February 20th

Date: February 21, 2014
Date of Senate Meeting: February 20, 2014
Number on council: 12
Number present: 12
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:01 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- All Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Howard move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
President Haeger – The President is here to speak of tuition and the pledge program. They
are beginning to talk with student groups about tuition for next year. Pledge tuition for
next year will increase 2.6%, by $251. It is a screaming deal for undergraduate students.
The pledge tuition program is only used on the Flagstaff Mountain Campus, because it is
a campus for four-year students and they would like students to stay for that full period
of time. They are very concerned with ABOR and what they will do with tuition this
year. The most important agenda at ABOR is to preserve the pledge program. They
could not maintain increases of only 2.6% all four years, so next year it should be up in
the 5% range again. He believes there are a majority of ABOR members who would like
lower tuition. Extended campuses will see a 5% increase, by $328. The students in
those campuses are already $2000 lower than the Flagstaff Mountain Campus because
they have fewer amenities. NAU Yuma is 2.9%, and NAU Yavapai is 4.9%, the tuition is
still at the Pell Level, $5100. This is because there are very limited offerings with only 4
programs offered. It is the hope that this campus grows over time. President Haeger
explains that the tuition pledge program should be continued because it offers
predictability to students, it is a tuition that when graduating in four years, will come
out to be significantly lower than ASU and UA. There is also an academic reason: that
students are encouraged to finish in four years if the tuition stays. The tuition pledge is
a choice for students and parents who may choose to go to one of the other campuses.
Student debt is increasingly becoming a major national issue. This year, Federal and
State governments will come down in relation to student debt. State appropriation and
tuition are the only sources of funding for the university. In legislature last week, they
testified to the committees and the governor has released her higher education budget.
Her observation is the economy is getting better but there is still a huge downscale risk
for the state because of Medicare, so they will not want to spend their money but save
it. The governor recommended $5.9 Million for parity. Parity it making sure an Arizona
student will get the same amount in state appropriation. The deal was made to cut
down parity to 75% of what the formula would give them, if it were agreed that all
would be given to NAU this year. The governor bought in the committee agreement is
yet to be seen. NAU and universities used to be funded solely on enrollment, but it has
become that no one cares who attends, it mainly matters who graduates. In regards to
performance funding, there are performance measures in STEM programs and health
programs at NAU. Last year NAU got performance funding but this year the governor
has decided to discontinue this. This is a slight bind because the staff at NAU is
committed to performance funding, and President Haeger will now discuss the change
with them. NAU is projected to get $6 Million this year from the state. The base budget
is $106 Million from the state, but used to be $161 Million. NAU has learned to exist as
an institution on much less money. The other positive about this year is that enrollment
looks strong for next fall. Tuition revenues help the overall budget.
Questions: President Mastrud asks what the total would be brought to given the 2.6%
increase. President Haeger responds that tuition will be $9,989 for in state students. It will
be difficult for PR when it goes over $10,000. Chief of Staff Smart asks when the tuition
hearing will be. President Haeger says sometime in March, he will get this information to
ASNAU. Smart asks about the inclusion of Housing and Residence Life in this, including
housing and meal plan costs and if talks of these have also begun. They have sent in rates,
but President Haeger says anything he says is capable of changing because these numbers
have been sent to the board for approval as well. Smart asks if NAU is still trying to commit
to the 2-year meal plan campaign. He doesn’t know. Senator Lulay asks how the change of
performance funding will affect money taken in by enrollment. President Haeger replies
that they are fighting some of the budget pertaining to performance funding in legislature.
Oregon asks how NAU compares to the other universities in percent increase. ASU may
have no tuition increase, but they will have a very large athletic fee. When tuition and fees
are considered together NAU has much less of an increase. Smart asks about other fee
changes at NAU. Some course fees will go up, but President Haeger does not at this point
know of any particularly large increases, the numbers are still coming to the Provost. The
activity fee for skiing will be going up if the Snow Bowl rates increase.
President Haeger adds that while President Mastrud will embellish more on the
Presidential Search Committee, he will go into it briefly. The search has begun, and
presidential searches are different now than they were. He doesn’t know precisely how
they will do it but they want a sitting president to take on the role at NAU. A sitting
president will not want to apply if his or her name will be made public early on in the
process. President Mastrud explains her involvement in the search committee and is
collecting student feedback on the matter of the presidential search.
