October 24th

Date: October 25, 2013
Date of Senate Meeting: October 24, 2013
Number on council: 12
Number present: 12
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:00 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-All Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Cabral move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Tailgate Concern – Ashley Phillis is an RHA representative for Pine Ridge. Their residents
have had many concerns about how tailgate has been and she has brought a petition with
129 signatures asking for ASNAU to move tailgate to another lot. There has been trash and
a great deal of mess left in the parking lot, as well as a mess in the restrooms in the Pine
Ridge Clubhouse even though tailgaters are not supposed to be allowed in. They feel it is
not the RA’s responsibility to clean up. On top of this, people have been wandering through
the property after the tailgate drunk and disturbing Pine Ridge residents. Once the tailgate
is done the police officers leave and there are still people on the premises that get into cars
drunk and leave, driving under the influence. This is very unsafe and they are endangering
the residents as well as the people on campus. Phillis is here to ask ASNAU to move the
location of the tailgate.
Questions: Senator Buchta asks how many residents live in Pine Ridge. Ashley Phillis
responds somewhere between 400 and 600. Senator Gorshe first thanks her for being here
and bringing this issue to the attention of the student senate. Someone else arrives; she
introduces herself as Danielle, and explains that she is an RA at Pine Ridge. Senator Gorshe
proceeds with questioning to ask how many of the residents of Pine Ridge attend tailgates.
Danielle replies that as far as a percentage, they do not know because they have no way to
document this. Senator Gorshe clarifies that he would like to know if Pine Ridge does, in
fact, have residents that attend the student tailgate. Ashley Phillis explains that yes, a few
residents attend the student tailgate but she only ran into two students who did whens she
went around to residents with the petition. Senator Simon asks how moving the tailgate to
another location will solve the issues and help the issue of student safety? Danielle says
that regarding the safety issue, and officer should stay until the last car at tailgate has gone
to ensure safety and monitor that drunken tailgate attendees are not wandering through
Pine Ridge and around McConnell. Senator Simon says she saw about 25 police officers at
the tailgate and she personally has stayed until the last car left. Safety is their main concern
for the students of NAU and at the tailgate specifically. Danielle adds that over
homecoming, there are many police officers and NAU PD present, but at normal games
there are only a few and only NAU PD. She believes that officers should be checking
people’s ability to drive after they leave the lot and the tailgate. Danielle explains an
incident to which she was witness of participants from Saturday’s homecoming tailgate
doing donuts with vehicles and fooling around in the parking lot. These participants had
alcohol on them, in the vehicle while driving. It is because of issues like this that Pine Ridge
RAs and DAs would suggest a Breathalyzer before cars are allowed to leave the parking lot.
Senator Simon explains that there are certain legalities and students cannot just be issued a
Breathalyzer without probable cause. Simon asks if there was any proof that the driver in
the aforementioned incident was drinking. Danielle says yes, the driver was indeed
drinking, she witnessed the driver drinking alcohol and tossing cans out the window of the
vehicle. Senator Simon replies that if these activities are witnessed, RAs can call the police
and give the license place number. Danielle says if they try to approach them they drive
away before anything can be done. She suggests moving it across the street or something
that will cause there to be less people around after the tailgate. Senator Simon says then
intoxicated students will be crossing the street where there is no crosswalk and students
may be hit. VP Cooper mentions that he plans all the tailgates; he says if this lot is taken
from the students there will never be a student tailgate again. It is the easiest way for to
students to be shuffled into the game. ASNAU does everything within their standards to
keep things safe and get people into the dome for the game. He asks the representatives
from Pine Ridge to think not only of their residents, but also of the impact this will have on
the student body, it isn’t as easy to have the tailgate moved. Athletics has given ASNAU this
lot for the student tailgate and if it is taken away they won’t get another opportunity to
have it. He attributes the tailgate lot for us filling the game for family weekend. He
understands the concerns that have arisen, and if there is any way ASNAU can address
those like blocking off the entrance to Pine Ridge to prevent drunken students from
entering, they will but there is a lot more that they need to consider besides their 500
residents. Ashley Phillis asks if ASNAU has the specific numbers of how many people go
into the game from the tailgate. VP Cooper responds that ASNAU doesn’t have a way to log
these stats but he knows that the majority of the people that go to tailgate go with the
intention of going to the game. President Mastrud says that she agrees that RAs should not
be cleaning bathrooms in the Pine Ridge Clubhouse, ASNAU staffs the tailgate and police
officers watch for student safety, but can maybe look into putting our staff near the
clubhouse to ensure people do not go in to use the facilities as portables are provided. It is
important to note that there is a great deal of officers on the premises to ensure safety as
Senator Simon had mentioned. Senator Howard asks if this has been a problem over many
years or is only something that has just been noticed this year. Danielle says that most of
the RAs have taken notice this year, but this may be due to the fact that other lots are
sectioned off due to construction. Dr. Brandel thanks the representatives from Pine Ridge
for bringing the issue to the attention of the student senate. He suggests that a few select
members from Pine Ridge may be able to sit down with a few members of the senate to
discuss and compromise on some of the issues. If the ultimate issue is that the tailgate
shouldn’t be at Pine Ridge it will be agreed upon to disagree. They will identify a small
group of Senators to discuss for the final few tailgates. The biggest concerns are always
family weekend and homecoming. Senator Gorshe asks if the RAs know for certain that the
drunken people that enter the building are coming specifically from the student tailgate.
