ASNAU SENATE MEETING #6 TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: October 11, 2013 Date of Senate Meeting: October 10, 2013 Number on council: 12 Number present: 12 Prepared by Amy Edgerton Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:01 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -All Present Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Smart move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Libby Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience SETE Presentation – Denise Helm is the special assistant to the Provost this year. Provost Huenneke apologizes for not being able to come, she had a prior engagement. SETE is a Student Teaching Evaluation. This year a campus-wide trial is being done where the survey is electronically delivered to students and will be accessible over multiple devices. Students will receive notices from one place instead of from multiple teachers, and once all classes have been completed the notice will no longer come. Students will also be given two reminders. She had a PowerPoint that couldn’t be pulled up but President Mastrud will be sending it out so the Senators can view it. In 2011 Provost Grobsmith asked for a task force to look at the current evaluation process on campus. Made up of a student from ASNAU as well as a student from GSG, the task force spent a year exploring options for making this process better. Some of the recommendations were: to clarify the purpose of the evaluation process, for administration and faculty to collect comments and information to improve classes on campus, and to evaluate faculty performance on campus as a whole. Another recommendation was to create the end of term evaluation with twelve questions and a comment section and as well as a mid-term evaluation. Next was to add common items, so that each course will be evaluated with the same twelve questions. This will be for consistency and to see how faculty is effectively instructing across the university. Lastly, was for the survey to be conducted electronically for ease and efficiency and to support the green initiative. Since the task force administration went to several groups around campus and got feedback surrounding the recommendations. There was a pilot test implemented, and it was found to be not as effective if it is only in pockets of small departments. The best option to determine the effectiveness of SETE will be to do a campus-wide trial. Administration has gone to the same groups for feedback and now they are ready to implement the trial. This evaluation is completely anonymous, and it is important that we use this information in evaluation of faculty and for changing courses in the future. Questions: Senator Tillinghaust says his concern is that if the same twelve questions are used, that they will not be effective for all types of classes. He is wondering if there will be an adjustment. Denise replies that the initial process started with over 30,000 questions and went through a four-step process to determine if it measures what they were looking for. It was then narrowed to 12,000 and reevaluated again. In that process they looked at a variety of courses and multiple variables such as time of day and requirements. This was developed to measure broad teaching effectiveness. Senator Simon says she believes it is a great idea to make it accessible on many devices, because students are much more likely to complete the survey from phones or tablets rather than just a computer. Senator Simon also asks if the campus-wide pilot doesn’t work effectively just as the initial pilot, if further changes will be made. Denise explains that this wasn’t effective in the original pilot because there were 5 different people doing mapping and there were 5 different discontinuities as a result. It wasn’t the evaluation of the teaching that wasn’t effective. However, if they do find that it isn’t effective they will look at why and make changes. Senator Gorshe asks if the evaluation will evaluate the course itself. There are multiple areas, the overall teaching, the content in the course and the faculty member’s ability to explain, and evaluation of the faculty’s ability to motivate. Senator Gorshe asks if she might define what she believes teacher effectiveness to be. She says it is, in her mind, the ability of a faculty member to relate to the student the course material effectively and motivate in the process. In closing, please do end of term evaluations. SHAC Tobacco Free NAU Initiative – Alexis is the President of the Student Health Advisory Committee and is here to talk about the Tobacco-Free Initiative at Northern Arizona University. SHAC has been working on this for the past two years. In the fall of 2011 they determined tobacco was an issue at NAU. Since then SHAC members have attended some informational trainings on how to create the policy as well as many other meetings to get this initiative going. They have done a survey with students, faculty and staff, conducted a petition, met with President Haeger, and met with faculty senate and other staff. SHAC is hoping to propose a tobacco-free policy at Northern Arizona University. The first reason for this is the health of students, not only those who currently use tobacco products but those affected by secondhand smoke as well. They