ASNAU SENATE MEETING #3 TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: September 20, 2013 Date of Senate Meeting: September 19, 2013 Number on council: 12 Number present: 11 Prepared by Amy Edgerton Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -Alexandria Buchta Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Libby move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Cabral Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience Unfinished Business New Action Business Motion: Senator Tillinghaust move to vote on Item A: ASNAU FY14 Budget Second: Senator Libby Discussion: President Mastrud passes out the budget. This blue copy is the original budget and the yellowish copy is the budget with rollover included. The Executive team met with Dr. Brandel and Art to determine where the rollover would be allocated. The chart outlines these changes. To begin, the Administrative Assistant was decreased to $8,074 because the new hire is starting late this semester. Employee Related Expenses (ERE) were changed to $30,000. Public Relations has been increased to $12,000, the Study Abroad Go Scholarship to $50,000, Diversity Events to $20,000, T-Shirts and Handouts to $40,000, Carnival to $45,000, Speakers and Performers to $198,000, Capitol Improvements to $15,000, the Lumberyard to $15,000, Special Events to $18,000, Extended Library Hours to $80,000, Receptions and Forums to $379, Inaugural Banquet $5,000, Instate Travel to $2,400, Student and Organizational Allocations to $160,000, and Transfers Out to reserves line by 5%, to $36,000. Questions: Senator Howard asks why the speakers and performers line was increased. President Mastrud replies that realistically, Special Events can’t do much with the budget given because the performer alone costs almost the full budget, overall the concert last year cost about $170,000 and because of this money was added to make sure there is enough to cover costs. Jillian says that they are also planning on having additional speakers this year. Vote: Unanimous, Item A: ASNAU FY14 Budget has been approved Chairwoman Woodhouse would like to have a motion to add Item B: Approval of Senate Parliamentarian. Motion: Senator Gorshe moves to add Item B: Approval of Senate Parliamentarian Second: Senator Cabral Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Approval of Senate Parliamentarian has been added. Motion: Senator Simon move to approve Vivian Jordan as Senate Parliamentarian Second: Senator Tillinghaust Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse would like to elect Vivian Jordan to the position of Senate Parliamentarian Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Approval of Senate Parliamentarian has been approved Executive Reports a. President- Makenzie Mastrud - President Mastrud first confirms that Christine is working with GAMMA. This week she worked on the budget with Dr. Brandel and the Executive Team. Currently working on putting the budget into a report so it will be easier to read and understand. These budget changes will help things like the Special Events line and other things to show exactly what the student’s money is going towards. Met with ITS about the NAU app, the want to come speak. One of the new features is working with Joey to put up an event tab. The Greek Life Blue Ribbon campaign is working with students and staff on campus to approve of Greek Life on campus. Transit Advisory Committee will meet every Thursday from 10AM to 12PM. President Mastrud asks if there is anyone who would be willing to sit on this committee as she has class and they would really like a student voice. She will be appointing someone. Parking services Forum will be on October 8th instead of October 9th due to scheduling issues. She would like five volunteers to help set up. President Mastrud asks if there are any other concerns with parking services. Senator Simon discusses the problem with the Mountain View parking lot. No one has anywhere to park. Senator Howard discusses parking in the R6 lot by the suites. Spencer says that tailgate takes away parking and students don’t have anywhere to park during that time. Senator Smart asks if parking services deals with ticketing on campus and asks if the questions about free warnings before tickets are issued that were at last year’s senate were ever answered. She believes this process should be explained to the students. Senator Libby had to appeal because she didn’t get a warning her first time. Oregon says officially parking services does not have to give a warning they just tend to. Senator Libby thinks that is unfair. Senator Smart agrees and believes they should make it one way or another. Senator Gorshe asks about budget for parking services, President Mastrud will check. Transportation will increase it’s fee $10 per semester until caps out at $70 but if you pay for the parking pass you don’t pay for it. Senator Libby asks if Hilltop and the Suites parking can be exempt from this also. Mastrud doesn’t know but she will ask. Senator Startt asks why people parking on campus don’t have to pay this fee, Senator Simon says transportation is included in the parking fee. Mastrud says they are trying to separate the two budget lines. Chyna asks how many lots you can park at after 4:30 for free. Parking services has maps that highlight these areas and President Mastrud will ask Erin to bring to the forum. Senator Gorshe asks if there are any future plans to increase