March 13th

Date: March 14, 2014
Date of Senate Meeting: March 13, 2014
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:04 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- Nicole Ortega
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Howard move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Unfinished Business
Motion: Senator Cabral move to remove Item A: IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237 from the table
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237 removed from the table
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item A: IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237
Second: Senator Lulay
Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse reads information that was sent to her by Hillary
Stirlen who couldn’t be here. The conference she attended gave many opportunities in the
music industry offers connections and a lot of learning experiences. There are many
programs for music and music education majors and they call it Generation Next. She
learned so much that she plans to utilize in future classrooms. She also saw many
presentations and booths, and funding will go toward transportation and lodging fees.
Questions: Senator Simon asks what her individual contribution was. It is not listed in the
budget. Senator Gorshe says the budget does not include food and this may be her
contribution. Senator Cabral would like to see her contributions and fundraising regardless
of what the budget says. Senator Simon points out that lately it has been made a standard
that the person should be here, but if everyone else is comfortable she is okay moving
forward. Senator Gorshe asks Chairwoman Woodhouse why she is not here, and she
responds that Stirlen is at work. Chairwoman Woodhouse adds that she may be able to
make it here after spring break. Senator Lulay agrees to wait. Senator Gorshe also agrees
after learning that Stirlen did not know until recently that she needed to be present at the
Motion: Senator Startt move to table Item A: IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237 has been tabled
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237 has been tabled
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Cabral move to add Item S: Changes to Governing Documents to the
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item S: Changes to Governing Documents has been added
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Students Supporting
Brain Tumor Research
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: Representative is cofounding SSBTR here on campus, as a satellite organization
to the established organization in Phoenix. The primary focus is to raise funds and promote
awareness for Brain Tumor Research. The club on campus here will do these things just as
the Phoenix Organization does. Senator Tillinghast asks what events they have in mind.
They plan to do small fundraising activities to supplement the larger events such as the
SSBTR Walk in Phoenix.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research
has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item B: IA: Chelsea Schinker, $400
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: She is here to request funding for a trip to San Diego where she will present
curriculum changes at the National Art Education Association Conference at the end of this
month. The trip is very expensive for lodging and the funding will help this as well as travel.
This is a large conference with many representatives in the United States.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: IA: Chelsea Schinker, $400 has been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item C: OA: Alpha Kappa Psi, $131.14
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Alpha Kappa Psi representative is here to as for refund for gas money to and
from a leadership conference at ASU three weeks ago. They went to see how the ASU
Chapter runs and to bring back new ideas to the chapter at NAU. Senator Tillinghast asks
what the club is, and representative replies that it is a professional organization open to all
majors. They strive to create leaders in every aspect of the world. Senator Libby
compliments representative on the budget.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: OA: Alpha Kappa Psi, $131.14 has been approved
Motion: Senator Cook move to vote on Item D: OA: Epilepsy Now, $225
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: Emily Miller is the Vice President of Epilepsy Now, which is a student
organization designed to raise awareness on campus and support for people in Flagstaff
with epilepsy. They will hold a seminar called Epilepsy 101 that will provide more
information to attendees about how to approach a seizure and they are asking $225 for the
Ashurst Auditorium rental. Senator Simon asks if Sodexo is providing food, yes. Senator
Soto asks if there is certified training to teach this, and Miller explains that a neurologist in
Flagstaff is coming to speak for the event.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: OA: Epilepsy Now, $225 has been approved
Motion: Senator Cabral move to strike Item E: OA: NAU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee, $500
Second: Senator Lulay
Discussion: See Discussion for Item F: NAU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee, $2025
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: OA: NAU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee, $500 has been struck.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item F: SB 26-83: NAU Women’s Ultimate
Frisbee, $2025
Second: Senator Lulay
Discussion: The Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team is asking for funding for individual team
memberships, because USAU Memberships are required for members to compete and they
are $50. They went to tournaments in Irvine and Vegas, and the money will also cover gas.
