Nominating Petition 2014

Faculty Senate Nominating Petition
For: Executive Committee, Faculty Senate Councils & FS Nominating Committee
Name of Senator: ______________________________________________________
Please check the position you are running for.
Council on Learning*
Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Council*
Planning & Budget Council*
Nomination & Election Committee*
* No signatures required for council and committee vacancies.
** Signatures are required for all executive committee positions.
Executive Committee: Please check the position you are running for.
President **
At-Large Senator**
Print Name
Voting Unit
Faculty Senate Bylaws regarding the Nomination of Candidates: Senate members
who wish to run for a position on the Executive Committee must secure seven (7)
nominating signatures from current Senate members, coming from at least three (3)
different voting units. Signed petitions must be submitted to the Nominations and
Elections Committee at least six days prior to the penultimate Senate meeting of
the spring semester. This year original nomination ballots are due to the Faculty
Senate office by 5:00 pm Tuesday, April 1st, 2014.
Spring Elections 2014
Nominating Petitions are required for the following committees. Only Executive
Committee positions require signatures
Executive Committee
Nominating Committee
FS Councils
Council on Learning
Budget Council
Rights & Responsibilities
all positions
all positions
1 year terms
1year terms
Continuing are: Ellen Larson and Shadow Armfield
3year term
Continuing is: Kate Ellis
3year term
1 year term
Continuing are: Chris Downum and Susan Harris
3year term
President of the Senate
o Represents the faculty and faculty interests to the administration
o Presides over and sets the agenda for all meetings of the General Faculty
o Serves as Chair of the Senate Executive Committee
o Represents the faculty on the President’s Cabinet
o Serves as lead representative from Northern Arizona University to the AFC and when
appropriate as the AFC representative to ABOR.
Vice-President of the Senate
o Presides at appropriate meetings when the President is unavailable
o Chairs the Senate Nominations and Elections Committee
o Is a member of the University Strategic Planning and Budget Committee
o Represents Northern Arizona University on the Arizona Faculties Council
Secretary of the Senate
o Is responsible for seeing minutes are taken at all Full Senate, Special Senate, and
Senate Executive meetings
o Assures that minutes are distributed in a timely manner, and stored in an easily point
out retrievable manner.
Treasurer of the Senate
o Is responsible for collecting of faculty dues
o Managing expenditures and reporting the use of Senate funds in a timely manner
o Proposing special expenditures such as the awarding of scholarships
o Serves as Chair of the Senate Budget Committee.
Parliamentarian of the Senate
o Guides efficient use of time during FS meetings
o Serves as Chair of the Senate Bylaws Committee ensuring Bylaws are current
o Maintains attendance of Senators and monitors to determine if there is a quorum
adequate for a valid vote
o Determines with the FSEC which Senators or Officers should be relieved of their
duties because of excessive absences
2- Senators at- Large
Voted from among the current Senators