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Student Advisory
Leadership Team
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: Elizabeth and her associate are currently freshmen here at NAU. They are
current members of SALT and the purpose of this club is to plan events for SSS members
and NAU as a whole. One of their main goals is to provide advanced leadership
development activities. There will be emphasis in event planning, public speaking, and
career development. They have already had a lock in and recognition. So far this semester
they plan to participate in a community service event, go to Prochnow to see Delivery Man,
and have a game night/open mike night. Meetings are Wednesdays with professional
development and event planning every other week. Senator Soto asks if they will provide
resume building, yes.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Student Advisory Leadership Team has been
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item B: Amend Approved SB 26-18 and SB 26-49
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse says that a few senators have voiced that they would
feel more comfortable if a new Senate Bill was written instead of amending SB 26-18 for
HAPA Hawaiian Club. They would like their bill to cover registration as well as hotel and
gas expense. Woodhouse explains that the name of the club on SB 26-49 must be changed
to Criminal Justice Honor Society, because for downstairs purposes the bill must have the
registered name for the club to receive funding. Senator Soto says she has met with the
HAPA Hawaiian Club and written a new Senate Bill, and asks if they will need to go to
appropriations again. Yes. The Senate will approve the amendment for SB 26-49 today, and
HAPA Hawaiian Club will be discussed next week.
Motion: Senator Cabral move change the agenda item to Item B: Amend Approved SB 2649, and omit SB 26-18
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, the agenda item has been changed to read Item B: Amend Approved SB
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Amend Approved SB 26-49 has been amended.
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item C: OA: National Society of Pershing Rifles, $500
and Item D: SB 26-60: National Society of Pershing Rifles, $1800
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: The program that Pershing Rifles would like funding for is NATCON, the
national convention for this military civilian group that focuses on military training and
exhibition drills. This is a national society and a lot of different schools have their own
programs. The NAU society is the farthest west and every company from Pershing Rifles
has to send a representative to NATCON. They need funding to help send to their
representatives Virginia, and the convention moves every year. There are seminars, drill
competitions, military bands and other things. It will develop the group and build national
recognition, as well as allow the NAU Society to help form more companies in the Western
United States.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: OA: National Society of Pershing Rifles, $500 and Item D: SB 2660: National Society of Pershing Rifles, $1800 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item E: SB 26-61: Delta Chi, $1500
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: They are asking funding to attend a regional conference, which will take place
February 28th to March 1st and will be held at USC. NAU is in region 2, along with other
chapters from Arizona, Colorado, and California. They must send at least 4 members to the
conference. It is a good way to transfer information, especially for new members of the
fraternity. The NAU Delta Chi Chapter has chosen to send 8 people, and funding will cover
transportation, gas expense estimated at about $300, and hotel. The representative
originally had them staying at the Radisson, but they will be staying at the Double Tree
instead, which will be $90 a night less leaving a reduction of $360 of what was written on
the Senate Bill. Senator Lulay asks if the Senate should then amend the bill to reflect this
reduction, and Senator Simon believes that this should be done for tax reasons while
Senator Gorshe disagrees. Chief of Staff Smart says that the Senate must amend to change
the hotel name regardless, but the Senate points out that the hotel name wasn’t on the
original bill. Senator Soto asks if the funding will cover the registration, and representative
replies that yes, it will and apologizes for forgetting to mention this. That is another $200.
Senator Simon says the $360 they save can go towards the registration fee, and since the
bill is already $1500 it will not need to be amended. Senator Tillinghast asks if the original
4 members that a required to attend are paid for by the national chapter. Senator Simon
says no. The representative, in clarifying the numbers, explains that they have a reduction
of $360 from the original projected $1500, but Delta Chi is already paying $500 out of
pocket for member registration. It is determined that they can take the extra $360 saved
for the hotel and apply it to that $500 so that they will be paying less out of pocket and the
bill remains $1500. Senator Gorshe clarifies that the original 4-member registration would
total $500, and if the $360 is applied, only $140 remains to be paid out of pocket. Nothing
needs to be changed.
