November 21st

Date: November 22, 2013
Date of Senate Meeting: November 21, 2013
Number on council: 12
Number present: 12
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:00 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- All Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Project – The Sustainable Landscape Maintenance
Project is a Green Fund Project that is currently finishing up it’s third year,
representatives are working to get harmful chemicals off of the NAU Campus. This is a
student led project. The university uses five different commercial products, which adds
up to 15,000 gallons per year. A student recently did a study on the health risks
associated with these products, only to find that a lot of them have carcinogens and can
be harmful to pregnant women and newborn children. These products are also linked
to some cancers and are toxic to fish, algae, and aquatic birds in the watershed. There
are certain chemicals that the FDA approves as individual entities, but when they are
combined they are not researched and can be harmful. One of the interns interviewed
the water treatment plants in Flagstaff, and discovered that they are detecting these
from various NAU runoffs. Some of the chemicals are illegal in various states or at the
minimum, restricted. It is a business entity and these things are illegal for use on
commercial lawns, which NAU is not but as a private lawn that many students use the
chemicals are used in the same ways. During an incident in 2012 at a different
university, many students had strong physical reactions. This project means to identify
environmentally friendly alternatives to landscaping without these chemicals to put in
place at NAU. She shows a picture of two patches of grass, one with the herbicides and
one without. She believes the one without is much healthier. They have had 20 different
students working with them at different times from different majors and have gotten
support from the sustainability center and other places that like what they are doing
with the project. They are looking at implementing this across the board on the turf
areas of NAU, the estimated range of cost is $50,000 to $100,000 but that will change
over time. U of A has already gotten awards, so they would like to let everyone to know
what they are doing to help NAU. They would like ASNAU to pass a resolution to
support this.
Questions: Senator Gorshe says in mention of cost effectiveness, if there was $15,000 being
spent on the current products, how much money would be spent with the alternatives.
Currently they know that including the chemicals used, the applicator salary, and benefits
and such the cost will be anywhere from $30,000 to $35,000. That being said, the
university already over seeds and aerates, so this will reduce costs and the costs will
decline over time. The first four to five years is where the biggest costs happen because you
have to change the soil over time, but after that it significantly declines.
Arrowhead Trailer Park Complex – Carla Rodriguez is part of the research team here to
present an issue about the Arrowhead Trailer Park Complex. It is not a very large
community but these people are losing their homes and they are getting a low offer of
only $3500 per family to move. The manager of the park put the park up for sale
without telling the residents. A developer purchased the land and plans to put NAU
housing in this area. They are lowballing the residents and these people will be given a
last day eviction notice on December 26th, right after Christmas. It would cost at least
$5000 to move their trailers and the offer of $3500 will not cover that. Representative
talks about how he chose to go to NAU because of a smaller class size and because it is
important to have connections with professors, but if the expansion happens three to
four years down the road he will not be allowed to live on campus and the small class
size he chose will no longer exist. They are here to get student involvement about the
housing issue and this issue with the Arrowhead Trailer Park Complex. They would like
the support of ASNAU to get the voice of the students involved. These people will lose
their homes when there are other places to expand.
Questions: Senator Simon asks if they know for certain that there are other places for
housing to be placed, it is to her knowledge that seniors and juniors are already being
moved off campus, and in her eyes the more housing that is built the better probability that
she could live off campus. Representative replies that while this housing would be
beneficial to the students, NAU doesn’t have to be building in this trailer park. Senator
Simon asks if she knows of other places that this housing could be built in, representatives
are not really sure of anywhere specific. Senator Simon asks where the trailer park is
located. Behind Barnes and Noble. The whole point is that NAU is expanding and they want
to build the population, when the reason a lot of students chose the school is for the small
size. Senator Simon asks if this housing is like Hilltop, created by a third party contractor or
is it NAU affiliated. It is a private contract: Land Marker Developers from Athens GA.
Senator Gorshe clarifies that this is a private contractor and would like to know what NAU’s
involvement is. Representatives explain that NAU has not taken a stance but this housing is
intended for NAU students. Senator Gorshe asks a representative if she lives in the trailer
park or if she is simply advocating for the people that do. She does not live there but is a
student at NAU. VP Cooper tells the representatives to be careful saying that it is NAU
Student Housing when it is a private contract. It is not affiliated and NAU has already seen
backlash because of this in the local papers. They are aware that NAU is not part of the
actual building. Senator Cabral asks what they are looking for from ASNAU. They want
input on how to get the word out to students and help them join the cause. Senator Simon
would not want to see families displaced, but from a realistic point of view the student
population is going to grow regardless of this, and she can’t deny students more places to
live. Students can’t always afford to live off campus. She asks how many people live there
now and how many will if these are built. Representative says that there are 190 units
planned, and there are about 200 families currently living at Arrowhead. Senator Gorshe
clarifies that they mentioned that the residents would be receiving eviction notices, in
other words is this for sure going to happen. Yes.
