April 24th

Date: April 25, 2014
Date of Senate Meeting: April 24, 2014
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:01 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- Ryan Cook
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Study Abroad/GO Scholarship – Danielle is from the Center for International Education. She
came to discuss the ASNAU Go Scholarship. There were a great number of applicants
this year and Global Engagement is number four in the NAU Strategic Goals. The
strategy is to support global engagement and cultivate the university. There has been
89% growth of study abroad students in the past 5 years and CIE has committed to
double study abroad engagement by 2020. They can’t prove causation for this data, but
throughout the nation they have seen that study abroad students have an overall higher
retention rate. Many NAU Students have high financial need, and NAU Education
Abroad designs affordable programs. The application fee is very low, and financial aid
programs are transferable. But this extra funding is extremely important because
students will need help with airfare, vaccinations, visa expenses, and other things. They
are seeing a 25% decrease in the ASNAU funding for next year, but a 15% increase in
Study Abroad students. Many students say that it is the best thing that they did in their
undergraduate degree. Joy is a global ambassador who is speaking about her experience
studying abroad. She went to Spain last semester, and she is both a Spanish and an
Elementary Education major. She learned so much about Spain from history to culture
to language. She was able to use her NAU funding, but she had to pay for some of her
classes there and the GO Scholarship helped with this. While there, she got most of her
Spanish Major credits that added to 15 total towards her degree. She also had the
opportunity to teach English there. She thought out of the box and learned a lot about
teaching English through this process. Getting involved through CIE here on campus
continued her global experience. She is also connected with the international
community. She believes that these involvements were instigated by her knowledge of
what it’s like to be in a country without knowledge of the people or surroundings.
Studying abroad changed her worldview and taught her a lot about the bigger picture.
She thanks ASNAU once more for funding her experience.
Athletics – President Mastrud will discuss this in her report, as Athletics couldn’t be here
Unfinished Business
Chairwoman Woodhouse would like to vote to put this off or to vote on simply what is
noncontroversial, because it is the last meeting and ASNAU would like to be able to
complete reports. President Mastrud feels that some wording should be added to allow
appointing to committees in the bylaw changes that she had suggested. Senator Simon has
an issue with Bylaws Article IX, but if it is not being voted on she doesn’t feel that she needs
to discuss.
The sheet that Senator Cabral handed out is in regards to the remaining changes to the
Constitution and Bylaws, and the one the Senator Gorshe handed out is specifically the
Bylaw changes suggested by President Mastrud.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to remove Item A: Constitution, Bylaws and Election Code
Changes from the table
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Constitution, Bylaws and Election Code Changes have been
removed from the table
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Bylaw Changes to Article I, Section 31
Second: Senator Simon
Motion: Senator Libby move to amend Bylaw Changes to Article I, Section 31 to read
Cocosus instead of Cocosist
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, the Bylaw Changes to Article I, Section 31 have been amended
Vote: Unanimous, the Bylaw Changes to Article I, Section 31 have been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Bylaw Changes to Article VI Section 16
Second: Senator Gorshe
Motion: Senator Libby move to strike the words ‘and Cocosus committee’ from Bylaw
Changes Article VI Section 16
Second: Senator Startt
Vote: Unanimous, the Bylaw Changes to Article VI Section 16 have been amended
Vote: Unanimous, the Bylaw Changes to Article VI Section 16 have been approved
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Bylaw Changes to Article XXI, Section 1
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, the Bylaws Changes to Article XXI, Section 1 have been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Bylaw Changes to Article IX
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: Senator Libby feels that if fee-paying students would like to run, they should be
allowed to do so with no restriction such as this. Jillian asks for an explanation from
someone who was a part of the decision to bring this forward, and Senator Cabral explains
that it is meant to allow fresh people in the office to bring new ideas. Senator Simon feels
that this is unnecessary, and thinks that if someone would like to serve as a Senator two
years and then as a VP or President his or her 5th year this should be possible. Senator
Cabral feels that a main purpose of NAU is to get students to graduate in four years, and
Senator Tillinghast points out that this could happen regardless of this goal. Senator Startt
says that some students who are double majors must take extra years, and Vivian adds that
music majors have to stay extra years, as it is impossible for them to finish otherwise.
