November 14th

Date: November 15, 2013
Date of Senate Meeting: November 14, 2013
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:00 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
- Alexandria Buchta
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Howard move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Dylan Lefler – Dylan is reporting back from his attendance to the State of Universities with
ABOR. ABOR discussed funding for the state schools and information pertaining to
upcoming semesters. They would like to include the student governments on decisions
such as these. Dylan has a flyer explaining the high levels of enrollment and why the
university is pushing this. They are also working on financial aid, specifically making it
more accessible. ABOR would like to make a few more 3-year degrees available to
students; these degrees are 36 months of straight schooling with no breaks. Finally,
More online classes will be offered in the next few years to drive up attendance rates.
Questions: Senator Libby asks if ABOR and NAU are planning on making room for these
students to accommodate for the high levels of enrollment. Yes, it will be included in the
budget and will be affecting the tuition changes.
SHAC Tobacco Free – Alexis initially thanks everyone for allowing SHAC to take up meeting
time in the past few months, and for everyone’s attention and commitment to this
initiative. She would like to reiterate and ask everyone to please remember the details
of the policy are not set in stone. There will continue to be student input as the policy
moves forward. The support of ASNAU is hugely important to this initiative and will
protect 88.6% of students, the environment, and help in maintaining NAU admission.
She once again thanks ASNAU for the time contributed and everyone’s input and
Unfinished Business
Motion: Senator Cabral move to remove Item A: Saudi Club from the table
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Saudi Club has been removed from table
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Saudi Club
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: Representatives are here to ask ASNAU to establish this club for the Saudi
students on campus. There has not been a successful previous effort to establish a club for
the growing population of Saudi students and this club will fulfill this need. Will also
encourage cooperation and promote social activity between Americans and Saudis, and
they want to be a source of information for these people as well. It is about maximizing the
college experience for Saudi students and contributing to the future of this university and
the culture. Will invite ASNAU to their events here on campus.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Saudi Club has been approved
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on Item A: SB 26-26: Student Awards and
Recognition Line, $1751.14
Second: Senator Simon
Discussion: This bill is for the Gold Axe Award pins. 22 seniors were awarded last night and
ASNAU has always funded this. Students apply and the committee evaluates applicants
based on academic and community involvement. Applicants must also state a member of
staff or faculty who has been a mentor to them. This award is very highly valued and
President Mastrud has seen many Alumni who still wear their pins to this day.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: SB 26-26: Student Awards and Recognition Line, $1751.14 has
been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to table Item B: Resolution 26-3: Two-Track Voting System
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: Oregon says this resolution will support a change to the two-track voting
system, last week they handed out information and when they started reaching out to get
all the information again they found out that ASUA and ASASU haven’t taken a stance yet.
They would support tabling it at this point until they have more information and there is
more reaction from other student bodies. Will take input and discussion to ABOR next
week but at this point the resolution may be tabled and further discussed and researched.
Questions: Senator Boruch asks if the last whereas on the resolution is false, stating that
ASASU has already taken a strong stance on the matter, Oregon said to their knowledge
when it was written they had but the directors now know that a stance has not been taken
as of yet. Ben says ASNAU would not want to take a stance and have it backfire. In Arizona
citizens used to only need a federal form to vote, but now Arizona has decided to use a twotrack system in state elections so everyone will have to recomplete the form and use
another form of identification as well. Senate agrees we should table.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Resolution 26-3: Two-Track Voting System has been tabled
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item C: Resolution 26-4: Tobacco Free Policy
Rescind: Senator Cabral rescinds previous motion
Motion: Senator Cabral move to adopt Item C: Resolution 26-4: Tobacco Free Policy
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Cabral says that the resolution will say that ASNAU does support the
Tobacco Free Policy. Chairwoman Woodhouse reminds the Senate that it was written very
general, like the medical amnesty resolution, and is not specific to details of the policy.
Senator Tillinghast asks which parts of the policy are not set in stone, as Alexis had said at
the beginning of the meeting. Alexis says with the approval of ASNAU, the policy would
move to President Haeger and an implementation team would review documents and
further discuss the policy. This group of individuals would be responsible for making final
decisions. The team has not been created yet, and with approval they will move forward
with creating a team of students, faculty, and administration. President Mastrud says that it
sounds like a new committee will be taking what SHAC is working on a continue it. This is
confirmed. Dr. Brandel says he had lunch with the President today and he told him about
the good healthy discussions that ASNAU has been having and that the vote is happening
tonight. The nature of this as the policy would move forward is that the help for the
environment and enforcement would be sorted out over the next few cycles. People are
here for education and there is not meant to be any smoking police force. The president is
supportive of this initiative and the changes it would bring. Senator Boruch asks Alexis if
she was able to talk to everyone in office hours, she doesn’t believe so and to her
knowledge a member of SHAC, Connor, who has been sick has been doing some sort of
contact with the Senators as well. Senator Simon and Senator Ortega have been in
correspondence with him via email. Senator Smart wants to hear everyone’s viewpoint.