parking permit costs? President Mastrud will ask. Vivian asks about if they will make more parking available due to the removal of the lot by Sechrist Hall. President Mastrud will ask about these things also. She asks that everyone please remember that when attending the forum to respectfully ask questions about what they do in their office. The Breakfast Club with President Haeger will be on October 25th, she will be sending out applications, to students and clubs to apply. Lastly, she tabled for the concert survey and met with the Student State Affairs Directors about meeting with Greek life and setting up speeches for ABOR. b. Vice President of Student affairs- CJ Cooper - VP Cooper says that he has sign ups for tailgate this Saturday to pass around. There are two 2.5-hour shifts and he really needs help. The 11:30-2pm shift is for setting up and other responsibilities and the 2-4:30pm shift will have some people that are monitoring tailgate and the rest will be handing out lumberyard shirts. He also did the parking layout. There will be 14 organizations there, 5 of which are not student approved organizations, comes down to a liability but is a rule made by Student Life and Administration. Senator Smart asks if they have to be a student organization to tailgate. Cooper says yes and there is nothing he can do about it. He approved these first groups because it wasn’t clear yet but they will not be tailgating after this. He shows what the permit will look like and he will have people checking off permits on a list. They have his signature and where they are parking in the lot. He will be chalking off the numbers but it is a pretty easy set up. There are some big organizations coming it will be a large tailgate. DJ KBK will be working 1-2:30pm due to a prior commitment and hopefully all genres will be represented. Shayla asks about the second shift meeting in the ASNAU office as per the yellow sheet. He says he will change to reflect the location at Pine Ridge. Senator Simon asks what volunteers should wear, Cooper replies NAU shirt and a nametag. Jillian asks if we can wear our lumberyard shirts if we get them, he says yes and it will be good publicity so please do. Other than that he discusses the addition of more money to the Lumberyard line and will order 1500 foam axes and hopefully another set of lumberyard shirts. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse - Last Friday she went to the academic standards committee. Was slow, but will pick up next week hopefully. This is a slow meeting this week but it is a slow time of year so tells everyone not to worry and to senators please continue to email clubs and organizations. Yesterday she tabled for concert voting and she would like to introduce Vivian as the new parliamentarian. This is Vivian’s third year, she is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi and home is in southern California. Please say hi to Vivian if you see her in the office. d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart - Royalty packets will be available for students to pick up in the ASNAU office Monday morning at 10:00AM. There will be a folder and a check out sheet. Please let your clubs and friends know that packets will be available Monday. Chief of Staff Smart would like a couple of volunteers to work at an ASNAU informational session from 2-4pm next Friday, September 27th at South Village Living. Please raise your hand if interested, Smart will be contacting those who volunteer tomorrow. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who helped with the concert survey. The carnival is a month away and everyone will be very busy with it soon. Spencer and Colleen continue to do a wonderful job and Joey has brilliant ideas for the website that he is working on. Great job also to NSG and Special Events. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid - Pass out sheet for the ABOR meeting and the Arizona Town Hall meeting, which will try to approve overall state of Arizona. Registration is free if you want food it’s $10. The ABOR agenda was just released, and now starts Wednesday at 10AM and ends Friday at 1AM. Please sign up if you can come you don’t have to stay long. President Mastrud says that they will email the agenda out so you everyone can see when they are available to go. Senator Smart asks if they will be missing Senate, Oregon says they will be done by 5:00PM. Oct 9th is a Tuesday. Oregon confirms that everyone got the Student State Affairs report via email. Senator Gorshe asks for a recap of what was in the report, Oregon replies that they were just updates on everything that was discussed last week. He also asks if SSA is still working on the ‘Beyond the Cup’ Greek life campaign. SSA is waiting to see how they should proceed after the ABOR meeting. Will be meeting with the regents tomorrow at 3PM and will also be meeting Greek life to create a letter of what will be said to ABOR. Shayla asks about institutional excuses for ABOR, President Mastrud lets everyone know that there will be none so stop in when you don’t have class. Senator Libby asks if she can sign up after seeing the agenda, yes. Senator Gorshe asks about attire for ABOR, please wear professional dress and look nice. B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton - This was their slowest week yet, so if you have upcoming requests please let Spencer and Colleen know way ahead of time so they always have