Pine Ridge has heard from many RAs and DAs that they are. A lot have come from
homecoming. Danielle says that they come in from side doors and try to use the facilities.
DA stands for Desk Assistant. Senator Gorshe asks her if she can pinpoint specifically which
tailgate the drunken students are coming from. Danielle knows that they are specifically
from the student tailgate because they are NAU students. Senator Gorshe asks if there has
been internal discussion as to how the situation can be handled. She replies that RAs and
DAs have met about this issue prior to the homecoming game and found that they still had
problems despite measures taken. Senator Gorshe asks if the RAs have talked to athletics or
NAU PD at all about these? Danielle explains that they began discussion with RHA, were
then sent to Parking Services, and now at ASNAU. RAs did alert NAU PD to the donut
incident but as there was no license plate number recorded, no action was taken at the
time. Senator Gorshe would like to know if, specifically, Pine Ridge has contacted NAU PD
about the issues aside from certain incidents. NAU PD did discuss that they had officers
present at the tailgate to ensure safety but this does not solve the other issues such as trash
and abuse of their property. Senator Libby asks if the trash in the picture was the worst
they have seen. No. Senator Libby explains that staff goes around and picks up after
working the tailgate and she is confused why there is a lot of trash left. Ashley Phillis
explains that the Pine Ridge Hall Director took the picture after the last homecoming game,
and that this picture is specifically after the game and tailgate were done. A lot of the trash
is leftover near the clubhouse itself. There is a pebbled off area that is littered with cans,
napkins, and plates that were not there before the tailgate and were there overnight.
Senator Libby asks if IDs are needed to enter the building. Danielle explains that no, as Pine
Ridge is apartment style living buildings are left open for students to pass through. Senator
Gorshe explains to the representatives that he takes littering very seriously, but for the
sake of argument he is wondering if they know where the trash initiated, and whether or
not it was specifically from the student tailgate. Danielle says they do rounds of the
property and the area aforementioned is littered and because they do rounds before and
after the tailgate, it has been noticed that a plethora of trash is present after versus before
the student tailgate. Senator Gorshe asks if RAs do their rounds after the game. Yes. Senator
Gorshe narrows to the question of whether or not the RAs know exactly when the trash
came to be in this area. Danielle responds that trash is usually left when residents and
students are going from the tailgate to the game itself, and the trash around the clubhouse
originates during the tailgate itself. Senator Gorshe confirms that people do walk through
that area, and then proceeds to ask if the RAs agree that the trash could have come from
anywhere, not specifically the student tailgate. Danielle says that she personally saw people
coming from the tailgate through Pine Ridge to the game. Chairwoman Woodhouse
suggests that the senate revisit the discussion at the end of the agenda, for the sake of time.
Academic Integrity Policy – Ramona Mellott is the Dean of the Graduate College, she is here
to represent the Academic Integrity Task Force formed last year in regards to concerns
with academic dishonesty at the university. The task force held a town hall, which
experienced a lot of participation and brought to the table a lot of different issues. Firstly, it
has been observed that there is a lot of variation in practices in response to academic
dishonesty, for example some professors may ask a student to redo the work, while others
may fail a student in the class, or even the school altogether. The policy can have a lot of
ripple effect within the student body and is very inconsistent due to this variation.
