ASNAU SENATE MEETING #18 TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: February 28, 2014 Date of Senate Meeting: February 27, 2014 Number on council: 12 Number present: 10 Prepared by Amy Edgerton Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: - Brittany Simon, Ryan Cook Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Cabral move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Lulay Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience Parking and Shuttle Services – The Director of Parking and Shuttle Services is here to discuss what has been talked about lately. Her job is to let everyone know that parking is listening to the concerns of students, and to share information about why they do what they do. ASNAU has collaborated with them on certain things like Reading and Finals Week, and they really appreciate that feedback and teamwork. Financially, it is not feasible to have lower rates, as unanimously the students would like, but an appraiser said that they would have to have thousands more parking passes sold to do this. They would like to see this happen as well, but it is not possible. They have taken measures to help with parking rates like working to make rates stay flat and allowing commuter students to share passes. The first myth is that parking is an enforcement department. They are actually a service department. They exist to build and maintain parking. It cost over $110,000 to clean and repair the parking lot behind the library, and they have recently purchased a machine to clean the parking garages that was over $70,000. They provide enforcement as a service, and when they issue citations on campus it is out of respect for those who pay $400-$500 for a permit. They do so with forgiveness, giving warnings and the fines are because of the students who do pay. They want to educate people first to do the right thing, and sometimes it is not until there is a fine that the warning is taken seriously. They have been struggling with full time shuttle drivers, and are working to hire more drivers to put more buses on the road. Safety is most important when hiring these people, and that is why they have had to let some people go. Last year they had over 1.3 million riders, and this year will see the same. The second myth is that parking is out to gouge student money. Rates are to cover operational expenses and debt services, from things like the parking garage. The second biggest part of the pie chart is total personal service. This year they will spend over $200,000 on repairing the top level of the Mountain View Parking Garage. Parking services is an auxiliary, and does not get any funding from campus. Every penny that goes in gets funneled out. They will also in the coming years reinvest for tracking services on the buses. The revenue is reinvested through parking lot expenses for Gabaldon, Campus Heights, Wall Aquatic, Performing Arts, and building parking such as Knowles Garage, Sand Francisco Garage, and McConnell. The third myth is that Parking and Shuttle Services does not have enough buses. This is not true; it is that they simply need more drivers. They will have a summer training program this year to invest in preparing students to be drivers. It would be irresponsible to add more buses, because a lot of the buses have huge vacancies in the times that are not right between classes. They are looking at changing the routes to help between SBS and the Union, and possibly allowing every other bus of the Louie Line turn around at SBS instead of going all the way to the Sky Dome. Drivers get $8.00 during training and $8.80 to begin with and the department gives merit-based raises, usually capping at about $11.00. Myth number four is that the enforcement staff is out to get certain students. The enforcement staff is to protect students who pay to park, 50% of citations are warnings, and officers to do not make up citations. Also, some students have complaints about the transportation fee, which is projected to go up but Parking has made a request to keep this fee where it currently is. The final myth is that there is not enough parking on campus. This is false as parking has only sold about 7,000 permits for 9,000 spaces, and zones will be changing soon as well. Questions: VP Cooper asks if there is a way to make buses more efficient after peak hours. She replies yes, but that would potentially mean that schedules have to adjust during those busy hours, which would make travel between classes even more difficult. They want to put the money where the most of the riders are. Senator Lulay says that as he owns a permit, he is frustrated by the fact that he is regulated to park only in a certain zone and would like to see that change, especially for commuter students. He feels it is unfair at the price to cite these students for the fact that they cannot park elsewhere. She replies that there is flexibility after 4:30, but during the day campus is packed. Years ago they allowed more flexibility, and traffic was horrible with buses not being able to get anywhere. It is regulated mainly to control traffic, but also for things like employee parking lots. Senator Lulay then thinks that all parking lots should be available after 4:30. She says that she would like to have that conversation with RHA and other organizations. Audience member asks about reserve spots at the HLC, and what they are for. She replies that those are for students