POSITION AND COORDINATES to specify a position, need: position along a line: position of point P specified by length of “vector” OP (distance)and angle of OP with respect to reference direction, or by two numbers x,y position in 3-dimensional space: position specified by one (signed) number position in a plane: reference point (“origin”) O, distance from origin direction from origin (to define direction, need reference direction(s) need a third number (e.g. height above the x-y plane) coordinates: = set of numbers to describe position of a point VECTORS AND SCALARS physical quantities can be “scalars”, “vectors”, “tensors”, ...... scalar: quantity for whose specification one number is sufficient; examples: mass, charge, energy, temperature, volume, density vector: quantity for whose specification one needs: magnitude (one number) direction (number of numbers depends on dimension) numbers specifying vector: “components of the vector” in suitably chosen coordinate system; e.g. components of the position vector: numbers specifying the position; examples: position vector, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, electric field,.. magnitude = “length of vector” e.g. distance from reference point” = magnitude of position vector, “speed” = magnitude of velocity. velocity velocity: = (change in position)/(time interval) average velocity = velocity evaluated over finite (possibly long) time interval vav = x/t, x = total distance travelled during time interval t (including speeding up, slowing down, stops,...); instantaneous velocity = velocity measured over very short time interval ; ideally, t = 0, i.e. time interval of zero length: v = limit of (x/t) for t 0; t 0 is limit of t becoming “infinitesimally small”, “t approaches zero”, “t goes to zero”; note that velocity is really a vector quantity (have considered motion in only one dimension) difference quotient: x/t = “difference quotient” of position with respect to time difference quotient = ratio of two differences; limit for t 0: [limit of (x/t) for t 0] = dt/dx = “differential quotient”, also called “derivative of x with respect to t” “differential calculus” = branch of mathematics, about how to calculate differential quotients. angular velocity : (change in angle)/(time interval) = 2 f (f = frequency of rotation) ACCELERATION acceleration = rate of change of velocity a = (change in velocity)/time interval average acceleration aav= v/t , v = change in velocity t = duration of time interval for this change instantaneous acceleration = limit of average acceleration for infinitesimally short time interval , a = dv/dt acceleration, like velocity, is really a vector quantity change of velocity without change of speed: if only direction changes, with speed staying the same; e.g. circular motion if a = 0: no acceleration, velocity constant “uniform motion” motion in straight line with constant speed angular acceleration = rate of change of angular velocity