Senator Ortega says that second semester freshman can serve, and this limits them. Senator
Libby says that this limits students who change majors also. Senator Gorshe does not
support term limits, and he opposes this. He understands about fresh ideas but doesn’t feel
that people need to be limited about which elected office they can run for. Senator Howard
feels that this is good, and it is not like they cannot be in the organization. It can be
amended to later allow Chief of Staff to not be included. Senator Tillinghast agrees, and
people are allowed to still participate it just ensures new candidates move through elected
Vote: 4 in favor, 6 in opposition, 1 abstain, the Bylaw Changes to Article XI were not
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: LaFe-Latino Christian
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: They are currently part of a small group called the Latino Christian Fellowship,
which would like to become a club on campus. Representative explains that being a part of
this small community as a freshman on campus has been greatly beneficial to her. She
thinks this club will help students bond, serve the community of NAU and Flagstaff, and to
experience campus better. Another representative explains that before coming to NAU, he
was a part of a family-centered environment. This club will create this environment for
students and bring the Latino background to NAU. This club will allow students a sense of
comfort and the opportunity to share values.
Senator Soto asks how many members they have currently, and the representatives reply
that there are six.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: LaFe-Latino Christian Fellowship has been
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item B: Club Recognition: NAU Volunteer Service
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: The representative is a freshman, and he and his associates would like to start
this service club. They currently have a connection with a church and expect to get some
help from them and partner in events and fundraising.
Senator Cabral notes that the club should not have names in the constitution. He also asks
how this is different from the other service organizations here on campus, and the
representative replies that his connection with the church will bring a different aspect. He
is from South Korea. Senator Simon asks how many members, and the representative
replies that there are ten.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Club Recognition: NAU Volunteer Service Club has been
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item D: OA: NAU American Society of Civil
Engineers, $249.32
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: Jeremy is a junior who is here to represent ASCE. They are requesting funding
to pay for Sodexo food for their end of the year celebration. They will set up things from
their competition throughout the year and also will have games and activities. Senator
Tillinghast asks about their concrete canoe, and the representative explains that it is a
capstone project that competes against 18 other schools every year, and this year they
placed sixth. Senator Simon asks about utilizing their Sodexo waiver, and the
representative replies that the OA is the remaining funding they would need after the
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: OA: NAU American Society of Civil Engineers, $249.32 has been
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item E: OA: Bad Jacks Dance Club, $500
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: They are requesting funding for a performance that they put on in the past
week. It was free for NAU Students, but they had fees for the rental of Ardrey Auditorium
and the labor that went with it. They also had programs and tickets through CTO. Every
semester they put on a big showcase and it costs them almost all their money as a club.
Senator Simon asks why they are only requesting the OA, and the representative replies
that she wasn’t on top of the communication with Senator Simon to complete the bill
because she was very busy. Senator Libby says if possible, ASNAU would like to fund this
further. Representative really appreciates this. Senator Cabral notes that if the Senate
wants the funding to be changed, it needs 2/3 Senate vote. Senator Tillinghast suggests
suspending the bylaws, because it will make things less confusing. The total cost is $2800
according to the budget, but she feels that adding $2000 is adequate. Senator Lulay says
after subtracting flyers the cost is $2680, and that is what they will make the OA to allocate.
There is some question about costumes and props, but they believe it shouldn’t be an issue.
Representative explains that props do not stay on campus because there is nowhere to
keep them, so the Senate will fund $2530. Senator Cabral says as long as it does not qualify
as a club uniform or sports equipment, it should be fine. Chairwoman Woodhouse says that
we do not fund items that they can keep.
