February 28th

Date: February 28, 2013
Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: February 28th, 2013
Number present: 11
Prepared by Shelby Burton
Senate Chairman Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order at
4:06 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-Senator Anthony Lake
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Reddig move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
D3 Ice Jacks: Assuming that all of the senators read their letters, the hockey team is looking
for additional financial support—whether that means monetary gain or being pointed
toward other organizations that could possibly help them. This team never thought that
they would make the national tournament; they have overcome many hurdles and did not
plan on funding for it. Through this experience, they have banded as brothers. Out of 160
teams, the D3 team made the top 16. Flagstaff is not a traditional hockey region so it gets
the school recognized nationally. They understand that there are bylaws, but they also see
that those bylaws may be flawed and are looking for the senate to potentially reexamine
them by perhaps adding a clause. They suggest that the clause be for those who have
qualified for national tournaments. Perhaps the funding can be based on a percentage
rather than a black-and-white cap of $3500. The players have put forth a huge percentage
of money towards the team and they believe that it is ASNAU’s job to help fund the
students/look for additional funding elsewhere. Senator Woodhouse asks how much they
would be asking for from ASNAU. The team had set $10,000 aside, but the total cost of the
tournament is $25,000. They have raised an additional $5,000, but still need $10,000. Any
bit would help. Senator Fox expresses that one reason they have this cap is to ensure that
every single club is equal; some clubs have not yet come to ASNAU, so what message would
they be sending if they have to turn those clubs away? The team believes that their
individuals have had to pay substantially more and that, based on percentages, it is just as
equal. Senator Fox says that, in choosing this sport, members are aware that the cost is
much higher and that they should be prepared to pay much more. As mentioned in the
letter, the other student governments have provided additional funding; they believe that
this is an example of how other organizations have made it work. Senator Fox says that
other club sports may have the chance to attend national tournaments or major
conferences, so does he think that it would be open to other club sports? The
representative does believe that because he thinks that the clause would specify a certain
amount of success. Senator Smart asks why they are not funded by NAU athletics; they are
not funded because there are no conferences around here and that the American Collegiate
Hockey Association is not an NCAA sport. President Smart suggests going to STAC (the
student advisory council) for additional funding. She also shares that when they were
senators, there were some teammates looking to go to an All Star Conference and they
wrote a bill for individuals rather than for organizations. The Parliamentarian Jared Gorse
suggests that they do a poll about funding and how much they are willing to fund. He
suggests making this a discussion top as letter m on the agenda. VP Niemann says that she
does not think that it needs to be taken to a poll because it does not need to be decided at
this moment. Chairman Lee asks how the senators feel about waiting until next week;
Senator Fox says that he would prefer a poll to see where the senators stand.
Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to add item m onto the agenda and label it “D3 Ice Jacks”
Second: Senator Fox
Discussion: Senator Smart asks how many individuals are on the team; there are 28
Vote: 3 oppose, 8 are in favor, item m has now been placed on the agenda and titled “D3 Ice
Special Events announces that Wiz Khalifa will be coming to campus on April 12th in the
Sky Dome, which is free to all 23-fee paying students! Bring your ID to CTO starting on
April 7th to get your ticket.
Budget: President Smart presents the budget and tells everyone to look at the section
beginning with line 124. Under “unobligated,” there is no more money, so continue to
approve allocations this week and the money will be drawn from the OA line. On
Wednesday during their exec meeting, the team will find leftover money and reallocate it
into senate organizations. Chairman Lee asks how confident she is that there will be funds
elsewhere; she is very confident. After the final cost of the concert is set, they will take
some from that line. They will also take the Undie Run into consideration, but all remaining
money will go towards it. There is leftover money in out-of-state travels, capital
improvements, and others. The funding will be heavy in this last portion of the year, but do
not worry about a lack of money. Dr. Brandel confirms that the financial situation is how
President Smart presented it.