Senator Libby asks how they did at the tournaments, and representative replies that in
Vegas they won one game and Irvine they won four. They competed against six different
teams. Senator Soto asks how many teams there were total and representative responds
that there were 40 in Vegas and 11 in Irvine. Senator Tillinghast asks if the bill is for the
total amount, Senator Howard explains that it is and the OA may not be needed. The USAU
fees are included in the bill as well as gas and tournament costs. The OA will be struck.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: SB 26-83: NAU Women’s Ultimate Frisbee, $2025 has been
Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on Item G: OA: NAU Hiking Club, $500 and Item H: SB
26-84: NAU Hiking Club, $500
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: Jacob is president of the hiking club. They are requesting $1000 for a spring
break trip to Southern Utah. This trip will include hiking, backpacking and other activities
for member attending. The funds are for transportation money and entrance fees.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: OA: NAU Hiking Club, $500 and Item H: SB 26-84: NAU Hiking
Club, $500 have been approved
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item I: OA: PICATU, $500 and Item J: SB 26-85:
PICATU, $570
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: Treasurer is here to ask for $1070 to attend a regional tournament in Salt Lake
City Utah. 20 members will be attending this Pokémon Tournament and he personally
placed in the top ten out of 500 at a previous tournament. Each member is paying for food
and tournament fee, so they are asking for gas and lodging funding. A lot their members
cannot play sports, so this tournament means a lot for them. Senator Gorshe asks what they
do. They play the Pokémon card game and the Pokémon video game. They have 10
members competing in the card game and 15 in the video game. Senator Tillinghast asks
what type he uses; the treasurer replies that his favorite is dark type. Senator Libby didn’t
know there were types.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I: OA: PICATU, $500 and Item J: SB 26-85: PICATU, $570 have been
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item K: OA: UTV62, $500 and Item L: SB 26-86:
UTV62, $3500
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: This is the school of communication’s first combined effort to create a feature
film festival competition. The funding will help with fees, costumes, equipment, and more.
Senator Startt asks if the costumes and such can be rented, because ASNAU cannot fund
something that is bought to be kept. He says they can be rented, but Senator Howard
mentions that the Hexapus was voted on, and these things will be kept for campus use as
well. Senator Tillinghast thinks the process is very ambitious and great. They hope it will be
the first of many.
Senator Cabral has looked over the bylaws and ASNAU is not funding anything that is not
allowed through this vote.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: OA: UTV62, $500 and Item L: SB 26-86: UTV62, $3500 have been
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item M: OA: NAU Wushu Team, $500 and Item N:
SB 26-87: NAU Wushu Team, $3004
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: NAU Wushu Team is looking for funding for a tournament in Maryland; it is the
largest collegiate tournament in the U.S. This year the tournament is special to them
because the coach has just graduated and many teams do not make it past this obstacle.
Senator Simon asks what Wushu is, and the representative explains that it is a form of
Martial Arts. Senator Soto asks how many teams will compete, 20 different colleges.
Vote: Unanimous, Item M: OA: NAU Wushu Team, $500 and Item N: SB 26-87: NAU Wushu
Team, $3004 have been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item O: SB 26-88: Capstone Team, $3122.88
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: Representative explains that they will be going to Las Vegas to compete with
their wind turbine as a capstone team, and the funding will go toward transportation and
lodging. He has been working on this for a year. Senator Tillinghast asks how many
members there are on the team, 18 total representing a few different majors. This
competition is to further wind energy sources. Senator Lulay confirms that their idea will
be implemented after a natural disaster, as the previous representative had stated earlier
in the week. It takes 10-15 minutes to set up and is 45 centimeters in diameter. It can be
scaled. Senator Cabral asks if ASNAU can fund capstone projects, but Senator Libby
explains that ASNAU is not funding the project just the transportation and lodging costs.
Chairwoman Woodhouse says two years ago they sent a Capstone Team to Florida to
present their findings, so it has been done in the past. Dr. Brandel can be contacted if
necessary. Senator Buchta doesn’t see a problem with this. Senator Gorshe says they are
not paying for any credit hours or anything also. Senator Lulay says that they have a grant
for the actual project, so it is acceptable to fund to get them there. There is nothing in the
Bylaws that says this can’t be done.
Vote: Unanimous, Item O: SB 26-88: Capstone Team, $3122.88 has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to table Item P: SB 26-89: Psychology Students, $1720
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: Senator Tillinghast explains that they will be present the week after spring
Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-89: Psychology Students, $1720 has been tabled
Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on Item Q: SB 26-90: NAU Adventure Club, $612.84
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: The NAU Adventure Club is a combination of other activity clubs, and partially
includes hiking, cycling, climbing, and running. They get members together to network on
campus and go around Northern Arizona together. They are requesting funds to take six
members on a backpacking trip. Funding will go toward campsite fees and transportation.
Senator Cabral asks how this will benefit NAU. It allows student to explore Arizona while
networking and building relationships on campus. Senator Gorshe asks what they will gain
from this. Representative explains that everyone going will gain the experience of the
backpacking trip and seeing Northern Arizona, this will also help with future club
Senator Tillinghast will abstain, as he is a part of the club.