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to amend Item E: OA Bad Jacks Dance Club, $500 so that it
reflects at total of $2530
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: OA: Bad Jacks Dance Club, $2530 has been amended.
Motion: Senator Libby move to suspend Bylaws Article X Section VIII
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: None
Vote: 10 in favor, 1 in opposition, Bylaws Article X Section VIII has been suspended
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: OA: Bad Jacks Dance Club, $2350 has been approved
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item F: OA: NAU Percussion Society, $500
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: Zach is a senior and a member of the NAU Percussion Society. They are
requesting funding for guest performers and clinics this semester. Their main form of
fundraising is at NAU, and they are planning more in the fall. They plan to continue to bring
in artists as they can with adequate funding. Senator Soto asks if they have a budget, he
passes one around.
Senator Cabral asks if they have already received an OA, and Senator Soto replies that they
did, but did not turn in receipts. Senator Ortega suggests replacing it.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: OA: NAU Percussion Society, $500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item G: OA: Omega Phi Alpha, $500
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Omega Phi Alpha is a service sorority. On April 12th they held a formal to
donate to philanthropy. They made $240 to donate, but need funding to help with their
sorority costs for the event.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: OA: Omega Phi Alpha, $500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item H: OA: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, $500 and Item
I: SB 26-114: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, $250
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: The President of Phi Mu Alpha is asking for funding for the School of Music
Banquet, and the other music Greeks were here last week to request funding. Senator
Cabral asks how much the entire banquet is and how much ASNAU is funding all of these
organizations. Vivian explains that the idea is to have all the music Greeks put on this
banquet and contribute equally. The banquet altogether is about $4000 and they altogether
have only requested $2750 approximately. The other requests from the Music Greeks were
for trips.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: OA: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, $500 and Item I: SB 26-114: Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia, $250 has been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item J: OA: Fellowship of Catholic University
Students, $500 and Item K: SB 26-115: Fellowship of Catholic University Students, $3500
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Natasha is here for the Focus Club. Their funding will cover travelling costs that
21 students incurred attending a leadership conference. These students brought back what
they had learned to NAU, such as organizational skills, public speaking skills, and learning
to teach small groups. They were put in small groups at the conference to attend
workshops and then teach on these subjects. They travelled by bus, for a total of about
$5000. Senator Startt asks if they had received funding before, and Senator Cabral explains
that it was the Catholic Newman Club, a different organization, that received previous
Vote: 10 in favor, 1 abstain, Item J: OA: Fellowship of Catholic University Students, $500
and Item K: SB 26-115: Fellowship of Catholic University Students, $3500 has been
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item L: SB 26-116: American Marketing
Association, $3500
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: Celeste is the president elect of AMA. They are asking for reimbursement for a
conference that took place April 10th-April 12th. They learned what to expect in the
marketing career, gained tips on marketing for career and chapter—They have about 20
current members—breakout session with large companies, and how to deal with chapter
challenges. They are requesting $3500.
Vote: Unanimous, Item L: SB 26-116: American Marketing Association, $3500 has been
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item M: SB 26-117: ASNAU, Inaugural Banquet
Second: Senator Libby
Motion: Senator Libby move to amend Item M: SB 26-117: ASNAU, Inaugural Banquet to
read 1899 Ballroom instead of High Country Conference Center
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous Item M: SB 26-117: ASNAU, Inaugural Banquet has been amended.
Discussion: Chief of Staff Smart explains that the bill is to open the Inaugural Banquet Line.
There is a tentative budget, but the location has changed from the High Country Conference
Center to the 1899 Ballroom, so the Senate will need to amend. The budget will cover
awards, food, venue, and some decorations. Senator Cabral asks what the awards will be,
and Smart explains that it is under the $25 limit but in the past it has been plaques for
distinguished members.
Vote: Unanimous, Item M: SB 26-117: ASNAU, Inaugural Banquet has been approved
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item N: SB 26-118: NAU Men’s Lacrosse, $3597.50
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: They are requesting reimbursement for one of their five trips to California this
year. They have already received $4000 for league fees, and the remaining request is for
travel. Senator Gorshe clarifies that they have paid $45,000 this year as a club, and the
representative explains that 35 members pay $1500 in fees and they also do fundraising.