Secondly, it was discussed that there is a need to come to terms within the university on
what specifically is ‘Academic Integrity’. She has brought with her a PowerPoint hand out
for the Senators and found on Page 3 is the mission statement in effect, which is something
to the effect of the focus being to create a culture of academic integrity at Northern Arizona
University. Right now, she and others have gone to many groups to present including the
Faculty Senate as well as the Graduate Student Government, and on October 28th (Next
Monday) they are having a town hall from 1:00 to 4:00P.M at the Native American Cultural
Center. The goal is to have a revised policy by March. She would like everyone to attend (at
this point she addresses the Senate and the audience present) because student input is
extremely important for this process. This will ensure that as well as establishing a policy
that correct defines and relates to Academic Integrity, the students are fairly represented.
The task force did a survey last spring, and the results gave a lot of variation from students
to staff just as was determined to be about the current policy. Faculty is very explicit that
they say exactly what they expect. In addition, there is a lot of current concern that there is
a plethora of academic dishonesty that goes unnoticed within the university. They are also
tossing around the idea of putting in place and Honor Code, as this is something that is very
successful at other universities in America. All students will sign this code at the start of
their individual programs and will be reminded of it frequently throughout their time here
at NAU. Lastly they are considering a rubric, which is also explained in the handout she
issued to Senators along with various survey results. The rubric will provide certain
sanctions of Academic Dishonesty for instructors, which will accomplish much more
consistency within the policy. Seniors and Graduate Students would have a higher level of
what is expected of them and less leniency within the policy, as they should know better
than a beginning student at NAU. Town hall will discuss this rubric and how the sanctions
should be defined within it also. Ramona Mellott thanks the Senate for their time and
Questions: Senator Gorshe thanks Ramona Mellott for the presentation and asks what is
currently the most common punishment for academic dishonesty. She knows that for
Graduate students, the common punishment is a failing grade. She could look this up also,
as these things are maintained in a database. She was a department chair for 7 years and
has dealt with this and can confidently say it varies a great deal. Some students redo papers
and some students fail classes. Senator Libby thinks that the rubric sounds like a great idea.
It would be more universal across faculty and give good guidelines. Finally, Ramona Mellott
again addresses the Senate and the student audience to ask them to please come to the
town hall because student input is valued and appreciated.
Unfinished Business
Item A: Club Recognition: Western/West Coast Swing Club
Representatives not present, Item A remain tabled
Item B: SB 26-16: Northern Arizona University Bass Jacks, $2500
Representatives not present, Item B remain tabled
New Action Business
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item A: Approval of Supreme Court.
Second: Senator Boruch
Discussion: President Mastrud explains that she finally has chosen and approved the
members of the Supreme Court. All of the students that were chosen are great additions to
our team as they are involved in many ways on campus and excel academically.
Senator Boruch asks if the Senate will get to meet the student appointed, President
Mastrud replies yes, they couldn’t be here tonight due to scheduling conflicts but she will
have them in to be introduced soon.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Approval of Supreme Court has been approved.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Items B through F
Item B: Club Recognition Daleth Phi Aleph Cultural Alliance
Item C: Club Recognition: Diabetes Club
Item D: Club Recognition: Dumbledore’s Army at Northern Arizona University
Item E: Club Recognition: Hospitality and Business Sustainability Club
Item F: Club Recognition: NAU Health and Wellness Club
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Senator Startt asks if, in regards to Item B, the club has to be approved through
IFS as a fraternity; Senator Libby explains that as this is not a social fraternity it does not.
Vote: Unanimous, Items B through F have been approved.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item B: Club Recognition: Daleth
Phi Aleph Cultural Alliance
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Daleth Phi Aleph is a cultural alliance on campus and representatives are here
because they feel there is a big need for multicultural diversity within clubs and
organizations on campus. They are an organization of the cultural tribe here on campus,
will be working to help all students to feel involved on campus and have a support system.
Jonathon Yamasaki explains his story, saying that when he was first here he fit in
academically but didn’t feel at home because, as a man of color, he felt that he didn’t fit in
anywhere. He wanted an aspect of not only academic stability, but also a brotherhood to fit
into. There are many event and days of celebration of diversity on campus, but they would
like to bring this aspect into a club on campus. Daleth Phi Aleph would accept persons of
any color, bring them together and creating a brotherly bond.