Unfinished Business
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item a, Bylaw Revisions
Second: Senator McDiarmid
Discussion: Chairman Lee asks Dr. Brandel if he searched into the bylaw revision
concerning alcohol; he did not, but he will do that immediately tomorrow morning. The
legal office and president’s office is still unaware of it. Senator Fox suggests keeping it
tabled. Senator McDiarmid stresses that this is the sixth week that they have been waiting
for a response and that there is a time concern. He would like to know how people feel, if
the bylaw gets legal approval. An overview of the situation: PRISM wants to rent out the
Orpheum theatre, but the Orpheum has an open bar. With the current bylaws, ASNAU
cannot sponsor an event that is related to alcohol. Senator Woodhouse suggests having an
email vote for the bylaw on Tuesday so that they can have the bill ready by the next senate
meeting. Senator Fox agrees. Dr. Brandel will follow up with an answer tomorrow. He is
just concerned with the microscope that has been put on the student governments’ actions.
Other organizations sponsor funding in a similar way, so perhaps they can look into those.
Senator McDiarmid informs the senate that those organizations have the same bylaws.
Chairman Lee suggests suspending the bylaw for this situation only. Senator Fox is
concerned with the federal, state, and NAU/ABOR issue and would like an understanding of
the legal position first. Senator Creer sees this situation as the same as tailgating. Senator
Cross asks if they plan on having the bar open; it is impossible to not have open. Senator
Cross says that it is no different than sponsoring events at the High Country Center, as it
has a bar in it. Senator Lopez mentions that the bar in the Orpheum is very well gated off.
Chairman Lee asks for an informal opinion of those in favor of suspending the bylaws.
Majority rules in favor of helping this organization, but Chairman Lee warns them that
there will be abstentions and oppositions. There will be an email to follow up.
Vote: By unanimous vote, item a (Bylaw Revisions) will continue to be tabled
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item a, OA: Student Health Advisory Committee, $145
Second: Senator Creer
Discussion: This money will fund an event that will hold a health career panel, where they
will invite a variety of health career professionals and students will be able to ask questions
regarding jobs and discuss the pros and cons of certain jobs and how they got them. In
addition, they can ask any questions involving grad school and networking opportunities.
This will motivate future health care professionals to help educate them in moving towards
their goals. Senator Woodhouse asks if they hosted this event before; this is their first time
hosting it. Senator Chan asks if there is an entry fee; it is free.
Vote: 1 abstains, 10 are in favor, item a (OA: Student Health Advisory Committee, $145) has
been approved
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item b, OA: NAU Climbing Club, $500
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: This will reimburse the club for a team building trip to Red Rocks, Nevada
during the past weekend. This was an opportunity for members to learn about each other
and to climb outside of Flagstaff. This was the first trip they have ever had with these
objectives and they got to further their knowledge. Senator Woodhouse asks how they
plan on expanding the club; they plan on doing more trips, especially ones outside of
Vote: Unanimous, item b (OA: NAU Climbing Club, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to vote on item c, OA: NAU Men’s Lacrosse, $500
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: This funding will go toward a league fee of $3600. The club charges $1200 per
person upon coming into the team, which is about one-third to one-half of what other
leagues charge. They pride themselves on keeping member fees down. Senator
Woodhouse asks how they plan on keeping the club more sustainable; they collect member
dues and are working on fundraisers. In fact, they have even worked with someone to have
a fundraiser once a week.
Vote: Unanimous, item c (OA: NAU Men’s Lacrosse, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Chan move to vote on item d, SB 25-68: NAU Men’s Lacrosse, $3000
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item d (SB 25-68: NAU Men’s Lacrosse, $3000) has been approved
Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item e, OA: Women’s Club Volleyball, $500
Second: Senator McDiarmid
Discussion: This club is a longstanding and competitive program that attends tournaments
throughout the year. They have attended San Diego and UCLA for tournaments recently,
doing well in both and even winning second at UCLA. They pay club dues of $800 per
person. During tournaments, they try to stay at teammates’ houses and they pay for their
own food. In addition, the girls put on fundraisers to raise money, and are even looking
into t-shirt sales. The national tournament will be in Dallas, Texas and the entrance fee is
$900. The plane tickets are expensive, as are the hotels that they are required to stay at.
Thus, they have requested funding for these expenses. Senator Fox asks if the $800
membership fee is per semester or per year; it is per year. Senator Boruch asks how many
people are in attendance; nine teammates and one coach will be attending.
Vote: Unanimous, item e (OA: Women’s Club Volleyball, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Lopez move to vote on item f, SB 25-69: Women’s Club Volleyball, $2460
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item f (SB 25-69: Women’s Club Volleyball, $2460) has been approved
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item g, SB 25-70: Gabaldon Hall Association,
Second: Senator Fox
Discussion: Gabapalooza will take place at the end of April, which is a 15-year old tradition.