are looking to protect the 88.4% of the Northern Arizona University population who doesn’t smoke from the effects. Second is to protect the environment and promote the green movement at NAU by eliminating a lot of litter and other pollutants. Employers are more likely to employ those who are tobacco- free, and SHAC is looking graduate students who can get into the workforce and be successful after college. SHAC will enforce this tobacco through social enforcement, as there are over 1,100 universities who are tobacco or smoke free currently and many of them use this method. Through extensive research, SHAC believes this will be the most effective type of enforcement. To explain, everyone at the university will be required to comply and to enforce. She says if there is anything that she missed that anyone would like her to cover, she will. She would like the input of the student senate because they are still molding and remolding these ideas. Questions: Senator Simon asks about student safety, she is concerned about students travelling off campus late at night to smoke. She doesn’t know how this is going to prevent crime committed against these students. Alexis says that they investigated other schools with this enforcement and there haven’t really been any issues pertaining to rise in crime rate. SHAC has walked and biked off-campus to see what students will have to do to comply with the change and the longest time was five minutes (from the union to behind the library). They are asking students and staff to simply step over the boundary, nothing like a mile from campus. Senator Ortega asks if more litter will occur if the disposals are taken away. Alexis says that one of the policies they looked at and compared to is the one implemented at Montana State, and initially they didn’t state that there was an increase in litter but they did still see tobacco associated litter around campus. This will happen when the policy is first in place but will change over time. SHAC will work with city to add ashtrays right off campus to counteract the litter. Senator Smart feels that this is a great movement and won’t be too hard. Only 11.4% of students reported using cigarettes in the poll sent around 2013. They aren’t asking a lot of students to change. Senator Ortega asks how they will make sure the smokers don’t feel like they are being personally attacked. Alexis says with the first two to three years they will offer classes and support groups for those who chose to quit and helping educate students and staff to make the policy known. Making sure they’re aware of the policy and the change that is happening will be effective in ensuring the students do not feel this is a personal attack. Senator Gorshe asks how they will educate exchange students who see smoking as a normal thing in their country. She says they have done a lot of research in the past few weeks, they don’t think this initiative will affect enrollment; the majority of students who come to the US for school are not smokers. To answer the questions, SHAC will just work to create an environment that is promoting health and wellness instead of tobacco use to international students as well as local students. The outreach will be spread with education. Senator Howard says that the student body could enforce, but the smokers may not take this seriously. He asks if there are any concrete penalties that will be established. Alexis replies that as this is still a fluid movement, they are still working out the details. They didn’t want to create any more work to be done with this initiative but she understands his concern. They are at first hoping to create a social norm, such as the transition to move from smoking in a building to smoking outside, as we have seen throughout history. They will be tracking and recording data to see what changes will need to be made. She thanks everyone for the time to come and speak. Unfinished Business Motion: Senator Cabral move to remove Item A: Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol (GAMMA) from the table Second: Senator Gorshe Vote: Unanimous, Club Recognition: Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol (GAMMA) has been removed from the table. Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol (GAMMA) Second: Senator Libby Discussion: Makenzie is here to represent GAMMA, which is a Greek organization to make sure that different events and parties are approved and alcohol is being used responsibly. They will also be in charge of having Anti-Hazing week, and a week for Nation Alcohol Awareness, making sure it is being used responsibly not only for the Greeks but for all of campus. Senator Gorshe says it is a great idea and he would like to commend GAMMA. Senator Simon says that this has been a really great help in ensuring chapter members do not consume alcohol before events and it is a very positive thing for Greek Life. Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol (GAMMA) has been approved. New Action Business Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on Item A: Approval of Bylaws. Second: Senator Howard Discussion: Senator Gorshe highlights the following changes to the bylaws: Article XIII, Section 10 more clearly defines the hours of the Students State Affairs Directors. Also pertaining to the directors is Article XIII under a new section requiring SSA to attend all regular and special sessions of the Senate. Article VI, Section 5 was changed to replace Dr. Brandel with Office of Student Life, and Article II, Section 10 removed the words “The ASA central office”. Article II, Section 28 implemented ASNAU staff in place of Northern Arizona University Arizona Students’ Association Delegates, and staff. Finally, Article XVII, Section 1, Sub-section a replaces ASA with SSA members. Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Approval of Bylaws has been approved. Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item B: Club Recognition: NAU Bowling. Second: Senator Boruch Discussion: Vice President of NAU Bowling Club is here to promote sport bowling on campus and work with the bowling alley in town to start an NAU League. Going to work and in long term create interest for an NAU Collegiate Team. Question: Senator Gorshe asks if they will hold on-campus meetings. Yes, they will be for logistics of the club and for holding sessions. Senator Smart asks if this will be considered a club sport, yes after this they will go through HLC to be made a club sport. Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Club Recognition: NAU Bowling has been approved. Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item C: Club Recognition: NAUCERT Second: Senator Simon Discussion: Zach Nelson is an Emergency Manager looking to start a club called NAUCERT. This club, to his knowledge, has attempted to be established in previous years but didn’t get going. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team but for Northern Arizona University purposes the C will be changed to Campus. This program is nationwide and currently there are over 2000 programs across the nation. The purpose is to assist responders in a great emergency in the case of lack of manpower or resources. For example, the CERT team for the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office helped with the Yarnell fire. Members take a 20-hour training class to give them the building blocks they need to help the community. NAUCERT will help with anything on campus as well as in the community. They will also be able to call in help from other CERT teams in the case of an emergency. Questions: Senator Cabral recommends that in the constitution, the names of officers be removed so it doesn’t have to be revised every year. Senator Tillinghaust is concerned that if the club already made an effort to be established and didn’t progress, not much will allow it to be successful this time. He would like to know what NAUCERT would do this time around in order to make the club successful. Nelson replies that they will be partnering with the agency to help establish the club and the training system at NAU. Senator Simon says the criminal justice department will be very willing to help with this, so if they are looking for interest go there to promote. Vote: Unanimous, Item C: NAUCERT has been approved. Motion: Senator Tillinghaust move to vote on Item D: Club Recognition: Program in Intensive English Language Club Second: Senator Libby Discussion: International Students are here to start a club to improve English skills for international students. This will be open to all students and the community of Flagstaff as well. They will do dinners and other activities so that students can share and talk to each other in order to practice their English in a relaxed and fun setting. It will be very helpful to these students and they plan to advertise these events. Also, this club will help to establish international friendships between these students and other students here. Students will also be able to learn more about cultures. The club will help international students to know about the university and university rules as well. Will help teachers to know about helping lower level students to learn on top of this. Students helped will be from multiple countries around the world, including Saudi Arabia, China, Kuwait, and many others. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: Club Recognition: Program in Intensive English Language Club has been approved. Motion: Senator Ortega move to table Item E: Club Recognition: Western/West Coast Swing Club Second: Senator Startt Discussion: Vote: Unanimous, Item E: Club Recognition: Western/West Coast Swing Club has been tabled Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item F: OA: NAU Forestry Club, $500 Second: Senator Boruch Discussion: Quinn, President of NAU Forestry Club, is here to discuss the OA and SB 26-12. They are going to the Society of American Foresters Convention in Charleston, SC. Attendees will be learning about the science and management of forestry, as well as receiving the Outstanding Student Chapter Award for the second year in a row. They are sending 15 students, 8 of which are here tonight. Questions: Senator Smart asks what members are contributing. Quinn replies that members made a $100 deposit in the spring, will be contributing another $200 tomorrow, and other fundraising efforts will be going towards the trip. Such fundraising efforts are a Breakfast bar and the Lumberjack Breakfast for Homecoming. Current student contribution totals $300 and funds raised will also assist in covering the cost. Vote: Unanimous, Item F: OA: NAU