Senator Tillinghast clarifies that the budget that does not need to be amended.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: SB 26-61: Delta Chi, $1500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item F: SB 26-62: Delta Sigma Pi, $1962.80
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Mariah Brown is here representing Delta Sigma Pi and is requesting funds for a
regional leadership conference that will take place from March 7th to 9th. Here, Delta Sigma
Pi members will learn personal and professional development skills to strengthen the
chapter at NAU, and the university as a whole. The funding will cover registration fees and
lodging. Senator Gorshe compliments her on the budget.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: SB 26-62: Delta Sigma Pi, $1962.80 has been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item G: SB 26-63: Open Student State Affairs Line
and Item H: SB 26-64: Open Club and Organization Headquarters Line
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion Pertaining to Item G: Oregon and Dylan explain that the pledge campaign has
been going really well, and they will be finishing this Friday, but considering doing
giveaways again during tuition talks. They will buy more of the water bottles and pens so
that they have enough to spread the word. Senator Gorshe asks when Tuition Hearings are;
Dylan replies that they are March 25th. They would be tabling again the week before spring
break and the week of the hearings.
Discussion Pertaining to Item H: VP Cooper explains that no bill for Club Headquarters has
previously been written since purchases have been under $500, but they will be making
larger purchases for next year in the future and would like the line open. Senator Soto asks
what will be purchased, and VP Cooper replies possibly a T-Shirt Press, and there are a few
other ideas as well. He may send a survey to the students to determine what will be most
used, as they want to utilize the Club Headquarters budget and get more foot traffic in Club
President Mastrud tells the Senate that the second whereas of the bill must be amended to
read: Money will be used for the pledge campaign to buy water bottles and pens. This is
because the word ‘giveaways’ is not specific enough.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to amend the second whereas of Item G: SB 26-63: Open
Student State Affairs Line to read: Money will be used for the pledge campaign to buy water
bottles and pens.
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: SB 26-63: Open Student State Affairs Line has been amended.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: SB 26-63: Open Student State Affairs Line and Item H: SB 26-64:
Open Club and Organization Headquarters Line have been approved
President Mastrud missed that Item H was already voted on and would like to discuss
totals and t-shirt press. She explains that a new bill will need to be written if Club
Headquarters is purchasing something over $500, with the specifics because this bill is
very generic. Chief of Staff Smart says that when a line is opened the budget is a very
minimal estimation, if there is a budget at all, and in the future lines are opened there
should be a detailed budget for tracking purposes. Senator Gorshe is confused. Chief of Staff
Smart says that all the specifics should not be included in the bill unless it is for certain that
that is what the money will be spent on. President Mastrud says in a purchase over $500,
the specifics are needed. Chief of Staff Smart says that in that case, lines should not simply
be opened anymore for the purpose of Dr. Brandel and Paula’s records.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to reconsider the vote on Item H: SB 26-64: Open Club and
Organization Headquarters Line
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: SB 26-64: Open Club and Organization Headquarters Line is
being reconsidered
Discussion: VP Cooper is confused because in the case of the Diversity Events Line being
opened, specifics were not known and he is wondering if this should have applied. Senator
Lulay and President Mastrud say that this is okay since the bill explained that the money
was to be allocated for a speaker, even though it didn’t say specifically who. Annsley is also
confused and asks if because the New Student Government Line has already been opened,
the staff members be required to come back and write new bills if they are spending over
$500 even though the line has already been opened and they have been authorized to use
those funds. Chief of Staff Smart explains that the paper trail is needed in case of an audit,
and suggests that appropriations look at the possibility of changing how lines are opened
and utilized. Maybe ASNAU members could simply inform the Senate of these purchases
and not need to write a new bill. Senator Simon says that there needs to be a Senate Bill, for
the purpose of this paper trail. The Executive Board will suggest with and discuss with
Paula more at length. Senator Tillinghast asks ASNAU to distinguish between opening lines
and asking for funding. President Mastrud believes opening lines will no longer happen,
and something will need to be written for the purpose of tracking these fund allocations.
Chairwoman Woodhouse says that in this case, the Senate will need more information
about these Club Headquarters purchases. President Mastrud thinks it is okay for now. VP
Cooper says they were going to open up the line in case of these purposes, but in light of
this discussion the Senate should just scrap the bill until it can be made more specific. He
feels like he has been misinformed and thought that once the line was open members were
free to use funds. Chief of Staff Smart explains that she and Shields just had this discussion
and Art says that what the Senate has discussed about coming back to the Senate with a
more specific plan is a good idea, because it would be nice to know what they’re opening
the line for. He would want to know a general idea of what the money is being spent on, so
at least a budget would be a good idea. This way everyone is involved and knows the
expenditures. President Mastrud thinks the Club Headquarters bill should stay, however
the third whereas should be changed to read $9227.55 in the Club and Organization
Headquarters budget.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to amend the Item H: SB 26-64: Open Club and Organization
Headquarters Line to reflect the following changes:
The second whereas to read: Supplies needed include: construction paper, lamination,
balloons, butcher paper, and helium.
