CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System First Responder location tracking/vital monitoring system Phase 3 Groups 45 and 46 CSE 442 University at Buffalo November 25, 2014 1|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 1 Purpose This document is provided in response to functional requirements provided in phase 2, wherein the underlying problem was stated, previous solutions were discussed, and core desired functionality was outlined. We outline in this requirements specification the proposed solution to the problem discussed in the aforementioned document. 2|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 2 Feasibility Statement The First Responder system is comprised of several integrated hardware components. The first is a modified helmet. The helmet contains a tympanic thermometer which can be activated to take temperature measurements at predetermined intervals. This technology is readily available from several different manufacturers. Optionally, perhaps in response to calibration and accuracy concerns, a dermal temperature sensor could be substituted. A carotid pulse can be read using a flexible PZT thin film tactile sensor.1 Hydration is also monitored either with a directly attached sensor or a cabled sensor located elsewhere on the body depending on cost, functionality concerns and technology licensing issues. Several existing and developing technologies provide this functionality2. The helmet will also contain an interface for the “puck” device through which sensor data is passed out and battery power is supplied to the helmet. Optionally, processed sensor data could be used by the puck to generate an alarm or alert signal which would be used by the helmet to generate a visual and/or audio alert signal to the wearer. Although not part of the core design, ideas for future expansion or parallel development include the integration of a hands-free infrared imaging camera and built in display. Such a display could ideally be toggled off or moved out of the way by way of a retractable visor. If determined to be necessary during the development and testing processes, the helmet could also be supplied with its own battery and charging circuitry. The primary argument for avoiding this design is the addition of weight to the helmet. The second component is what is currently being referred to as the “puck’ device. The primary function of the puck device is to create a positioning network using radio-frequency and ultrasonic signals. This design is based on the Dolphin prototype3 system. The puck uses an algorithm based on signal decay to measure the distance between originating and receiving pucks, and a second algorithm based on time delay to measure distance via the ultrasonic signal. This data is packaged into an array or matrix whose maximum size is determined by the processing limitations and cache memory size of the CPU utilized in the pucks. The packaged matrix or array is bundled with other sensor data and is transmitted as part of the RF signal. This data is then ultimately sent via radio-frequency to a tuned RF receiver and converted to a standard Wi-Fi signal which is disseminated via a standard Wi-Fi router to the various data collection and display devices (laptops, tablets, etc.…). The puck should also house an ambient temperature sensor. The device should be battery powered and as such contain battery charging circuitry. The programming and data retrieval will be facilitated through a mini-SD port or comparable solution. Each puck should be individually identifiable on the network and function whether or not it is attached to a helmet. Also, although not part of the core design, future expansion could allow for collected ultrasound data to be used in generating a 3-D environmental map. 1 www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors ISSN 1424-8220 http://www.chipdesignmag.com/bursky/?p=140 3 http://www.mlab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/publications/2003/fukuju-isorc03.pdf 2 3|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 3 Top-Level Hardware Overview 4|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 4 Second-level Hardware Overview 5|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 5 Software Architecture drawings 6|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 7|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 6 Integration Thread The hardware integration thread contains the following components: A minimum of 3 “puck” devices to establish a minimum amount of data for the positioning algorithm, one helmet to confirm puck to helmet interfacing, and one sensor in order to generate a piece of simulated biometric data (either temperature or pulse) The RF receiver RF/Wi-Fi converter to capture the RF data from the puck network and transmit it to the Wi-Fi Router One UI device (tablet or laptop) to confirm receipt and display of data captured by the puck network and associated sensors as well as efficient transmission over the Wi-Fi network In the software integration thread, the vital parser (and storage) are very similar to the environmental and thermal image parsers, and as such will serve as a good basis for this functionality. The logic for determining alert triggering for vital signs mimics the logic for environmental hazard logic and thus the testing of both is unnecessary. The map parser is significantly more complex, as data coming in will need to be changed from an array or matrix to a position in 3-space prior to being stored. This functionality is the most important and basic to the software architecture. Lastly, being able to manipulate the map (parsing user input) and display data will show what the UI will roughly look like on a deployed version. 