Forestry Club, $500 has been approved Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item G: SB 26-12: NAU Forestry Club, $1500 Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: See Discussion for Item F Vote: Unanimous, Item G: SB 26-12: NAU Forestry Club, $1500 Motion: Senator Howard move to vote on Item H: OA: Chabad at NAU, $500 Second: Senator Libby Discussion: Zach Abrams, President of Chabad at NAU would first like to thank Senator Simon for all of her hard work on the OA and SB 26-13. At the end of October, Chabad at NAU will be joining hundreds of other chapters in a New York City conference, located in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. This area is predominately Jewish and will be a unique cultural experience for the students that are attending and learn from other chapters. Club bonding will take place as well and be a great thing for members involved. There are many different schools attending as well as them, as it is the International Chabad On-Campus Retreat. They are looking for $500 OA and $2000 Senate Bill to cover the estimate budget for $552.50 per student attending. About 10 students will be attending and will give $380 towards the trip, which doesn’t cover appreciation gifts to host families, walking Manhattan tour, and taxi rides including to and from the airport. The money from ASNAU will help these students attend the conference. Questions: Senator Gorshe asks if the total cost includes what students will be paying? Zach Abrams says yes. Gorshe also asks if there were any fundraising efforts in the past 6 months to cover these expenses. Abrams explains that Chabad at NAU is subsidized by private donations from Flagstaff as well as Chabad International On-Campus. Dr. Brandel asks him to talk about their fundraising efforts in total. They hold and annual Bowl-a-thon, some of the funds from last year may be going towards this depending on the amount coming from ASNAU. The club’s total budget is about $40,000 a year. This does help and people can get sponsorships from friends and family and the Bowl-a-thon will take place next weekend after homecoming. Senator Smart asks if the $552.50 is the estimated cost without ASNAU funding and how much each member is contributing of that. Abrams says that this is the estimated cost with students contributing $380 out of pocket and the current money the club has is going to events on campus, currently about $6,500 in congruence with a question asked by Senator Cabral. Senator Gorshe asks if any of the $6,500 is being contributed to the trip, Abrams replies that it is not because that money is already budgeted. Vote: Unanimous, Item H: OA: Chabad at NAU, $500 has been approved Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item I: SB 26-13: Chabad at NAU, $2000 Second: Senator Buchta Discussion: (Continued Discussion from Item H) Senator Smart is confused, but doesn’t know how to explain her confusion. She is wondering if each student paying $380 after receiving these funds. Abrams clarifies that this is the money that students have already laid out toward the trip. This $380 is going to Chabad International to put on this event, and the other money will go to taxis, tour, and other expenses. Senator Gorshe asks what other funds will subsidize the trip. Chabad On-Campus International will subsidize some. Senator Smart asks how much ASNAU funds will offset the cost of the trip. Abrams says that students going will end up paying $300 out of pocket. Senator Gorshe asks how much is subsidized prior to this number. He is not sure but he knows it will help with the trip other than taxis and host family gifts. VP Cooper points out that this organization will fund things that they don’t know the full cost of yet. Senator Libby asks Chairwoman Woodhouse if there is $2,500 allocated and they only spend $1,500 at the event, is that what they would be given. Yes, because they are currently basing the price off of estimations. Vote: Unanimous, Item I: SB 26-13: Chabad at NAU, $2000 has been approved Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item J: OA: ASWI, $500 Second: Senator Howard Discussion: Megan Griffith, Finance director for ASWI, is asking for money to attend the conference in Poughkeepsie NY. The conference will give them hands-on learning for empowering students on campus about women’s issues. Will bring back this information for the conference that ASWI puts on in the spring. They have $3,000 from the club and each member will pay $50 out of pocket. The $450 in Item L: SB 26-15 will pay for the Rights to the film Girl Rising which they will be helping show. Senator Gorshe asks if each member is paying $600 as written in the OA. She explains that this is the total of each of the twelve members paying $50. Senator Gorshe also asks how much money was raised from the commencement flowers fundraiser? She explains that she doesn’t know because she wasn’t there for that fundraiser. Senator Smart clarifies that each member will pay $50 out of pocket. Vote: Unanimous, Item J: OA: ASWI, $500 Motion: Senator Startt move to vote on Item K: SB 26-14: ASWI, $2000 Second: Senator Ortega Discussion: Senator Smart asks if each student is paying $50 out of pocket, and thinks this a very low number for personal contribution. Senator Libby agrees. She believes it is