Senator Cabral asks if the limit for bills is $3500, he is wondering why the total for this bill
is $3597.50. Chairwoman Woodhouse says this is Senate discretion, but it was for the sake
of allowing the funding to be made as one bill, not two.
Senator Startt feels that the amount should be less but he appreciates that ASNAU is here to
help the clubs. He doesn’t feel that the amount should be doubled and should total
something around $1000. Senator Howard agrees, and feels that this money could also be
rollover for next year. Senator Ortega says that she sees where they are coming from, but
this money is coming from fee-paying students for this year, and should be allocated this
year if it is available. Senator Soto agrees and they opportunity was extended to all clubs
and organizations, so the option was not exclusive to the three clubs that came. Senator
Gorshe thinks that Senator Startt has made some great points, and that it is a lot to fund
one organization. Senator Ortega says that they have a lot more expense than some other
clubs that come through ASNAU. Senator Startt says that with Club Sports, it must be taken
into consideration for members that it is expensive. He just doesn’t feel comfortable with
the amount. Senator Gorshe says that there is a reason they don’t look at money
proportional to budget, and that all organizations should have as much of a fair chance as
possible. Senator Simon says she doesn’t want ASNAU to just throw money at clubs because
it’s there. Senator Lulay agrees with Senator Gorshe, but reiterates that this option was
open to all clubs and he feels that the need is there and the club should be allowed to ask
for this funding. He has seen that there is $32,000 to give this week and currently, the
Senate is only around $12,000. Senator Libby agrees, and she says that the Senate should
not currently be worried about this opportunity. Senator Cabral, upon reading the bylaws,
wonders how well the Lacrosse team has represented NAU. They reply that they have done
very well this year and represent NAU accordingly. An audience member explains that Club
Sports bring a lot of pride and recognition to NAU. The Club Sports Council has no budget,
and that is why a lot of Club Sports come to ASNAU for funding. The representative from
Club Baseball explains that they get so many emails about potential students who want to
come specifically for Club Sports. Senator Lulay feels that ASNAU should work with
Athletics next year to avoid these issues. Senator Simon agrees, and says that many
students on campus support these teams. Club Sports do not get help from athletics and
work just as hard as athletes on campus. Senator Soto has spoken with Athletics and is
working on this process. Senator Gorshe feels that the Senate should discuss the amount of
this bill, as that is where the divide is. A quick poll reveals about half who feel that the vote
should remain as it stands. Senator Cabral would like to see it be $3500 even. Senator
Gorshe feels that a $97.50 difference should not be an issue just because of the way it looks.
Vote: 8 in favor, 3 in opposition, Item N: SB 26-118: NAU Men’s Lacrosse, $3597.50 has
been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item O: SB 26-119: NAU Club Baseball, $2900
Second: Senator Ortega
Motion: Senator Libby move to amend Item O: SB 26-119: NAU Club Baseball, $2900 to
reflect a total of $2790
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item O: SB 26-119: NAU Club Baseball, $2790 has been amended.
Discussion: The President of NAU Club Baseball is requesting funding for their Home
Series. After the budget was created, the district league came and asks for more than
expected. It was $1800 in field costs, $990 for umpires so the total is approximately $2790.
The funding is requested so they don’t have to ask the players to give more money towards
this extra cost. Senator Howard asks about what will change if they make playoffs, and he
said that is a different thing altogether. Senator Gorshe asks what he anticipates the total to
be, and he replies that he wasn’t told that he had to go through district to use the field and
then they were charged. Senator Cabral asks how much funding they have already received,
$4000. Senator Simon asks what their total budget for the year is, and he replies $10,000 to
$12,000. Senator Soto asks how much they charge for each player, and he replies about
$500, some $600 if they didn’t have jerseys.
