Course Calendar 1301 Fall 2012

Fall 2012 Schedule of Assignments
English 1301 – 31056
Instructor: Donnie Faltesek
Class Time: MW 2:00pm-4:00pm
Class Location: Spring Branch Campus, Room 312
Assignment Modules or “Cycles”
We will read, read and read some more!
A journal writing may follow the readings.
We discuss the readings. (You are encouraged to take notes).
We may have in-class quizzes, in class responses, rough drafts or in class journals to
prepare you for writing the essay assigned.
In an effort to develop your own sense of the composing process, I want you to figure out as
much as you can before you come to class—and then come to class with informed questions
about the assignment.
You write the Essay as assigned.
Discovering Self
Writing Focus: Narration and Description Essay #1 (650 words) appx 2 to 3 pages
Personal Narrative Essay
24/M: Introduction to Course. Diagnostic Essay. Course Syllabus and Calendar. Have students
introduce themselves. Intro to Critical Reading.
Homework: Purchase books. Explore OWL (Online Writing Lab at Purdue University)
Check out website for future use:
Read over MH Chapters 32 & 33 (Grammar Review)
26/W: Discuss Readings. Discuss Academic Voice, (See Handout) Why We Write, and Sample
Student Essays. (What does a good one look like?) Handout. Web videos.
Homework: Read Maya Angelou “What’s Your Name, Girl?” pp. 31-36 and Hughes’s
“Salvation” pp.118-120 in The Writer's Presence (WP). Write Journal Entry #1 over Angelou
and Hughes. (J) Reflecting on the Hughes and Angelou essay, write about how you have
responded and reacted to the preconceptions of others. What impact did these preconceptions
have on your development? Length – 1 typed page, double spaced .for EACH essay. Read SG
pp. 31-34 Critical Reading and Writing (Quiz on Weds. Oct. 3.)
Assign Essay #1 on Personal Narrative due Oct. 10th.
Critical Reading and Thinking/Thesis statements and Introductions
1/M: Quiz over Study Guide. Essay #1 Discussed and Assigned. Narration and Description.
Discuss Readings. Consider in class, How to be a Bad Writer, by Langston Hughes. Pp. 121122. Words have power ! Web shorts. Write: My First.
Journal Entry over Angelou and Hughes Due (1). on Comma Splices and
Run-on Sentences and Fused sentencesHomework: , The Writer’s Presence (WP) – Read
Cofer’s “Silent Dancing” pg. 68 and Alexie’s “The Joy of Reading and Writing…” pg. 27-30.
(J) (Journal over Cofer or Alexie). For one (either one) reading, respond to the passage that
portrayed the most vivid image in your mind. Discuss the word choices and writing techniques
that were most effective. Length- 1 typed, double-spaced page. Clustering activity – Brainstorm
a list of possible topics for Essay #1 from your childhood memories. Then select one or more of
these memories and complete a freewriting and clustering page on each memory. Save these
prewriting activities to turn in with Essay#1. Begin Essay #1 Assignment of possible topics.
Read McGraw-Hill (MH) Chapter 2 (Be ready to discuss material read).
3/W: Discuss Readings. Journal Entry over Cofer or Alexie Due (2).
SG p.45 Narration. Introductory paragraphs. Practice: Descriptive Writings. In-class writing; a
description of someone.
Homework: Read: (WP) pp. 113-116. Hoagland’s “On Stuttering” and Write Journal Entry #3
Also read p159- 163, Mamet’s “The Rake: A Few Scenes from My Childhood.” Write Journal
on Mamet’s story. (J) (3)
Writing Focus: Visual Analysis Essay 750 to 1000 words (appx 3 to 5 pages)
8/M: Discuss Readings. Read Chapter 11 (MH) pp. 212-216.
Work with Responses in groups to develop your Rough Drafts for Essay #1. (Use pre-writing
activities homework to develop topics.)
In-class activity – brainstorming, clustering, & freewriting. Begin Rough draft.
Bring Handout on Personal Essay and Student Sample Essay see SG pp. 104-105.