a very extensive trip for only paying $50 per person. Senator Gorshe agrees. Senator Simon says that lots of other clubs are funding 50/60% of trip while this club is only paying $50 per person. Griffith points out that the conference that they chose is free to enter, and there is $3,000 coming from their budget towards the trip. Senator Tillinghaust notes that they are contributing a lot through fundraising. Senator Libby recognizes this but her concern is that ASNAU would be helping to a larger extent than should be. Senator Smart says they can amend. Libby thinks that students should pay a little bit more. Senator Ortega says that they are funding more than they are asking from ASNAU. Senator Gorshe points out that ASNAU would be giving 50 times what people will pay out of pocket. Senator Ortega says that ASWI raised money themselves, so there shouldn’t be an issue. Senator Howard thinks that in addition to the money ASWI has contributed a lot of time to fundraising and preparing to attend this conference. Chyna says that fundraising is a huge contribution and she points out that she read that the discretionary income of college student is only about $150 per month, they are using a third of that. Senator Simon thinks that ASNAU shouldn’t give more than the club is contributing. Senator Ortega reiterates that ASWI did the fundraising. Senator Gorshe asks how many participate in fundraising and if its more than twelve. Megan Griffith says she wasn’t there and doesn’t know but she believes the whole club helped so a lot more than twelve. For the sake of time Chairwoman Woodhouse asks if the Senators are looking to amend the bill, Senator Ortega doesn’t think it is necessary. Senator Cabral points out that Senator Simon’s point about the ratio of club contribution to funding received doesn’t apply to many other cases. Senator Libby says a lot of clubs aren’t contributing as much. This club is stepping up and helping their members. Senator Gorshe agrees. Vote: Unanimous, Item K: SB 26-14: ASWI, $2000 has been approved Motion: Senator Cabral move to vote on Item L: SB 26-15: ASWI, $450 Second: Senator Cook Discussion: See Discussion for Item J Vote: Unanimous, Item L: SB 26-15: ASWI, $450 Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item M: SB 26-16: Northern Arizona University Bass Jacks, $2500 Second: Senator Howard Discussion: Austin Rhodes is a member of the NAU Bass Jacks. This club needs the money to practice for and participate in tournaments throughout the year. The President and Vice President are at qualifications so they are not present, if they place they will be at nationals in the next few months. This money will cover travel expenses. Senator Howard asks if this will be going to multiple events. Rhodes says yes. Senator Gorshe asks if they came to ASNAU last year, yes. Senator Gorshe also clarifies that the membership fee for the club is $25. Chairwoman Woodhouse points out that they didn’t turn in their receipts on time last year so the club didn’t get money. Rhodes goes on to explain that travel expenses for these tournaments are a minimum of $200 and to serve as an example to tournament right now is in California and is costing the club $700. The membership fee of $25 pays for travel expenses until they get funding. They are currently paying to represent NAU. Senator Startt asks about fundraising, none has been done yet. They are trying to set up a tournament for kids but nothing has been set in place yet and they are still looking for donations. Senator Startt asks how long they’ve been on campus, Rhodes believes not long, maybe two years. Senator Gorshe asks how many tournaments will be attended with the allocated money. Most members go on many tournaments a year. Dr. Brandel asks how many different people will participate this year and receive support. At least double the amount, right now there are 2 to 4 students, and funding will provide for 8 to 12. Senator Startt says that they haven’t done any fundraising even if they haven’t been around for very long they could’ve made an effort. They asked for the same amount last year and they only pay $25 per person for the whole year, he thinks Senate should amend in congruence with the discussion on ASWI to allocate the club less money than they have asked. Senator Gorshe recalls from last year, looking at the costs of trips, that the Bass Jacks do attend many and some cost over $700. He has no issue funding. Senator Smart asks Chairwoman Woodhouse about receipts; she restates that they didn’t turn them in so didn’t get any funding last year. Smart suggests that the club look into fundraising this year. Rhodes adds that the fee is only $25 per person but they pay the trip fees out of pocket and it is costly to compete in these tournaments. Senator Libby is concerned that through the semester the money will be used in a free-for-all for various tournaments. She asks Chairwoman Woodhouse when receipts for these things are due, she replies that they are due two weeks following the event. Senator Gorshe asks what trips are they asking funding for. Rhodes says the money will go towards any tournaments and practice tournaments. Practice tournaments go to any lake and set up rules and guidelines but no fees for own club tournaments. Senator Tillinghaust is confused. He doesn’t believe