SA Peer Review Form RE final.docx

Signature Assignment Peer Review Form
Use the following questions as guidelines to help the author better see his or her signature assignment
through the eyes of another reader. As a critic, try to be as specific as you can about the assignment's
strengths and weaknesses in order to help the author effectively revise according to the criteria of a
signature assignment. Complete the questions below for at least one of your colleagues.
Discipline: _____________________________
Course: _______________________________
Assignment Title: _______________________
Assignment Type: ☐ Test ☐ Essay ☐ Project ☐ Presentation ☐ Other ____________________
1. Briefly describe the work the student is being asked to complete.
2. What types of discipline-specific skills and/or knowledge does the assignment ask the
student to demonstrate?
3. What types of higher order skills does the assignment ask the student to demonstrate?
Check all that apply: ☐ to identify/define ☐ to explain/interpret ☐ to solve/apply
☐ to analyze/distinguish ☐ to evaluate/predict ☐ to design/invent
☐ other ______________________
4. Does this assignment have a reflective component to be completed by the student?
☐ yes ☐ no
5. If yes, what types of reflection does the prompt call for? Check all that apply:
☐ planning ☐ process ☐ reasoning ☐ judgment ☐ feelings ☐ strengths/weaknesses
☐ effort ☐ overall success of project ☐ growth ☐ goal setting ☐ other _____________
6. If no, what types of reflection might work well for this assignment? Check all that apply:
☐ planning ☐ process ☐ reasoning ☐ judgment ☐ feelings ☐ strengths/weaknesses
☐ effort ☐ overall success of project ☐ growth ☐ goal setting ☐ other _____________
Signature Assignment Peer Review Form
7. Identify at least two Institutional Learning Outcomes that this completed assignment
☐ 1. Effective Communication
☐ 2. Critical Thinking
☐ 3. Working with Others
☐ 4. Information Literacy
☐ 5. Quantitative Literacy
☐ 6. Community Engagement
8. Which VALUE Rubrics might be most effective for assessing how this Signature
Assignment demonstrates the ILOs you identified above? See the sample VALUE rubrics
and descriptions.
☐ 1. Critical Thinking
☐ 2. Written Communication
☐ 3. Teamwork
☐ Others______________________
☐ 4. Information Literacy
☐ 5. Quantitative Literacy
☐ 6. Global Learning
9. Given the assignment prompt here, would faculty in another discipline be able to
understand the assignment and assess sample student work for the Institutional Learning
Outcomes you have identified? Why or why not? If not, what revisions to the assignment
would help other faculty better understand the assignment and resulting work for
institutional assessment purposes?
10. What are the greatest strengths and/or potentials of this signature assignment?
11. What have you learned from reviewing your partner’s assignment prompt, that is, what
will you take back to the revision of your own Signature Assignment?
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