It is a campus-wide event that is open and free to all students. In the past, they have had
around 400 attendants. The funding will cover the food and will be budgeted based on last
year. Based on last year’s numbers, they have decided to cut down on the food—reducing
the cost. Chairman Lee asks how their relationship is with RHA and if they expect to
receive funding; they have not spoken to RHA, but are wanting to get some hall association
members to present there. Senator Fox asks why the food total and the bill total were not
the same; Senator Woodhouse replies that she rounded up and that it is only a different of
approximately $25. Senator Creer asks how much funding they are expecting from RHA;
they are not sure at the moment, but hoping for the same amount.
Vote: Unanimous, item g (SB 25-70: Gabaldon Hall Association, $1400) has been approved
Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to vote on item h, SB 25-71: NAU Young Democrats,
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: This funding will subsidize the club for the Leg Con conference. The
representative attended his sophomore year as a member of ASA and is excited to have the
opportunity to attend it again. It is a 3 to 4 day seminar, where they will be able to discuss
politics related to students; the event culminates with a scheduled lobby meeting with the
congressional representatives. Afterwards, he became a member of the ASNAU senate and
he started the NAU Young Democrats. He became more politically engaged and worked for
Ann Kirkpatrick. It opened his eyes for political opportunities. Senator McDiarmid says
that in the bill, it mentions “at least 3 members;” the representative confirms that it is
definitely 3 members. Senator Woodhouse says that she feels that ASNAU has been
covering all costs. Senator Cross feels that they have funded similar events before. Senator
Fox says that they project that each member will be putting forth $120 towards food and
that that is fair.
Vote: Unanimous, item h (SB 25-71: NAU Young Democrats, $2085) has been approved
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item i, OA: Chi Omega, $800
Second: Senator Tenney
Discussion: This funding will go towards their Rock-N-Bowl philanthropic event and are
asking for the money to cover the venue. The event is on Sunday at Starlite Lanes. There
will be 41 teams, each of them are paying $20 (which is for charity). They have been
tabling down in the union to make sure that the NAU community knows thatit is open to all
students. There are 4 to 5 students on each team. Senator Fox asks how much Chi Omega
is contributing; they will be putting forth $3450.
Vote: 1 abstains, 10 are in favor, item i (OA: Chi Omega, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item j, SB 25-72: Chi Omega, $300
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: None
Vote: 1 abstains, 10 in favor, item j (SB 25-72: Chi Omega, $300) has been approved
Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to vote on item k, OA: American Marketing Association,
Second: Senator Lopez
Discussion: This funding will go toward the 35th annual collegiate conference in New
Orleans. This conference is an opportunity to network and find other educational
opportunities. It is a great chance to recognize the club and all of their hard work. They will
have the opportunity to present that they save lives and participate in relay for life. The
money will go toward hotel and airfare. Senator Woodhouse asks if they attended last year;
they have not attended in four years. The individuals are paying their registration fees,
although they did receive a $250 reimbursement from the FCB.
Vote: Unanimous, item k (OA: American Marketing Association, $500) has been approved
Motion: Senator Chan move to vote on item l, SB 25-73: American Marketing Association,
Second: Senator Creer
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item l (SB 25-73: American Marketing Association, $3000) has been
Chairman Lee entertains a motion to discuss the funding opportunities for the D3 Ice Jacks
Hockey team.