Question: Senator Simon asks if this club is exclusively a fraternity, representative explains
that they are not gender specific. Senator Boruch notices that the organization will require
fees every semester, and asks if this is due to planned trips. Representatives replies that
they will be going on trips, as well as participating in acts of community service around the
university and Flagstaff, and they also want to branch out through PR and get ideas out
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Club Recognition: Daleth Phi Aleph Cultural Alliance has been
approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item C: Club Recognition: Diabetes
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Diabetes Support Club initiated this new club, which was previously run
through the Health Center. They had found that students were deterred by the words
support club, and they chose to create the Diabetes Club because it is more welcoming to
students who need help and support. It is the opportunity for them to be active and
understand each other. The club is non-discriminatory, but is an opportunity for Diabetics
and will allow them positive outlets. Students who have come previously didn’t want the
title of a support group; they wanted the club to be more positive and fun.
Questions: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: Club Recognition: Diabetes Club has been approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item D: Club Recognition:
Dumbledore’s Army at Northern Arizona University
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Micah is here as appointed President of Dumbledore’s Army, and the club
started in response to a large number of those in our generation who are interested in the
Harry Potter series, as well as to provide a fun outlet for those interested in political
activism. Micah has witnessed the Harry Potter Alliance Chapter, which is a national
organization in place at ASU, and believes someday this club will evolve into one of these
chapters, but not yet. Dumbledore’s Army at Northern Arizona University is a non-profit
student organization that provides an out-of-the-box approach to political activism. The
club is split into four different houses, just like the books, and each of the houses supports a
different issue. Finally, Dumbledore’s Army will be all encompassing and nondiscriminatory. Senator Ortega thinks this is a cool idea. Chyna asks when they are
meeting, Saturdays at 5:00P.M in Havasupai A &B.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: Club Recognition: Dumbledore’s Army at Northern Arizona
University has been approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item E: Club Recognition:
Hospitality and Business Sustainability Club
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: This organization will research and spread awareness about issues involving
sustainability in the hospitality and business industry. Will educate themselves and the
next generation of hospitality managers and business owners about how run a socially
ethical business and to make a profit in a clean environment. There are currently 25
interested students, and the club is trying to recruit more while slowly gaining interest in
business and HRM. The industry could have a huge impact on sustainability. A recent study
showed that there are over 800 million shampoo bottles wasted in the hospitality industry,
and there is research on new ways that things like this can be changed that the Hospitality
and Business Sustainability Club would like to learn about and be a part of. They believe
they can make an impact as this club is dealing with the future managers and leaders of this
industry. The club will also tour hotels and restaurants to see their efforts in sustainability.
Senator Gorshe asks if they are from HRM, and if there is already a club like this for
hospitality majors. No, as this is specifically for sustainability. Senator Simon thinks it is a
great idea.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: Club Recognition: Hospitality and Business Sustainability Club
has been approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item F: Club Recognition: NAU
Health and Wellness Club
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Nick is here as an assistant advisor for the club along with another
representative. The NAU Health and Wellness Club will focus on spreading awareness of
healthy lifestyles to NAU and to Flagstaff. They plan to have several festivals to promote
health therapies and methods that enhance both the individual and campus-wide health
and well-being. An example of this will be around the end of November, in which the Health
and Learning Center sees and increase in sickness among students due to increased levels
of stress. Will have yoga, hypnotherapy, and other things to improve student lifestyles.
Finally, the club would connect NAU to Flagstaff, by providing different professions to come
showcase what they offer in town.
Questions: Senator Gorshe asks if the organization would encourage student to forego
regular medical treatment. Nick replies no, absolutely not this club intends to supplement
westernized medicine not replace it. Senator Cabral asks if and how this club will be
different from the current health clubs on campus. Nick explains that this club is different
because it will hold events and it connects the university with community professions, as
well as be focused on therapies rather than westernized medicine. Senator Libby
commends them. Senator Boruch alerts them to the fact that names of officers in their
constitution will prove difficult in the future because the constitution will have to be
amended every time new officers are appointed, and suggests the removal of the names.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: Club Recognition: NAU Health and Wellness Club has been
approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Simon move to table Item G: Club Recognition: NAU Photography Club
Second: Senator Buchta
Discussion: Representatives not present.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: Club Recognition: NAU Photography Club has been tabled
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Items H and I
Item H: Club Recognition: Sigma Lambda Chi International Construction Honor
Item I: Club Recognition: Society for Creative Anachronism
Second: Senator Howard
Vote: Unanimous, Items H and I have been approved
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item H: Club Recognition: Sigma
Lambda Chi International Construction Honor Society
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: This club will be a chapter of the International Society for Schools with
Construction Management. Will accept both male and female members with above a 3.5
GPA. The club will provide members with community involvement with local Habitat for
Humanity, is currently creating a still sculpture by the engineering building, and also tours
near the construction of the new science building on north campus. Industry professionals
will come and speak about internship opportunities and provide great options for
members to excel in their chosen career path. Theresa, club representative, says it is for
successful students to get involved with their major.
