ASNAU SENATE MEETING #3 TWENTY FIFTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: September 14, 2012 Number on council: 12 Date of Senate Meeting: September 13th, 2012 Number present: 11 Prepared by Shelby Burton Senate Chair Ryan Lee called the Senate meeting of the 2012-2013 Senate to order at 4:01 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -Jeremy Chan Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Creaser Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience President Smart: President Smart proposes a resolution for Prop 204 to be supported by the ASNAU. If the student senate and student body support the act, then the school as a whole will be more likely to support it. Prop 204 will extend the one cent sales tax that was enacted two years ago to help fund education. However, the money was not sufficiently used and was redistributed to other areas. Prop 204 will not only extend the tax, but ensure the bill’s purpose to help education of all levels and types. The state of Arizona has collected roughly 290,000 signatures to get the proposition on the ballot. Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to name Senator Fox’s resolution Resolution 25-1: Prop 204- Quality Education and Jobs Act and put it on the agenda as item h Second: Senator Lake Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Senator Fox’s resolution is now titled Resolution 25-1: Prop 204- Quality Education and Jobs Act and item h is now on the agenda Unfinished Business None New Action Business Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on item a, Club Recognition: Lumberjack Inline Hockey Second: Senator Lopez Discussion: Lumberjack Inline Hockey will collect dues and require a GPA of at least 2.5. The purpose of the club is to give an opportunity for hockey-lovers to play without being on the school team. Senator Woodhouse asks if it is coed; the representative says that anyone is welcome, no matter the gender. Senator McDiarmid asks where they plan on practicing; the representative says they are looking at a location in Cochina. Senator Lake asks if there will be multiple teams; the representative says that he would love the opportunity to expand into more than one team. Vote: Unanimous, item a (Club Recognition: Lumberjack Inline Hockey) has been approved Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item b, IA: Jackson Morris, $389.10 Second: Senator Boruch Discussion: Jackson Morris represented NAU in a national poetry slam this past August and is very excited to participate in a similar event. He is asking for money to cover his registration fee and flight. Senator Lake asks if a winner is declared; Mr. Morris responds that it is a competition in which the audience decides the winner. Senator McDiarmid asks how many students are involved; Mr. Morris responds by saying that approximately 76 teams made up of four to five students each participated in the last event. At NAU, there are nearly 30 students interested in participating in the poetry slam; about 100 people attend the local performances. Senator Creaser asks whether this will benefit his future occupation or if it is solely a passion; Mr. Morris says that although it is mainly his passion, he could see how it could benefit his career in education. Senator Woodhouse asks what he will take back to the NAU community; Mr. Morris says that he will help the poetry community here because, in his opinion, it is the most genuine hobby a person can have. Senator Lake asks how the team ranked in the last event; Mr. Morris responds that the team ranked at around 50th and that he himself placed into the semi-finals for the rookie slam. Senator Fox asks how he fundraised; Mr. Morris explains that they held an event and charged an entry fee of $5. Vote: Unanimous, item b (IA: Jackson Morris, $389.10) has been approved Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on item c, IA: Gabriel Borden, $323 Second: Senator Lopez Discussion: Gabriel Borden is asking for $323 to pay for his registration fee for the Net Impact Conference, a national organization that combines sustainability and business held in Baltimore, Maryland. It is a great opportunity to network with similar individuals, and he assures ASNAU that he will bring back what he learns to NAU. Senator Woodhouse asks how many participants from NAU will be attending; as far as he knows, only one undergrad will be attending. He also points out that he has been awarded $250 from the dean’s office. Senator Fox asks what ASNAU will be covering; Senator Woodhouse responds that the money will be covering the conference registration fee, and that Mr. Borden will still have to pay approximately $618. Vote: Unanimous, item c (IA: Gabriel Borden, $323) has been approved Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item d, SB 25-12: NAU Quidditch Team, $1995.10 Senator: Senator Fox Discussion: Last semester, the Quidditch Team represented NAU at a tournament; the captain and coach personally funded the expenses and they are asking for the money from the rollover from last year. Senator Cross asks why the money will be coming out of rollover; Senator McDiarmid responds that after discussing the issue, it seemed most fair for it to come out of rollover. The money will be going on the captain’s credit card and only affecting one person; in addition, the team is now requiring $40 dues per semester to pay for similar events. The team will be hosting a tournament in October and giving NAU great PR. Senator Lake asks why they did not return emails or phone calls from the summer; Senator McDiarmid responds that the team is very apologetic. Senator Lake asks why ASNAU can touch rollover funds; President Smart explains that the money is to help students and organizations, so this should not be an issue. She continues to expound on the issue by providing several cases in the past years that similar actions were taken. She also emphasizes that ASNAU is not here to punish clubs, but