Senator Gorshe does not know what will be brought back to campus by this. Senator Simon
feels that this is like a vacation, and there are actually students who pay $1200 to go on this
trip. Senator Lulay asks how this is any different from the Hiking Club. He is right, says
Senator Libby and Senator Simon. Senator Startt agrees with Senator Lulay. Senator Libby
says that her roommate has been on this trip for school credit, but this is more of a
personal endeavor. However, she felt that her roommate benefited from this. Senator
Gorshe would like to hear how it would be educational. Representative explains that it is
the experience with other students bonding and bringing their experiences back to
students here and the NAU campus as a whole. Senator Lulay says that ASNAU doesn’t
always have to be funding educational things, because social events are part of a club or
organization as well.
Vote: 10 in favor, 1 abstain, Item Q: SB 26-90: NAU Adventure Club, $612.84 has been
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item R: SB 26-91: NAU Tennis Club, $875.86
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: The NAU Tennis Club is asking for hotel, gas, and entry tournament fees for
their last tournament in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Senator Soto asks if he has heard back
about another tournament, and representative replies that they do not yet know.
Vote: Unanimous, Item R: SB 26-91: NAU Tennis Club, $875.86 has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item S: Changes to Governing Documents
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: These are changes that Legislative Committee has been working on for the past
three weeks. The constitution will be changed minimally and the bylaw changes are in
regards to the responsibilities of the Vice Chair. Most of these changes are arranging things
so they will be more transparent, and the only major change is allowing a senator to
oversee the hiring process of certain staff members.
Senator Tillinghast says that he would like to vote on these changes separately, and not as a
whole item.
Rescind: Senator Howard rescinds his previous motion.
Chairwoman Woodhouse determines that the best course of action would be to vote on the
agenda item as usual but separate the changes and vote on them one by one.
Rescind: Senator Howard rescinds his previous rescind.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on changes to Bylaws Article IV
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Libby asks what job the changes are under; it is under the Vice
President of Academic Affairs. Senator Tillinghast explains that the change is to involve
these positions in the hiring process of positions mainly under them, such as the Senate
Clerk with the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Senator Libby asks about club
headquarters, but these positions being hired under Vice President of Student Affairs are
already included in the bylaws.
Vote: Unanimous, the changes to Bylaws Article IV have been approved
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on changes to Bylaws Article V
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, the changes to Bylaws Article V have been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on changes to Bylaws Article VII
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse asks someone from the Legislative Committee to
explain the third sub-bullet point because it reads Move… Senator Cabral explains that
every section will be moved down and it includes more than just section 5 to section 6 and
section 6 to section 7 but the explanation just continues in this way after the ellipses.
Chairwoman Woodhouse notes that the VP of Academic Affairs is left out of call to special
session via one of the changes. Senator Tillinghast explains that this already exists, and it is
just made clearer by it’s addition to the bylaws even though it is already in the constitution.
Senator Cabral explains that the clarity is meant for the person in that position. Senator
Lulay asks if Senator Simon has an issue with Section 24. She feels that hiring is unique to
exec, and that five people already make hiring decisions and a sixth person does not need
to be included. The Senate gets their say in the approval process. Six people would also be
more difficult for tiebreakers. Senator Howard says he spoke with President Mastrud, and
he feels that if a senator were present he or she would be more like a middleman and a
person who can be a liaison to the Senate. Senator Lulay says his vision was for the Senate
to be present in the hiring process, and not necessarily a part of it. It is a safeguard so the
Senate will have information about voting. He also feels it would be fair for the new senate
to appoint these people, and Senator Simon agrees. She feels that this is the new Senate’s
opportunity. Senator Gorshe feels that this doesn’t mean that senator has any say in the
hiring process other than being in the room. He says the Senate does have their time, but
the current Senate does set the budget for next year and do things for next year regardless
so it would be okay to appoint this person. Senator Lulay points out that a third or less of
senators now will be present next year and they will not have been inaugurated yet.
Senator Cabral suggests that senators could add ‘and be present’ after represent the senate
in Section 24 to address this issue. Chairwoman Woodhouse says that that is a lot to ask of
a senator who only works 6 hours a week to be present at all of these interviews. Senator
Startt asks if they have to go, and the Senate replies yes, it would be the duty of him or her
who is inaugurated. Senator Simon says that if it is already interpreted in different ways, it
will be more confusing later. Senator Lulay asks if anyone would have an issue with the
extra work, Senator Gorshe would. Chyna asks when the interviews take place, and
Chairwoman Woodhouse says that they are in the evening. Chairwoman Woodhouse adds
that last year Chairman Ryan Lee gave certain senators informal positions, and this may not
have to be written in the bylaws. Senator Gorshe says if it is something the Senate is serious
about, it should be written. Senator Simon agrees. Senator Howard feels that it would be
easier to work together with the Executive Board and Senate, they are not trying to impede
on the exec power just to allow the Senate to be informed.
