SBS School Meeting_4-19-16.docx

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
April 19, 2016
SBS School Meeting
Call to Order: The SBS School Meeting was held on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in Canyons Hall 201.
It began at 4:10 p.m. and was presided over by Paul Wickline, with Lisette Godinez as secretary.
Attendance: Anne Marenco, David Andrus, Lisa Malley, Sherrill Pennington, Victoria Leonard,
Cindy Stephens, and most of SBS FTF.
Welcome: Thank you all for attending the meeting. We had a few guests come in to speak on a
few issues. Handouts and agendas were passed out to the faculty.
Ed Planner Update: SB 1440 requires all students to have an educational plan, and an online
educational planner has been created. Victoria Leonard thought it was “amazing!” Students can
now be “walked through” the process towards a degree. It is able to inform students when
classes can be taken, to better help them through their registration and schedule planning.
Students are able to filter classes (such as online only, or certain dates and times). The
downside is that students who do not have educational plans, will need to create one by
October 1, 2016 or a hold will be placed on their winter or spring 2017 registration. A handout
was passed out with details. This is especially important, as it may affect future enrollment.
Paul requests that announcements be made in classes, urging students who may not have an
educational plan to meet with a counselor or Admissions & Records to create one. Students will
be able to meet with academic advisors if they have not yet met their 15 units.
Bookstore Announcement: Christina Champion is our book store manager, and stopped by
with an important announcement regarding textbook orders. As the summer registration
approaches, Christina reminded faculty to submit book orders so that students may view their
textbook options upon registering for the class. Unstaffed courses can wait until becoming
staffed to submit their information. Christina also requests notice for courses not requiring a
textbook, or if faculty members need more time deciding, so they know their emails are not
being ignored. It is often disappointing to a student to not have a textbook listed on the
website, only to find out a textbook is required on the first day of class.
Book orders are especially important when dealing with book rentals. After a course concludes
and students have returned their rented materials, Barnes and Noble can take the books back if
they are needed in another college that works with Barnes and Noble, unless there is a present
book order. Access codes cannot be rented by students, but if a book comes with an access
code from the publisher, but will not be used, the textbook can be sold separately in the
bookstore to drive the price down. Again, be sure to inform Christina and her team when
placing a book order.
Custom book orders can be made – reach out to Christina and the bookstore for information
and help. A company they’re working with is Zanadu, which is a collaborative cloud platform
that can put together the book, check for copyright and bind a custom textbook for a class
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
April 19, 2016
which would show the cost to the students, as well. They can print and ship for COC, or they
can send the materials to Reprographics for printing.
An email can be sent to Christina to let them know which sections are using OER and not
requiring a book order.
Measure E Bond Information: Dr. Gribbons and Dr. Van Hook stopped by to discuss the
Measure E Bond and the plans for COC’s future facilities. Handouts were passed out with
information. One such handout stated the needs of the School by department in both
campuses. Key improvements are to add more parking for students, plans to renovate 350,000
square feet of outdated facilities (such as Bonelli Hall, Seco Hall and Boykin Hall), and to build
two new buildings to expand enrollment in career training programs. Measure E will be on the
June ballot for the entire Santa Clarita Valley. Dr. Van Hook also gave out the number to her
“Bond Phone” to ask only Measure E related questions. That number is 661-414-6550.
Forensics and Model UN: Congratulations on the wins!
Play Day: ECE’s Play Day was a huge success!
2016/17 Meetings:
Chair Meeting @ 3pm-4pm (Location TBA)
School Meeting @ 3:30-5pm (Canyons Hall 201)
Closing: Final meeting on 5/17/2016. We will recap 2015-2016 SBS accomplishments, preview
2016-2017 projects and have a presentation on Makerspace. The meeting concluded at 5:30