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: NAU 4x4
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: Phillip and his colleagues are trying to start this club; they have already gotten
a lot of interest from students who own 4x4s. They would want to meet once a week, and
discuss off-roading and safety techniques, as well as meet to go off-roading with each other.
The club would teach people how not to tear up the trails, and will help clean up these
trails and preserve them. They will plan on doing one mandatory trail at least once a year,
and will have a liability form. This will be for anyone who wants to learn or participate.
Questions: Senator Simon says if she wanted to learn how to do this would she be able to,
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: NAU 4x4 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item B: OA: NAU Cardinal Key National Honor
Society, $500
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: Treasurer for the NAU Cardinal Key National Honor Society is here to be
reimbursed for the one delegate and four additional members that went to the National
Conference in Chicago just recently. The knowledge these members brought back from the
conference will strengthen the NAU campus the club here, as they learned a lot about the
club, which has been here since 1949. Their publicity is less than stellar so not a lot of
people know of this club, and that is another thing they learned how to improve by
attending this conference. They are looking at new ways to get involved in the community
as well. The trip was all out of pocket but they are learning how to better themselves and
the community and would like to be refunded.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: OA: NAU Cardinal Key National Honor Society, $500 has been
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item C: SB 26-28: NAU Cardinal Key National
Honor Society, $1480.30
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: See Discussion for Item B: OA: NAU Cardinal Key National Honor Society, $500
Questions: Senator Smart asks what specifically ASNAU will be paying for, as the bill reads
transportation, lodging, and other fees. The other fees include conference and hotel
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: SB 26-28: NAU Cardinal Key National Honor Society, $1480.30
has been approved.
Motion: Senator Simon move to table Item D: OA: Model United Nations Club, $500 and
Item E: SB 26-29: Model United Nations Club, $3500
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: Senator Cabral says that he has been working with this club for a while, and
would like to know if he can present for them. Senator Simon would like them to be here.
Senator Cabral says that they are on their way to a conference currently, to his knowledge.
He asks if this is the last meeting, Chairwoman Woodhouse replies that Senate will be
having a club allocations meeting on the fifth of December.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: OA: Model United Nations Club, $500 and Item E: SB 26-29:
Model United Nations Club, $3500 have been tabled
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item F: SB 26-30: NAU Cycling Club, $3500
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: The goal for the club is to bring together people who like cycling. They have
won the mountain bike season three years in a row and they want to get their name out
there and be respectable in the region. This funding will help spread their name and
promote their racers, they will be able to go to events and all of the members agree that
with more funding they will be able to go to more races and participate further.
Questions: Senator Gorshe asks if they know the dates of the competitions. They are
included on the budget. Senator Tillinghast asks if they have done fundraising, yes they do
they have been successful in the past and are trying to work more on this in the future.
Senator Gorshe asks if they are asking funding for all of the trips listed, NAU Cycling replies
not necessarily all of them, but mainly the bigger ones. Senator Gorshe is concerned that
there is a lack of dates and specificity in the bill. He is wondering if there are larger
conferences that will be funded. Senator Cabral has a list; he met with them after the
meeting and can include these if the bill needs to be amended. Senator Cabral lists the
tournaments that will be funded (see amendment) and Senator Simon’s math is wrong.
There are no numbers for the finals yet because it is still being determined. Senator Libby
asks if they have an estimation for this weekend’s tournament. It will be similar to the
mountain one. It is conference race number two listed under expenditures and deposits.
Will be roughly $350. Totals come to $2235, and the rest goes to totals for mountain.
Senator Gorshe wants to know what dates can be written into the bill. November 24th, April
10th to the 14th, and August 31st to October 25th can be included. Senator Smart suggests
adding a new whereas, but Chairwoman Woodhouse says that Senate will simply revise the
first. Senator Cabral will do this, as he knows the dates specifically.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to amend the first whereas of SB 26-30: NAU Cycling Club,
$3500 to read: the NAU Cycling Club will be participating in the Sea Otter Classic from April
10th to 14th, the Conference Final LAS Cruses in New Mexico on November 24th, and the
totals for Mountain Conference from August 31st to October 25th.
