January 28th

Date: January 29th, 2014
Date of Senate Meeting: January 28th, 2014
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called a special session of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 9:06 P.M. via
conference call.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
Ryan Cook
New Action Business
Chairwoman Woodhouse begins by telling the Senate that she sent out an agenda for
tonight’s session along with the changes made to Article VII, which discusses the
campaigning of ASNAU candidates. Item A, the Election Code changes to Articles III, IV, and
VIII, were highlighted in yellow in the original discussion email, Article VIII being the
change to confirmation and ratification by ASNAU Senate with a two-thirds vote. This
change would remove Article III and the need for the student body to ratify the Election
Code. The Legislative Committee of last year had made this change, and Chairwoman
Woodhouse would like to bring it to the attention of the Senate. The changes she made to
Article VII, about ASNAU members endorsing other candidates, were decided after she read
the senators responses. Woodhouse says she got the feeling that the majority did not feel
that ASNAU should endorse candidates, however, looking back she discovered that the
original issue was that the Election Code did not define regulations for candidates running
together. The concern was that there wouldn’t be consequences if these rules were broken,
but the Elections Commission brings balance and regulation in the event of rule violation.
There is also nothing currently about punishment pertaining to use of equipment in the
office, but the Elections Commission can address these issues. The changes that will be
voted on are as follows: Add Section 2.2: Candidates may endorse and aid in a campaign of
another candidate(s) so long as they are running mates. If senators do not like the current
wording, Item B can be tabled until Thursday but the content will not be changed. ASNAU
will not be allowing endorsement, but candidates will be allowed to run together. Senator
Howard clarifies that if candidates are running together, they can endorse each other
according to these changes. Yes, and individual names will remain on the ballot separate,
and will not list members running in a ticket together. Senator Gorshe would like to know if
Chairwoman Woodhouse has the minutes where the definitions were written. She replies
that she attached the legislative minutes to the email that was sent out, but she wrote the
definition of the running mate herself, which will be implemented as Article I, Section 24:
Running Mate. A running mate is a student running together with another student(s), of
which all individuals must be seeking elected positions. Running mates will not be shown
as a joint ticket on the election ballot. This is why Item B can be tabled, so that everyone
can decide on the wording of this. Senator Gorshe says that Item A isn’t what everyone has
been concerned with, and that it is uncontroversial. Item B is more controversial and since
tonight is the first time that the definition has been discussed, he suggests tabling it and
letting the Legislative Committee discuss it tomorrow. Senator Libby clarifies that Item B is
the running mate definition. Senator Simon is confused about what ASNAU is voting on in
the duration of this conference call. She would like Item B to be tabled until Thursday so it
can be figured out further. Senator asks if this would affect the timetable ASNAU is
currently under, in which the student body survey must be sent out before election
campaigning begins. Chairwoman Woodhouse says that President Mastrud talked with Art
about this, and he felt that it was too rushed and should be discussed and everyone should
be adequately informed. Senator Tillinghast asks if these changes would still be in effect for
this year’s election if put off until Thursday. Chairwoman Woodhouse says it would need to
be done by next week before the packets were out for those who wish to run. President
Mastrud says that PR wants the new position on flyers, but in order to do this they will
need for the information for the Election Code to go out to the student body in the same
email for the new executive position, so as not to overwhelm students. These changes can
wait until Thursday but not much longer. Senator Startt asks if how the Senate feels about
putting this in effect for next year’s election, so as not to bombard the students and make
them feel rushed. Senator Gorshe feels that there are portions of these that were discussed
with the Executive Team and Legislative Committee at length, and that everything should
be voted on for the semester. Senator Simon points out that next year’s senate could be
different and she doesn’t want to make a decision to implement a year from now. If ASNAU
can make the changes now, it should be done. Chairwoman Woodhouse agrees that it
should be this year. She clarifies that Item A will remove Section III, that the election code
must be voted on by the student body, and change to just the members of ASNAU.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item A: Election Code: Articles III, IV, & VIII
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: Senator Startt feels that the students should have a say in this because
Elections are a major issue. Even as elected members that vote to represent the student
body, the Senate needs the input of as many students as possible in such a matter. Senator
Gorshe adds that the student body will be voting to ratify the removal of the article either
way. They still have some say in the matter. Senator Cabral points out that in order for any
change to be made two-thirds of the Senate would have to agree, which represents a good
amount of the student body. Chairwoman Woodhouse briefly lists the articles and what
they pertain to, so the Senators know what will be changed:
Article III, 1.5 – Remove the prohibition of campaigning with electronic/internet origin on
Election Day in regards to location
Article III, 2.2 & 2.3 – Elections Commission vs. Supreme Court in regards to removal of
campaign materials
Article IV, 1.1 – Candidates must have petitions signed in person, cannot do so via call
Article VIII, 2 – Pertaining to confirmation and ratification
All of these will be voted on at the same time, and ratified by the student body at the same
time. Senator Gorshe reminds the Senate that these changes will still go to a student body
vote. These things currently still bind the Senate, but the confirmation and ratification will
be changed for next year. Senator Lulay asks if this means the student body will not have a
voice on this matter next year, Gorshe replies that yes, if phrased that way. Senator Libby
asks if the changes to Article VII about endorsement will also be voted on, Chairwoman
Woodhouse replies that this will be tabled for Thursday.
Vote: 9 in favor, 2 in opposition. The changes to Item A: Election Code: Articles III, IV, & VIII
have been approved
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to table Item B: Election Code: Article VII, Section 2
Second: Senator Cabral
Chairwoman Woodhouse points out that the senators must first motion to vote, and then
table the Item.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item B: Election Code: Article VII, Section 2
Second: Senator Cabral
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to table Item B: Election Code: Article VII, Section 2
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Election Code: Article VII, Section 2 has been tabled
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Libby
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 9:36 P.M.