September 20th

Date: September 21st, 2012
Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: September 20th, 2012
Number present: 12
Prepared by Shelby Burton
Senate Chair Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order
at 4:02 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-All Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Creaser move to approve the minutes from last week’s
Senate meeting
Second: Senator McDiarmid
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Erin Bertelsen, the university trademark and licensing director here at NAU,
explains that her job is to protect anyone using NAU logos, marks, or verbage on
their t-shirts, posters, pens, etc. Anyone using the logos, marks, or verbage is
required to get a license. When dealing with clubs and organizations, senators are
urged to explain the policy to the students. Ms. Bertelsen reminds everyone that she
is supposed to help the students, not hinder them; as another source of information,
she will be posting information on the website.
A representative from the Green Fund explains what the $5 fee from every student
goes toward. The Green Fund finances environmental projects like soil research,
carbon neutrality 2020, and recycling. It began three years ago when two
undergrad students came together and since then it has flourished. Help from
ASNAU is always appreciated; anyone is welcome to attend meetings on the first
three Fridays of the month from 12:30 to 1:30. For more information, email Unlike clubs, the fund chooses students through a very
selective process with representatives from each college and they are then paid a
stipend of money to do research. The money totals to about $280,000; the
possibility of raising the money could be in the future, but is up to the student’s
Shari Miller, the NAU legal services counsel, explains that since last year the number
of cases have skyrocketed. The outreach and promotion has really been paying off;
last year, the main issue was marijuana use in residence halls but this year MICs
numbers have really been growing. Her hours are 11:00 to 3:00 on Mondays and
Wednesdays and 11:00 to 5:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For any other
information, check the website.
Senator Lake announces changes made to the election code. Changes will be made
to the following places: article two, section 2.5; article three, section 2.1; and article
one, section 22.3. President Smart points out that article two, section 2.5 requires
write-in candidates to turn in an expense report, but that they should not have spent
any money if they were a write-in.
Motion: Senator Fox move to put item e on the agenda and title it Election Code
Second: Senator Reddig
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, item e is now on the agenda and is titled Election Code
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Fox move to vote on item a, Club Recognition: Club Med
Second: Senator Creaser
Discussion: Senator Woodhouse asks how long Club Med has been on campus; the
representative says since Fall 2008. Senator Lake asks why they are just now
seeking recognition; he responds in saying that they want to expand and be able to
use additional resources from the student body. Senator Lopez inquires what the
club does; the representative explains that they provide resources for undergrads,
help seek resources, and volunteer at hospitals. Senator Boruch asks if there is a
GPA requirement; he explains that there is a requirement for a 2.25 GPA for officers.
Vote: Unanimous, item a (Club Recognition: Club Med) has been approved
Motion: Senator Lopez move to vote on item b, Club Recognition: NAU Slackline Club
Second: Senator Chan
Discussion: NAU Slackline Club will take the slackline community at NAU and make
them one united group. It will promote safe rigging and help provide safe resources
for those who may not be able to afford it. Senator Fox asks where the meetings will
be; the representative explains that the informal area is the north quad. Senator Fox
asks what they will do during winter; he explains that it will only take place during
the beginning of Fall semester and the end of Spring semester. Senator Boruch
inquires about a GPA requirement; the representative replies that there is none, so
as not to seem exclusive.