to help them. Chairman Lee reminds the senate that the team will still be able to receive the full lines of their OA/SB. Senator Lopez, Senator Lake, and Senator Cross are in support. Chief of Staff Mastrud reminds the senate that we are all students and we have all been in similar situations, so try to relate to the issue. No one is perfect. Vote: Unanimous, item d (SB 25-12: NAU Quidditch Team, $1995.10) has been approved Motion: Senator McDiarmid move to vote on item e, SB 25-13: NAU Pershing Rifles, $905 Second: Senator Boruch Discussion: Over this past spring break, NAU Pershing Rifles attended a renowned military conference to retain their charter on the NAU campus. The amount was paid strictly out of pocket, so they are asking to be reimbursed for the flight. Senator Fox asks if they turned their receipts in on time; Chairman Lee explains that the receipts were washed away in a flood that occurred in his office, but he will be resolving the issue. Senator McDiarmid asks if they would like to amend the bill so that the money can comes out of rollover funds. Because it is similar to the NAU Quidditch Team’s situation, he does not believe it is fair. Senator Creaser and Senator Woodhouse agree. Senator Woodhouse suggests that the bill also state that it will not affect their FY13 OA/SB line. Motion: Senator Lake move to amend SB 25-13: NAU Pershing Rifles to come from line 5 of the ASNAU budget Second: Senator McDiarmid Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, SB 25-13: NAU Pershing Rifles will now come from line 5 of the ASNAU budget upon approval Motion: Senator Fox move to amend the bill to say “This bill will not affect the SB/OA budget for this club for the FY13.” Second: Senator Lake Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, a clause for SB 25-13: NAU Pershing Rifles will now read that “This bill will not affect the SB/OA budget for this club for the FY13.” Motion: Senator Lake move to vote on SB 25-13: NAU Pershing Rifles Second: Senator Fox Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, item e (SB 25-13: NAU Pershing Rifles) has been approved Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on item f, SB 25-14: ASNAU Budget Line 113 Vote Campaign, $12000 Second: Senator Boruch Discussion: The bill is asking for line 113 of the ASNAU budget to be open to purchase t-shirts, sunglasses, hot chocolate, water bottles, stickers, etc for anything related to the vote campaign. Senator Tenney asks if President Smart could expound on what else the line will be open to; President Smarts explains that ASA could hold forums and need to provide food/giveaways. Chelsea Byers explains that it also covers the cost of each county’s postage fee for the out-ofstate voter absentee forms. Vote: Unanimous, item f (SB 25-14: ASNAU Budget Line 113 Vote Campaign, $12000) has been approved Motion: Senator Reddig move to vote on item g, SB 25-15: ASNAU Budget Line 95 Public Relations Advertisements, $6800 Second: Senator Smart Discussion: President Smart explains that the $6800 will cover the cost of 18 advertisements (16 half-page, full color; 2 full-page, full-color), in addition to an online advertisement with a link to ASNAU, and four to six weeks of free commercials on KJAK radio. She explains that with our discount, ASNAU will be saving money. It will cover events like Homecoming, the spring concert, tailgating, the vote campaign, and the undie run. Senator Woodhouse asks if the six weeks of commercials will be consecutive; President Smart responds that they will be in one week increments. Vote: Unanimous, item g (SB 25-15: ASNAU Budget Line 95 Public Relations Advertisements, $6800) has been approved Motion: Senator Woodhouse move to vote on item h, Resolution 25-1: Prop 204Quality Education and Jobs Act Second: Senator Creaser Discussion: President Smart asks for the resolution to be amended because the Pell Grant is federal-based, not state-based. Motion: Senator Lake move to amend the resolution to strike out “like the pell grant” on line 27 Second: Senator Fox Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, the amendment has been approved. Lines 27 through 28 now read “State based funding for financial-aid in Arizona only accounts for 1% of the total financial aid awarded to students, forcing many of themt o turn to student loan.” Motion: Senator Lake, move to adopt Resolution 25-1: Prop 204- Quality Education and Jobs Act Second: Senator McDiarmid Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Resolution 25-1: Prop 204- Quality Education and Jobs Act has now been approved Executive report a. President- Sammy Smart -President Smart says that she will have an update next Thursday whether NAU as a university will be supporting Prop 204. In the financial aid task force meeting, President Smart discussed that students who do not meet criteria for scholarships/grants will have a reduced amount of money and a set of criteria to gain the original amount back (as opposed to losing the money entirely). Tomorrow afternoon, she will be promoting the tailgate and football game by passing out flyers. There will be a student athlete giving reports on teams for each week so that senators can properly promote athletics. When emailing clubs, President Smart reminds the senators to encourage using the legal services. She also announces that the homecoming theme is “YOLO: You’re Only A Lumberjack Once.” She is working on the polos and will be substituting her weekly emails for YouTube videos. Wednesday at 6:00, people can help with phone banking for out-of-state students voter registrations. b. Vice President of Student affairs- Annsley Niemann -VP Niemann reminds the senate that there are club headquarters guidelines in their binders, as well as a copy on the window by the front computer. She thanks everyone for handing out tailgating packets, and reminds the senators who work on Friday that clubs have to come back for a packet that includes a parking permit, location, and rules for the tailgate on Saturday. On that note, she encourages everyone to attend the tailgate and first football game this Saturday! The game starts at 4:00. Lumberyard shirts will be handed out. The banner that she ordered will be up tomorrow. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Ryan Lee -VP Lee will be sending an email to committee chairs and senators so that they can connect. He reminds the senate that in two weeks the ABOR will be going on so the meeting will be cancelled. He encourages both appropriations and legislative committees to still meet so that they will not become overwhelmed. Next week, he will begin one-on-one conferences with each senator. d. Chief of Staff- Makenzie Mastrud -Chief of Staff Mastrud explains that she has a meeting with the elections commission concerning royalty packets, which can be picked up starting on Monday. Tomorrow, she will be attending a homecoming meeting to finalize plans. Staff Reports a. ASA- Jack Sawyer, Danielle, Shayna -Jack would like to thank the senate for passing the Prop 204 resolution. Danielle reports that there are 679 voter registrations in (plus out-of-state absentee ballots which need checking). Shayna reminds everyone to make the new interns feel welcome. The interns learned about tabling and voter registration this week. Wes encourages everyone in ASNAU to be registering students to vote. If everyone does ten people a week, ASA could surpass their goal of 1800 voter registration forms! President Smart tells everyone that they should be attending the ABOR meeting in two weeks. She also encourages everyone to fill out the survey attached in the school wide email sent on Monday for the top issues that ASA should focus on. b. Public Relations- Matt Villa - If anyone has a request for Matt Villa, there are PR request slips that need to be filled out two weeks in advance. c. ITS- Jonathan Tessmar-Bell - People who still have not submitted pictures for the website to do so. Last week’s minutes have been uploaded to the site. d. Special events- Tony Buchta, Sara Martin - The spring concert survey will begin at the end of September. Anyone who would like to help with tabling in the union, contact her! The goal is to get at least 5,000 submissions. e. NSG- CJ Cooper, Sally Barnes -Sally reports that the first meeting was exciting and that they already have a good idea to rekindle an old tradition of “ice carving” in the north quad. CJ announces that elections will be on Tuesday, but packets are due Friday at 5:00. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: There will still be an appropriations meeting during the week that the senate meeting is cancelled. B. Legislative: The first legislative meeting will be held on Sunday; fill out the survey to figure out what time to meet. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Shannon Boruch-Senator Boruch is happy that the Prop 204 resolution got passed; she has a meeting tomorrow with her dean, she has emailed all of her clubs, and she is looking forward to meeting with them. b. Anthony Lake-Senator Lake is excited for the opening of Ardrey Auditorium; the tickets are free and it starts at 7:30 P.M. He also emailed his clubs to support the football team and go to the athletic events. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Samantha Cross-Senator Cross will be contacting her dean; she heard back from three of her clubs interested in opportunities that ASNAU could potentially help with. b. Jeremy Reddig-Senator Reddig has been communicating with his clubs, and will be attending one of the club meetings on Monday. College of Health and Human Services a. Lara Creaser-Senator Creaser will be meeting with her dean tomorrow; she has also contacted her clubs. b. Derek Lopez-Senator Lopez emailed his clubs; the Chess Club may be interested in an OA. College of Education a. Kelsey Smart-Senator Smart met with one club about a bill and will be attending meetings to introduce herself. b. Adam Fox-Senator Fox may have trouble attending meetings in the next few weeks and he appreciates the support from other senators. College of Business a. Jeremy Chan- Not present b. Derrell Tenney-Senator Tenney provided the IA opportunity to Gabriel Borden; he also contacted his clubs and will be in contact with his dean. College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Oregon McDiarmid-contacted dean, schedule monthly meetings, sitting on grade appeals; emailed clubs, possible bills and resolution email to follow b. Shayla Woodhouse-yay for football, club list needs to be updated Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel – If you’re feeling sick, go to the health center, eat healthy, and get sleep! Next Tuesday is the safety and lighting walk, which ensures that our campus has safe lighting. Also, keep Jordan Mahoney’s family in your thoughts; Jordan passed away on Sunday when a car hit her while she was riding her bike. Art Farmer – He is sorry for missing last week, but good luck with the dean meetings! Discussion Items Senator Cross: Can we order a bouquet of flowers for the family of Jordan (who lost her life this past weekend) to send our condolences? The advisors are going to look into what account we can pull money to do so. Announcements VP Lee: With the weather changing, please keep your health in mind. Last night was the first time that VP Lee slept without a fan on. He also bought a lot of vitamins, so you all should, too. Chelsea Byers: Be prepared for students to come to you with concerns/questions in reference to Prop 204; there will be a training session on how to answer those questions, which is highly suggested. You should all become experts on this topic because we are all affected by it! Chief of Staff Mastrud: The trophy goes to Oregon McDiarmid this week for his hard work! He is constantly writing bills, helping with ASNAU, NSG, and ASA. Congratulations, Oregon! Adjournment Motion: Senator Fox Second: Senator Lopez Unanimous 5:42 P.M.