Senator Gorshe feels that this is a similar situation to the last bill. The representative says
that NAU Club Baseball cannot play games on campus, must practice on the turf fields, and
must pay for safety equipment because of this. At their level, they cannot play on softball
fields and have to pay for their home games. This is why they are requesting funding for
their Home Series tournament of three games. Senator Gorshe asks if ASNAU can pay for
umpires, and Chairwoman Woodhouse replies yes because it is not a salary.
Vote: 10 in favor, 1 in opposition, Item O: SB 26-119: NAU Club Baseball, $2900 has been
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item P: SB 26-120: NAU Club Tennis, $938.77
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: They are asking for reimbursement towards their last tournament in Tucson.
This will cover hotel, gas, and entry fees. They did well in the tournament and Chairwoman
Woodhouse points out that they are only about $200 over budget.
Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-120: NAU Club Tennis, $938.77 has been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item Q: ASNAU Budget FY14
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: Jillian passes out a list of urgent areas for the Senate to review before voting on
next year’s budget. Senator Cabral asks if the Election’s Commission is splitting the
allocated stipend, and she replies yes. He says the Bylaws require them to work office
hours, and wonders if they will be required to work next year. Senator Simon says that they
cannot be paid an hourly wage because it would end up being about $0.10 an hour. Senator
Libby says that she doesn’t feel it’s necessary. Jillian says the budget will be further
discussed in the fall when rollover is known. The list is prioritized for when rollover can be
Vote: Unanimous, Item Q: ASNAU Budget FY14 has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to add Item R: Approval of Jared Gorshe as Chief of Staff and
Item S: Resolution 26-7: Liberal Studies Program
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item R: Approval of Jared Gorshe as Chief of Staff and Item S: Resolution
26-7: Liberal Studies Program have been added.
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item R: Approval of Jared Gorshe as Chief of Staff
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: They went through Chief of Staff Interviews, there were about seven candidates
and then came to an agreement and offered the position to Jared Gorshe. This approval will
help exec to move forward with the Chief of Staff Position.
Senator Cabral would like Senator Soto to give her report of interviews. Senator Soto
explains that the person hired was the best out of the applicants. All candidates were
discussed thoroughly.
Vote: 7 in favor, 4 abstain, Item R: Jared Gorshe as Chief of Staff has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item S: Resolution 26-7: Liberal Studies Program
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Cabral explains that this resolution is a public statement saying that
ASNAU supports the Liberal Studies Program
Vote: Unanimous, Item S: Resolution 26-7: Liberal Studies Program has been adopted
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- This weekend she was in Phoenix for the Presidential Search Committee
meeting with a candidate, and this person knew all about ASNAU and constantly
reads the minutes. The search is going very well and she is excited about the
prospects. She went to Executive Faculty Senate and discussed the textbook
emergency loan center at the LEAD. The program allows someone who is in need
to get a grant for textbooks. They received word from the Vice President of
Undergraduate Research and they are a little behind on the limits set by ABOR
but are working on it. She is meeting with Jillian to discuss transitions, and will
attend the Athletics reveal with Senator Libby. She also attended the Student
Safety Forum. Athletics cannot be here today, but she passes out flyers for their
event. A lot of people with ASNAU have worked with this event and they also
have letters from the football players asking ASNAU to attend.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- No report.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- She attended the Student Safety Forum. She still needs feedback from the
Senate in regards to the Honor Code and will be sending out an email. She would
like to thank everyone for a great year.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- She doesn’t have a lot, but she will be working on transitioning Jared. The
Banquet location has changed and they will be sending out the updated
invitation. She still needs a lot of RSVPs, but has received many from
administration. If anyone on the new Executive Team would like additional
guests, please let her know. The chicken dish is Chicken Marsala and the
vegetarian is a Quinoa Quiche. She ordered more stoles since there weren’t
enough, and Jillian will discuss the study break further. She will email her end of
the year report to everyone.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- This week has been slow, but they have been getting everything ready for the
new Executive Board. Dylan has worked on his end of the year report, and
Oregon explains that the textbook exchange cannot happen this year, but they
are working to put this in reports for next year.