Senate proceeds to go around the room and share opinions. Senator Tillinghast is shaky on
this, he isn’t thrilled with what he is hearing and he wishes there were different ways of
implementing some nature of this policy but not all, such as smoking zones or something
that doesn’t exclude a large population of the students. He believes that this policy will
cause fallout. Senator Boruch is still thinking it through and wants to hear everyone else’s
opinions. Senator Cook feels the same way as Senator Tillinghast, and in general feels that
the policy is missing some sort of details that would make it more acceptable. He would say
no. Senator Libby says it is a really hard decision and acknowledges that ASNAU has been
discussing this for a while. Despite all of these discussions, she still feels it has been a big
deal. She thinks we have to do what’s best for the student body, whatever that may be.
President Mastrud asks what specific detail Senator Cook is looking for in the policy, he
says he doesn’t feel that taking out all tobacco products with the policy is not necessary and
will cause an issue such as one that Senator Tillinghast was referring to. Senator Simon
wants to hear everyone before questions and comments are accepted from the audience if
possible. Continuing, Senator Ortega wants to make campus healthier but doesn’t support
this policy because it requires students to leave campus and it isn’t safe. She believes the
policy would be better if it called for smoking areas. Senator Gorshe would first like to
thank all of the senators for the discussion thus far and feels that he has been relatively
outspoken. He doesn’t support this based on the things that Senator Ortega, Senator Cook
and Senator Tillinghast have already said. He thinks there are other ways to go about this
and still accomplish the main goals of SHAC, which are the health of students and the
environment. Senator Smart is for this policy. She thinks it benefits the campus because of
the environment and health issues, and there are no negative consequences. She feels that
safety of the students is a big concern for ASNAU, but she doesn’t feel this is a strong
argument against this policy because everyone walks everywhere in Flagstaff. She thinks
walking 25 feet across the street isn’t a big deal because people do it on the daily. She
reiterates that she is for the policy. Senator Startt says that the senators cannot make all of
the students happy with decisions made but they should attempt to please the majority. He
reminds the Senate that this is just an outline and they are still looking for input and people
can go in and help with final details. Senator Howard understands both sides and talked
with Connor during office hours yesterday, but his answers to the questions he posed were
not enough to sway him. He is against this policy. Senator Cabral fully supports this and has
seen so much work and effort and research put into this. Like he stated last meeting, he is
all for the policy. Senator Simon says she has done a lot of research and talked to a lot of
people here, as well as talking to people at the other universities. She doesn’t support this
because she doesn’t want to isolate her friends that smoke and make them go off campus to
do something that’s legal. She does admire the health aspects but feels that there are too
many unsorted details that wouldn’t be good for the student body. President Mastrud asks
if the Senate knows Senator Buchta’s vote for the policy. Senator Simon says she spoke with
Senator Buchta and she knows that she doesn’t support this even though she doesn’t have a
formal vote. Chairwoman Woodhouse explains that ASNAU would need a proxy vote and
signature from Senator Buchta and because of her contagious illness she is not present and
hasn’t made contact with anyone. Senator Cabral asks if ASNAU can work on the
implementation team. Alexis says that yes, and President Haeger would support this. He
wonders if smoking zones would still be a viable option. Alexis says yes, it would be a huge
change in the policy and they have gone with tobacco free based on two years of research
and other universities, but it is all up in the air when it comes down to it. No changes can be
made and nothing can move forward without the approval of ASNAU. Senator Gorshe asks
if she really means that nothing is set in stone or if SHAC is set on making this policy
specifically tobacco free. Yes, nothing is set in stone but at the same time SHAC would like
to remain tobacco free in their stance. Zach, from the audience as a member of the Tobacco
Rights Campaign comments on the majority SHAC has been speaking of, he feels that this is
not an accurate representation of the student body especially for next school year with the
incoming freshmen not having a voice. Oregon comes forward and first clarifies that he is
not currently speaking as a member of ASNAU, and is part of SHAC. He realizes that with
every issue that has been brought up, this movement will be difficult. There will be
controversy. At the end of the day ASNAU is deciding what is best for the student body.