that they have previously given money for the year. He wants to fund but usually Senate goes off of certain events. This is very vague. Rhodes points out that even though it isn’t typical, it is difficult to find out who will be going depending on who can come and who qualifies. Things can change within a week or less and they won’t know what funding they need until afterwards. Senator Ortega says since they go on so many they would have to come in all the time to get funding for each specific event. Senator Smart says that Senate has had that kind of bill in the past but they aren’t around a lot. It is not very common. Chief of Staff Smart says that clubs usually have a list of tournaments they are intending on attending. Senators have some included, but they are subject to change. Typically if they do take a club tournament they pay out of pocket but funding is mainly for national tournaments. Art says that funding for a year is very different that the actual events, he likes the events better because it shows exactly what we are funding. Chairwoman Woodhouse, for the sake of time, says we can amend, approve/deny, or table until more information is given. Senator Gorshe asks about tournament dates, finds that they are in Senate binders and yes, these are mainly what Bass Jacks is looking to fund. Senator Smart suggests tabling and making the bill more specific. Senator Simon says that they have a list of where they are going, they don’t have an exact set monetary value and they have to turn in receipts, this money will fund them for roughly ten events and a lot of clubs use this money for one event. Senator Ortega agrees. Senator Gorshe agrees, but also agrees with Kelsey because bills always have dates for events. May amend to add dates and hold them to that, or table and have the club work with a senator to make a more detailed bill. Senator Ortega says because they don’t actually know, this wouldn’t really work, Bass Jacks wouldn’t be able to provide much more detail. Senator Cabral agrees with Smart and Gorshe, at least need a rough estimate. Senator Howard asks if it will be a problem, Rhodes says no but it may not be very accurate because everything is subject to change. Senator Gorshe says the bill can be amended to fund this. Senator Simon says that if you apply estimates we are funding a percent of what they will be spending. They will still be paying a lot out of pocket. Chairwoman Woodhouse wonders if SB 26-16 is to be tabled. Simon says no, she doesn’t think they will provide much more information even if tabled. Senator Gorshe says the issue isn’t with the amount, but rather tournament dates and a rough estimate should be in the bill. Senator Simon clarifies. Senator Gorshe says that dates and estimates should be transferred from budget into bill and that would require more rewriting. Senator Smart agrees with Gorshe and would want to table and rewrite the bill in 2 weeks for next senate meeting. Chairwoman Woodhouse asks for a show of hands for tabling, 7. (10 still present). Motion: Senator Smart moves to table Second: Senator Cabral Vote: Passes, Item M: SB 26-16: Northern Arizona University Bass Jacks, $2500 has been tabled Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item N: SB 26-17: Open New Student Organization Line Second: Senator Gorshe Discussion: Ryan and Jeremy ask Senate to open the line for the New Student Organization budget for homecoming supplies, T-shirts, and social supplies. Senator Cabral asks if NSG T-shirts are for NSG. He asks if they are allowed this as it is for their own benefit. Chairwoman Woodhouse says yes. Senator Gorshe points out that we buy our own shirts and they are part of ASNAU. Senator Smart clarifies that this says NSO line because it still reads that in the budget, this is just opening their funds so they can use it. Vote: Unanimous, Item N: SB 26-17: Open New Student Organization Line has been approved Executive Reports a. President- Makenzie Mastrud - President Mastrud reports that this week she met with tobacco task force and finalized the Supreme Court. The library hours have been established, and the library will be open 24 hours from December 8th through December 12th and then December 15th through December 17th. This Tuesday was the parking services forum, thank you to those who came. This week was also the Arizona Town Hall with the Student State Affairs Directors and important items discussed were service learning and preparing for the future, and also the economy and fiscal issues. The Coming Out Monologues event is coming up and with homecoming and athletics the video has been created and please encourage students to come to the game. Please tell students about the Breakfast club, packets are at the front desk. She apologizes for not having the budget ready for this week, there are still a few errors but she will have one for next senate meeting. She has reached out to the regents and met with ITS and Bursars Office to discuss student initiatives. She will be attending Parking and Shuttle Services committee tomorrow. Ryan Lee says hi to everyone. Finally, thank you for sitting through a long meeting and staying positive. Everyone had a great discussion tonight. Please stay healthy and prepare for the long week ahead, helping with homecoming. b. Vice President of Student affairs- CJ Cooper - VP Cooper reports that there is no meeting next week so he is passing out tailgate sign-ups because he needs a lot of help; if you are not 21 please help him. If you haven’t signed up yet you will be signing up for this one. Senator Simon asks if t-shirts are being passed out, VP Cooper says no. He has foam axes for the game 1,000 of them will be in the dome already and do not need to be passed out. Please remind everyone to tell clubs about Make A Difference Day and hang up flyers all over campus. Senator Simon asks if they need approval to put up the posters and how can they get this. Senator Gorshe explains that if you go to the Dean or Administrative Office the posters will be approved and stamped. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse - VP Woodhouse reports that this week was very busy for her. On Monday she attended Faculty Senate. At Faculty Senate, Jennus Burton presented the Capital Project Status Reports for 2013. Two major projects up and coming include the Aquatic and Tennis Facility as well as the new Science and Health Building. VP Woodhouse attended the Arizona Town Hall with President Mastrud and the SSA Directors on Wednesday. Tomorrow she will be attending the Academic Standards Committee. Hours are due today so please have them printed out, signed, and dated before leaving the office tonight and make sure they are one page. Thank you to Senator Libby for volunteering to be on the Club Sports Council. Thank you to Amy, the Senate Agenda is now posted on the Bulletin Board outside the office and will be every week. Vivian is not here today, she had to go home for a family matter. d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart - Chief of Staff Smart reports that there is a lot going on this week and a lot of help is needed in getting everything ready for Homecoming and Tradition’s Day. Please read all emails that she will be sending out so that all details will be correctly conveyed. Tomorrow she will send out an email with the Homecoming Week Schedule, along with the shifts that you will sign up for at this meeting. An email was sent out earlier this week to determine who would be willing and able to assist with decorating the union on Sunday. Volunteers will be meeting at the Office at 7:30P.M with NSG to decorate the Union as well as Union Point. There will be tabling events throughout the week, please sign up for those shifts with Chyna and Jillian. Homecoming Royalty voting will begin Monday at 12:00A.M and end that night at 11:59P.M. You must remain neutral during this election. Do not say who you are voting for publically or endorse any candidates. Please let Chief of Staff Smart know if you have any questions. Tradition’s Day is Thursday. The carnival, bonfire, chili cook-off, Mr. Lumberjack Pageant, tug of war, and beard growing will take place in the WAC field. If you make any posts on Facebook or anything please refer to the carnival as the Tradition’s Day Carnival, and not the ASNAU Carnival. We want students to start realizing that Tradition’s Day happens during Homecoming week. When working a shift at the carnival, please wear the Homecoming shirt that will be provided to everyone at the end of the meeting. Please wear jeans and comfortable shoes as well. It will be chilly so bundle up in jackets, hats, gloves, socks, etc. Senator Simon asks what is appropriate to wear, Smart replies that solid colored fleece or jackets are acceptable, no letters because it an ASNAU event and wear nice jeans, no holes. It will be cold and they cannot afford to let anyone leave their shift to run back home because they didn’t dress warm enough. Pizza will be purchased for workers to eat during shifts, and therefore no one will be allowed to leave to get food (with the exception of allergy). Please remember that everyone will be required to stay for the entire shift. If anyone has any questions, ask her, Chyna, or Jillian. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid - Dylan reports that this week was the parking service forum, town hall, and had their first intern meeting on Monday. At the Arizona Town Hall the issues regarding accessibility and accountability within the education system were discussed. The first official intern meeting started preparing them for the legislative session and issue building. The will have office hours so feel free to say hi to them and make them feel welcomed. SSA has been reaching out and finding out how the library is funded along with how the library functions in regards to being open to the public as well as students. Beyond this they have been looking to the other universities and gaining ideas of what to work towards next. B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton - Each Senator has been given posters, and they will be passing around a signup for other buildings to hang up flyers. Spencer and Colleen will be doing residence halls themselves because it is a different process. Senator Howard asks if this includes Hilltop and the Suites, they reply that yes, they will be taking care of it. Senator Libby asks if it is necessary to go through the Dean’s Office. Senator Ortega says most boards say where it is necessary to take posters to get them approved. Spencer says that most likely, Senators won’t even have to hang them up they will be