Forms and Templates 2 - Signature Assignment Planning Template_Nonfillable.docx

Signature Assignment Planning Template
This document was modified from Salt Lake Community College’s “Implementing Critical Thinking with Signature Assignments”
1. Title:
2. Brief Description:
3. What course learning outcomes will be tested?
4. What program learning outcomes will be tested?
5. What institutional learning outcomes will be tested?
6. Which LEAP Essential Learning Outcomes will you score? (Check all that apply.)
☐ 1. Knowledge of Human Cultures & the Physical &
Natural World
☐ 2. Intellectual and Practical Skills
☐ 3. Personal and Social Responsibility
☐ 4. Integrative and Applied Learning
7. What will be graded? [Check all that apply. Be sure to consider the SLOs.
Process {Quality of the methods used.}
Product {Qualities of the artifact (paper, project, etc.) the students submit.}
Performance {Quality of delivery – e.g., singing, dance routine, etc.}
Personal Trait {Professionalism, Critical Thinker, Good Listener, etc. Caution: These can be relatively difficult to define and measure.}
Content {Quality of the discipline-based information presented (e.g., appropriateness, accuracy, etc.)}
8. What are the criteria for success? [List criteria titles for one or more types of criteria listed below.]
Type of Criteria
Quality: {Compelling ideas, good solution, strong evidence, precise
Enter ideas into one or more boxes below.
steps, etc.}
Depth/Breadth: {Complexity of analysis, insightfulness,
completeness, etc.}
Relevance/Adequacy: {Proper execution, correct formula, good
teamwork, effective approach, etc.}
Impact: {Outcome of the task – e.g. solved the dilemma, the patient
lived, reduced manufacturing costs, etc.}
Accuracy: {Use this type of criteria sparingly.}
Assessment Workshop, Fall 2014
Signature Assignment Planning Template
9. What resources, research, and/or other materials will the student need to use?
10. What reflection prompts will accompany the signature assignment? (How will students be asked to reflect on
and process their reasoning, judgments, feelings, evaluations related to their work on this assignment?)
Assessment Workshop, Fall 2014