something to be doing and are not overwhelmed. Spencer did homecoming carnival ads this week. They worked on flyers and ASNAU ads at front desk. Still working on a welcome for new clubs and the ASNAU logo. C. ITS- Joey Smoll - Events calendar was made this week and hopefully soon will be compatible with the NAU app and next week will be on the website. Wasn’t very happy with the pictures and how they turned out so please redo them, Ashley and Christine will redo them doing office hours, so look your very best. D. Special events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga - Chyna and Jillian thank everyone for tabling for concert voting, it went really well and they had over 5000 students vote, 20% was the goal and 27% was what was achieved. They will be meeting with Rachel with SUN entertainment on Monday to discuss the voting results and results will be posted on Tuesday. Homecoming ads are being posted soon and royalty packets are available on September 23rd and will be due back on October 3rd. Please sign up for Family Game Night, only need one more volunteer and it is September 23rd from 8:3010PM. Senator Libby asks if her dad can come, Chyna says yes. They got a new white board and are really excited so please leave a note. Please do not erase at all as it is their biggest form of communication. E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan - Second meeting yesterday they held elections and the officers have been appointed. They are really happy with all the kids that a part of NSG. Sent out an email about social if you haven’t replied please let Jeremy know. Some ASNAU mentors will be getting two mentees because there are more NSG than ASNAU. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch says that no one showed up. B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe says that they discussed the Student State Affairs Director’s bylaws, coming to an agreement about hours and will be passed in a few weeks, also dicussed Dr. Brandel’s formal position as defined in the bylaws. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Shannon Boruch- Nothing new. Been really slow and during office hours just greeted everyone that came in. b. Scott Tillinghaust- Meeting with Dean tomorrow. Worked in office hours sent emails and made copies thank you to Makenzie for helping. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Ernan Cabral- Office hours working on list of influential clubs and thanks everyone for your help. b. Brittany Simon- Meeting with Dean tomorrow at 11:30AM. During office hours she helped hockey team learn how to use printer, will be working tailgate on Saturday. College of Health and Human Services a. Zachary Howard- Met with Dean yesterday and it was terrifying. Meeting went well. Updated his clubs during office hours. Learned how to use the copier. b. Nicolas Startt- Could not attend his Dean meeting due to class conflict. Helped clubs with tailgating packets during office hours. College of Education a. Kelsey Smart- Still trying to get in touch with Dean. She and Senator Libby want to make a list of all of the club and their senators for the binders. Please email information to one of them. b. Jared Gorshe- Tabled for voting on Monday and met with RHA, addressed them for voting. Worked office hours and helped green jacks and in contact with a few other clubs. College of Business a. Ryan Cook- Met with clubs this week to give them a funding packet, and will be giving Alexandria’s report b. Alexandria Buchta- Clubs haven’t emailed her back so she’s going to office hours and approps. College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Nicole Ortega- Tabled for concert voting and talking to a new club about starting so may see them in Senate next week. b. Savannah Libby- Meet with Dean on the 27th. Talking to clubs. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— Thank you to everyone for the good work that is being done. Excited for tailgate and the first football game. Will be his 25th season volunteering at the football game. CJ talked about firm administration, when tailgating first started it was intended for student organizations to celebrate and have a good time and support the football team. By only allowing student groups they have better leverage for accountability, and they can deal with students better through these organizations through privileges and other things. Better cooperation when it’s just student groups, from a liability standpoint they want to make sure they know who is at tailgate and can have some control. Art Farmer— Thank you for spreading the word about voting. When we get the new logo done please let him know so the official logo will be on the ballet, he will give to ITS. Anytime when it is done is fine. Discussion Items -None Announcements Makenzie would like to remind everyone no drinking during the tailgate and have a sober state of mind because you wouldn’t go to any other job intoxicated. CJ says for everyone that signed up for tailgate please put your shirt size so that we can have those ready. He needs two other vehicles because there are 20 boxes and he needs help getting the shirts. Golden Pine Cone Award: Jared Gorshe Chyna says thank you everyone who helped table because 5% off all the students who voted were captured by tabling. The results are being revealed next Tuesday. Adjournment Motion: Senator Libby Second: Senator Cook Unanimous, Meeting was adjourned at 5:55 P.M.