ASNAU SENATE MEETING #15 TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: February 7, 2014 Date of Senate Meeting: February 6, 2014 Number on council: 12 Number present: 12 Prepared by Amy Edgerton Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:02 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: - All Present Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Howard move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Ortega Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience NAU Athletics Marketing – Todd is the Associate Athletics Director. This is the fourth institution he’s worked at, most recently ASU. NAU Athletics has the ability to provide a unique experience to the students, and he has seen that they are not listening the way they should. He would like time with the university representatives just to listen to input. Time can be scheduled, and he thinks that NAU has some great traditions to go off from but he would like to become better partners for the student body. There are some things that may be changing the future of NAU athletics this spring that he cannot reveal at this time, but he would love to work with ASNAU. He doesn’t care how many people, but would like to get this going in the end of February, or beginning of March. Katie Jones – She is from ASUA, ABOR was today and she is here with Dylan and Jared. Unfinished Business New Action Business Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Society of Biomedical Engineers Second: Senator Startt Discussion: Sarah Hanson is currently the outreach officer for this Society. They would like to start because they feel it is an underrepresented field on campus. They are looking to promote the knowledge and interest in the professional skills of the field. They will create capstone projects and progression plans, as well as presenters from the industry. They will meet twice a month, possibly in the engineering building. Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Society of Biomedical Engineers has been approved. Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item B: IA: Maggie Wendt, $281.26 and Item C: IA: Michael Robinson, $281.26 Second: Senator Soto Discussion: Looking for reimbursement for a fungus festival in Santa Cruz. She presented about fungi in flagstaff and learned a lot about other fungi. Gas was about $560, she is presenting for herself and Michael to be reimbursed for this expense. This vote is contingent upon Michael Robinson completing a missing signature on the back of the IA packet. Vote: Unanimous, Item B: IA: Maggie Wendt, $281.26 and Item C: IA: Michael Robinson, $281.26 have been approved. Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item D: IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150 Second: Senator Startt Motion: Senator Howard move to table Item D: IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150 Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item D: IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150 has been tabled Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item E: IA: Phillip Nogueras, $3450 Second: Senator Startt Discussion: Phillip Nogueras is here to present his project in which he intends to create a 3D Model of a Hexapus and to ask for funding for this. The 3D printers at NAU are not sufficient. His digital file will be sent away for printing, painted locally in Flagstaff, and then displayed in the Communications Building. The funding will be paying for the services performed in the process. After it is printed and sent back to him, he will finish it before it is painted. For now, the Hexapus will be displayed temporarily in the Communications Building, along with a description of the 3D printing process, which will be beneficial to NAU as it is a rising new technology right now. He will also be taking the Hexapus around to certain conventions in other states to display and present it, which will bring NAU recognition. This is contingent on certain permissions. The Hexapus and description will be displayed in the Communications Building for nine days, but he is looking for a more permanent home for it. Questions: Senator Gorshe wonders what Phillip means when he says he will finish the Hexapus after it is printed. He explains that it will be printed as a foam material, and possibly in pieces when it is sent back. He will reassemble and coat it in fiberglass to provide a more sturdy material, which he already has access to. Senator Howard asks Phillip if the total amount requested will be $3450, yes. Howard notes that the IA amount should read $400 and the Senate Bill should be amended to read $3050 to reflect this total. Senator Gorshe asks if the Hexapus will be at NAU after it is carted around to Utah and other places. Phillip replies that it is his intention to allow the Hexapus to remain at NAU if possible. Gorshe asks if $3450 is 100% of the cost, and Phillip replies that he will be personally contributing $250. Senator Simon confirms that it is $3700 total with this contribution, and asks where the $250 will come in relation to the process. It will be added to miscellaneous, totaling $500. Senator Gorshe confirms that $3450 is being contributed