Safety of the student body is one of the biggest issues, but in the same way that students
over 21 go downtown to drink, this would work. He asks the Senators, if here today you
stood having to vote on a tobacco-free campus in order to allow tobacco, looking at the
impacts it has would you be allowing it. This decision is big and a mature decision and he
commends everyone for their research but would like everyone to please remember the
student body as a whole. Senator Gorshe wants to vote soon, but would also like to mention
that going off campus for anything or something such as drinking, is an individual choice,
whereas this initiative would be forcing students to leave campus. He would like the Senate
to vote with conscience and keep everything that has been said in mind. Senator Smart
would like to challenge this because she doesn’t feel that students are being forced, as there
are no repercussions for not going off campus. This is solely a social movement. VP Cooper
wants to remind everyone that is currently taking a neutral stance that they were elected
by a student body, and at the end of the day they need to keep the student body in mind.
Not personal experiences or the considerations of peers alone. Think for the greater good
of the student body. This will affect the student body no matter what we decide. President
Mastrud agrees. Senator Simon says she has talked about her friends but it is not only
about her friends. She wouldn’t want anyone, even someone whom she has never met to
have to travel off campus and jeopardize his or her safety. This is a wet campus so people
can drink on campus if you are 21 so this is not really a comparison since students do not
have to go off campus. Spencer believes if students really fear for their safety in going just
across the street they can explore other alternatives to tobacco use, to help them quit.
Senator Simon says it is not the job of NAU to tell people to find another outlet. Charles,
another member of the Tobacco Rights Campaign in the audience, adds that it isn’t as
simple as walking across the street. There are people who live in Reilly Hall and other
places for whom it is a significant walk. If there is no enforcement what is the point, there
will be more trash without receptacles and it will cause more confrontation. Alexis says
that the majority of individuals who use tobacco wish they could quit. This is a nationwide
statistic. SHAC would like to help facilitate this. They are respecting the choice to smoke
and are just asking for students to take it off campus. Senator Simon asks if anyone in the
Senate will change a current opinion based on any further discussion. No, everyone’s mind
is made up. Senator Simon would like to call to question, and Senator Gorshe would like to
second (this is not official). Senator Boruch points out that Senator Libby has something to
say (this means Resolution will not be called to question). Senator Libby would feel better
if the policy was proposing a smoke free campus and not just a tobacco free campus, but at
the same time she sees that the use of alternatives does not solve health issues. Students
are addicted to tobacco, not just smoke. She doesn’t understand why this policy would
encourage students to quit, however. Chairwoman Woodhouse points out that other
universities across the country have adopted this policy. It is long term and there will be
struggle with litter and enforcement at first, but in the long run things will change and it
will be a different trend. Senator Ortega says that after hearing everyone’s arguments her
argument stands but she believes Senator Smart is right saying that it is just across the
street and tobacco use is more of a safety concern than crossing the street. Senator Howard
says it is not just across the street if you are in the middle of campus. Senator Gorshe agrees
and doesn’t think that it is the job of the student government to regulate what people do.
Even after this discussion he couldn’t be more against the policy. Chairwoman Woodhouse
poses to the Senate the question of a change in the policy from tobacco free to smoke free
and how this would affect the opinions of the senators. Senator Gorshe feels that there is no
compromise here, the Senate has repeatedly heard that the details haven’t been set in
stone, it is general and the unknowing of the details is concerning to him. He doesn’t see a
way that the concerns of the senators who would prefer non-smoking zones can be
addressed. Senator Simon agrees with Senator Gorshe, she will not take a stance when she
doesn’t know all the details. She would be open to hearing other details but Alexis stated
that they are running tobacco free and she can’t support it. Senator Tillinghast says Senator
Gorshe hit the nail on the head, when it comes down to it its tobacco or not. He feels he
can’t tell people what to do and there are better ways to go about promoting student
health. Can use resources and discussions but he doesn’t think stripping the right of
students to use these legal things on campus is within the right of the Senate. Senate is
ready to vote; Senator Gorshe asks if they would like a silent vote, with paper and pen.