SG 18-21 Introductions & Conclusions;
Homework: Write Final Draft of Essay #1. Select and bring magazine advertisement or one
provocative ( not risqué, but thought provoking) photograph or visual image to class for
discussion and approval. Read sample analysis in SG p. 70-71 and page 106-7.
10/W: Essay #1 Due. Intro to Essay #2, Visual Analysis. My Ad Has a Thesis?
Due Oct. 24th. Read SG p. 70. Have copy of visual ready for discussion.
Consider SG p70- 76. 56 Consider Visuals. Photos and Political Cartoons
Homework: Read Walker’s “Beauty: When the Other…” pp.244-250. MH 96-104. Thesis,
paragraph development, transitions. Begin Visual Analysis (Essay #2).
15/M: Con’t Rough Draft of Essay #2. Discuss above reading. Discuss: Persuasion and The 3
Appeals SG 100- 101. Write introductions. Thesis Writing and Introductory paragraphs. SG
Homework: Read Cunningham’s “Why Women Smile” pp.347-54 and Brooks’ “People Like
Us” pp.330-36. Journal Entry 4. ( Choose one for hand-in Quiz grade)
Read: SG p.45. Comparison and Contrast. Consider topic for essay. Sample comp/contrast
sample student essay, visit website
17/W Discuss above readings. Begin Summary SG 66-68. In class work. Summarize Short
Story by Updike, “”A & P.” (Journal 5)
Week 5
22/M: Journal Entry 4 Due. (Turn in for Quiz grade) Discuss Readings .
Homework: Read Paglia’s “The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery” p.775-77, and Verchot’s “Cosmetic
Surgery: A Modest Defense” pp. 778-80. Comment on last sentence of Question 2 on page 778.
Bring your paper for hand-in and discussion.
24/W: Visual Essay #2 Assignment Due. Discuss Readings. Discuss hand-in assignment SG
pp. 54. Discuss Critical Analysis. See SG 48. Example: SG 107.
Homework: Read Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant” p180-86 for Mid term Exam.
Be prepared to write essay exam over the work.
Week 6
29/M: Discuss Readings. In Class discussion of “Shooting an Elephant” and critical analysis.
31/W Mid Term Exam
Homework: On the OWL, read “General Writing”—“Common Writing Assignments”—
“Argument Papers.” Consider topic for Research paper.
Week 7
5/M: Discuss Readings. How to Use and Document Quotes (Formatting and Incorporating
quotes into your work). SG p. 56- 65 Have topic for approval.
Homework: Essay #2 Due. Read Epstein’s “The Perpetual Adolescent” pp.366-376 and
Gladwell’s “Big and Bad” pp.407-416. Write journal entry (6). Start Outline for research paper.
7/W: Go over research paper. 1000-1500 words. Five (5) outside sources. 2 from databases.
Go over and assign Annotated Bibliography.
Week 8
Last Day to Withdraw November 12
12/M: Library Day
Homework : Begin rough draft of research paper.
14/W: Bring outline and introduction for discussion.
Homework: Read M.L. King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail” p. 716-731. (J)
Week 9
19/M: IN CLASS QUIZ on MLK MLA Documentation/ Citing Sources. Discuss above reading.
In-class writing on King’s work. Journals due on Nov. 26th.
21/W: Thanksgiving Holiday (See Note below) Continue on research paper.
Week 10
26/M: JOURNALS DUE! Consider Argument. Secondary Sources
Handouts and visual on literary analysis and argument.
Week 11
Research paper due!
Homework: Read Oates’s “Where are you going, Where have you been”
5/W: Journal Entry 8 Due. Discuss above reading for final. (Critical analysis essay for
final.) Discussion groups.
Homework: Study for final!
Week 12
10/M Final: In-class essay
Thanksgiving Break: On the OWL, read “General Writing”—“Mechanics,” “Grammar,”
“Punctuation,” “Email Etiquette,” “Email Etiquette for Students” and “Research and Citation.”
Read “MLA Style,” “MLA Overview and Workshop,” and “General Format.” Also, see “MLA
Style”—“Formatting and Style Guide.”