The third whereas to read: There is currently $9227.55 in the Club and Headquarters
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: SB 26-64: Open Club and Organization Headquarters Line has
been amended
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: SB 26-64: Open Club and Organization Headquarters Line has
been approved
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- President Mastrud reports that she has a new budget, and would like everyone
to let her know if there are any errors. From now on the budget will be in the
notification folder instead of being passed out at meeting. She had a little over
fifty students ask to come to luncheon with the president tomorrow, and the first
20 will come. ASNAU will hold another in March or April. The total comes to
$620 for catering, but 50% comes from president’s office so the $500 mark that
has been discussed tonight is not being surpassed. President Mastrud met with
the Faculty Senate and with the Provost, and she had her first Presidential
Search Committee meeting this week. This will be time consuming after spring
break but if she isn’t around she will be letting everyone know. She would like to
extend a thank you to the senators who offered to be on the Athletics Committee,
and to those who reviewed the Academic Integrity Policy. The Athletics
department has invited ASNAU to the Basketball game, and she would like
everyone to bring ten best friends wear blue for the blue out to support athletics.
There will be an important announcement at the game. Athletics wants to have a
meet-and-greet with ASNAU members in a skybox, so please text her upon
arrival so she can share the information. Also, free Chick-fil-A will be given to the
first 300 people that arrive at the game. Senator Simon points out that that the
senator stipend percentages are wrong on the budget. President Mastrud adds
that the new Athletic Committee meetings may tentatively take place on
Tuesdays at 4:15pm. The basketball game is at 6:30PM on Saturday, February
22. Also come to cheer on Vivian in the band. Senator Cabral was featured in the
Lumberjack today. He clarifies the 4:15PM meeting time and wonders if he can
skip his office hours for this. Chairwoman Woodhouse says as long as it’s not too
often she will allow it.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- VP Cooper reports that he met with NAU For All, IMS, and a grad assistant for
Residence Life to discuss Unity Week. He pieced together a general idea of Unity
Week with them, which will be March 24th to March 28th. ASNAU will table,
handout merchandise, and let everyone know about the week on Monday the
24th of March. On the 26th, the Special Advisor of Disability Rights under the
Obama administration will be in town and he is looking to book a venue for her.
This is exciting because she is currently pushing for disability rights in
education. March 27th will be with PRISM and the LGBTQ community for the
Coming Out Monologues. The 28th will be the IMS Multicultural Monologues,
probably in SBS or Liberal Arts. With all of these events unity week will be
hitting on all these areas, and disability resources is excited to be involved. Club
Headquarters will be open Saturdays 12:00PM to 2:00PM starting this week.
They have had some issues with organizations taking advantage and doubling up
on their copies at ASNAU. He will write some new policies where there will be no
more of special orders, as they do not want unrealistic requests, and staff is
being taken advantage of. The resources are there for clubs to use and not for
our staff to be their staff. Senator Simon asks if clubs could be made to do their
own balloons. He is working on that now, and Club Headquarters will not be
opening at random hours of the day to accommodate other clubs any longer.
Senator Simon suggests reserve times for the balloons and that can be the
special orders per say. VP Cooper thinks that’s a good idea. He is just frustrated
that employees are being utilized in this way. Senator Simon asks if Club
Headquarters employees are members of ASNAU and cannot endorse. VP Cooper
believes that they should be treated in endorsement the same as ASNAU
members, and Senator Simon thinks they should be let know of this rule. Senator
Startt asks if the staff can make posters, because guys can’t always do this well.
VP Cooper says yes, but clubs should not come and say they want posters ready
by a certain time and then leave. Jillian asks if people doing artwork have
requests like PR does in the office. VP Cooper says yes, this is a different subject.