by ASNAU to a total of $3700. Motion: Senator Startt move to amend Item E: IA: Phillip Nogueras, $3450 to contain an amount requested of $400. Second: Senator Howard Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item E: IA: Phillip Nogueras, $3450 has been amended. Discussion: Senator Simon is slightly concerned about how much money it is, to fund one persons project. She is trying to think if the student body would benefit enough from this to warrant this donation. Senator Tillinghast agrees. It is a lot of money for an individual project that will be at the communications building for so little time and then it’s whereabouts will be unknown. Senator Libby thinks the Senate should wait and see what decision is made about the location after the nine days, and see if it will go somewhere else on campus to represent NAU. Senator Simon adds that it is a reimbursement process anyway. Senator Startt reminds the Senate that whether Phillip will proceed with the project is contingent upon the funding. Senator Gorshe adds that ASNAU will be funding 97% of this process. Senator Simon says that this was her first point. Senator Lulay asks Phillip if this vote will determine whether or not he does the project, yes. Senator Gorshe asks if he is familiar that this is a reimbursement process. Yes he is aware. Senator Lulay adds that he was skeptical about the size of the investment when it was brought to appropriations and he would like to see that it is staying at the school more than 9 days. However, he thinks that it has potential to stay at ASNAU if need be, and feels that it is a good risk for ASNAU to back, as he acknowledges 3D printing as a big movement. Senator Cabral agrees with Senator Lulay but also agrees that it is a lot of contribution by NAU, and would like to wait to know where exactly it will be. Phillip adds that the process is 2 months long, and that is why his is here now. Senator Libby asks how long until he knows where it will be. He replies that with places like the Union Gallery under construction, he can’t really say. Senator Ortega thinks it is a great project and knows that Phillip has been working really hard on it, so if the Senate is waiting to see permanence, it should definitely be revisited. Senator Soto agrees. Senator Simon wants to know that it will be on campus more than 9 days and that it will stay. She wonders what the price is on a per day scale. Senator Gorshe replies $411.11 per day. His reservation about this is the question of it’s worth based on how long it will be staying on campus. He asks Phillip how exactly bringing it to different shows and conventions will benefit NAU. Phillip answers that it would show that NAU is committed to the technology. He explains that ASU already has a whole building devoted to 3D printing. Senator Gorshe feels that it would show that Phillip personally is committed, not NAU. Phillip explains that if NAU funds it, it shows the university’s interest. Gorshe would like to know how the technology would it be expressed to students or people in general besides the display of the Hexapus itself. Phillip says the display will have the process along with the sculpture, and he will be documenting the process. This will show that NAU is committed to teaching about the technology. Senator Gorshe reminds the Senate that this is only for nine days, and will hopefully be in other places on campus with a permanent place after this but that remains to be seen. Phillip explains that he will have it showcased in the Lumberjack where he works, as well as other media which will help express the technology to students. Senator Gorshe asks how ASNAU will know his commitment to this; he replies that just as he has been committed to getting it here, he will be committed to showcasing it. Finally, Senator Gorshe asks why it has to be the size that Phillip has decided; to this he answers it will catch the eye of people better and a larger size will avoid certain complications with printing. Audience member says he works at the Lumberjack also, and the paper will be turning 100 soon and will be giving alumni tours. These alumni will be willing to donate upon seeing this project. Senator Gorshe asks what remaining time he has to get the project started, about two weeks but for everything to run on schedule the vote must happen tonight. He is giving himself a week or so buffer, but any longer and the Hexapus will not be displayed this semester. Senator Startt agrees that it needs to be voted on now. Motion: Senator Cabral move to table Item E: IA: Phillip Nogueras, $400 Rescind: Senator Cabral Vote: 7 in favor, 5 in opposition, Item E: IA: Phillip Nogueras, $400 has been approved Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on Item F: SB 26-46: Phillip Nogueras, $3450 Second: Senator Ortega Motion: Senator Howard move to amend Item F: SB 26-46: Phillip Nogueras, $3450 to contain an amount requested of $3050 Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item F: SB 26-46: Phillip Nogueras, $3450 has been amended. Discussion: Senator Gorshe was going to ask if the Senate was comfortable with the amount of $3050. Senator Libby wants to know if there was any way Phillip could fundraise more money