Senator Tillinghast says that they only thing that comes from adding the senator has to be
present it just means they have to go, everything else still applies and the issues with other
wording isn’t fixed. Senator Howard says if next year’s Senate has an issue understanding
this they can review the minutes. Senator Cabral says a subsection can be created to say
that the senator does not have ability to influence. Senator Lulay says that it can also say
they will attend as much as they are able. Senator Cabral suggests removing for now and
allowing it to be reworked. Senator Gorshe thinks it should be worked out now, and he
feels that if the rest of the bylaws were understood, a future senator would know that a
vote on hiring is not warranted. Senator Tillinghast agrees, but he doesn’t feel that the
whole Senate agrees. Senator Lulay feels it doesn’t hurt to be explicit. Spencer is confused,
and she asks if a senator just wants to be present during the interviews, the Senate replies
yes. A senator can be a part of any part that they wish, but will not be speaking and
contributing. Senator Howard says it will be for Chief of Staff. Senator Simon says this is not
true; it is for the positions listed. Chairwoman Woodhouse says that Elections Commission
and Supreme Court are just appointed, not hired. Chyna believes that the purpose would be
to bridge the gap between Senate and Staff, but the Chief of Staff and SSA directors are the
only specific parts of staff that are included. Senator Simon says that it just allows for the
Senate to feel included in the process.
Senator Cabral adds ‘or appointing’ after represent the senate in all hiring and ‘as schedules
allow’ at the end. Subsection A: The nominated senator shall not have the authority to
influence the hiring or appointing.
Chyna suggests that it would be best to have an incumbent in this position. It will be
difficult with the inauguration timeline, and it may not always work out this way. Senator
Libby says that she wonders what the point of having one person with one opinion in the
room is if the candidates are required to come to Senate anyways. Senator Simon agrees.
Senator Howard says that they may not always be able to be here. Senator Libby says what
if the particular senator is against this person, and wonders if that person will just not be
approved because of one opinion. Senator Howard says that that person will be nominated
in the first place, and it will be up to the Senate to avoid these biases. Senator Lulay says
that it is meant to bridge the gap between Staff and Senate as Chyna has said, and not as a
negative aspect. Bias is possible, but overall this is a good idea. Senator Howard says it will
be the Senate’s duty to appoint someone without bias. Spencer says it should just be made
known what date these people need to come into the meeting so that they have ample
times to clear their schedules. Senator Simon says this is already supposed to be done, and
agrees that they should be told. Jillian agrees that it should be a positive thing, and it
shouldn’t be personal, but that senator could talk to the exec team after the interview. They
are meant to be listening, and to relay the information heard not to input. If the problem is
personal, it shouldn’t even be said. Senator Tillinghast agrees that bias is a potential
problem, but nothing currently indicates that the Senate has to listen to the nominated
senator. Senator Lulay repeats that it is a safeguard.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to amend Bylaws Article VII, Section 24 to read: Nominating
and approving through a 2/3 majority vote a senator to represent the Senate in all hiring or
appointing for the Chief of Staff, Election’s Commission, Supreme Court, Student State
Affairs Directors, Senate Clerk, and Senate Parliamentarian as schedules allow.
Add Subsection A: The nominated senator shall not have the authority to influence the
hiring or appointing.
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, the changes to Bylaws Article VII, Section 24 have been amended
Vote: Unanimous, the changes to Bylaws Article VII have been approved
Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on changes to Bylaws Article XXI
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse says that this amendment will change the Elections
Commission with 5 full members to have a quorum of 3, like the Supreme Court. Senator
Gorshe wonders what the word ‘proceed’ means in this context, and feels that having all
five present is necessary. Senators Simon and Libby agree. Senator Simon explains that if
there were an issue, someone would want a full and fair chance to be heard. Senator Startt
asks about emergencies and uses it to validate the idea of a quorum of 3, and Senator
Buchta says that the process can always be pushed back 10 days in emergency situations.
