Informing an Organization High-Tech Solutions for a Low-Tech Environment Barbara Mulvenna LIS 501 Fall 2001 Survey of Information Science and Information Services Dr. Corinne Jörgensen School of Informatics Fundamental Data Structure Needs to be structured in a manner that is useful to the organization at every level Needs uniformity to enable accuracy Need consensus and cooperation from all levels of the organization Goal and Objective A uniform system of tracking discounts Accurate tracking of customers Eliminate confusion Meaningful system to evaluate efforts Advertising, Coupons, In-store Promotions Better control over discounts Situation Analysis No uniform system for tracking coupons, discounts, or repeat customers Main office is unable to evaluate effectiveness of advertising programs Two main problems: Discount codes vary from store to store License plates in NYS are undergoing change Background Analysis POS system is somewhat intractable Minimal training at store level regarding input of good data Low awareness of top level management regarding information processes Background Analysis Communication to individual stores is limited and cumbersome Communication between stores is limited. “This is how we’ve always done it” corporate culture Sample Data Obvious Problems: Customer Lists (See Attached) LastName ABATO PlateNo X692UD EDS760 DB389R ABDALLAH FL164Z FL1642Z BAUER APR2111 V466XD 98643AE AEY8382 9XD135 H572SJ LAN851 LE4105 Z25OEX A676JR CX371V T854NM AKS8213 EEJ135 FirstName JOE JOE JOE SHERMIN SHERMAN JOHN ROBIN DANIEL MILDRED MICHAEL MANDY DENNIS THOMAS L.R DEREK DENNIS ANNE DENNIS RICHARD W. Address City 293 MCNAIR RD BUFFALO plate 293 MCNAIR RD Three different BUFFALO numbers 293 MCNAIR RD BUFFALO in entryBUFFALO of plate 264 HEMPSTEADError AVE number and name 264 HEMPSTEADspelling AVE BUFFALO 51 LOWELL RD BUFFALO 6 FLORENCE AVE BUFFALO 167 AURORA ST LANCASTER 189 BIGELOW PL DEPEW 128 STRASMER RD DEPEW 76 PINEHURST AVE BUFFALO 110 NANETTE DR ELMA Plate # keyed as "O" 374 INDIAN CHURCH RD BUFFALO instead of zero 81 IDLEWOOD AVE HAMBURG 33 GRANT BLVD BUFFALO 45 BURWELL AVE LANCASTER 37 RAND AVE BUFFALO Same person, 110 NANETTE DR different plate ELMA # 144 HAWLEY ST BUFFALO LastService 2/5/2001 4/28/2001 8/18/2001 10/20/2000 2/8/2001 8/10/2001 1/12/2001 6/12/2001 5/3/2001 3/20/2001 3/1/2001 1/11/2001 8/30/2000 4/30/2001 3/8/2001 7/23/2001 8/31/2001 8/6/2001 7/2/2001 Sample Data Obvious Problems: Coupon Codes POS system limits codes to 15 One employee from Corporate Office must travel to each store to enter new coupon codes Mistakes “Reminders” “Reminder Card” Available Options Customer Lists: 70,000 records Sift through each record and make corrections Who will perform task? How long will this take? How much will this cost? Available Options Coupon Codes: Too Late to Fix? Over 1 million telephone books distributed Entertainment Books 12 coupons in 2 books- all have different codes 5 coupons In Addition: Quarterly mailers, Discount cards, Reminder notices, etc… Recommendations *The employees are required to submit a print out of the service record with at least two other incidences of the same cutomer having had service in order to qualify for the contest. Therefore, there is a potential that up to 15,000 records have been updated. Customer Lists: Cost prohibitive to try and correct database Solution: Fix records individually as customers come in for service Use contest to facilitate employee participation Result: Since September more than 5,000 records have been corrected, merged, or updated* Recommendations Coupon codes: A uniform system that can be tracked and updated easily Solution: Update all coupon codes Enter new codes into computers at all stores Introduce new system to managers during one meeting at corporate office Provide stores with binder where copy of coupon can be seen alongside its new code Coupon Revision – August 2001 Indications: Need a uniform system of coupon codes that can be tracked and updated easily. Strategy: Update all coupon codes. Enter new codes into computers at all stores. (MOC staff) Introduce new system to managers during one meeting at corporate office. Provide stores with binder where copy of coupon can be seen alongside its new code. Rationale: Eliminate confusion. Better control of discounts. Better result tracking. Materials and cost: 15 - ½” ring binders (these are small enough to fit under the counter) protective sleeves for page inserts (keeps pages clean and resist tearing) tabs or dividers (speeds up look-up time) 2 reams of paper (let me know if you need this item purchased) The binders, sleeves, and tabs will be purchased. The pages will be printed at MOC office, using paper already at hand. Copies of coupons will also be made in-house. Total estimated cost: $85.00 or less A copy of the proposal. The New System Codes Never Change Insert updated coupon instead Visual Reference Lower incidence of error Eliminates confusion Better control over discounts The New Look Coupon Index (See Attached) Coupon Tracking (See Attached) COUPON CODES INDEX DESCRIPTION NEW CODE SUPER COUPS COUPON CURRENT SUPER COUPS VERIZON PHONE BOOK OIL CHANGE VERIZON OC VERIZON PHONE BOOK EXTRA SERVICE VERIZON ES TALKING PHONE BOOK OIL CHANGE WD OC TALKING PHONE BOOK EXTRA SERVICE WD ES OIL CHANGE OR EXTRA SERVICE REMINDER CARD ENTERTAINMENT BOOK OIL CHANGE OR EXTRA SERVICE CASTROL WEB OR ATLAS SCHOOL OR CHARITY COMPETITOR COUPON FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ONLY MANAGER’S ADJUSTMENT ANY COUPON AFTER EXPIRATION EXPIRED COUPON OIL CHANGE VIP SINGLE PUNCH OIL CHANGE AND EXTRA SERVICE VIP DOUBLE PUNCH DISCOUNT OR FREE VIP 3, 4, OR FREE Please check expiration dates on each coupon. This is the index page of each binder. Pages are updated and sent to the stores to be inserted in place of the old coupon. If a customer brings in a coupon that is past the expiration date it is keyed under “expired coupon.” COUPON COUNT CURRENT SUPER COUPS VERIZON OC VERIZON ES WD OC WD ES REMINDER CARD ENTERTAINMENT BOOK CASTROL WEB OR ATLAS SCHOOL OR CHARITY COMPETITOR COUPON MANAGER’S ADJUSTMENT EXPIRED COUPON VIP SINGLE PUNCH VIP DOUBLE PUNCH VIP 3, 4, OR FREE Managers submit this, attached to the physical coupons that were redeemed during the week. Result Individual store coupon codes are uniform No longer have to travel to each store to update computer when a new coupon is released Stores are mailed new inserts with instructions for placement Tracking at Corporate Office is accurate Evaluation of discount programs is precise Setbacks Politics! Consensus is difficult to achieve Negative attitudes Going Forward As the Communications Consultant Get More Answers, Sooner Ask Specific Questions Repeatedly Watch for Developing Problems Build Consensus in Advance Conclusion Quality of Information is dependent on many variables: Accuracy/ Reliability All users and contributors must be considered Relevance/ Pertinance All participants must have an interest Conclusion Value Added Processes: Value is in usage and usefulness Know your user/ contributor Learn the problems of the organization and previous attempts at solving them Keep it simple