ASNAU SENATE MEETING #2 TWENTY-SIXTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: September 13, 2013 Number on council: 12 Date of Senate Meeting: September 12, 2013 Number present: 12 Prepared by Amy Edgerton Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:07 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call The following Senators were not present at the meeting: -All Present Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Boruch move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Cook Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience Unfinished Business New Action Business Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item A: Adoption of Bylaws Second: Senator Cabral Discussion: Senator Gorshe discusses the two Bylaw changes. They are regarding how many hours prior to the Senate meeting the Appropriations chair has to submit minutes, changed from 48 hours to 24 hours. The second is a change to the duties of the senate clerk, whose office hours were changed from 5 hours a week to 6 hours a week. Found on pages eight and nine, Article 7 Section 11 Subsection C Subsection II Subsection 5, and Article 7 Section 13 Subsection F. Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Adoption of Bylaws has been approved Motion: Senator Smart move to table on Item B: Approval of Election’s Commission Though President Mastrud is not currently present, Oregon McDiarmid states that she is on her way and Item B should be brought back to discussion when she arrives. Rescind: Senator Smart rescinds previous motion Discussion: President Mastrud apologizes for being late. Angel Arzola will head the Election’s Commission, upon approval, and members will consist of Greg Meron, Amy Oinback, and Nikkiana Dukellis. These people were selected because they are believed to be very organized and President Mastrud thinks they will do well. Questions: Senator Boruch asks what specifically will be approved through this vote. Chairwoman Woodhouse replies that the senate intends to approve of the people chosen for these positions. The Election’s Commission will meet with homecoming royalty and oversee that process as well as go over election and campaign details. VP Cooper asks if this Election’s Commission will stay on for elections in Spring 2014, yes. Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item B: Approval of Election’s Commission Second: Senator Gorshe Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Approval of Election’s Commission has been approved Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item C: Club Recognition: Printmakers Society of Northern Arizona University Second: Senator Cabral Motion: Senator Tillinghaust move to table Item C: Club Recognition: Printmakers Society of Northern Arizona University Second: Senator Cook Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item C: Printmakers Society of Northern Arizona University has been tabled Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on Item D: Club Recognition: Project GIVE Alternative Spring Break Second: Senator Simon Discussion: Project GIVE is currently an organization on campus that coordinates activities for students. They would like to start this club to engage students in the alternative break program, and there are multiple schools across the nation who already have these alternative break programs that hold over sixty trips for students. This club would be formed for the purpose of allowing students to attend and fundraise for these trips. These trips are student lead, and give students leadership experience. They are not only spring break centered, but are focusing on all alternative breaks. Such will include three-day weekends, spring break, and as the club gets bigger trips will extend to winter and spring as well. Questions: Senator Gorshe asks about dues. Club representative says since right now the will be small and they will be travelling only driving distances, they have not yet finalized dues and will be relying on fundraising. Senator Cabral asks for details about their constitution. She passes out an updated constitution with some changes she has brought. Senator Cabral says the new version answers the questions he had. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: Club Recognition: Project GIVE Alternative Spring Break has been approved Chairwoman Woodhouse suggests suspending the bylaws for Items E and F, as these clubs did not follow the 48-hour rule that is currently in place without the bylaw changes that are waiting to be approved. Motion: Senator Tillinghaust move to suspend the bylaws Second: Senator Cabral Chairwoman Woodhouse asks that the motion be made specific to the bylaws that are to be suspended. Rescind: Senator Tillinghaust rescinds previous motion. Motion: Senator Tillinghaust move to suspend bylaws Article 7 Section 11 Subsection C Subsection II Subsection 5 for Items E and F. Second: Senator Cabral Vote: Unanimous, Bylaws suspended for Items E and F Motion: Senator Smart move to vote on Item E: IA: Jackson Morris, $400 Second: Senator Libby Discussion: Jackson Morris is here to ask for an IA to cover his attendance to the National Poetry Slam in Boston. The event took place August 13th-17th, 2013. It is a competitive poetry reading event that was very enjoyable for him. Here in Flagstaff, there are weekly poetry slams at Firecreek Coffee, and each April there is a grand slam with the top 12 students from the year, the top 5 of which go to the national competition in Boston. This poetry slam is a well-attended event with well over 100 attendees each week and they mostly consist of NAU students. Jackson Morris is asking for the funds to cover the expenses for the national competition in support of the weekly poetry slam in Flagstaff, because most of the participants and attendees are NAU students and it is a fun event for all students and a great way to get involved. Questions: Senator Cabral asks how his experiences have helped out the student population. Jackson Morris explains that as it is a competition and there are 76 teams at nationals, it is a great accomplishment that Northern Arizona University