Finally, will start a weekly report on Friday, if organizations are continuing to
take advantage he will contact their advisors.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- VP Woodhouse reports that she will send out an email version of the three
governing documents that were amended and hard copies will be at the front
desk. She would like senators to please make sure they continue to follow up on
program fees for President Mastrud. There is a new frame at the front desk, and
please sign the Ice Jacks poster in the office since they are going to nationals and
ASNAU would like to support them. Senator Simon says it is a secret, so don’t tell
the Ice Jacks about it, Senator Libby didn’t know.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- Chief of Staff Smart reports that Relay for Life is 50% off until tomorrow, so
please register. Senator Simon asks if she can register and not participate, yes as
long as she contributes to ASNAU raising money that would be wonderful. She
hasn’t heard any specific information about the booth but will have word
hopefully this week. Moving forward on 5K Purple Run, will be keeping everyone
updated on dates. She will be working with Rachel on an updated budget for the
concert with stage, performer, security and exactly where everything is going.
Special Events will have a bill coming soon for these things. The Senate and
Executive packets are due in one week, so she will email everyone who has
checked out a packet on Sunday to give them a couple days warning. Please take
or pass out extra petition slips for extra signatures to be sure that the
requirement is adequately met. She reminds the Senate and Staff to not talk
about in elections in the office, or shut doors because it looks suspicious. Gold
Axe applications are due, and she encourages everyone who is a senior to apply.
She says that Ryan Lee did not get a second interview for the regent position, but
Mark Knofel and Joe Grossman did. In the past Governor Brewer has done her
own thing so it might be someone completely new regardless of second
interviews given.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- Oregon reports that the pledge campaign has been going great, and the
directors will cut table times for next week. They have an updated list of bills
that they will leave at the front desk, and there will be a new copy each week for
the senators to review. If there are any questions, please see them. They are
currently looking into university fees, where the money is going and how it is
helping the students. A couple bills that have hit the senate and house that have
brought up some student interest, and if any students come in let them know
that ASNAU is looking into it and direct them to President Mastrud with
concerns. President Mastrud asks the directors to explain what the bills are.
Oregon doesn’t know how to read them unbiased, so he recommends that
students read themselves to form an opinion on their own. Senator Simon
suggests Buzz Feed for an unbiased view, as silly as that may sound. They are
Senate Bill 1062 and House Bill 2163.
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- Colleen reports that this week they tweaked things from last week’s ads,
worked on PR for Luncheon with President Haeger, chocolate bars, and ASNAU
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- Jillian reports that yesterday she and Paula ordered 700 candy bars, which
came to just around $1400 including shipping and tax. They uploaded PR logo to
personalize the candy bars, and she thanks Spencer for her last minute help with
this. Chyna says that the Purple Run will take place March 30th, and like the
Turkey Trot they will be contributing to Louie’s Cupboard as well as Relay for
Life. The ASNAU forum will be March 4th, not March 5th. This meet-and-greet will
also include an open house with candidates and questionnaire from the
audience. Senator Simon asks about question guidelines, and if President
Mastrud or someone may filter these. Chyna, President Mastrud, and Chief of
Staff Smart are currently undecided between preliminary questions or questions
that will not be permitted, but this has been discussed. Senator Gorshe asks
about candidate input on these things, and if it will be included, Chyna replies
maybe. Please sign up for Relay for Life. Finally, they are working on Louie
Awards, the application has been completed and formatted, and once it is open
President Mastrud will send it out. Hopefully will be April 1st in Ashurst.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- He uploaded the most recent Constitution, Bylaws, and Election Code.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- Jodi and Kayla from NSG report that the Ice Cream Social went well, and that
they distributed care cards to the Flagstaff Medical Center for Valentine’s Day.
They have a tie-dye event on March 1st for Winter Family Weekend. They thank
the Senate again for the bill to help pay for the conference. Here members went
to many different seminars and learned a lot, for example mission statements,
retention in clubs, leadership, goal settings, and stress relief. There were also
community service projects.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Ortega reports that they had three people attend.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that he did not attend the meeting, Senator
Tillinghast says they talked about the Election Code, which will be amended, and
discussed the Vice Chair position.
Senator Cabral proposes the following amendment to Article IV, Section 1.2 of the Election
Code to include the new Vice President of Government Affairs position in the list of
candidates who need no less than two-hundred fifty (250) campus wide student signatures
upon a nominating petition. This amendment will need to be approved.
