Preparation for Definition Essay.doc

Preparation for Definition Essay (final)
English 1301 - Keliher
1. Freewrite continuously about the term “the good life.” Write down anything and everything that
comes to your mind when you see this phrase. Your goal is to get material down on paper; don’t
edit yourself, don’t stop, and don’t worry whether or not the material is relevant.
2. Look over your freewrite and pick five different images, ideas, moments, or stories that you
think make for the best material in your paper. That is, pick the material that will help you
create a solid definition of the idea “the good life.” Write these in a list.
3. Considering these ideas, come up with a thesis statement that captures your overall definition
of what makes for a good life.
4. Now pick one of the above ideas / images to use for your opening scene. Write out that scene
using the five senses and good detail; go for one or two solid paragraphs. Do not reference the
idea of “the good life” yet. Simply write out the scene.
5. Now write a summary paragraph that explains how that scene represents the good life. Include
your thesis statement in this paragraph.
6. Look over your list of “best ideas” from the freewrite. Which of these would be useful to include
in the essay now? Pick one and develop the idea, creating another scene or image from it.
7. Write another summary paragraph about that idea. This should not simply repeat what you
wrote in your earlier summary paragraph. It should extend or expand upon the definition you
established earlier.
8. Take notes for one more scene or image you’re going to include as supporting detail for your
extended definition. You need not write this out in complete sentences.
9. Read over what you have. Now write a conclusion paragraph that sums up what the good life is,
to you; discuss your definition in reference to your current life. Are you close to achieving this
ideal? Why or why not? Be specific.
10. Read over everything you’ve written. Where can you add concrete, sensory detail? Pick at least
three places to add detail and make a note of it. Re-read your introduction and thesis. How
could you rewrite these to better fit your ideas? Take some notes on this.
You have now completed a partial draft of your essay. On Wednesday, you will take these ideas
and refine and develop them in your final. Bring these notes to class.