Everyone is fine with doing an open vote. Senator Startt still wants to hear from the
audience. Spencer says that this is not about telling someone to leave campus, and if NAU is
behind it is going to encourage students to quit. She asks Charles if, like he had said, this
change would encourage him to stop. He says it is always a consideration for him but if
SHAC wants help students quit, they should reach out to the people who want to stop.
Alexis once again says they are not demanding or suggesting that faculty, staff, or students
need to quit, but they are just asking them to take it off campus. With safety, she agrees it is
not just across the street in many cases but she thinks if students feel unsafe with this they
have another issue with safety in Flagstaff outside of the smoking concern. Ben says any
perceived threat off campus can still come on campus. Senator Simon says there are fewer
resources for safety off campus and this is the concern. President Mastrud says that in
other universities with this policy there haven’t been any incidences to suggest a rise in
crime and Flagstaff is a well-patrolled place around campus as it is. Remember that this is a
big vote and they should be representing the student body. There are rules against drinking
in certain places on campus as well. Jeremy says that this is not just going off campus
occasionally it is every day and he is concerned about safety. He would like to know what
SHAC plans to do if students do not comply with being asked to go off campus to smoke.
Alexis says some of these details haven’t been worked out yet, but following discussions at
ASNAU they have had ideas to include a place on the tobacco free website to report areas
with issues. They are only asking everyone to educate tobacco users on the policy and
resources available. Details can’t be worked out until the policy has been passed. Senator
Gorshe says that an issue he has is the idea of social control. He would argue that things like
this and the website allows social bullying, which is a big issue in this day and age. They are
pointing out things that they find wrong with people and attacking them for it, it will open
up a gate to this sort of bullying. Jillian asks if the health promotions survey had a
percentage of tobacco users. Alexis replies that 11.4% of students reported using tobacco
on campus. Senator Howard says the biggest issue for him personally is the social
enforcement. In the real world this is a great policy but in the real world you can educate
people as much as you want but if people still choose to smoke and there is no viable way
to enforce it then what is the point of the policy. This closes discussion.
Call to Question: Senator Boruch calls Item C: Resolution 26-4: Tobacco Free Policy to
Second: Senator Gorshe
Vote: 10 in favor, 1 opposed, Item C: Resolution 26-4: Tobacco Free Policy has been called
to question
Vote: 5 in favor, 6 opposed. By simple majority, Item C: Resolution 26-4: Tobacco Free
Policy has not been adopted.
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- President Mastrud reports that she would like to thank everyone for their hard
work, she would like to thank SHAC for all of their hard work as well. Before this
meeting she went to a forum regarding gender-neutral bathrooms, and learned
that there are 25 spaces in Gabaldon Hall where students can apply for gender
inclusive housing. There are many other universities that are providing genderinclusive housing and it is great that NAU is a part of this trend. She told them
that she and the Student State Affairs Directors would support. She spoke at the
Gold Axe Awards last night and thanks the Senate for approving that bill. This
week she met individually with each executive member to review the semester
and prepare for the next. Extended library hours as well as the Shuttle and Café
are all set up and ready to go. She will begin to PR this in the next few days.
President Mastrud also met with Chyna and Jillian to begin work on planning the
State of the Student Address. She will be meeting with the Dean of each college
and will ask for two students from each that stand out and make a difference.
She will be giving out one to three awards at this event to the students who
positively affect the university in the best ways. A Supreme Court Justice will be
in to do senate checks, this individual with meet with the Senators and President
Mastrud would like all of the senators to be respectful and to educate the Justice
on what goes on here. She met with the Chain Gang and the Poetry Club, and will
be doing legal aide interviews tomorrow. President Mastrud and Chief of Staff
Smart would like to change ASNAU’s lack of presence at Relay for Life. It is an
important event and as a lead for all of the clubs and organizations on campus it
is important that everyone participates. Finally, the Running of the Seniors and
Tailgate will take place tomorrow. Chairwoman Woodhouse suggests PR for
library hours on the door of Cline. President Mastrud replies that she is still
working on getting this approved.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- VP Cooper reports the Kiss My Axe shirt poll is up and voting will end
tomorrow at 3pm. He would like everyone to please vote, Colleen and Spencer
have worked hard on it and both have two designs represented. He will have
2000 to give out at the NAU-Hawaii Basketball Game and will not publicize what
shirt won as incentive for students to go. Tailgate is this weekend and there are
16 groups participating, which is great for this late in the season. No DJ but VP
Cooper will be playing music off of his laptop. He will be participating in the
Running of the Seniors, and the tailgate shirts are the regular 12:00P.M to
2:00P.M and 2:00P.M to 4:00P.M. Sign up is being passed around. VP Cooper is
also working on Unity Week, he is really exited he is looking at a budget of
$40,000 for speakers, including Professional Olympians and athletes that have a
lot to say about unity. He is still waiting to hear from Rachel with Sun
Entertainment about some details but will get the ball rolling as soon as he does.