for this or contribute more. He says no, he works 25 hours a week and maintains 18 credits and feels that fundraising would be detrimental to his academic endeavors. Chairwoman Woodhouse adds that if he raised more it would cause a gray area when it comes to determining whom it will belong to. Senator Libby wonders if the university will keep it due to this funding. Senator Simon says that isn’t known at this time. Senator Soto feels that parents will be interested in supporting and donating to this. Senator Gorshe wonders if this printing doesn’t have anywhere to go after the 9 days, it could go in either President Mastrud’s office or the ASNAU office. Chief of Staff Smart feels that there will always be a location on campus for this project to be showcased, and it can be held in ASNAU temporarily from time to time if needed. VP Cooper sees the value of Alumni seeing this at NAU and for this reason the university will continue to find space for it. Senator Tillinghast reminds the Senate that it isn’t even being created here and wonders if it will still bring NAU recognition despite this discrepancy. Senator Startt says that it is drawing attention to the fact that NAU supports this technology and is a part of it, regardless of the fact that it cannot be made here because the printers here cannot make something this big. Vote: 7 in favor, 5 in opposition, Item F: SB 26-46: Phillip Nogueras, $3050 has been approved Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item G: OA: NAU Club Baseball, $500 and Item H: SB 26-47: NAU Club Baseball, $3500 Second: Senator Lulay Discussion: NAU Club Baseball is asking for money to cover a tournament, they recently took 3 out of 18 in a competition. The funding will cover hotel fees, and the tournament is on President’s Day, which is a holiday, meaning hotel costs are higher. Senator Gorshe asks how good they are; they are currently 3-0 and just recently beat UA. Senator Cabral asks how much of the $7000 in their account is going towards this, and the representative explains that the tournament has already been paid for with this money. Vote: Unanimous, Item G: OA: NAU Club Baseball, $500 and Item H: SB 26-47: NAU Club Baseball, $3500 have been approved Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item I: OA: Theta Chi, $500 Second: Senator Soto Discussion: Theta Chi will attend a Mid-Year Leadership conference, and members will be going to this one with pledges from the fall semester. The funding is the cover gas and hotel. This conference is in San Diego at SDSU, and the NAU Theta Chi Chapter has previously stayed with a chapter there but since it didn’t go well in the past they are staying in hotels. The gas will cost $225 for each car, for there and back, they are taking 2 cars. Brothers that live in San Diego will be housing as many as possible. Senator Simon asks if this is Theta Chi’s International conference, representative replies that it is one of them. Senator Gorshe asks what Senator wrote the bill, Oregon wrote it. Senator Cabral asks what Theta Chi is paying for on the trip, registration and food. The Senators feel that since there is no budget and no actual Senator name on the bill, this should be tabled. Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to table Item I: OA: Theta Chi, $500 Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: Theta Chi representative explains that members attending are leaving in four hours and cannot afford to spend the money without being funded. Senators say that it is about 99% certain that they will get their funding; it is just being put off because of the lack of necessary material. They need a budget and names on the bill. Chief of Staff Smart wonders why the Theta Chi material got so far in this process without being corrected, and Senator Ortega explains that Oregon was supposed to supply these materials and he didn’t. It was Senator Howard’s club, but Oregon said that he would send information to him and when he couldn’t get the information on time, Oregon just wrote the bill and Senator Howard didn’t feel comfortable putting his name on it. Representative would like to have at least the OA passed, to cover the gas at $225 per car, and agrees to work on the bill later. Senator Gorshe does not want to vote on this without a budget. Vote: 8 in favor, 3 in opposition Item I: OA: Theta Chi, $500 has been tabled. Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on Item J: SB 26-48: Theta Chi, $1000 Second: Senator Howard Motion: Senator Ortega move to table Item J: SB 26-48: Theta Chi, $1000 Second: Senator Tillinghast Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item J: SB 26-48: Theta Chi, $1000 has been tabled. Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on Item K: OA: Alpha Phi Sigma, $500 and Item L: SB 26-49: Alpha Phi Sigma, $1477 Second: Senator Cook Discussion: President and Vice President of the Delta Chapter are here for Alpha Phi Sigma; it is the criminal justice fraternity. This club has been on campus for over a decade, although has not been very active recently. It is their goal to become an individual organization and rebuild. Criminal Justice is the fourth largest major at NAU. They want to go to the national conference where they hope to learn from other chapters and get the Delta Chapter going again at NAU. They have the possibility to provide students with research projects, internships, and more. As of right now they do not have the resources that many of the other chapters already do. In 1990s, the Delta Chapter had won an award for being one of the best chapters, and they are trying to restore it to that prestige. Questions: Senator Simon asks if the advisor is going, and they reply no, but a lot of the professors are supportive of this. Senator Soto asks if they are currently trying to recruit new members and if the application is online. That will be their focus after the conference but at this point they are not ready to have new members. VP is working with two prospective members right now and working on the application process, but they need to learn from this conference first. There will be three members attending, as there are only three active members currently. Motion: Senator Cabral move to amend Item L: SB 26-49: Alpha Phi Sigma, $1477 to add the number 3 to beginning of the whereas to read 3 Members from Alpha Phi Sigma, Delta Chapter, will be attending this conference. Second: Senator Gorshe Vote: Unanimous, Item L: SB 26-49: Alpha Phi Sigma, $1477 has been amended. Vote: Unanimous, Item K: OA: Alpha Phi Sigma, $500 and Item L: SB 26-49: Alpha Phi Sigma, $1477 have been approved Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item M: OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500 and Item N: SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350 Second: Senator Startt Motion: Senator Gorshe move to table Item M: OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500 and Item N: SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350 Second: Senator Tillinghast Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item M: OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500 and Item N: SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350 have been tabled Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item O: SB 26-51: Silver Wings, $2442 Second: Senator Cook Discussion: Christina is the President, and Silver Wings is a national community service based organization, their main goal is to develop civic leaders. There are over 3800 members across the country. Last year they paid completely out of pocket to attend their conclave and this semester they are asking for funding to go. They will need $400-$500 dollars for airfare, and registration is $314, which includes all conference fees. Senator Gorshe asks if they have already received an OA previously, no. Vote: Unanimous, Item O: SB 26-51: Silver Wings, $2442 has been approved Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808 Second: Senator Lulay Discussion: Treasurer of the NAU Paintball Club is here because the club is asking for funding for tournament and practice expenses. The tournament was October 27th, and they were in division 4. Questions: Senator Cabral asks if they have a budget, the treasurer explains that he was told he needed receipts for afterward and didn’t know he needed to provide this. The senators explain how he needs a budget, and there was an OA packet that did have one that is not present at this meeting. It is determined that it must have been left in the folder. Senator Gorshe says that it was all approved and he worked with him and knows the budget. Chairwoman Woodhouse asks about the total, and discovers it should be $808.38, and the OA is not necessary so it will be disregarded. The bill will need to be amended because the bottom of the bill reads $808.38 and the top doesn’t. Senator Cabral asks if the date was October 27th, representative explains that that was the date of the tournament, and bill will need to be amended to reflect this date and the dates of the practices. Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to amend Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808 to read $808.38 Second: Senator Howard Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808 has been amended. Motion: Senator Gorshe move to amend Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808.38 to add the following dates: September 22nd, October 6th, and October 27th Second: Senator Howard Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808.38 has been amended. Motion: Senator Ortega move to table Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808.38 Second: Senator Cook Discussion: The Item does not need to be tabled, because there was a budget that went through appropriations even though it was not present. It is the fault of ASNAU and the club should not be punished for this mistake. Since the motion has already been seconded, the Senate will proceed with a vote. Vote: 11 in opposition (Senator Soto not present), Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808.38 has not been tabled. Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-52: NAU Paintball Club, $808.38 has been approved Let it be known that the Senate will find the budget and review following the meeting. Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item Q: SB 26-53: Special Events Line, $1500 Second: Senator Simon Discussion: Jillian says that they are requesting $1500 for the February Event, ASNAU Loves the Jacks personalized candy bars. The event will be the week after Valentine’s Day. Chief of Staff Smart explains that Special Events will come to the Senate with all large purchases over $500 instead of simply opening the line, just in case of audits. Dr. Brandel has requested it. Vote: Unanimous, Item Q: SB 26-53: Special Events Line, $1500 has been approved Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item R: SB 26-54: Open Diversity Events Line Second: Senator Cook Discussion: For Unity Week, NAU has offered the contract to the speaker and they have accepted. VP Cooper needs the line open for contracting. Once the contract is set in stone, ASNAU will know whom it is. March 25th is the date. Senator Cabral says senators are writing individual bills for Special Events now, and wonders why the same isn’t being applied to this. This is different because there will be $30,000 for the speaker, and $5,000 for the week. It includes a lot of things and is a whole week of events, not just one. Vote: Unanimous, Item R: SB 26-54: Open Diversity Events Line has been approved Executive Reports a. President- Makenzie Mastrud - First and foremost, she would like to give kudos to the Senate and to Chairwoman Woodhouse for having so many funding requests on the agenda today. There was over $15,000 worth of funding, which is awesome. The Directors and President Mastrud are having a wonderful time at ABOR representing the Lumberjacks. Last night they met with both Student Regents and student leaders from both ASU and UA. The regents called ASNAU on as student leaders, to help show the legislature the importance and need for funding for our Universities. She and the directors are going to brainstorm what ASNAU can do. The Regents also talked about how there needs to be more attention turned toward program fees that students face in their courses, and ASNAU is already on that. Last week Mastrud asked the Senate to explore fees within the programs that lie in the colleges, and then she said she would send an email about how to do that, but she didn't because when she started doing research she ran into some roadblocks. But after meeting with the Student Regents she has some ideas so that e-mail will be sent by tomorrow so ASNAU can get the ground running on researching program fees and how they are, and maybe in some cases are not, benefiting the students. At ABOR they also talked about medical amnesty, and State Senator Ward has brought forth a Bill about this and it has received positive feedback thus far. She and the directors will watch that Bill closely, since ASNAU approved and supports a medical amnesty policy. She sent the Provost a note about the idea for the campaign and she really liked and appreciated it. She and Jane Kuhn had some suggestions for ASNAU’s marketing tools so Mastrud will work on those changes with Colleen. She is in contact with ABOR President Klein regarding the NAU Presidential search and has offered to serve as the student representative on the committee. She seemed to like the idea and thought student input was crucial during the search. She will be meeting with her while at ABOR. Next, there will be another Breakfast Club coming up on the 21st. She is thinking of changing it to 'luncheon with the President' or something like that, since the 10am time was kind of inconvenient for most folks. She will work with Colleen to create a new advertisement for the event. She also got some ideas of things that ASNAU can work on at the Student Leadership Retreat and will meet with the President and the Provost this month to discuss these issues and see what can be done. If anyone has any input, please let her know. Or if anyone would like to come she would be happy to have company. The President usually has Sarah Bickel, or another VP, at meetings so it might be nice to bring someone too. One Justice has not been in contact with the Chief Justice and another one is running for Senator in the upcoming election so she is going to look in to what can be done to replace them during the time of elections. The by-laws say the President can't appoint new Justices, so she is not sure what to do and will be calling on the Legislative committee to help. There is a presentation about STEM next Tuesday the 11th from 4:30-6pm in the Liberal Arts building, room 120 and she would like a few ASNAU members to be there. Please let her know if you are interested. Not sure if she mentioned this last week, but she got numbers of how many students utilized the library during the 24 hours reading and finals week opening last semester and overall there was a significant amount of students there each night. This was an excellent service that ASNAU was able to work together to provide for students. She has spreadsheets on this data. Finally, she is working with Shields and Christine to make a 'how to operate the office' manual for our future office assistants. This year has really been a growing year in the position, and we are constantly looking to change things. We already have so many ideas of how to better things for next year. Suggestions are welcome. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper - VP Cooper reports that there have been higher demands for Club Headquarters on Friday and Saturday, and the hours will be extended to 10-4 on Friday and 12-2 on Saturday. Relay for Life tends to need a lot of balloons so this will be good since they will be available for pickup before the event. The Unity Week speaker is booked and he will tell who it is when contracting is complete. He is meeting with NAU of all, to open up this week and have an event for disability resources. As soon as he has confirmation he will be advertising and tabling. Will possibly do more tabling on south campus for the shirts, because ASNAU wants to make sure the students who pay the ’23 fee this year will get the shirt. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse - VP Woodhouse would like to ask that senators please not leave the front desk if Ashley/Christine are not there. If anyone needs to leave, please grab another member to watch the front desk. She has put a club vendor form at the front desk that will now be attached to the OA, because Paula needs this information. There is also an example if clubs are confused. She and Senator Soto went to the Club Sports Council last night, and gave them funding packets. Tomorrow she will be attending the Academic Club Standards Committee. She also wrote the Sustainable Landscape Project resolution, which the Senate may see next week. The Election Code survey and Constitution will be going out this week. There was a good discussion this meeting, and VP Woodhouse wants everyone to hold him or herself accountable and to pay attention to detail. She feels that it was awesome that Phillip’s Senate Bill was approved, because ASNAU is supporting his vision. Hopefully this is something that the risk is worth it. d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart - Chief of Staff Smart reports that once the vote is done from the survey, she will update the Elections Commission that she met with today. It is going to be the day of the candidate approval meeting, and she will let everyone know when it is so they can attend. Elections packets go out on Monday. They will include Senate, VP of Student Affairs, VP of Academic Affairs, and of course President. The Legislative Committee feels that the VP of Government Affairs position should still be it included. She will email it to the Committee so they can look over it sometime this weekend. She will also email everyone to remind about Relay for Life tonight. She and Special Events will look into the possibility of allowing faculty, staff and extended campus students to attend the concert, it will not be free but there will be an allotment of tickets for them. Jeremy Chan asks the concert will be like last year, half will work tickets and half will work the concert. Sammy says last year ASNAU worked only the ticket line, and as for right now this is how it will be. She did receive an email from a student with an internship that is not on campus, and would like to create an option to opt out of the ’23 fee for that semester since they don’t benefit. This is being considered. The survey goes out at 12:00am tonight and will close at 11:59pm tomorrow night. This is her reply since Senator Startt had asked. Senator Simon asks if only we vote will it still pass, yes. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid - Passes out a tabling form for the pledge campaign. Once they start tabling everyone here can have a water bottle and a pen. Went to ABOR yesterday and today. There is $407 million from the state legislature and the universities were only granted $39 million, are working to get another $30 million for each state university. Senator Gorshe asks if these are the recycled pens, no. Thank you to Colleen for changing the Pledge Campaign Flyer 7 times. B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton - Worked on the Election flyer, the Pledge Tuition flyer and water bottles, and the GO Scholarships have been sent back to be approved. C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga - Jillian thanks the Senate for approving the line; because of this the order for the event will be processed. They have been working on the event, will be tabling outside since the union is booked, the weather should be high 50s. She and Chyna are also working on the March event, hoping to give back to Louie’s Cupboard since the Turkey Trot had been cancelled. They also helped Kristine put on a successful event-planning workshop, and there were many clubs there. Kristine will be putting on more of these events. D. ITS- Joey Smoll - Put the new Senator’s information online, and he would like to add colleges under names but needs that information. Will also be adding new banners. E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan - NSG is having a social in two weeks, on February 19th. It is a forever alone Valentines Day, they will be eating ice cream and having fun. They are planning shirt tie-dye for the NAU parent weekend, and are trying to figure out where. It will be on March 1st. Next weekend is the Leadership conference, there are 14 students going. They thank the Senate for the funding to attend this. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Ortega reports that there were a lot of clubs and individuals, she apologizes for the discrepancies and promises to keep a more watchful eye. B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that they looked over the sustainable resolution and will look over again next week. There were three options for the Election Code pertaining to the positions, and they determined that the first was the best. Chairwoman Woodhouse agreed also. There were multiple reasons, but they felt that the third wasn’t feasible because multiple Senates would have to deal with it from year to year and a special election would be confusing. Chief of Staff Smart adds that there are feasible areas for an office for the VP of Government Affairs position. Senator Gorshe says that the committee also talked about something else he can’t remember. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Thomas Lulay- T-shirts and copies in office hours, and he submitted a bill and is working on another. Will be meeting with Dean tomorrow. b. Scott Tillinghast- Worked with Silver Wings, approached by NAU Adventure Club and Men’s Ultimate Frisbee. They already got the full amount, Senator Howard says that they did not but they want more than the allotted. He spoke with an individual student about funding for undergraduate research, and is meeting with Dean tomorrow. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Ernan Cabral- Dean meeting on the 19th. He would like to apologize for not writing any bills this week, but will have 5 for next week. He met with CCJ, and they may have other means for funding. Helped Senator Tillinghast with descriptions for the election code. Feels that Senator Tillinghast is underappreciated. b. Brittany Simon- She wrote the bill for the Diversity Line, and handed out a lot of t-shirts. She is working on a bill. She would also like to thank Senator Tillinghast for his contributions. College of Health and Human Services a. Zachary Howard- He is working on a bill, and got email about UTV62, emailed them about a bill. Talked to Men’s Ultimate Frisbee. He also feels that Senator Tillinghast is the best. b. Nicolas Startt- Met with two clubs to write Senate Bills, and went to RHA and it was boring. That is Senator Gorshe’s committee. It turns out he went to Residence life not RHA. Talked about where the money goes for student housing. In office hours he handed out t-shirts and will have clubs the next week or two. College of Education a. Alyssa Soto- No report. b. Jared Gorshe- In contact with the associate Dean. Met with clubs and logging club will be coming in, they cut down trees. He thanks the Senate for being patient with the bill that he wrote horribly. He would also like to recognize Senator Tillinghast, because he does a great job. Chief of Staff Smart asks if President Mastrud has seen the descriptions, and Gorshe replies that yes, he had sent it to her. Chairwoman Woodhouse also saw it, and Senator Tillinghast gave her what she asked for the Election Code. It has the articles that are being changed, specifically what is being added, and a brief explanation of what a yes and no vote would mean. College of Business a. Ryan Cook- Tomorrow they will meet with the Dean. He is working on two Senate Bills. b. Alexandria Buchta- May meet with all the Clubs at the College of Business per request. College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Nicole Ortega- Dean meeting will be the 21st. She has been working on bills for Relay for Life and someone else who she doesn’t remember. b. Savannah Libby- Met with two clubs, working in the office. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— No report. Art Farmer— Wonders if, pertaining to the Election Code and Constitution change, if Makenzie has documents that should be attached in order to have two channels. In this case, there will also be a link on the ballot to see the documents with explanations. He will need one document for the code, and one for the constitution. It is ready to go. Senator Tillinghast asks if all the changes will be voted on individually, Art says it is yes or no for the Election Code and the Constitution but this can be changed. The Attorney position is in the process of background check requirements, and he is waiting for the confirmation of that and the paperwork will be processed. Will have someone on board shortly. Discussion Items - None Announcements Golden Pine Cone Award: Scott Tillinghast last week, and this week Chyna and Jillian for all of their hard work. Senator Cabral’s fraternity is holding a dance, and it is a formal dinner with a four-course meal and cheesecake for dessert. They would like to invite all of ASNAU; it is $10 for a ticket and will be on February 15th at the Newman Center. His Fraternity is the Knights of Columbus. Dylan adds that ABOR has also approved of the budget for Aquatic Center. Important Dates February 15th, Knights of Columbus Dance at the Newman Center February 19th, NSG Social March 1st, NSG Tie-Dye Event March 25th, Unity Week Speaker Adjournment Motion: Senator Howard move to adjourn the meeting Second: Senator Startt Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:58 P.M.