Senator Gorshe thinks that Elections Commission and Supreme Court should be treated as
one section entity. Chairwoman Woodhouse says that a 2/3 quorum is consistent within
ASNAU, and Senator Simon says that there was no consistency in this past election so this
does not always apply. Senator Gorshe points out that 2/3 is 66% and 3/5 is only 60%. It is
not a lot to ask to get them to be there if they are notified. Chief of Staff Smart says it is
difficult to get five students here, because they are appointed and they don’t realize the
time commitment. Senator Buchta wonders why they do not realize the time they are asked
to commit. Smart replies that there has never been an election with this situation before.
Chief of Staff Smart says that they have been in the office until 10 o’clock at night in the past
and there is no way to determine this. She feels that a lot of the changes have made it
difficult in the office. Senator Lulay says they should be made aware of the commitment,
and Smart says they are the issue is that the time commitment has never been this much
before. Chyna says those hired need to be told of this, but there is a lot that goes with this
election and with the next commission they need to be told that it could be five hours or
thirty. Senator Lulay says he’s sorry they were inconvenienced. Smart says the issue is not
that they were inconvenienced; it was that it was unforeseen. Senator Libby says it needs to
be acknowledged that elections be pushed back. Chairwoman Woodhouse says that it may
be beneficial to table until next week for discussion purposes. Senator Lulay says elections
are over at this point, and Smart says they aren’t because there could still be issues brought
up for the next 7 days. Simon says the rules should be changed now because of this but
Chairwoman Woodhouse explains that at this point the process is too far along.
Motion: Senator Startt move to table changes to Bylaws Article XXI
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: None
Vote: 5 in favor, 5 in opposition, the Senate invokes a tiebreaker and Chairwoman
Woodhouse vote yes, the changes to Bylaws Article XXI have been tabled.
Senator Cabral feels the conversation should be started about the other changes, and
Senator Soto, who has to leave, will proxy her vote if necessary.
Senator Libby says she does not feel comfortable discussing further because emotions are
high and she feels that the discussion would be more constructive after a break. Senator
Simon agrees, but the Legislative Committee has worked really hard for weeks on this.
Senator Libby says she doesn’t feel that it is necessary now. Senator Simon would like it
done now. Senator Cabral explains that the Legislative Committee was promised the
opportunity to discuss. Senator Lulay feels that the discussion should be postponed until
next meeting, as now four senators are not present and it would be inefficient for the
conversation and discussion to be repeated at a later date.
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- No report.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- This week he has finalized dates for Unity Week, and everyone needs to be
aware of tabling on Monday the 24th of March for the keynote speaker on
Tuesday the 25th. The keynote speaker will be Mia Hamm, at 7:00PM in
Prochnow Auditorium. On Wednesday March 26th, Special Advisor for
International Disability Resources Judith Heumann will speak in the NACC from
4:00PM to 5:30PM. If anyone is able to help table on Monday, please email him
as soon as possible. Due to the slow process of contracting, tabling will be very
important so he needs lots of assistance. Please promote the keynote speaker on
social media to assist with PR. If anyone is interested in helping out the night of
the presentation, please let him know. He asks senators to email clubs to inform
them of the Unity Week Calendar.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- No report.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- No report.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- The Student State Affairs Directors passed out tabling sign up sheets for the
Pledge Campaign, the week after spring break.
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- No report.
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- Purple Run is March 30th, if anyone cannot sign up please email Chief of Staff
Smart. The shift is 8:30am to 12:00pm and everyone is needed. If anyone wants
to run, please contact Chyna, Jillian, or Chief of Staff Smart just like the Turkey
Trot. Also, the Ellie Goulding sign up is out as a Google Document. The budget for
this event is handed out. They only change is that Rudimental will no longer be
coming. Conway may be replacement.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- No report.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- No report.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Ortega gives no report.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe gives no report.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Thomas Lulay- No report.
b. Scott Tillinghast- No report.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- No report.
b. Brittany Simon- No report.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- No report.
b. Nicolas Startt- No report.
College of Education
a. Alyssa Soto- No report.
b. Jared Gorshe- No report.
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- No report.
b. Alexandria Buchta- No report.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- No report.
b. Savannah Libby- No report.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— No report.
Art Farmer— No report.
Discussion Items
- None
Important Dates
March 24th, Tabling outside the Hotspot for keynote speaker, 2:00PM to 5:00PM
March 25th, Pledge Campaign Tabling
March 25th, Unity Week Keynote Speaker Mia Hamm, 7:00PM @ Prochnow
March 30th, Purple Run 5K, Shifts from 8:30AM to 12:00PM
April 6th, Tickets for Ellie Goulding
April 10th, Ellie Goulding Concert
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.