Questions: Senator Simon asks if the Construction Management program has another
society like this already. Representative replies that no, the program does have other
societies but this is an honor society for Construction Management students at Northern
Arizona University.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: Club Recognition: Sigma Lambda Chi International Construction
Honor Society has been approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Tillinghast (see above) move to vote on Item I: Club Recognition: Society
for Creative Anachronism
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: The SCA is an international organization dedicated to recreating art from 17th
century Europe. The club on campus will be a college chapter of this organization. Club will
work with Arizona as a whole and Northern Arizona University as a part of this
international organization. Representative is a member of the organization and would like
to establish this club on campus; members will have the option to pay the $35 member fee
to become a part of the organization on the international level, but will not be required to
pay within the collegiate chapter. The club will participate in competitions and travel to art
Vote: Unanimous, Item I: Club Recognition: Society for Creative Anachronism has been
approved (see above).
Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item J: OA: Kappa Kappa Psi, $262.50
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: Eric here to represent the national band society. They are looking for funds for
the band banquet they hold in honor of band members along with Tau Beta Sigma. This
banquet is to promote outstanding bandsmen and NAU. The band has had record numbers
this year and attendance to games in addition, and with the band growing the banquet will
help others outside of the band see the great things that they do for band members. The
band is important because it increases spirit for students on campus through the marching
band at football games and other sporting events.
Questions: Senator Gorshe asks what the location of the band banquet is. Eric says the
Dubois Ballroom, and proceeds to pass around a revised budget. They had upped the cost
to $250 total, and will be splitting the cost with Tau Beta Sigma. Because the organizations
have discovered they cannot use the funds allocated for decorations and invitations, which
they had originally budgeted for, they are now requesting only to be reimbursed for the
location cost, $125. Total cost of the banquet is 262.50 times 2. Kappa Kappa Psi is paying
for decorations, invitations, flyers to hand out, other costs incurred, and representatives
from around flagstaff through their chapter budget. Senator Gorshe asks if the total 262.50
includes the cost of the venue. Eric replies that yes, originally it did. Senator Smart asks if
Sodexo is catering the event and if Kappa got a $250 grant from them. Eric says they have
applied but have not yet received word of these funds. As of right now they are planning a
fundraiser and the rest will come out of chapter budgets. Senator Tillinghast asks the
Senate if, since Kappa Kappa Psi is only asking for $125, the bill should be amended to
reflect this. Senator Smart adds that as ASNAU can cover the cost of Sodexo catering, the
rest of the money originally asked for can be allocated to that. Senator Simon asks if the
Senate intends to leave the bill at $262.50. Yes. Senator Simon agrees with this decision.
Senator Gorshe asks if Kappa Kappa Psi originally needed $125, Eric replies that they
discovered they couldn’t use the money for decorations and invitations and this was the
reason for the decrease in asking, but if Kappa is allowed to use it for food instead that
would be greatly appreciated.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J: OA: Kappa Kappa Psi, $262.50 has been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item K: OA: NAU Club Tennis
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: President and Vice President of the Tennis Club. This club involves no tryouts,
all levels, without the pressure of team. This money will fund tournaments they will be
going to. Tournaments cost $200 each, with the additional cost of member hotel rooms,
with usually 16 members attending. Tennis Club is going to ASU next month and everyone
who lives in phoenix intends to stay at home and provide for students who do not live in
the valley. The rest of the money will go towards gas for the carpool. Senator Cabral asks if
they have a budget, representative alerts the Senate that they did not include one and do
not have one with them, but they can bring one if needed. Senator Boruch apologizes for
this mistake. Chairwoman Woodhouse asks representatives to briefly explain the Tennis
Club budget to the Senate. The club pays tournament fees, $200. This past Tuesday they
held a fundraiser at Louie’s Chicken Shack, raising $80, and the fundraiser at BTO in April
raised $160. On top of fundraising each member pays dues, $35 for non-travelling
members, which includes balls, court fees, and shirts. Travelling members pay $70. This
also includes some travel fees and uniforms.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: OA: NAU Club Tennis, $487.13 has been approved
Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item L: OA: Tau Beta Sigma. $262.50
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: In relation to the discussion and allocation made in Item J: OA: Kappa Kappa
Psi, $262.50. This OA is also for the band banquet. Brings together the band and supports
them. They have been growing, and it will recognize that they are growing and it is
important to them and the school. Help them out with supporting school spirit and the
community. Senator Gorshe asks if Senate will do the same thing as they decided for Kappa
Kappa Psi and allocate the full amount to cover the cost of food. Senate agrees that they
will. Senator Gorshe asks if Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi intend to split the cost of
food along with everything else. Yes.
