GPS)
Ro Haddon
Ro Haddon noted that the GPS was discussed at last month’s meeting and called for any further feedback or
discussion at this time. A motion was made and seconded to endorse the GPS system. A brief discussion
ensued regarding procedural questions. The vote was called for and passed unanimously.
VII. E-Learning and Technology
Don Carter
Don Carter, Director of the E-Learning Center announced the following:
 Bb Learn Health Check: the continued issues with Bb Learn are being addressed by a professional
service that will perform a system health check and review. This should be completed by early April.
 The E-Learning Center will host their annual E-Content Exposition: on Thursday March 22nd. The
exposition will include demonstrations and consultations for faculty by six e-text and e-resource
publishers. The event will be held on the 2nd Floor of the Health & Learning Center. Seethe following
web address for more details:
 The Southwest Institute for Learning with Technology (SILT) will hold the 8th annual e-Learning
Conference Monday and Tuesday, May 21st and 22nd in the W.A. Franke College of Business. The
focus will be designing Blended Learning. The Keynote speaker is Fran Smith, Fellow from the
Center for Applied Special Technologies at Boston University, who speak on Universal Learning
Design for student progress and success.
VIII. Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
David Bousquet
Vice President David Bousquet reviewed various departments, services and programs that comprise EMSA (e.g.,
Residence Life, Educational Support, Parking Services, Campus Health, Campus Recreation, Assessment, etc.). The
focus of the discussion was to find ways that the senate/faculty and EMSA can work together more effectively to
achieve the mission of NAU and our Enterprise metrics. Ongoing Senate meetings with EMSA are planned.
IX. Report from the Provost
Liz Grobsmith
 Change of Assignment – Liz confirmed her decision to step down as Provost effective July 1st. She is
excited for new challenges in the position she is developing with President Haeger. She expects to
continue her work in the areas of international education, the Arts and sustainability.
 College of Education Dean Search - The search is coming to a close. The committee concluded their
interviews and Liz will conduct interviews with the finalists. They hope to invite three finalists for
campus visits after spring break. She hopes to have a decision by early to mid April.
 ABOR’s Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) – The ACC meets March 8th 1:30 to 4:30 where they will
address a variety of issues including:
 Confirmation of Regents Professors
 Textbook Report
 NAU’s Academic Strategic Plan
The AAC will then present their findings at the ABOR April meeting.
Faculty Workload – Liz distributed a memo entitled: Principles and Guidelines for Assignment of
Faculty Work Load. She expressed her gratitude to the many committees which she met with during
development of these guidelines and principles. She stated that each unit must look at this as it relates to their
department. One size does not fit all. All Chairs have received the memo and should have distributed it to
X. Old Business/New Business Items/Announcements
Allen Reich
Allen called for any old or new business. None was brought forward.
XI. Adjourn
Allen Reich
There being no further business, a Motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:47.