Vote: Unanimous, item b (Club Recognition: NAU Slackline Club) has been approved
Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on item c, OA: Chinese Students and Scholars
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: The association holds a yearly celebration; this year, it will take place on
October 5th. The funding will be used for food and the event location; more than 250
people will be in attendance. Senator Lake asks where the other $250 was donated
from. Chairman Lee explains that clubs and organizations can apply to Sodexo for
Vote: Unanimous, item c (OA: Chinese Students and Scholars Association) has been
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on item d, SB 25-16: ASNAU Budget Line 106,
Fall Fling Homecoming Carnival
Second: Senator Lake
Discussion: The open line will pay for six big attractions, as well as some smaller
attractions; these include rides, a photo booth, character artists, and a mechanical
bull. The money will also cover lighting, fencing, and restrooms. Altogether, the
carnival will amount to roughly $33,511 (about $2,000 under budget). They will be
replacing the soda stand with hot chocolate, and there will be more rides this year
than last. Students do not need to pay any extra amount, as it is covered by the 23
fee. Senator Chan asks what they will do with the remaining $2,000. Chief of Staff
Mastrud explains that the money will probably go towards the extra lighting and
Vote: Unanimous, item d (SB 25-16: ASNAU Budget Line 106, Fall Fling Homecoming
Carnival) has been approved
Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on item e, Election Code
Second: Senator McDiarmid
Discussion: President Smart announces that section six, article 4.3 states that “All
write-in candidates may only advertise using word-of-mouth.” Chairman Lee
entertains the thought of keeping the election code the same because if both election
rules are different, but the same individuals are participating in both it could be a
hassle for the elections commission. Senator McDiarmid notes that the head of
commissions wanted to put in an article because in the last elections there were
miscommunications between the code and the committee. These rules will provide
a standard to follow. Chairman Lee says that it should be noted that the election
code will not supercede the Constitution. This will be added in article one, section
2.2. Senator Lake suggests amending the bill to have changes made up to the
discretion of the legislative committee based on the discussion in meeting 25-4.
Many senators agree.
Motion: Senator Lake move to amend the Election Code to be subject to change
according to the legislative committee per discussion in meeting 25-4
Second: Senator Woodhouse
Discussion: Senator Lake reiterates the changes that have been made/will be made
in the near future. They include the following: strike out article two, section 2.5;
section 2.2 will be added to article one; article three, section 2 will clarify the days to
take down posters; and article one, section 22.3 clarifies that candidates may not
campaign within 100 feet of designated polling places excluding phones.
Vote: Unanimous, the Election Code is now subject to change according to the
legislative committee
Vote: Unanimous, item e (Election Code) has been approved
Executive report
a. President- Sammy Smart
-President Smart met with the president of NAU to talk about Prop 204.
He would like to introduce himself to the senate at the next meeting and
explain some new university additions. For example, the math emporium
in the HLC is a system for hybrid math classes to be regulated solely
through computers. They are also looking into expanding the extension’s
Union Point for more seating. In addition, she urges everyone to attend
the academic integrity meeting at 9 A.M. tomorrow at the Native
American Cultural Center. Ms. Chelsea Byers and President Smart
ordered handouts for the vote campaign (cuzzis, beads, flags, etc). Video
emails will begin soon. Final rollover numbers will be in soon, as well.
Noresco—a green company—did tests around campus to see what areas
meet sustainability efforts; the results will be out soon.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann
-VP Niemann thanks everyone for an awesome first tailgate; there will be
sign-up sheet for the next one through email. Thanks to Matt Villa for the
lumberyard t-shirt designs, which was a success. She is in
communication to find a new location for club headquarters. They are
beginning plans on the “Kick My Axe” t-shirts and even looking into
passing them out on the November 10th game. There will be multiple
phrases and designs to choose from this year!
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee
-VP Lee reports that they are looking into buying new Apple products, so
a senator will have to write a bill for that. He urges everyone to attend
the ABOR meetings. Meetings go on all day Thursday until four; they go
on Friday until noon. There is also an ASA directors meeting on
Wednesday at 6:00 P.M. VP Lee encourages senators to promote the vote
campaign and the legal services to their clubs. He also reads a letter from
Collegetown, which is an invitation to participate in a workshop that they
are holding. For more information, email It will be on
October 13th from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud
-Chief of Staff Mastrud encourages everyone to recommend doing
Homecoming Royalty. She has also met with T.C. to discuss the carnival.
She thanks the senate for passing the elections code.
Staff Reports
A. ASA- Jack Sawyer, Danielle, Shayna
-Ms. Danielle Bryant announces that on Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. they will be
hosting a vote kick-off for the campaign. They hope to get more voter
registrations in, and they are looking forward to hearing the former mayor
of Flagstaff speak. Mr. Jack Sawyer talks about CASL (the weekend of
October 12th) and how honored NAU is to have 30 students attending.