Vote: Unanimous, Item L: OA: Tau Beta Sigma, $262.50 has been approved.
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item M: OA: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $500
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: The HAPA Hawaiian Club is asking for a total of $3000 over the $500 OA and
the $2500 SB to go to a national collegiate leadership conference. This conference is
student run and the money will cover transportation, hotel fee, and entrance fee to the
conference. It is their first time going to the conference, they are trying to expand their
horizons and improve the club here on campus, which has been around for nine years. This
is a great opportunity for members.
Questions: Senator Gorshe asks if it is true, as reflected in the OA, that HAPA has done no
fundraising efforts in the last six months. Representative says this is not true, they held a
fundraiser at Freddy’s this past Monday, the 25th, and also did a volunteer opportunity at
Catholic Newman Center recently. They have raised at least $300 even though the OA reads
N/A. Senator Cabral confirms that HAPA has $1500 in their account, and wonders how
much is going towards this conference. HAPA will cover food expenses with this. There are
twelve members going to the conference, but a lot of this $1500 is reserved for HAPA’s
annual luau in the spring. HAPA doesn’t accept fees and they pay for everything for
students. Senator Gorshe asks what the total per member for the conference is, $3,112, and
he also asks whether this includes food or not. The $2500 and $500 HAPA is asking will not
include food. Senator Gorshe asks what they estimated food cost would be. HAPA
representative replies that they allocated for $79 per student, which is based off of what
NAU allocates full-time employees when they travel for food cost. Senator Gorshe would
like to determine first, before voting, whether or not the $3100 estimated cost per student
includes that food cost, because if it doesn’t Senate is covering 96% of the trip which is a
lot. HAPA representatives confirm that that $3100 estimate does, in fact, include the
estimate food cost. Senator Gorshe thanks HAPA for clarifying this.
Vote: Unanimous, Item M: OA: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item N: SB 26-18: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2500
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: See Discussion for Item M: OA: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $500
Vote: Unanimous, Item N: SB 26-18: HAPA Hawaiian Club, $2500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item O: OA: NAU Percussion Society, $500
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: Vice President and Secretary are asking for a total of $3000 over the $500 OA
and the $2500 SB to go to the Percussive Arts Society International Convention in Indiana.
Convention is the 14th to the 16th of November. Funds with cover airfare, hotel, and cost of
the convention entrance fee. Members who attend will bring a lot back to NAU and
especially to the School of Music. This convention is a great opportunity for members to
interact with other collegiate musicians from universities and companies across the world.
It is the top event for Percussion, and a very big deal. Senator Cabral asks representatives
to clarify budget for the event. Airfare will cost $339 and total is $3747. Senator Gorshe
confirms that they are asking for $3000 total. Yes.
Vote: Unanimous, Item O: OA: NAU Percussion Society, $500 has been approved
Motion: Senator Boruch move to vote on Item P: SB 26-19: NAU Percussion Society, $2500
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: See discussion for Item O: OA: NAU Percussion Society, $500
Vote: Unanimous, Item P: SB 26-19: NAU Percussion Society, $2500 has been approved
Executive Reports
a. President- Makenzie Mastrud
- President Mastrud reports that she believes everyone does a great job with
discussion at the meeting and it is friendly but structured. She spoke with the
representatives from Pine Ridge who had come with concerns about tailgate,
but unfortunately had to leave before the end of the meeting. They decided
that maybe it would be beneficial create a small committee to work out
compromises as Dr. Brandel had suggested. Senator Simon asks if, in the
event that the Senate still wants to address this topic, it would be possible
continue the discussion without the representatives. She appreciates the
collective opinion and would feel more comfortable if all of Senate was
present for the discussion. Representatives just want to make sure that their
opinion is heard. Senator Simon said that she overheard the Pine Ridge
representatives said that the Senators were rude and disrespectful to them.
Senator Smart suggests that a meeting without an audience would provide a
setting with less pressure and more compromise will be accomplished.
