Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014

Faculty Senate Meeting
September 8, 2014
Please email corrections to Faculty.Senate@nau.edu.
I. Call to order/ Acceptance of Agenda:
Astrid Klocke
Faculty Senate President Astrid Klocke called the meeting of the NAU Faculty Senate (FS) to order in the
Kaibab room of Cline Library at 3:07pm.
Members Present: TS Amer, Shadow Armfield, Steve Barger, Laura Blank (appeared electronically), Laura
Bounds, Matthew Bowker, Natalie Cawood, Rita Cheng*, Rosalicia Cordova (appeared electronically), Bill
Culbertson, Cassandra Dakan, Joyce DeVoss (appeared electronically), David Albritton for Ding Du, Dorothy
Dunn, Stephen Dunn, Dan Eadens, Kate Ellis, Bruce Fox, Matthew Gage, Sibylle Gruber, Shannon Guerrero,
Susan Harris, Glenn Hookstra (appeared electronically), Lenka Hospodka, John Houser, Laura Huenneke*,
Bob Kilpatrick, Astrid Klocke, Thomas Kolb, Srinivas Kosaraju, Korie Kroneberger, Sandra Lahtinen, Nicole
Langille-Jelsing, Marty Lee, Rosemary Logan, Jennifer McLerran, Phil Mlsna, Ishmael Munene, Pat Peterson
(appeared electronically), Jennifer Prior, Deborah Raymond, Allen Reich, Jon Reyhner, Krista Rodin,
Michael Rulon, Melissa Santana, Frank Santorelli, Allen Saunders, Nando Schellen, Claire Schonaerts
(appeared electronically), CJ Smith, Aregai Tecle, Benning Tieke, Nora Timmermann, Katherine Watkins,
David Williams, Gioia Woods, Eric Yordy and Jillian Zuniga*.
Members Absent: Chuck Hammersley, Jerome Mahaffey, Vicky Ross, Peter Runge, and Cathy Small,.
(*indicates ex officio members)
Others present: David Camacho, Don Carter, Laurie Dickson, Pauline Entin, Dan Kain, Shari Miller, Roy St.
Laurent, Debbie Sheppard.
Faculty Senate President, Astrid Klocke presented the agenda for approval. The agenda was approved.
II. Approval of Minutes
Astrid Klocke
The minutes of the May 5th , and June 2nd senate meetings were approved during the summer senate meetings
and brought forward at this time for ratification by the full senate. Motions to approve both minutes were
made and seconded. Both motions passed. The minutes of the August 4th senate meeting were brought
forward for approval. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion passed.
III. Welcome President Cheng
President Cheng
President Cheng introduced herself and noted that she has been at NAU for four weeks and her calendar is
filling up fast. She stated that she appreciates the senate’s inclusion of her at their meetings and she plans on
attending both the FS meetings as well as the FSEC meetings when her schedule allows. She further stated
that the state of Arizona is engaged in discussions regarding higher education and the budget. She will share
this information regarding budget issues moving forward. She has been impressed with the progress NAU has
made in advancing NAU on various levels including the national, alumnae and donor levels.
Her plan in moving forward is to take time to listen and learn about NAU before making decisions. She is
looking forward to working with the senate as part of the shared governance process. She then entertained
IV. Faculty Senate President’s Report
Astrid reported on the following:
Astrid Klocke
The announcements item on senate agendas will be moved to the end of the meeting under old and
new business.
Other changes to the format of senate meetings and senate processes will be implemented during the
year in response to concerns raised in the senator survey conducted last May.
o The first change is evident in the circular shape of today’s meeting tables and chairs. Senators
asked for a more inclusive session and less hierarchal feel to the meeting.
o Another change will be one minute/item surveys after senate meetings asking senators for
feedback on various issues before the senate.
o The senate will introduce a change in one delivery method next month. Currently presenters
attend an FSEC meeting informing the FSEC of the information they wish to present to all
senators. The FSEC determines if this goes on a future agenda item and the presenter is asked
to attend that FS meeting and give that same presentation. In an effort to allow senators access
to this information prior to the FS meeting we will film the FSEC presenters and post their
presentation to the BbLearn shell where all senators and faculty can access it. Allowing them
to discuss this among their constituents and be prepared to attend the FS meeting with pertinent
questions and concerns, This is based on a recommendation from the May survey that faculty
have more time to discuss issues prior to voting on them. We will test this method at the
September FSEC meeting by filming only one presentation and place it on the BbLearn Shell.
Then that presenter will attend the October FS meeting not to present but rather discuss and
answer questions.
The Faculty Senate will host a breakfast with the Regents on September 26th prior to ABOR’s Friday
session. The Regents will be invited along with the members of FSEC, President Cheng, Provost
Huenneke, and a limited number of seats for other Faculty.
V. Introduction to the 2014-2015 Faculty Senate
Astrid Klocke
Astrid gave a brief overview of a senator’s role and responsibilities. Specifically noting that senators
represent the college or academic unit which they are voted from, not their respective departments. Senators
are also responsible for disseminating information within their colleges/voting units. Senate quick notes are
one way in which we communicate to all faculty. One senator from each voting unit will be designated to
disseminate the quick notes once they are made available to them. (Usually within 24-48 hours after the
meeting.) Other information on senator responsibilities is outlined in a PowerPoint presentation available on
the senate website.
VI. Committee and Council Reports
Committee/Council Chairs
Nominations & Elections Committee – Bruce Fox, Chair of the N&E Committee announced current
vacancies on the roster which need to be filled. At this time TS Amer volunteered to serve on the
Bylaws Committee. Bruce reminded the senators of that Senate bylaw 1.2.3 states that senators are
expected to serve on a senate committee or as a representative on a university committee. Those
interested serving on the committees he previously outlined were asked to contact him or the senate
Bruce called for the ratification of the vote at the August 4th Summer Senate electing Eric Yordy
Parliamentarian. A motion was made and seconded to ratify the August 4th vote. The motion
VII. Report from the Provost
Provost Huenneke
Provost Hunneke welcomed everyone back. She then reported on the following:
 NAU will be hosting the ABOR meeting on September 24th through the 26th. The Academic and
Student Affairs Committee will discuss a subset of the metrics at a public meeting on September 24th.
They will discuss graduation and retention rates. The meeting can be seen live on the web at the
following link: http://www.azregents.edu/.
The guidelines for Academic Planning Framework can be found on the Provost’s website. Everyone
should be aware of this document.
VIII. Liberal Studies Committee Annual Report
Bruce Fox
Bruce gave a brief overview of the annual report of the Liberal Studies Committee.
IX. COACHE Advisory Group Report
Eric Yordy/Steven Barger/Dan Kain
Eric Yordy and Steven Barger, Senate representatives to the COACHE Advisory Team presented an update
on the work of this advisory team.
The response rate of faculty was 59% ten percentage points higher than our peer institutions. The advisory
team has been charged with disseminating results and guiding efforts to engage the campus community in
dialogue on the meaning of those results. They expect this to be ongoing this year and would like to report to
the senate on a regular basis. The full report can be found on the Provost’s website. To contact the advisory
team you may email to the following address: COACHE@nau.edu.
X. Announcements/Old Business/New Business Items
Astrid Klocke
No new/old business or announcements were brought forward.
XI. Adjourn
Astrid Klocke
There being no further business, a Motion was made and seconded to adjourn. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:35pm.