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- Colleen updated the invitation and worked on a coffee break ad, but the coffee
break isn’t happening. They are working on a flyer and presentation for a club
they can’t pronounce, and are working on their end of year reports.
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- She would like to thank the Senate for approving the budget and Jared as Chief
of Staff. The study break event will be Sunday May 4th and Monday May 5th at
7:30PM in Cline Library. The snacks will be similar to last semester, and there
will be a Google Document to sign up. They could not coordinate the Bounce Out
the Stress Event, but will put this in report for next year’s Special Events. They
are excited about Banquet and to finish everything up for the year.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- He hasn’t done much this week due to academic reasons, but got a job offer that
he is very excited about.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- NSG banquet was last night, and Annsley would like to thank Senator Lulay for
helping with some last minute things. Their last event is Challenge Course this
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Ortega reports that appropriations went well this week
and would like to thank the Senate for approving Club Sports.
B. Legislative: Senator Howard explains that they went over the Bylaw changes
suggested by President Mastrud and were upset by not being able to see each
other any more. Senator Gorshe could not be there.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Thomas Lulay- Goodbye.
b. Scott Tillinghast- He had office hours and attended the initiative board
meeting. It currently looks like it will be going out in the fall.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- He wrote a bill for FOCUS, attended the Student Safety
Forum, and will be informing clubs that funding is closed. He counted
up how many Senate Bills each Senator has written. Finally, he wrote
the Resolution.
b. Brittany Simon- She has had a lot of hard work with her new position,
and would like to thank the Senate for approving Jared and the 20142015 FY Budget.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- Had the Dean Meeting and discussed a lot of things,
and learned that in general fees for Health and Human Services are
the highest. He worked office hours and congratulates Jared on his
new position within ASNAU.
b. Nicolas Startt- He would like to thank ASNAU on behalf of the college
for approving the India Trip and the Dominican Republic Trip this
year. He would like to congratulate the new senators. He did his office
hours as well.
College of Education
a. Alyssa Soto- She discovered where the golden pinecones come from,
attended Student Safety Forum, did office hours, and has been trying
to get in contact with Athletics for next year.
b. Jared Gorshe- Did his office hours, he would like to thank Amy for all
her hard work, he would like to thank Joey for keeping everything
updated, SSA for all of their hard work, Special Events, PR, and NSG.
Finally, he would like to thank the Executive Team for all of their hard
work and dealing with difficulty this year.
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- No report.
b. Alexandria Buchta- She wen to office hours and to appropriations. She
also helped put together binders for interviews.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- She thanks everyone personally and had a great year.
b. Savannah Libby- She and Senator Ortega have the Dean Meeting next
week, and he will be taking them out to lunch. Thank you for all of
Senator Soto’s work this week and finally she would like to thank
everyone for a good year.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— No report.
Art Farmer— He would like to thank everyone for this year through the ups and
downs. Thank you to everyone who attended the Safety Forum as well. Finally, he
would like everyone to know that if there is anything saved on the computer hard
drives please get them because they are wiped during the summer. President
Mastrud has an external hard drive to put these files on.
Discussion Items
Golden Pine Cone Award: VP Cooper, Chief of Staff Smart, President Mastrud, Art Farmer
and Dr. Brandel all receive pinecones for their contributions to ASNAU this year.
Staff hiring is still going on, so an email vote will be out next week for approvals.
Chief of Staff Smart and Jillian had discussed that the session should not be adjourned until
May 3rd at the Banquet.
Important Dates
Saturday May 3rd, ASNAU Inaugural Banquet at the 1899 Ballroom, 6:00PM
Sunday May 4th and Monday May 5th, Study Break at Cline Library, 7:00PM
Motion: Senator Ortega move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Soto
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 7:13 P.M.