Senator Simon asks if she can email VP Cooper about a time she can volunteer
for tailgate, and would also like to know if she will be able to help with Unity
Week. The greatest way for Unity Week to be successful is if everyone comes
together with social media to help spread the word. He wants it to be huge.
President Mastrud confirms that the football game begins at 4:00P.M and tells
ASNAU that anyone who has not worked the past few tailgates should work this
one. Chyna asks how VP Cooper will spread all the activities and speakers for
Unity Week throughout the week. He is working with the Native American
Cultural Center and other major organizations on campus, but is stepping back
until the speakers have been booked and he can finalize the schedule.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- VP Woodhouse reports there are only two more Senate meetings. She will be
doing one-on-ones next week and will contact Senators about them. She emailed
a few clubs for feedback on funding and if she doesn’t hear back she will be
continuing to contact clubs until she has some information about the process.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- Chief of Staff Smart reports that staff evaluations took place this week, and as
always the staff performance is exceptional. She says it often, but she believes
them to be the best staff members in ASNAU to date. They each contribute so
much to the team and she is looking forward to next semester. Turkey Trot is
next Sunday, and Chyna and Jillian will be passing around sign ups. She has only
received a few excuses from a few people who will be absent at this event, and if
anyone cannot make it please let her know as soon as possible. She had a club
reach out to her yesterday with interest to volunteer, so if there are enough then
those interest in running in the event will be able to participate, and she would
like those who are interested to email her. No one has signed up for the Relay for
Life team, and she would like everyone to please sign up. She attended a meeting
on Tuesday and it was special and moving to see all of the clubs and
organizations on campus already fundraising and moving forward with their
Relay for Life team. She thinks that ASNAU needs to start having a huge presence
at this event. Together, ASNAU is the organization that supports all of the other
organizations and it is really embarrassing when we have no presence at one of
the largest event on campus. Please go to the NAU Relay for Life team and
register for the ASNAU team. She will email out another link and information
tomorrow, and since tomorrow is payday everyone should be able to register. No
one sent her an ‘ASNAU I’m Thankful’ note so hers is that she is thankful for the
strong three NSG advisors who have done such a wonderful job guiding and
retaining the new leaders. She would also like to congratulate Senator Smart on
becoming Chi Omega President.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- One of the interns has been working on the calorie facts sheets for on-campus
dining, and she will be coming in to speak in the next few weeks to educate the
Senate about this. She has been working really hard on it. Ben reports that next
week is ABOR and they will be discussing budget and funding passing through
legislature. If anyone would like to further discuss the two-track voting system
or to be a part of research and organization of this topic, please let the directors
know. Senator Simon will email her opinion to the Directors. No one else wants
to discuss at the current moment so they will all do this. They will begin figuring
out how they will address the campaign for medical amnesty. Finally, the
Directors will be gone at ABOR the next week so if you need to reach them email
text or call.
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- The Kiss My Axe shirts have been finished, and they are working on the Turkey
Trot banner as well as the flyer. Voting for the shirts went out last night. Finally,
they took a headshot of President Mastrud it was beautiful.
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- Chyna and Jillian address the Senators and ask that if they haven’t yet emailed
clubs and organizations about the Turkey Trot please do so. They still don’t have
any participants signed up for the event so tabling this week is very important.