put up by staff after they are approved. C. Special Events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga - Chyna and Jillian are very excited for the carnival, and today they are passing out shift signups, so please take the time to look at each one carefully. Chyna has color-coded them, if it is blue, it is for the carnival, and gold is for royalty. There are mandatory shifts and volunteer shifts. Mandatory shifts run from 2:30P.M to 7 and 6 to 10:30P.M. The third form is for tabling signup, for royalty elections and the carnival. Jillian reports that they have worked very hard on the carnival this past week, all decorations have been ordered and they will be slowly receiving them. Chyna and Jillian are finalizing last minutes details hopefully by the end of the week. They will be providing a list of everything available at the carnival so it will be easy to answer student questions during shift. Please sign up for tabling events; a lot of help is needed. Chyna, Jillian, and Chief of Staff Smart are going shopping this week for the final things that they need. Homecoming meeting last Friday was at 1:30P.M and this week they will be running through Wall Aquatic field after the Homecoming meeting, which is again at 1:30P.M. Please get T-shirts after the meeting and wear them during shifts but bundle up, as it will be cold. Senator Smart asks about waivers and insurance, Chyna replies that further details will be provided later and at shifts as well. Art says that insurance information is required, and students need to be told that. If they don’t know the policy number do the best they can to provide it. Chief of Staff Smart reiterates that the carnival is called Tradition’s Day Carnival and not only the ASNAU Carnival. The theme is ‘Forever Blue’ and the banner is silver so you can see it at night, in case any student’s ask why it is not blue. Chyna says great job on the meeting tonight, even though it was long. Finally, please remember that all carnival staff is expected to be working the shift the whole time, minimal bathroom breaks are the only exception. D. ITS- Joey Smoll - Updated the website and put up pictures for Tradition’s Day, you can click and see the schedule. If you haven’t done pictures yet go see Chief of Staff Smart after the meeting. E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan - Stella and Rachel are presenting the report from NSG this week. NSG decided on a float theme it will be the True Blue Man Group, they will be using a set supply list and getting everything set. There are set dates and times for homecoming float making and they will be helping with the carnival. Jeremy reports that everyone should continue to contact his or her mentees and look forward to another social soon. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch reports that if you will not make it on Tuesdays please text her in the morning. B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe reports that he would like to thank Senate for passing the bylaws and there will be more changes soon. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Shannon Boruch- Deans meeting in a few weeks and please run for Mr. Lumberjack. b. Scott Tillinghaust- Making copies with a club, been in contact with Lenita in charge of the Cyber Committee regarding what she would like him to do. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Ernan Cabral- This week he had a club meeting, wrote two senate bills, in contact with clubs. b. Brittany Simon- Senate bills and making copies College of Health and Human Services a. Zachary Howard- Printed stuff b. Nicolas Startt- Printed Stuff College of Education a. Kelsey Smart- Great discussion tonight, thanks you to everyone for participating. b. Jared Gorshe- RHA elected new vice president, Kevin Wright. Thanks to the Legislative Committee and the Senate for hard work and for passing bills. Great discussion tonight. College of Business a. Ryan Cook- This week wrote a bill for Bass Jacks, meeting with another club next week b. Alexandria Buchta- University Curriculum Committee meeting and it was interesting. Office Hours College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Nicole Ortega- Paper and ink, NSG thanks for volunteering time b. Savannah Libby- Sustainability Committee this morning and she thinks they will come speak. Copies. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— Thank you to Amy for doing a terrific job in producing the minutes. It has been very clear. Had a birthday on Tuesday, thank you for the sign and the cake from Sammy, Chyna, and Jillian. As we talk about all of the groups and fundraising, maybe revise expectations in the guidelines so that clubs know better. Including details pertaining to guidelines of amount of fundraising may help clubs understand the process better and senate meetings to run smoothly. Art Farmer— Not Present Discussion Items - None Announcements Golden Pine Cone Award: Jeremy Chan, for hard work in NSG and making the weekly videos Chairwoman Woodhouse says thank you for sitting through the meeting, sorry about rushed reports as well. Senator Gorshe says to do not forget to put the revised bylaws into Senator’s binders. Adjournment Motion: Senator Simon move to adjourn the meeting Second: Senator Howard Unanimous, Meeting was adjourned at 7:06 P.M.