Senator Tillinghast says that he agrees, and it isn’t very fair to have 12
against 2 in a discussion. Chyna says that her opinion is that everyone has
very good contributions, but it is helpful to not have an audience and create
more of an intimate discussion. Senator Simon voices that it is important for
everyone to be there and as a Senate the setting can be made to be more
comfortable. Senator Gorshe asks if someone might clarify what specifically
the representatives from Pine Ridge wanted, and if it was specifically to move
to tailgate lot that cannot be done. Senator Simon asks if the representatives
understand that it is not possible to move the tailgate, No one knows. Senator
Ortega thinks that the Senate did attack them slightly, and agrees that it
would be better dealt with in a small group setting. Oregon thinks that a
couple senators should meet with them and form a legitimate claim to bring
to senate, like Ice Jacks did last year. Senator Boruch thinks it is a different
situation this time and wouldn’t work the same. Senator Simon thinks that
we are strong as a whole and everyone should be inputting. Audience
shouldn’t be there but it isn’t fair to the students to not have everyone from
the senate putting forth opinions on this issue. Senator Gorshe asks if more
Pine Ridge residents will be attending a smaller forum to discuss, Senator
Cabral thinks that small group-like committee is necessary.
- President Mastrud met this week with the Alumni Board. They are very
impressed with ASNAU and the Senate. Also attended Inclusion and
Multicultural meeting and discussed different clubs and organizations and
the different funding options. The Sororities and Fraternities and Coalition
Assessment talked about putting grades and probation standing of different
chapters online. Discuss with President Mastrud if you have issues with this
that should be addressed and she can take them to the committee.
The Reapplication will give freshman and sophomores priority next year.
Senator Gorshe explains that Campus America will invest in apartment style
living and only 12% of juniors and seniors currently live on-campus as it is,
so this solution she presented allows them to house students adequately.
There were over 800 freshmen that were displaced this year and the
university would like to avoid. Amy asks if the 12% includes Hilltop and the
Suites. No. Senator Smart asks if it would be possible to reserve at least
something for seniors and juniors, as there are a lot of students who don’t
want to live off-campus. President Mastrud will work with all students and
residents to resolve these issues.
Mastrud had been working with the Directors on a Medical Amnesty
Proposal, but ASU beat them to the creation of the proposal. She passes out a
packet and asks Senators to read it because ASU has asked NAU to be a part
of it. Senator Smart asks Mastrud to define amnesty. She replies that it means
forgiveness. Senator Gorshe wants to know if our directors are willing to
continue to work on this if it doesn’t follow through. ASU is hard because
they have different demographics. Senator Smart says it is good to work with
them and UA to create a universal proposal. Senator Simon asks what kind of
senator will be working on this. Senator Gorshe says that it will be a state
Legal Aid applications have closed and will interview soon. Breakfast Club
has been cancelled due to lack of student interest. Will PR differently and still
have next month. Lastly, she will be making the weekly video tomorrow with
Jeremy Chan and reviewing applications for the Study Abroad Go Scholarship
with Chief of Staff Smart.
b. Vice President of Student affairs- CJ Cooper
- VP Cooper reports that he is sad about the Pine Ridge representatives trying to
take away tailgate. He will do anything in his power to protect the lot. He is very
passionate about it. He thanks everyone that came and helped, the only issues
that came up were from clubs that had issues getting out of the lot. This is will be
addressed and will affect eligibility. ID check in was solid, thank you to everyone.
This weekend is Make a Difference Day, he isn’t requiring anyone to come or
help but he will take volunteers if anyone is interested. It will be 8:30A.M to
11:30A.M Saturday, sign up online and go to a site community service and then
there will be a two hour celebratory event at the Murdoch Center. No one is
required to come. Really stoked, Colleen and Spencer will work on a great Kick
Axe shirt, and those will be given out at the NAU Hawaii basketball game, to
promote attendance. The Team could make it to March Madness with more
support. Senator Libby asks when season starts. VP Cooper replies midNovember. Lastly, he will begin planning for diversity week.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
- VP Woodhouse reports that Alexandria volunteered to serve on Parking
Appeals but she has class, and so she needs someone to attend from 8:00A.M
to 10:00A.M on Wednesday November 13th. ASNAU has one seat on this
committee. Oregon says he was part of it but he’s not, so there are actually
two seats. Senator Gorshe volunteers along with Senator Howard too. VP
Woodhouse thanks everyone for responding to emails this week, and she
also met with Dr. Brandel, Art and Paula to address changes that will be
brought back to the Legislative Committee. The Carnival, Homecoming, and
Tailgate were a huge success, thanks to everyone for helping. Hours are due
tonight, so please don’t forget to print them off and get them signed; they
need to be only one page. Senator Simon asks if double-sided is all right, yes.