Motion: Senator Smart move to discuss item m, D3 Ice Jacks
Second: Senator Woodhouse
Discussion: Senator Woodhouse shares that, at first, she was against funding them, but now
that she hears the situation she sees nothing wrong in funding them. If ASNAU has the
money, why not fund them? There is nothing in their bylaws about the $3,000 cap; it is
simply a boundary set by the senate to maintain a standard. Senator Reddig says that if 28
people apply for an IA for $400, it would add up to $11,200. Senator Fox says that for
transparency’s sake, he does not agree with that. Chairman Lee reminds the senate that
they passed two bills this summer that exceeded the amount and that this would be run
similarly. Senator Creer asks them what will happen next year if they make nationals; the
representative says that with D2 making nationals last year and D3 making it this year,
they will be budgeting more of their money towards it. Then, the money could roll over to
next year and go towards the new team. Senator Fox says that in setting the cap by the
senate, it is still directly tied to the bylaws; he says that in funding them, it would create
more uncertainty in the budget. He says that just because someone made nationals does
not make it right to be unequal. Senator Smart reminds them that $25,000 is a lot of money
to fundraise purely by the club and that she sees this as an opportunity to help a team
attend a national tournament. Senator Tenney says that if every sport made a bill for each
individual, that it would eventually accumulate. Senator Cross says that she was originally
very weary of it, but she thinks that it could potentially work. She does not think that they
need the $10,000, just enough to help them reach their goal. Senator McDiarmid
recommends writing a bill for $7,500. He says that this is fair because of the percentage
that they would be putting forth (50/50). Senator Fox says that he will oppose the money
being allocated towards this one club; though $25,000 is a lot of money, he says that he has
been elected to serve for the student body and he cannot give preferential treatment to one
team over another. Between the money that they have already give them and this, that
would add up to be $11,000. Senator McDiarmid says that it is quite a bit, but that there
was $189,000 that rolled over from last year. All of that money, he says, could have gone
towards the students. He says that it has been five years since they have attending this
tournament and that, in remaining considerate of the students’ needs, he supports it. He
believes that it is equality because other clubs could have asked for money and done their
research, too, but they have not. Senator Tenney suggests splitting it 30/70, meaning that
they would fund $160 per player. Senator McDiarmid suggests meeting afterwards to
discuss the steps that they can take.
Executive Report
a. President- Sammy Smart
-Hours are due tomorrow. ASNAU allocated approximately $15,000 today, so
the team will be using that number as a baseline for the average amount being
passed per meeting. There will be a bullying event put on by Omega Phi Alpha in
response to the NAU Confessions page. It will be April 10th in Cline Library;
ASNAU funded the food, which did not go through the senate because the
executive team felt that it was a topic affecting the school. C.J., Makenzie, and
Sammy went to the capitol yesterday; thanks to everyone who wrote a letter and
who attended the strategic planning committee. Election campaigns are
continuing, so remember to stay non-partisan. If you like one facebook page you
must like all of them. Elections will be on Thursday. They are trying to attach
short bios for each person running so that students can get information about
everyone. Pitch perfect will be showing tomorrow at the Wall Aquatic Center. If
you are interested in creating a Relay for Life team, contact her.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann
-The furniture is now in Club Headquarters, which means that the grand opening
is on Wednesday, March 6 from 4 to 7. There will be free food and raffles; please
send a reminder to your club! There was $7,000 in the Snowjack Express budget
line. They have currently used $354 in January and $2856 for February, totaling
to $3210. The buses will continue running through March. Over 100 students
used it, which means that it totaled to about $30 per person. She has been
working on the Undie Run for April 26th.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee
-VP Lee reports that hours are due this week. There is only one more senate
meeting until spring break; be respectful of their timeline if they need to make
appointments ahead of time. Please follow up on your committees and
communicate your reports to VP Lee. There will be a meeting tomorrow at 1:00.
Please attend if you made that commitment. Good luck this week on elections!
He will be writing a letter for the 23 fee and will be inviting everyone to sign and
send it to the state capitol.
d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud
-Chief of Staff Mastrud went down to the capitol yesterday. Any student is
allowed to go down there; it is open to all students, no invitations needed. In
addition, she has been working on the LOUIE award applications; she also
attended the strategic planning committee.
Staff Reports
A. ASA- Jack, Danielle, Shayna
-ASA went to Phoenix this past weekend for Lobby Day; HB 2169 (the
elimination of student fees for student organizations) was seen in committee.
This would endanger the ASA fee, the 23 Fee, and the Green Fund fee. They
ended up making an amendment so that the wording directly targeted ASA. It
essentially says that they cannot fund campaigns. Representative saw how upset
students got when their student government fee was put on the line, so he made
the amendment so that it was not targeting student governments. The bill
passed with the amendment and will be going to the committee of the whole.
The language notes that they will not be able to fund any organizations directly
tied with the university. Chairman Lee asks how that will affect ASA, since it is
recognized by the campus. ABOR may be trying to disconnect them. Chairman
Lee points out that the organization can use this as a “I won’t do this again”
lesson and still agree to charge the fee. The bill was made so that if ASA wins
their lawsuit, they will still have obstacles and the fee will become illegal.