Motion: Senator move to add Item I: Amend Election Code
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Senator Startt clarifies that the VP of Government Affairs position is elected.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I: Amend Election Code has been added
Motion: Senator Gorse move to vote on Item I: Amend Election Code
Second: Senator Howard
Vote: Unanimous, Item I: Amend Election Code has been approved. Election Code has been
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Thomas Lulay- He made copies in Office hours and worked with a few
clubs, passed out t-shirts and emailed his clubs. Waiting to hear back
from college on fees. Will have a bill next week.
b. Scott Tillinghast- Made some copies, passed out t-shirts, and he is in
contact with a number of clubs. It has been a busy week, and he will
be meeting with Information Security Committee next Wednesday. He
has a meeting with new president of SHAC about the Tobacco Free
Policy, so if anyone has opinions to share please let him know. Senator
Gorshe asks why they reached out to him, he explains that they first
reached out to Senator Cabral but he sent them to Senator Tillinghast.
Jillian says that SHAC has a petition with over 1000 signatures.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- Met with the Dean, it was productive, and learned that
SBS does not have any college fees. They discussed bringing other
students to their meetings, and the Dean said he would like to have
more, up to 15-20. They discussed more the possibility of including
students in Dean Search meetings. Also a potential coffee shop in SBS.
Senator Tillinghast asks if there will be a new SBS. Senator Simon says
that it would be up to $60 million to redo SBS West alone. She and
Senator Cabral may discuss this in a meeting with the Provost. They
are adding some renovations, such as new lecture hall and movie
theatre for the Communications building, because they do not
currently have any lecture halls in this building. President Mastrud
explains that it is already on the radar of the Provost but is not
priority. Senator Simon says SBS is the most used building on campus,
and SBS West is the fifth most. She and Senator Cabral will be getting a
petition going. If anyone would like to come to a Dean meeting or
knows anyone who would, please spread the word. Personally,
Senator Cabral wrote two senate bills, handed out t-shirts and sent
out emails. He would like to thank Senator Gorshe for all of his hard
b. Brittany Simon- She is really happy with how the Dean meeting went.
They found out more about the Dean search. Dean Wright is an
interim dean, and wants to teach, that is why he is leaving. It is now an
internal search for a new interim dean, not an external search for a
more permanent dean. She and Senator Cabral have asked to be on
the committee. She would also like to thank Senator Gorshe for his
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- He wrote a bill that will be here next week, and feels
that Senator Gorshe is the rock and is one of his favorites.
b. Nicolas Startt- Made copies and handed out t-shirts.
College of Education
a. Alyssa Soto- She worked with the HAPA Hawaiian club, she passed out
t-shirts, made copies, and handed out some OA packets. She also
talked with the advisor of SALT and started a bill for the Ice Jacks.
b. Jared Gorshe- Dean meeting is scheduled, they have inquired about
fees, and he was not at his office hours or legislative committee this
week, thank you to Senator Tillinghast for filling in.
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- Softball will come to appropriations next week.
b. Alexandria Buchta- She wasn’t in office hours but will make them up,
and is waiting to hear back from Dean about fee numbers.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- Tabling, office hours, working with a couple clubs on
b. Savannah Libby- They are meeting with the Dean tomorrow, and she
attended Student Safety Committee that will be having a forum, and
she will let everyone know when that will be.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— He has improved with Social Media. He encourages seniors to
complete Gold Axe applications, and reports that thus far there have been 298
applicants. Annsley asks how many are selected, and Dr. Brandel says 40-45
applicants are chosen for the award. He wanted to suggest, in regards to the poster
problem in Club Headquarters, the posters should be for ASNAU sponsored events
only. It is a slippery slope to do posters for other organizations and this leaves no
room for gray area. He wants to know if there are new faces in the meeting, a
member of SHAC is here. The representatives from SALT are still here. He clarifies
that the 27th is the last day to turn election packets in. Finally, Spring Break is 3
weeks away. President Mastrud asks about his assistance in a club raising $1000,
and how ASNAU can help. Dr. Brandel explains that someone is working on
establishing an LGBTQ scholarship, and he has been supporting this good cause.
Art Farmer— Legal Aid’s start date is Monday, March 3rd. He has signed off on the
paper work.
Discussion Items
- None
Golden Pine Cone Award: Senator Soto, for her hard work and dedication since being hired.
Important Dates
February 27th, Election Packets Due
February 28th to March 1st, Winter Family Weekend
March 1st, NSG Tie-Dye Event
March 25th, Tuition Hearings
March 25th, Unity Week Speaker
March 30th, ASNAU Purple Run
April 6th, 7:00PM Concert Tickets Available
April 10th, ASNAU ’23 Fee Concert
April 23rd, ASNAU Inaugural Banquet
Motion: Senator Howard move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:48 P.M.