POWERS OF TEN “power of 10 ” means 10 raised to some number; e.g.: 102 = 10 10 105 = 10 10 10 10 10 10n = n factors of 10; n = “exponent” scientific notation: express numbers as: a 10n , where a is a number “of order 1” (i.e. between 1 and 10) negative exponent: 10-n means 1/(10n) to multiply two powers, add their exponents: 102 105 = 107 thousand = 103 , million = 106 common prefixes used to denote powers of ten: 3 kilo (k) = 10 , 6 Mega (M) = 10 , 9 Giga (G) = 10 12 Tera (T) = 10 -3 milli (m) = 10 , -6 micro () = 10 -9 nano (n) = 10 -12 pico (p) = 10 “Metric units” Units apart from few exceptions, “metric units”, or rather “SI units” are used throughout the world; (“SI” stands for “Système International”, maintained by the “Societé Internationale des Poids et Mesures”, = international society of weights and measures, with seat in Sèvres near Paris) basic units are, e.g.: meter for distance, kilogram for mass, second for time; meter originally defined as 1/(4 107) length of Earth's meridian; now defined in terms of speed of light; some common distance units: 3 kilometer, km = 10 m, -2 centimeter, cm = 10 m, -3 millimeter, mm = 10 m, -6 micrometer, µm = 10 m, -9 nanometer, nm, 10 m “metric” vs “English” distance units: 1 km 0.62 mi, 1mi 1.6 km, 1 m 3.3 ft 39 in, 1cm 0.39 in, 1 in = 2.54 cm