College of Education Department of Educational Psychology Supervised Internship Experiences M.Ed. School Counseling – Reflection Paper Intern Name (Last, First, MI): NAU ID: Program: M.Ed. School Counseling Campus: Choose an item. Semester/Yr: School Supervisor Name: Mid-Point Evaluation School Name: Final Evaluation Directions for Mid-Point/Final Reflection Paper: Prepare an APA-formatted paper which provides evidence that you are successfully engaged in each of the evaluation categories in the Rubric to score Reflection Papers in TaskStream. Please submit this reflection paper to your School Supervisor for feedback and recommended revisions prior to completing your mid-point/final evaluations. This assignment must be loaded into TaskStream for your Faculty Supervisor to review once approved by your School Supervisor. Intern Signature: __________________________________________ Date:______________ Faculty Supervisor Signature: _______________________________ Date:______________ School Supervisor Signature: ________________________________ Date:______________ Created: HGD, February 19, 2013