Second: Senator Ortega
Vote: Unanimous, the amendment to SB 26-30: NAU Cycling Club, $3500 has been
Chairwoman Woodhouse says that Senate is back in discussion, and then determines
everyone is prepared to vote.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: SB 26-30: NAU Cycling Club, $3500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item G: SB 26-31: College of Health and Human
Services, $1000
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: Representative is back again, he is still here to request money for the trip to
India in order to help Tibetan refugees and the funding will still be going towards the
baggage costs. They are just back to get the full amount. Senator Simon says she is glad we
could help further, he appreciates it.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: SB 26-31: College of Health and Human Services, $1000 has been
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item H: SB 26-32: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, $2950
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: Scott Campbell is one of the Presidents, and is here to request funds for the
tournaments during the semester, specifically for entrance and national fees. Recently the
club came in second place in a tournament in New Mexico. Their biggest rivals are ASU and
UA and they have been flying to tournaments around the country. The NAU club would like
to keep up and compete. Senator Gorshe is worried about dates again. The bill reads
October 2013 to April 2014 and he is not sure that this is acceptable. Senator Ortega says
they have on the budget a list of conferences and dates. The third one down does not have a
specific date, and the last three do not have dates. They are still tentative. Senator Gorshe
suggests either listing the names of the tournaments in the bill or at least list a number.
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to amend SB 26-32: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, $2950 to read:
Whereas, 25 students on the Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team will compete in the following
tournaments: Plan A, New Year’s Fest, Trouble in Vegas, Green Chili Fest, President’s Day
Qualifier, and Sectionals.
Second: Senator Startt
Vote: Unanimous, the amendment for SB 26-32: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, $2950 has been
Chairwoman Woodhouse says the Senate is back in discussion, and asks if there is any
further to be had. Senator Libby asks if the total is right. She is wondering where $2950
came from. This cost covers tournament bids, registration fees, which is $1700 plus $1250.
Senator Libby asks if it is safe to assume that ASNAU is covering everything possible. They
are covering their own gas food and lodging. Senator Libby wants to make sure that ASNAU
is helping in any way possible. Senator Gorshe says we are funding 50%. Senator Howard
was going to write another bill when numbers are more specific. Chairwoman Woodhouse
agrees with this.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: SB 26-31: Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, $2950 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item I: SB 26-33: Delta Chi Lambda, $31
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: Ingrid, the Treasurer and Philanthropy Chair, is here to request funding
because Delta Chi Lambda had a football tournament about a month ago. The money raised
was originally to go to the United Nations, but due to the recent disaster the money went to
the Philippines relief fund. The money will go toward the table rentals from the football
Motion: Senator Simon move to amend SB 26-33: Delta Chi Lambda, $31 to benefit the
Philippines relief fund instead of the United Nations.
Second: Senator Ortega
Senator asks if the fund was originally for the United Nations, and wonders if ASNAU
should add a ‘whereas’ instead of changing the first. Chairwoman Woodhouse says it
doesn’t matter.
Vote: Unanimous, the amendment for SB 26-33: Delta Chi Lambda, $31 has been approved
Chairwoman Woodhouse says that Senate is back in discussion, and then determines
everyone is prepared to vote.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I: SB 26-33: Delta Chi Lambda, $31 has been approved
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item J: SB 26-34: Gabriel Borden
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: Senator Tillinghast wrote this senate bill for Gabriel Borden because he is
currently studying abroad. He will be attending the Ashoka Conference early next semester
and there will be people from all over the world, the budget does not reflect what is asked
for in the bill, because initially he had asked for more but he hasn’t amended it because the
numbers aren’t solid yet. Since we are in a reimbursement process, he didn’t feel the total
was an issue. If either Senator Gorshe or Senator Cabral has an issue with this the bill can
be amended. Senator Gorshe says he is fine with it, and the only issue is that the bill says
the purpose of attending this conference. He would like it to be more specific for flight and
hotel and such. Senator Ortega says it is already in the bill. Dates and times are already set;
it is the prices that aren’t for sure yet.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J: SB 26-34: Gabriel Borden, $790 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item K: SB 26-35: Open Study Abroad Scholarship
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: When Chief of Staff Smart and President Mastrud sat on the committee there
were many very qualified applicants, which is why there is an extra $2300, which will be
coming from another line.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: SB 26-35: Open ASNAU Study Abroad Scholarship Line has been
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item L: SB 26-36: Open ASNAU Speakers and
Performers Line
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: Chyna says that as they are currently in process of contracting for the concert,
which will be in place soon, they would like the move everything along. If she is not
mistaken, opening this line will also assist VP Cooper in the creation of Unity Week. She and
Jillian will be completing contracts as soon as possible.