Follow up with clubs and organizations after they attend meeting and be sure
to congratulate them, and to remind them to turn in receipts.
d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart
- Chief of Staff Smart reports she would like to thank everyone for helping with
the carnival and that this week she is excited review the Study Abroad Go
Scholarship applications with President Mastrud.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid
- Oregon reports the Student State Affairs Directors have been working on the
Medical Amnesty Proposal. They are reviewing several issues in order to
decide which to focus their energy on next, and working with interns also
this week. Email will include more information. ABOR is less than a month
away, and it is at UA. Two of the interns will be going with the Directors.
Senator Simon thinks that bringing the interns along is a great idea. They will
let everyone know the issues they take on.
B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton
- Made some flyers and started working on the Kick Axe shirts.
C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga
- Chyna reports that she would like to thank everyone a million times for helping
with the carnival, everyone did a wonderful job. She and Jillian both appreciate
everything that everyone did, and she hopes everyone was able to have fun.
There were 4202 attendees, which is 700 more than last year and higher than
ever. That is 23% of the student body that attended the carnival. This week she
and Jillian are working on wrap-up reports and beginning to organize a
November event. They are thinking about helping to impact the community by
holding a turkey trot or turkey bowl, money will go to adopting families for
thanksgiving dinner.
D. ITS- Joey Smoll
- Up to date with senate bills, carnival and homecoming information. Thanks
Spencer for taking pictures.
E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan
- New shirts are in; there are a lot of things coming up in New Student
Government. For a Philanthropy event they are looking to get more involved in
the community. They are looking at partnering with Habitat for Humanity. Will
incorporate freshman halls to raise money for charity. PR committee is getting
very involved, they created a new Instagram page and new Facebook like page
separate from the group one, possibly will be creating a NAU/NSG website.
Events: Next Wednesday is the ASNAU/NSG social, so dress up if possible it is for
Halloween, there will be goodies and members will participate in contests. If
anyone cannot make it at 7:00P.M come when possible. NSG members had fun
with float building and were successful in getting students involved in the
college experience. Everything for Homecoming went really well. November they
may go ice-skating. If you haven’t been involved with mentees do that, but they
will be contacting mentors as well. Secretary asks them to in every email.
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch reports that they are doing well. Consistent
attendance. Sorry for no budgets.
B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that he met with Chairwoman Woodhouse,
Art, and Dr. Brandel. He would like to thank the legislative committee for what
they discussed this week. Busy meeting on Monday so be prepared.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Shannon Boruch- Dean meeting tomorrow at 1pm
b. Scott Tillinghast- No report
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Ernan Cabral- No report
b. Brittany Simon- No report
College of Health and Human Services
a. Zachary Howard- Someone from health and human services is
creating a bill for a trip to India, will see that soon
b. Nicolas Startt- No report
College of Education
a. Kelsey Smart- No report
b. Jared Gorshe- Dean meeting next week
College of Business
a. Ryan Cook- No report
b. Alexandria Buchta- No report
College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
a. Nicole Ortega- No report
b. Savannah Libby- Dean meeting tomorrow
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— Not present
Art Farmer— Thank you to everyone.
Discussion Items - None
Golden Pine Cone Award: Senator Libby, Joey, and Ryan. ASNAU would like to thank these
individuals for excelling at the carnival.
Senator Tillinghast had his cyber security committee meeting, in which it was discussed to
input a two-password entry system to Louie, sent to smartphone a few times a semester to
ensure safety. Senator Gorshe says he knows banks that use this. Student reaction is no,
even though social security information and home address are accessible. Senator Ortega
says that social is not. Hackers can easily request loans with information provided by Louie
and other things. It is a big deal because recently there have been cyber attacks in which
students received emails, which prompted them to log in, and Hacker got into account and
changed bank account numbers so paychecks will be redirected. Senator Tillinghast will
keep everyone up to date on this development.
Senator Gorshe would like to thank Chyna, Jillian, and Public Relations for all of their hard
work on Homecoming and the Carnival.
Important Dates
Town Hall for Academic Integrity, Monday October 28th 1:00P.M to 4:00P.M
Make a Difference Day, Saturday October 26th 8:30A.M to 10:30A.M
ASNAU/NSG Halloween Social, Wednesday October 30th 7:00P.M
Motion: Senator Smart move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Ortega
Unanimous, Meeting was adjourned at 7:01 P.M.