Tabling will be every day this week in the union from 11:00A.M to 2:00P.M, and
Wednesday tabling will be in the Dubois Center. Sign up based on availability,
they have flyers to pass out that they are finishing printing tomorrow. Chyna will
email everyone beforehand who has signed up. They are also helping President
Mastrud plan the State of the Student Address. They are really close with
contracting with their number one choice for the concert, and once it is selected
they will reveal the genre and artist right away. Please sign up for Relay for Life
now because it is cheap. ASNAU is going to be a bonus team with a cancer
survivor and the bigger the team the better, because the person walking the
track doesn’t have to walk for 12 hours straight in this case. Senator Tillinghast
asks what the date is for Relay. April 5th and 6th, 2014 at 3:00P.M and
participants are required to start walking at 5:00P.M. Senator Gorshe asks when
registration ends. Registration for Turkey Trot is until the day of the event and
Relay for Life is until the day before but the price goes up until then. It is a
Superheroes theme.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- He made a new banner advertising the turkey trot.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- Zeke and Courtney report that next week from November 18th to December
11th is Toys for Tots. There is a $20 dollar maximum on the promotion so that no
one has to spend a lot on toys. They are also working with Max on the recordbreaking snowball fight. The Special Events Committee is working to make it a
really big event with some sort of concert and philanthropy incorporated. NSG
will have an ugly sweater party and an ice-skating social. If any mentors want to
attend or know more information please contact.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch reports that there was one bill yesterday and no
clubs. She may be looking for someone to sit on Appropriations so if anyone is
interested let her know.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that he would like to thank all of the senators
that made it yesterday and for the hard working with looking at the resolutions.
Back to normal schedule Monday.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch- Planning Dean meeting soon. Working with Alexis
and had office hours.
b. Scott Tillinghast- Thanks for a good discussion tonight it was rough
but everyone was professional and expressed opinions well. Working
on a bill for a student who is currently studying abroad. Working with
the Rugby Team.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- No college report. Worked on Tobacco Free Resolution.
During office hours sent out email regarding turkey trot, increase in
funding, and wrote a bill.
b. Brittany Simon- She and Shayla met with Phillip about the Hexapus,
he is a nice gentleman and it is his dream, the octopus is supposed to
be in a box and one tentacle is chained but he has a screwdriver and is
unchaining himself with another tentacle. It is to demonstrate that
this creature is smarter than humans, he created six tentacles by
accident, it was originally supposed to be an octopus but he called it a
Hexapus instead. He has approval for it to stay in the Communications
Building and after it is there for a semester it will be in competitions
and promoting NAU. This is his dream and he is prepared for a lot of
questions. Made up office hours on Monday and today.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- Emailed Jacob about the extra thousand that could
go to the India Trip. Working with the Ultimate Frisbee team. Emailed
clubs and went to parking appeals committee with Senator Gorshe. He
was glad for a great discussion today.
b. Nicolas Startt- Didn’t go to office hours on Tuesday but went today, no
one came in.
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart- No college report. Awesome discussion, would like to
comment that she is disappointed with the amount of times call to
question was said, everyone should keep in mind that the opinions of
everyone are important, including the audience. Her presence here
next week is not so great due to the premiere of the Hunger Games.
b. Jared Gorshe- Wednesday morning was parking appeals, always a
blast. His office hours, nothing really happened, went to the
transgender discussion heard a lot of great ideas for campus and
thank you all for a great discussion.
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- Met with softball club to discuss senate bill.
b. Alexandria Buchta- Sick, not present. University Curriculum next
week and emailed clubs.
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- She didn’t have office hours this week. Deserts with the
Dean, she thinks it is supposed to be Desserts. She wanted to see what
other students were saying so she went. Emailed clubs and will have
club recognition soon.
b. Savannah Libby- Meet with Dean tomorrow, good office hours, made
copies, thank you for a great discussion and she agrees that it is
important discussion.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— Good debate, it is fun sometimes to use critical thinking and when
the discussion is done any everyone leaves the room, even if it is agreed to disagree
there should be no hard feelings because everyone is on the same team. Study hard
and have fun.
Art Farmer— With the Turkey Trot, PR should send a PDF to Student Life to get it up
on the TV screens in the union. Tomorrow he is doing the interviews for the
attorney with the Executive Team, they are moving quickly and the initial interviews
are tomorrow, which will be followed by face-to-face interviews and they will
hopefully be able to make some quick decisions. He doesn’t know if the person will
be able to start right away and it still may be a few weeks out so continue to tell
students the process is underway and they will let the student body know when
everything is in place.
Discussion Items
- None
Golden Pine Cone Award: Senator Simon, for good research and hard work during senate
and in the office.
Chyna would like to congratulate Jillian for being hired as a peer instructor.
Important Dates
Turkey Trot is November 24th at 8:00A.M.
Tabling for Turkey Trot is Monday through Friday, 11:00A.M to 2:00P.M.
Tailgate is Saturday, November 16th at 1:00P.M. Shifts are 12:00P.M to 2:00P.M and
2:00P.M to 4:00P.M.
NSG Toys for Tots begins Monday, November 18th
Motion: Senator Howard move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Boruch
Vote: Unanimous, meeting was adjourned at 6:39 P.M.