Vote: Unanimous, Item L: SB 26-36: Open ASNAU Speakers and Performers Line has been
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- President Mastrud reports that she would first like to thank the Senate for
approving the Study Abroad Bill. She knows that hundred of students will benefit
from those funds. She and the Directors are having a good time at ABOR, and last
night met with Student Regent Thompson, Student Regent Hanna, and
representatives from ASUA and USG ASU. They talked about the tuition setting
process, the new housing policy at NAU, and the cost of living on campus at NAU.
They also received an update about the Tri-University Student Safety Taskforce.
President Klien has taken a new approach to the task force and now each
University will have a sub task force that reports to the Board’s task force.
President Mastrud was excited to hear that a few select students will still be a
part of the Taskforce. She will keep ASNAU updated as this quickly moves
forward. Next, President Mastrud thanks the Senate and all of ASNAU for
handling the Tobacco Free Initiative and her response with maturity and
professionalism. A special thanks to the Senators that met with her on Tuesday,
she appreciated the time and understanding put forward as things were worked
through. If any other Senators would like to set up a time to discuss this, please
let her know. If anyone on staff has any questions about what happened please
feel free to talk to her as well. She should be in the office all day Tuesday.
President Mastrud also reports that she is continuing to plan the State of the
Student Address event, as well as the ASNAU Winter Retreat, which will take
place the first Thursday back from break from 5:00P.M to 7:00P.M. This is a
mandatory event. There will be no Senate that day so everyone should be able to
attend. If anyone has topics that they would like covered at retreat, send her an
email so she can add it to the agenda. In the binders there is an updated budget;
please let her know if there are any errors. She will be working with Paula to
update the salary section, as the executive team would like to move $2,300 from
the Senate and Organizational Line to the Study Abroad Line to cover the cost of
the additional students she and Sammy reviewed applications for and thought
they were very deserving of the funds to go abroad. What happens is the
applications are reviewed and students are rated on a matrix with different
categories on a total scale of 25. The 2,300 additional dollars will cover students
who scored a 17, which is a very high score, and they will only be receiving $250.
They awarded a little over 50 total students who will go abroad in the winter
and spring. Finally, on Monday, she will be meeting with Liz Grobsmith to get an
update on the CoCoSus committee. She will also be meeting with a writer from
the Lumberjack regarding the Tobacco Free Initiative and ASNAU’s stance. She
hopes that everyone has a nice relaxing Thanksgiving. She is thankful to work
with such an amazing and diverse group of people that work so hard for the
students of NAU.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- VP Cooper reports that the Kick Axe shirts have been ordered. He has 2000
coming for the NAU Hawaii game and still ASNAU still has $16,000 in the line.
Will be pulling $10,000 from the Speakers and Performers Line for venue and
such and has discussed moving this money with the Executive team.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- VP Woodhouse reports she found out that reading week starts December 5th,
and because of this there cannot be a meeting, but they have been telling clubs
and organizations that they will be having this meeting all semester. To deal with
this, ASNAU will have a conference call December 4th at 9:00P.M so as to still
allocate money to clubs and organizations that have been waiting to attend this
meeting. General show of hands reveals that it works for most all the senators,
except Senator Howard has work. Senator Libby asks what the change was
pertaining to the amount of time the Appropriations committee has to meet
before the senate meeting, was changed to 24 hours. VP Woodhouse thanks the
senators for meeting with her for one on ones. The Athletics forum was changed
and she will keep everyone updated. The first Senate of next semester will be
retreat. Finally, try to work office hours next week if you can, Thanksgiving will
be like a bonus otherwise. Also please be at Turkey Trot at 8:15A.M if you can, it
will end at 11:15A.M.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- Chief of Staff Smart reports that the only thing coming up currently is the
Turkey Trot on Sunday. Those volunteering please be ready to help on the South
Fields by 8:15A.M. The event should be done by 11:15A.M. They are still
planning on moving forward with the event even if it snows. Finally, she hopes
everyone has a wonderful safe and relaxing Thanksgiving.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- The directors report that this week they have been working on ABOR. Last
night they met with Student Regents Valerie Hanna and Kaitlin Thompson along
with all of the student body presidents from ASU Tempe and Downtown, UA
Main and South as well as graduate student body presidents. They discussed
tuition, student fees, housing at NAU, and parking and transportation. Today