in Mountain View who do not have space in the Mountain View garage. He asks why the 15-minute parking was removed from Mountain View. She will look into it. She is running out of time but she is always open to discussion with students. Spencer asks about Pine Ridge parking during tailgating. Representative explains that residents are notified before buying that pass of these contingencies, but they are also allowed to park in employee spaces and commuter parking during the student tailgate. Dr. Brandel says this could be fixed by the removal of student tailgate. He also appreciates the invite for ASNAU and RHA to talk about the 4:30 issue. He has an issue with the fact that the parking garages are not very full. He wonders if there are any creative ways to reduce the gap between the parking garage price and other lots, or maybe incentives such as students who have parked there for two years get a reduction on the third year. She explains that the reasons there are less garage holders is because of event parking, and the fact that the rooftop parking must be closed if it snows. She is open to creative ideas, however. Unfinished Business New Action Business Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item A: Approval of Supreme Court Justices Second: Senator Libby Discussion: President Mastrud explains that two Supreme Court Justices have resigned, and the new ones that she and Monika have decided on Celeste Hamilton and Robert Decoste for this position. Senator Gorshe asks if they are present, and President Mastrud replies no, there were scheduling issues. Senator Cabral asks if Monika can come to the meetings, as it is part of her job description. President Mastrud will discuss this with her. Senator Lulay would like to hear from the candidates directly before voting them into the position. Senator Ortega would like to meet them as well. President Mastrud has more information about them that she can go into detail about, and they can come to the office to meet everyone, but with elections coming up it is important to fill these seats now. Chairwoman Woodhouse personally interviewed these individuals over winter break and is confident they are both a good fit for the position. Mastrud says each has a general understanding of ASNAU and is actively involved on campus, has previously worked on campus, and can bring unique perspectives to the Supreme Court as well as excelling academically. Senator Gorshe asks if President Mastrud has their resumes and can share, and she replies that sine she has not asked them if she can distribute those to the whole Senate, she cannot do so. Senator Gorshe asks if the Senate can hear some of the qualifications. President Mastrud lists many qualifications and details about each of the candidates for these positions. Vote: 5 in favor, 3 in opposition, 2 abstain, by simply majority the new Supreme Court Justices have been approved. Chairwoman Woodhouse notes that Senator Simon had sent her proxy vote today to Senator Tillinghast. Point of Order: Senator Cabral reads from the Constitution that Supreme Court Justices need 2/3 Senate vote to be approved. Motion does not pass. Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item B: Club Recognition: The Biological Engineering Club Second: Senator Libby Discussion: It is representatives’ intent and goal to bring students from the various backgrounds at NAU in the departments of Biosciences and Physical Sciences together to get exposure from the professional world. It is a very exciting field that is growing every day, and he has a diverse number of physical science majors already interested. Senator Libby asks how they plan to benefit the students and if they will have professional speakers. Yes, they already have industry professional contacts and will travel to conferences and events for bioscience. Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Club Recognition: The Biological Engineering Club has been approved Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item C: Club Recognition: NAU Jazz Club Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: President of the NAU Jazz Club explains that the club will gather to listen, discuss, and play jazz music. The music school at NAU is classically based, and they want to bring jazz in as well as guest artists and speakers. They will also advocate jazz in the community, through performing in Flagstaff and at schools. They would like to create more culture. Senator Cabral asks about the constitution, specifically what ‘objects’ means in the second section. Representative explains it is meant to be objectives, like what he has listed with artists and speakers. Vote: Unanimous, Item C: Club Recognition: NAU Jazz Club has been approved Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item D: Club Recognition: NAU Humans versus Zombies Second: Senator Cabral Discussion: One of the members of this club is here to discuss their desire to become a club for the game to continue and to streamline the process. Senator Soto asks if they already run the game on campus, yes, but as they are not a club and all events have to be sponsored by clubs, becoming a registered club would make the process easier. Senator Lulay asks if they will bring anything else to campus, and she replies that they will run game twice a year and possibly clean the campus. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: Club Recognition: NAU Humans versus Zombies has been approved Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item E: OA: Order of Omega, $500 Second: Senator Soto Discussion: The President of the Order of Omega, the Greek Honor Society, explains that they will have their awards banquet coming up to highlight Greek student achievement on campus this year. They are asking for $500 because the event will be bigger this year, ABOR has been invited as well as other administrators on campus. They want to highlight Greek Life in this positive way. Senator Ortega asks what the funding is going toward. He lists the rental fee for the dub, and for decorations for the tables. ASNAU cannot fund the decorations but it can go toward food if Sodexo is supplying. Senator Cabral had the same questions. Vote: Unanimous, Item E: OA: Order of Omega, $500 has been approved Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item F: OA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, $500 Second: Senator Lulay Discussion: Senior Mechanical Engineer is here to request funding for two trips in April. 12 members will go to San Louis Obispo where a design competition will occur. In the end of April they will send a group of seniors to another competition. The funds will cover gas, hotel, and registration for both. Vote: Unanimous, Item F: OA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, $500 has been approved Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item G: SB 26-65: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, $3500 Second: Senator Lulay Discussion: See Discussion for Item F: OA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, $500 Vote: Unanimous, Item G: SB 26-65: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, $3500 has been approved Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item H: OA: NAU Gymnastics Club, $500 and Item I: SB 26-66: NAU Gymnastics Club, $2900 Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: Senator Gorshe will speak on behalf of the NAU Gymnastics Club due to a conflict. They are asking for $2900 Senate Bill plus $500 OA to go to a Gymnastics Competition at UC Davis. They typically do not go on these competitions because they have not been large enough in the past but they have been growing and would like to represent NAU. Vote: Unanimous, Item H: OA: NAU Gymnastics Club, $500 and Item I: SB 26-66: NAU Gymnastics Club, $2900 have been approved Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item J: SB 26-67: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2619 Second: Senator Startt Discussion: They are requesting funding for attending the National Collegiate Leadership Conference, and because of the miscommunication from previous bill, they now have this new bill to request funds to cover registration as well as hotel and gas. Chairwoman Woodhouse would like to add another whereas that states this bill will replace SB 26-49. Motion: Senator Ortega move to amend Item J: SB 26-67: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2619 to add an additional whereas stating it is replacing SB 26-49: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2500 Second: Senator Soto Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item J: SB 26-67: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2619 has been amended. Vote: Unanimous, Item J: SB 26-67: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2619 has been approved. Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item K: SB 26-68: United States Institute of Theater Technology, $3029 Second: Senator Buchta Discussion: They are asking for registration fee for a national conference in March, and also for boarding fees. $3,029 is just for registration fee and the students will cover the rest of the trip. Vote: Unanimous, Item K: SB 26-68: United States Institute of Theater Technology, $3029 has been approved Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item L: SB 26-69: Student Association of Fire Ecology, $3460 Second: Senator Ortega Discussion: Funding will assist with transportation and lodging for a trip to Nebraska to help with a conservancy event. It provides students on campus in forestry with hands-on experience to help them get a job following graduation. Senator Lulay asks how many people will be attending; representative says 7 undergraduate students and 1 graduate PhD that will serve as the faculty advisor on the trip. Vote: Unanimous, Item L: SB 26-69: Student Association of Fire Ecology, $3460 has been approved Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item M: SB 26-70: NAU College Republicans, $3500 Second: Senator Soto Discussion: They are asking for funding to pay for trip to Washington D.C. They have raised a lot of funding for the trip, which starts next Wednesday, and are paying for hotel rooms out of pocket and are subsidizing for airfare also. Vote: 9 in favor, 1 in opposition, Item M: SB 26-70: NAU College Republicans, $3500 has been approved Motion: Senator Gorshe move to add Item N: SB 26-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $2345 Second: Senator Startt Discussion: The Lacrosse team is asking for funding to cover two tournaments, because they are growing in size and are required to play against more teams. It is for registration fee that covers insurance costs and other expenses. Senator Gorshe says he will need to amend the bill for wording, and he wrote the bill for $2345 but the budget reads $2255. Representative explains that the $700 for the registration fee is acceptable for 14 players, will amend to $2255. Vote: Unanimous, Item N: SB 26-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $2345 has been added Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item N: SB 26-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $2345 Second: Senator Soto Motion: Senator Gorshe move to amend Item N: SB 26-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $2345 to change the total allocation of $2345 to read $2255, as well as at the bottom of the bill and in the second whereas. Senator Gorshe also move to strike the words ‘league fees and USL fees’ from the introductory statement and replace with the words ‘to attend lacrosse tournaments and pay for U.S. Lacrosse registration fees. Strike the words ‘league dues’ from the first whereas, and replace with ‘tournament and registration fees’. Add that the Desert Lacrosse Tournament will take place on March 15th, 2014 in Las Vegas, NV and the Santa Barbara Tournament will take place February 14th, 2014. The words ‘tournaments or’ are struck in the second whereas, so that it now reads ‘This does not include cost of travel.’ Finally, add another whereas to read ‘The bill will also cover the U.S. Lacrosse Fees’. Second: Senator Howard Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item N: SB 26-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $2255 has been amended. Vote: Unanimous, Item N: SB 26-71: NAU Women’s Lacrosse, $2255 has been approved. Chief of Staff Smart would like to further discuss why the new Supreme Court Justices were not approved. Senator Gorshe asks what would be discussed since it has already been voted on. Smart explains that the positions need to be filled because of elections and no one can file a complaint if there isn’t a full Supreme Court. Vivian asks how long these positions have been vacated, two weeks. ASNAU only has a month to fill the spots. Smart explains that it is President Mastrud’s job to appoint and the Senate’s job to approve, just as any other staff position. The members of the Senate didn’t meet Senator Lulay and Senator Soto prior to their hire, and she also points out that the Senate has never met the Elections Commission members and others in the Supreme Court that have been hired up until this point. Senator Howard explains that they met Senator Lulay and Senator Soto at the retreat, so this argument is not a good one. Smart says that she doesn’t remember going over their qualifications at the retreat and doesn’t know why these candidates’ qualifications are in question. Senator Lulay says that if it were up to him, he would have liked to have everyone know him from his position now. He says that while amazing things have been read about them and he doesn’t question the choices of the Executive Board, he wishes to hear from them before approving them. Smart says something should be put into the bylaws to change this because it has never been this way with staff decisions in the past. Jillian wonders what will be different about meeting them and asking them about their qualifications than what President Mastrud has already read. Senator Tillinghast asks what will be done differently in regards to the vote, and Chairwoman Woodhouse says that the vote will be reconsidered. VP Cooper says it is in the best interest of those running to have the Supreme Court Justices approved now. Chairwoman Woodhouse proposes that they ask Celeste and Robert to come in tomorrow so that people can meet them. Senator Lulay says he is willing to put them into the position, but would like something done like Smart has proposed in regards to the bylaws so that the Senate can meet people in the future. Smart says that because the circumstance has come up now, all they can do is change the rules for future cases so it does not happen again. It needs to be a preventative measure for the future and not something done right now with this vote. Senator Gorshe says the bylaws are already written inherently to have the Senate meet people they are approving, and that that’s what approving means, but they will take a look at it. He also says himself and other senators have been concerned about this in the past. Annsley thinks it would be important to reconsider and for transparency it is important for the student body to know why people are voting no on issues such as this. Motion: Senator Startt move to reconsider the vote on Item A: Approval of Supreme Court Justices Second: Senator Soto Discussion: Senator Lulay wants to know the process of changes to ensure this does not occur in the future if passed. Senator Tillinghast says it will be discussed in Legislative Committee, where senators will look at potential changes. Senator Gorshe says ASNAU is doing what is supposed to be done. Senator Startt says he thinks that all Senator Lulay wants is to meet these people, and Senator Gorshe agrees. They should be here before the Senate. Chief of Staff Smart clarifies that the intention is to find out qualifications, and explains that by turning the process into new members having to stand before all of the Senate before approval, it turns into a 17 person interview and that is not necessarily fair. Senator Tillinghast says he believes the Senate can trust the Executive Team to present sufficient candidates, and it is written in the bylaws that the Senate should approve of them, so they should know