Senator Smart notes that she does not understand how they can decide on behalf
of us; additionally, VP Niemann does not understand how they can decide
whether or not a club can be a club on campus. Senator Smart asks if letters are
the only way that we can have our voices heard. You can also make calls and
plan trips. Lobby Con and Lobby Day were this weekend and they went very
well. At Lobby Con, Shayna gave a presentation about student power, which she
believes impacted many students. They also put on a funny but educational skit
about how a bill becomes a law. There were 50 to 60 students at the capitol that
got to meet representatives. They even got to eat lunch with them, where they
had the opportunity to have more one-on-one conversation with them. This
weekend, they will be going through the bylaws in detail to make the
organization more efficient. If you have suggestions, come to the meeting
tonight and put in your input.
B. Public Relations- Matt Villa
-Matt Villa overcomed many hurdles this week, but ultimately got all of the
posters approved. They have received positive feedback on the concert on the
facebook page. He also worked on the Club Headquarter’s posters, so please
post them all up.
C. ITS-Joey Smoll
-Joey Smoll has added new resources and documents onto the student legal page
and has added a video page for the video of the week; he has also uploaded the
Snowjack Express poster and the concert poster to the site.
D. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin
-They announced the concert today and are also working on the LOUIE awards;
they will be working on the meet and greets and are trying to receive details
about floor tickets for ASNAU staff members. They thank Dr. Brandel and Matt
Villa for working so hard on the posters. They are working on the opening act
still; in addition, their facebook announcement went viral, reaching over 9,000
people in 6 hours.
E. NSG- Representatives
-NSG has been working on their Dance-A-Thon event, which will take place on
April 20th and will cost $5 through March and $10 in April. It will be 2 to 8
people per team and there will be an hourly raffle and a grand prize.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Woodhouse says to remind clubs that they need to have
budgets and signatures.
B. Legislative: Senator Fox reports that he is unsure about when they will be
meeting next. They will be meeting Sunday at 4:00.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch-Senator Boruch reports that they will be meeting
with their dean in the next few weeks; she has attended meetings this
b. Anthony Lake-No Report
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Samantha Cross-Senator Cross reports that she attended the strategic
planning committee.
b. Jeremy Reddig- Senator Reddig reports that he received senate
packets, made copies, helped with the budget, and approved senate
College of Health and Human Services
a. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez reports that they will be meeting with
their dean next month; he made copies this week. He will also reach
out to the students who went to India.
b. Dominique Creer-Senator Creer reports that their college will be
holding a luncheon; she did not get to meet with one of her clubs, but
thanks to Senator Cross for starting the funding process.
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart reports that they have not heard from
their dean recently. She wrote a bill that will be seen next week and
attended Lobby Con and Lobby Day.
b. Adam Fox-Senator Fox says that he met with the Future Teachers
Club; they will be utilizing his fundraising ideas. He also went to the
strategic planning committee. He has been working on many bills
and will be in contact with the senate about perhaps missing next
week’s meeting. He wants to thank all of the senators for letting their
opinions be known and be strong as a team.
College of Business
a. Jeremy Chan- Senator Chan reports that their college just had a career
fair and is waiting on a dean’s meeting. He also emailed his clubs and
made another video.
b. Derrell Tenney- Senator Tenney reports he wrote a bill for AMA and
did some office work.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Oregon McDiarmid-Senator McDiarmid reports that their college will
also be holding a career fair. He also attended Lobby Con and had a
meeting today about inclusion on campus.
b. Shayla Woodhouse-Senator Woodhouse reports that she emailed her
clubs and attended the strategic planning committee meeting and is
working on funding for several clubs.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— Dr. Brandel is sorry for not researching the alcohol policy; he will get
the information tomorrow morning. He wishes everyone luck for elections and
reminds the senate that education comes first. The Gold Axe awards applications
are due tomorrow.
Art Farmer— Dr. Farmer reminds the senate that applications for many awards are
out. If they create a website page for bios for the senate, please send him the link
and he can attach it to the voting page.
Discussion Items
The trophy goes to Jeremy Chan for helping with the helium tanks and the videos!
The True Blue award goes to Shannon Boruch!
Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to go into a closed session
Second: Senator Woodhouse
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, the senate will now go into a closed session
Motion: Senator Fox
Second: Senator Tenney
5:59 PM