President Eileen Klien from ABOR announced the Student Safety Task Force. The
main task force will be Regent Thompson, Regent Killian, President Hart,
President Crow, President Haeger, and President Klien. The three presidents will
then implement task force committees at each university. These will contain city
councilmen, students, member of Greek life, and members from the law
enforcement community. As soon as they learn how exactly President Haeger
will implement this they will notify the Senate for anyone who is interested in
being involved. If anyone has any questions about anything do not hesitate to
call, text, or email any of the directors. Finally, the SSA Interns have been very
diligent in their work and they look forward to coming to present to ASNAU very
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- Colleen and Spencer report that they have finished Turkey Trot flyers and
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- Turkey Trot is this weekend they are really excited about this. A lot of
organizations are coming out to participate, so please be there at 8:30A.M at the
latest if you are volunteering. Drink coffee if you will be tired, Chyna apologized
that is it early but she and Jillian will be there at 7:00A.M. The reason for them
coming earlier is so that everyone can be briefed, as they didn’t get a chance to
do this for carnival volunteers. They have also decided a date for their finals
study break. It has been a tradition for ASNAU to provide treats at the library.
The decided dates are December 12th, 15th and 16th. Jeremy asks if ASNAU will be
allowed to run the Turkey Trot, and if so do they have to show up at 8:15A.M
with everyone else. Chyna says they will have nine stations to direct people, and
there were only 5 to 6 members that expressed interest in running. This will be
decided tomorrow but those who wish to run will be notified the morning of.
Senator Libby asks if she can be notified before so she can know what to wear.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- Updated officers for Supreme Court and corrected three sentences on voting
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- The administration destroyed the hopes of the World’s Largest Snowball Fight
because of liabilities that go along with the event. They are trying to find ways
around it but as of now it will not be happening. Senator Simon wants to know if
it is specifically because NSG is holding it, or if she could do it not affiliated with
the organization. She doesn’t feel that there will be any consequence in this case.
Senator Smart says that just like the game Zombies versus Humans this year had
to be approved through Student Life even though it wasn’t last year, anyone who
is caught will have to go through student conduct. Senator Ortega asks if it is
possible to have it off campus. Senator Libby says not as many people will come.
Jessie says that the tree is up for Toys for Tots and if toys get brought to the
office please put them in the conference room. Senator Tillinghast is
disappointed that he will not be allowed to play with them. Ice-Skating will be at
5:30P.M tomorrow, and December 8th at 5:00P.M will be an ugly sweater
Christmas party. Senator Simon wants to borrow Jeremy’s sweater.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch reports they had their longest meeting and
there will be more clubs next semester. There will be no meeting next week. Will
have a meeting the following Tuesday after Thanksgiving, December 3rd.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that they talked about the directors and
election code. There is no committee meeting on Monday but be prepared for
election code. Shayla says there IS a meeting on Monday.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch- Dean meeting December 6th at one.
b. Scott Tillinghast- No report
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- No report
b. Brittany Simon- No report
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- Happy Hunger Games
b. Nicolas Startt- No report
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart- No report
b. Jared Gorshe- No report
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- No report
b. Alexandria Buchta- No report
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- Warm regards and Happy Thanksgiving.
b. Savannah Libby- Happy Thanksgiving
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— No report.
Art Farmer— No report.
Discussion Items
- None
Golden Pine Cone Award: Senator Howard, for getting in touch with clubs well and for
writing awesome senate bills.
Senator Cabral says that the Newman Center is having a free Thanksgiving dinner
tomorrow at 6:00P.M.
Important Dates
NSG Ice-Skating is tomorrow, November 22nd at 5:30P.M.
Turkey Trot is November 24th, meet on South Fields at 8:15A.M.
NSG Toys for Tots is currently in progress.
ASNAU Conference Call, December 4th at 9:00P.M.
NSG Ugly Sweater Christmas Party will be December 8th at 5:00P.M.
Finals Study Break will be December 12th, 15th, and 16th.
Chairwoman Woodhouse says that ASNAU Senate will be having a closed session, no one
besides the Senate will be present and no minutes will be recorded.
Motion: Senator Howard move to have a closed session
Second: Senator Cabral
Special Session begins at 6:15P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M.