This is a conference for AZ student leaders that includes workshops. All
are welcome to attend. Ms. Shayna Stevens says that there are 837 voter
registration forms in; 1,000 more and they will meet their goal! President
Smart reminds everyone that on October 7th, they will be phone banking at
3:00 P.M. Mr. Wes Enns met with the president of NAU to discuss Prop
204; although he is happy that ASA is so passionate about it, he cannot
take a stance on the matter. Early polling results shows positive outcomes
for Prop 204.
B. Public Relations- Matt Villa
- Mr. Matt Villa has been working on the posters advertising the concert
survey. He has also been setting up the YouTube account for the videos, as
well as an Instagram account. If anyone has a shirt design, use the slips for
submissions. The next “Kick Axe” t-shirts will have different color options.
C. ITS- Jonathan Tessmar-Bell
-Mr. Jonathan Tessmar has added a link on the website for concert voting;
he also added information on the legal aid.
D. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin
-Mr. Tony Buchta and Ms. Sara Martin will be announcing who is on the
concert list when the survey goes out on Monday, the 24th. The survey will
be open until the 28th. If anyone is interested in tabling for the survey,
they will be doing it in the union Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12
to 2. Their goal is to get 5,000 students to vote!
E. NSG- CJ Cooper, Sally Barnes
-Ms. Sally Barnes announces the new senate liaisons, Kelly and Kaileen.
They talk about voting on their executive team and committees, and all
they will accomplish this year.
Committee Reports
Appropriations: Senator Woodhouse will be holding an
appropriations committee meeting next week, despite the cancelled senate
meeting. VP Lee reminds ASNAU to remind the clubs that senate bills will
take two to three weeks to be passed.
Legislative: Senator Lake informs ASNAU that there will be more
organization in the future. In the future, he will be taking the constitution
and bylaws into consideration to be revised. Meetings will be held after
senate meetings.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch- Senator Boruch enjoyed tailgating and handing out
shirts. She met with one of her clubs today and will be writing a bill
b. Anthony Lake- Senator Lake attended the Ardrey opening. He is
waiting on responses from clubs to write bills.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Samantha Cross-Senator Cross is excited to meet with her dean
tomorrow; she also redid the bulletin board.
b. Jeremy Reddig- Senator Reddig is in communication with his clubs in
reference to OAs and senate bills.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Lara Creaser-Senator Creaser reports that their dean meeting went
well. She also is looking forward to helping students of her college
attend opportunities out of the country.
b. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez helped with club headquarters and
would be interested in writing a bill soon.
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart is looking forward to writing a bill for
Sigma Nu’s “Hunger Games” themed philanthropy.
b. Adam Fox- Senator Fox is helping clubs with OAs and senate bills.
College of Business
a. Jeremy Chan- Senator Chan has scheduled a meeting with his dean; he
is also looking forward to making the YouTube videos.
b. Derrell Tenney-Senator Tenney has been encouraging students and
clubs to get funding from ASNAU.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Oregon McDiarmid-Senator McDiarmid was working on a resolution
in reference to Chick-Fil-A; however, the company pulled out of its
controversial affiliations. As a result, the resolution resolved itself on
its own.
b. Shayla Woodhouse-Senator Woodhouse organized the senate desk.
She suggests creating a banner advertising the 23 fee for when ASNAU
hands out free t-shirts, etc.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel – He reminds ASNAU to support their athletes and
congratulates everyone on the increase in school spirit.
Art Farmer – He will check on the money to donate to the Mahoney
family. He also asks ASNAU to help NSG build their float if they have time.
Discussion Items
The NAU Green Fund: Senator Woodhouse serves on the Green Fund and would like
to see what the other senators think should be the Green Fund’s priorities. Senator
Lake suggests that the School of Music use solar panels or L.E.D. lights. He also
suggests replacing the university vans with electric/hybrid cars. Senator Cross
suggests that the SBS West building be renovated. Senator Creaser would like to
focus on the carbon neutrality 2020 project. Senator Tenney thinks that there
should be a position created to get money from sponsors. Ms. Chelsea Byers
explains that they may want it to be a directly student-oriented program.
VP Lee: Please stay after for a closed-session discussion.
Chief of Staff Mastrud: This week’s trophy goes to Shelby Burton! Congratulations!
Motion: Senator McDiarmid
Second: Senator Lake
5:44 P.M.