8|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 9|Page CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 10 | P a g e CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 7 User Interface Mockups Below are sketches of the proposed user interface. Features include a scrollable list of firstresponders on the left, a main view screen and two auxiliary view screens on the right. The main screen is initialized with the map, but clicking on either of the auxiliary screens will bring that to the main screen, moving the map down. This is a reversible process. 11 | P a g e CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 8 Cross reference listing Functional Requirement System Spec Requirements Specification Biometric Data Pgs. 1, 7 Section 3 Module 1.1 Environmental Data Pgs. 6,7 Section 3 Module 1.1 Positioning Data Pgs. 1,7 Section 3 Module 1.1 Thermal Imaging Data Pgs. 3,4,6,7 Section 3 Module 1.2 RF/Wi-Fi Conversion N/A Section 3 Module 1.3 Wi-Fi network N/A Section 3 Module 1.6 Alerts based on rapid changes in positioning data Biometric alerts Pgs. 4 3D map generation from ultrasonic data Pgs. 10 Section 5 Map-maker Module - Time and Position Correlation block Section 5 Logic for Alerts Module - if dangerous vitals block, Alert Handler - Vitals Alert block Sections 2, 5 Historical environmental data tracking Pgs. 10 Section 3 Module 1.1, 1.7, 1.8 3D visualization Pgs. 3,5,7,8,9 Visualization of doors/stairwells Pgs. 3,5,7 Map manipulation features (Rotation/Translation/Zoom) Visualization of environmental data with timestamps Pgs. 8 Visualization of biometrics Pgs. 8 3d Map visualization Pgs. 8 Section 7 Map-maker Module - Time and Position Correlation block, UI Module - Display Map block Section 7 Map-maker Module - Logic for stairwell and floor marking, UI Module - Display Map block Section 7 Map-maker Module, UI Module - Display Map block Section 7 Map-maker Module - Time and Position Correlation block, UI Module - Display Map block Section 7 UI Module - Display data in appropriate locations block Section 7 Map-maker Module - Time and Position Correlation block, UI Module - Display Map block Data Collection Data transmission Data processing Pgs. 6 User interface Pgs. 8 Database Historical data display Pgs. 10 Section 3 Module 1.8 Individualization of biometric alert parameters Pgs. 10 Section 3 Module 1.4, 1.9 Data exporting / retrieval Pgs. 10 Section 3 Module 1.9 12 | P a g e CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 9 Change Request Form PROJECT CHANGE AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: ___/___/___ Customer Name Project Sponsor Project Name Project Manager Project Change Authorization by Responsible Individuals Requested By Contract Number Estimated Start Date Project Number Estimated End Date Project Change Number DESCRIPTION Please describe the requested change below: Completion Criteria Describe the criteria that will determine if the change has been fully implemented and complete below: 13 | P a g e CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System Level of Importance (check box below) 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------------FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY----------------------------ESTIMATED CHARGES FOR THE CHANGE AUTHORIZATION Company will provide an estimated _____ hours of Professional Services for this project change at hourly rates based on position and roles, as follows: Pricing Tier Positions/Roles Qty. Estimated Hours Hourly Rate Estimated Total Funding Requirement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total ESTIMATED SCHEDULE FOR THE CHANGE AUTHORIZATION The scope of services described in this project change is expected to span approximately _____ weeks. The start date for this project change is ____. The estimated end date for this project change is ____. This project change will expire on ____ unless extended by both parties. COMPLETION CRITERIA FOR THE CHANGE AUTHORIZATION Company will have fulfilled its obligations under this project change when one of the following first occurs: The number of hours for services on this project change, as detailed in the Estimated Charges section of this document have been completed. An agreed upon end date for this project change is reached. Note: Either party may terminate this project change with a written ____ week termination notice of the original Statement of Work, dated __/__/__. 14 | P a g e CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System Priority (Scale of 1- 10) TERMS FOR THIS CHANGE AUTHORIZATION Company will provide an estimated _____ hours of Professional Services for this project change. The estimated total funding requirements for the services is $________ plus travel and living expenses, which are estimated at 15% of services or $________. An invoice will be sent monthly based on actual hours expended and travel and living expenses incurred. All other terms and conditions stated in the original Statement of Work dated __/__/__, unless modified in this project change, will remain the same. This project change form is subject to the terms and conditions of the [Subject] Statement of Work. It is agreed that the complete agreement for these services consists of the original Statement of Work, this project change, and the Customer Agreement. Approved by: For <Client’s Company> 15 | P a g e Date For Company Date CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 16 | P a g e CSE 442 Group 45/46 Combined phase 3 First Responder Situational Awareness Monitoring System 17 | P a g e