stuff about these people. Smart asks the Senate if they have previously met everyone in certain clubs that are going on trips, but the Senate retorts that this is not the same thing. Senator Howard asks if ASNAU can do kind of what Shayla suggested, to meet them tomorrow and then discuss this over email. Shayla says the vote is being reconsidered and the Justices may come tomorrow but there is no guarantee. Senator Libby asks if all of the Senate was approved, no, because senators are elected. Colleen explains that as a staff member, she would have been extremely intimidated having to interview with everyone in a sense. Senator Gorshe says that staff is different, and in his experience being approved as Senate Parliamentarian, he was asked questions and explained his qualifications. Chairwoman Woodhouse would like to know if anyone at this point would change his or her vote, yes. Smart feels it isn’t necessarily fair to ask them to come in tomorrow with only twelve hours notice, because if they have a conflict in this case they may not be approved. The Senate cannot afford to wait until next week because of elections. Senator Cabral feels it is not inconsiderate as it is in the job description. Senator Gorshe asks who would change their vote, two respond. Senator Startt agrees with Senator Lulay’s contingency, of voting them in knowing that they will be met. Senator Gorshe believes this is a copout and a decision should be reached. Senator Gorshe wants to hear from those with no arguments. Senator Libby says the Executive team is meant to appoint worthy candidates to these positions, and the Senate should trust that they have elected the Executive Team to do so. The candidates’ resumes have already been read, and she doesn’t know what else will be done. Chairwoman Woodhouse says this should be treated as a lesson learned. As of now, in this scenario, all qualifications have been read and the Executive Board approves of them including her, and she believes they will be good additions. The duration of meeting these individuals is further prolonging the voting process. Senator Gorshe says this reflects a lesson learned. President Mastrud says that the Justices were asked to meet everyone in office hours and the issues of one not doing so and a conflict of interest with the other are the reasons they are being replaced. Senator Soto says that she believes Senator Lulay is a good addition to the Senate though she cannot speak for herself, and since he did not meet everyone in this way, everyone should vote on this knowing that the issue will not be repeated. Annsley says this is important for the student body in elections and as elected representatives the Senate should not disservice the students with an incomplete Supreme Court. Oregon agrees, and there is a part in the bylaws that can remove justices, so if there is a mistake it can be fixed. The Senate needs to move forward since nothing can be done now. Senator Gorshe says that when the Senate is reminded that they represent the students they know, and it is putting blame on the Senate for not passing this. He believes the Executive Board holds some blame in this for not having them here. President Mastrud apologizes for this and agrees with Senator Lulay that this can be fixed for the future. Senator Cabral is confused and explains that the quorum for the Supreme Court is met without these new appointed. Senator Tillinghast says that the vote should move forward. Vote: 8 in favor, 2 in opposition, and the vote on Item A: Approval of Supreme Court Justices is being reconsidered Vote: 6 in favor, 4 in opposition, 1 abstain, new Supreme Court Justices are not approved. Note that Senator Simon has a proxy vote. Executive Reports a. President- Makenzie Mastrud - President Mastrud reports that the luncheon went really well, they got feedback from a lot of students and will try to schedule one later in the semester but this may not work out do to the President’s schedule. She attended Athletics with several ASNAU members, and the directors will share about tabling further but basically they will be tabling again during March 25th. This week she reviewed documents for the Presidential Search Committee, and forums will take place on Wednesday March 5th and Thursday March 6th from 4:00 to 4:45PM at the High Country Conference Center. All of ASNAU is invited to attend. She will be out of the office next week, she would like everyone to please feel free to email her if any questions or comments come about. Finally, she met with Shields, and worked on the weekly video. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper - VP Cooper met with Karen Massey from the Green Fund about cosponsoring the Undie Run as a precursor to Earth Week. He continues to work on Unity Week, trying to figure out Public Relations goals for the Undie Run and Earth Week since ASNAU is now helping with that. Club Headquarters has been going well this past week, and clubs can no longer make balloon orders because of how they were taking advantage of Club Headquarters Staff. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse - She will be meeting with a capstone team for engineering tomorrow at 11:30AM and invites Senator Libby and Senator Ortega to discuss the funding process. They will be meeting in the engineering building, but she and the senators can meet in the office and walk there. She will be starting a cleaning schedule for the senators in office hours beginning next week, and also doing one-on-ones. She attended athletics and earth hour, and has been working on the policy for Senate Bills for internal ASNAU in the future. Finally, she hung up study abroad posters and next week she wants to hear everyone sign up for relay. d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart - A few people signed up for Relay for Life during the 50% off promotion last week, and a few people asked about having to come for the full 12 hours but Chief of Staff Smart says that members do not have to come for the whole time. They did get approved for the night of fundraisers, will have masks and superhero stuff for students to purchase. Relay is excited about the Purple Run and will provide prizes for 1st through 20th place. Calendar will be out tomorrow evening. She is meeting with everyone working on the concert to talk about logistics and Special Events will have a bill next week. Election Packets were due today at 3:00PM, and she will begin emailing candidates about approved candidacy. She will contact the Elections Commission about the lack of a full supreme court even though there is a majority. If needed elections will be pushed back. Alyssa has been helping reach out to BTO for an ASNAU Relay for Life fundraiser. Senator Gorshe asks when sign up for shifts for Ellie Goulding will be passed around, she replies that they could do this soon but don’t want everyone to forget their times. She may create a Google doc. He will need at least a couple weeks. Senator Gorshe also asks what would happen if the election is moved. She says it will be after spring break, it has been that way in the past but this year when creating the calendar they wanted it before spring break, because students who sign petition tend to forget about candidates if too much time passes. It will probably be around spring break, and the Executive Board needs time for interviews for staff. Needs to be completed 40 days prior to the end of the semester. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid - There hasn’t been much activity with bills, but 1062 was vetoed this past week. Met with campus dining and nutritionists on campus and an intern will present next week. Will be tabling again for the Pledge Tuition hearing, Monday the 25th. Also looking into university fees. Senator Gorshe asks if they are still emailing reports, Oregon says that a lot of people weren’t reading them but if it works they could go back to it. B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton - This week they worked on the Louie Awards Flyer, and Colleen has been drawing up designs for the new ASNAU logo. Will be different for each season, fall, spring, winter and summer. C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga - The chocolate bars came in, and they are working to get a tabling spot. They are working on the Louie Award application for the website, the Purple Run, and they will create a sign up sheet for the Ellie Goulding concert soon. D. ITS- Joey Smoll - Will have the Louie Award application up this week, and will make the voting link for election larger on the website. E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan - NSG is having Tie-Dye event for Winter Family Weekend on Saturday, March 1st, at 11:00am on the north quad. They hope to see everyone there. They are doing the speaker series and would also like everyone to come out to listen to Cassie Luke next week and support her. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Ortega reports that senators should continue to communicate to clubs that budgets should be prepared for both meetings. B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that they discussed new position responsibilities for the Vice Chair as well as constitutional changes for initiatives and due to time these things will be discussed next week. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Thomas Lulay- No report. b. Scott Tillinghast- No report. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Ernan Cabral- No report. b. Brittany Simon- No report. College of Health and Human Services a. Zachary Howard- He is working with UTV62 and Women’s Ultimate Frisbee. b. Nicolas Startt- No report. College of Education a. Alyssa Soto- Had Dean meeting this past week. She is trying to set up a BTO Fundraiser for ASNAU for Relay for Life. b. Jared Gorshe- Similar to what ASNAU is doing with the pledge campaign may do a course evaluation campaign to promote students to complete course evaluations. College of Business a. Ryan Cook- No report. b. Alexandria Buchta- No report. College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Nicole Ortega- Had Dean’s meeting last Friday; they learned that engineering and forestry are the only majors that have program fees. The Dean will look into it more and send more information. b. Savannah Libby- No report. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— No report. Art Farmer— No report. Discussion Items - None Announcements Golden Pine Cone Award: Senator Buchta, for all of her hard work in the office and out of the office. Important Dates Saturday March 1st, NSG Tie-Dye Event at 11:00AM Thursday March 6th, Presidential Search Committee Forum, 4:00PM Monday March 25th, Pledge Campaign Tabling Adjournment Motion: Senator Howard move to adjourn the meeting Second: Senator Lulay Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 7:02 P.M.