gets to go even though Flagstaff is not a particularly large city. He feels as if being able to go to something like this provides learning experiences in things such as structure and performance. The students are benefited through those who attend and bring back these experiences. Vote: Unanimous, Item E: IA: Jackson Morris, $400 has been approved Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item F: SB 26-7: Open Budget Line 111 (The Lumberyard) Second: Senator Boruch Discussion: CJ asks ASNAU to open the budget for the Lumberyard, Lumberyard shirts have been ordered and he will have an invoice to come. Kept it just under 10,000 and athletics will cover a third of a cost. Questions: Senator Boruch asks how many shirts are to be made; CJ says 2000 with the potential of more for homecoming depending on carry over. Vote: Unanimous, Item F: SB 26-7: Open Budget Line 111 (The Lumberyard) has been approved Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item G: Resolution 26-1 Second: Senator Libby Discussion: (Initial): Jillian says that early this week the Executive team, Advisors and Special Events met to propose this resolution. ASNAU would like to ensure that students see a variety of musical genres in their four years at the university. The students will have an opportunity to see four different genres in four years at the ASNAU ‘23’ Fee concert. They will vote each year on a variety of musical genres and the ASNAU team will use the results from the top genre to move forward in contracting with a musical artist, while recognizing past musical genres. The concert artist will be approved by SUN Entertainment, the Dean of Students, and the Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. The 2013-2014 year will be the 4th year of the ‘23’ Fee concert. This year will begin a new block of genres, which will give a different genre for the next four years. Chyna and Jillian will cover this process more in their report next week. Chairwoman Woodhouse says they met with other administration on campus and they approved resolution as well. Questions: Senator Cabral asks about the changes to the resolution made during legislative meeting. The changes referred to were the switch from the process commencing with the 2014-2015 year to the current year, 2013-2014. Also the section entitled ‘Be It Resolved That’ changed to say: The Associated Students of Northern Arizona University approves the new artists selection process and understands that every four years, students will see four different musical genres provided by the ASNAU ‘23’ Fee. Everything President Mastrud said would change had changed. Met earlier this week to discuss the voting process which will begin on Monday and the genre Hip-Hop will be left off of the eight options due to last year’s concert. Vote: Unanimous, Item G: Resolution 26-1 has been adopted. Executive Reports a. President- Makenzie Mastrud -President Mastrud reports that the Election’s Commission has been approved. She is working on approving the Supreme Court, had a meeting earlier in the week to discuss the change in transportation fee and other parking services matters. She would like to host a forum to educate the students (October 9th at 3P.M., tentatively) on these matters and will email the date when it is made final. There will be snacks and hopefully everyone can come. President Mastrud also met for the resolution, which was passed and thanks to who presented. This is a big change and students will react so be positive and send students to Executive members with questions. She met with Dr. Campos and Tanya from athletics and they are excited for the year and want to get involved with ASNAU. She also helped Dr. Brandel with interviews for the administrative position. Executive members will do interviews for club headquarters and senate parliamentarian tomorrow. President Haeger says we should be involved with ABOR about the tuition changes, more info to come. ASNAU has had a couple students come in wanting to extend the hours for the shuttles on campus, we don’t pay for it but students believe we should extend shuttle for off campus and to the library since it is open late. President Mastrud poses the question to the senate about turning library into 24 hours during reading week and finals week, wondering if the students will utilize this resource if established. Senator Simon says it’s a great idea and she herself has utilized the library up until she had been asked to leave. Senator Cabral asks if any polls have been made to find out student opinion. President Mastrud believes that a poll would be time consuming and not provide sufficient information and that is the reason behind posing this question to the elected officials in the ASNAU Senate. Senator Gorshe approves because of the lack of study options in residence halls. It has cost less this year to extend library hours. President Mastrud has found out carry over budget information and will meet on Monday to discuss. She and Jeremy Chan will create the weekly video tomorrow to inform the students of the Resolution and other matters. b. Vice President of Student affairs- CJ Cooper - VP Cooper reports that Colleen and Spencer have painstakingly worked on the Lumberyard shirt and extends his thanks to them. He was told they would have the shirts by first tailgate. He believes the shirt cost came out to about $9976.00 and Athletics will be covering a third of that cost. Their logo and the ASNAU logo are on the shirt, no royalty costs. Met with Roxy, throwing around ideas for family weekend. They are thinking of placing 1500 foam axes under the seats at the game for students and families to find. VP Cooper has also been talking about homecoming and throwing around the idea of placing a second order of the lumberyard shirts maybe a few thousand more since they are very popular. These shirts may also be better purchased for the November game since studies have shown less people come to the later games. Tailgate is his main focus but once he gets the ball rolling he wants to advertise club headquarters more. He would like to have a steady flow of clubs utilizing this resource. He is currently trying to blow up tailgate and once the first game is out of the way he will focus on family weekend and other games and big events. VP Cooper asks if the next week’s senate meeting provides enough time to sign up for first tailgate. The sign up will be passed out at next meeting, and he would like four to six senators to help. Senator Simon asks if the senators can help with more than one tailgate, Cooper says yes but he doesn’t expect anyone to do back-to-back games. Senator Simon also asks if six is the maximum amount of senators that can help with tailgate. He replies the more the merrier. Tailgate will have two volunteers at the entrance for permits, two underneath the ASNAU canopy, where students 21 and over can scan in and get wristbands, which have been ordered. He will definitely need help and sign up will be passed around next week. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse -VP Woodhouse reports that on Monday she sat in on the Faculty senate meeting, Oregon and Ben were there to talk about textbooks and so was parking services. She also sat on the Tobacco Task Force Committee with… and they are working on meeting with president about making campus tobacco free. VP Woodhouse asks that the senators please give written bills to either her or Senator Boruch in a timely manner. She asks also that senators please wear their polo’s during office hours. Interviews for club headquarters and senate parliamentarian are to be finished up tomorrow. President Mastrud asks if the moving towards a tobacco free campus will remove things such as E-Cigarettes and related products, VP Woodhouse says they are working with the big picture and working out details later. Senator Cabral says he believes those things will be banned as well. Lastly, each of the senators one-on-ones went well. d. Chief of Staff- Sammy Smart -Chief of Staff Smart reports that she would like to make sure that staff has hours turned in on time, Thursday at 5P.M. and if hours have not yet been turned in please give them to President Mastrud at the end of the meeting for her approval. The carnival is coming along, staff is waiting on an invoice from the company. Once it is received the budget will be updated. Special Events is working on family weekend activities, please sign up to volunteer to work. Smart is wondering if there is interest for an open house during family weekend and if so please let Special Events know. They need to know how many breakfast pastries and fruit to order. She will be in contact with the election’s commission after they have been approved. Packets will go out Monday and will be ready at the front desk for pick up with instructions on distribution. Joey will put pictures up on the website next week. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Ben Silva, Dylan Lefler, Oregon McDiarmid - Oregon reports that as far as the Greek issues, ABOR has let everyone know today that they have no plans to remove Greek from campuses. It will be moved to higher discussion, but they are still working to get speakers and supporters in the Greek community. - Ben reports that he and Oregon were at the textbook meeting to discuss textbook editions and trends with faculty, and they aim to have faculty turn in books for next semester by deadline on October 15th to increase buy back for students. - Dylan says they will not meet with Greek life presidents but will have speakers and will be helping them to prepare to speak to ABOR. Working on the intern process with more information to come. - In the future, Oregon states that Student State Affairs will be sending out an email prior to meeting so they do not spend as much time going over all the small details. B. Public Relations- Colleen Flynn, Spencer Carlton - PR has finished Homecoming royalty flyers, and carnival flyers are being worked on but aren’t finished due to a problem with Photoshop. Colleen and Spencer are working to create an ASNAU logo once trademark issues have been worked out. They are also still planning on giving new clubs on campus a card or balloon to let them know about club headquarters, which had been discussed at the retreat. C. ITS- Joey Smoll - Homepage banner is in the making. Joey is looking to put pictures up. He asks ASNAU if anyone sees any cool pictures on campus please send them to him so they can be used in the website. High quality pictures only please. Starting next week he will be getting documents up and pictures which will be taken after the meeting. D. Special events- Chyna Gade, Jillian Zuniga -Thank you for voting on the resolution. Chyna says thank you in advance for helping out with cohesion between staff and senate to make events possible. Asks that everyone please volunteer to help when you can. They are working to have a family weekend event for ASNAU, if anyone would be willing on Saturday morning to come to ASNAU for some treats and a gathering, just to show family what goes on here, please let Special Events know. They pass around a sheet to establish interest with a column for name and number of individuals ASNAU member would be bringing. Senator Cabral asks if he can still come without family, Chyna says yes of course. Chairwoman Woodhouse asks about time of this event, Chyna says they don’t know yet but they are looking at Saturday morning and wanted to establish how many members would be interested in order to determine refreshments needed. Jillian says they will be tabling next week to promote students to vote on genre for the concert. Will open Sunday at midnight and close on Wednesday at midnight. She will be tabling Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, and would like help 11A.M.-2P.M. Members don’t have to stay for the whole time but please help whenever you can. Chyna says they need four individuals to help volunteer to run family game night during family weekend. The event will be Saturday night from 7:30P.M. to 10:00P.M. The football game will not be over yet but please help if you can. Jillian says they will attend the homecoming committee meeting tomorrow at 1:30 to discuss royalty. Packets will be available with instructions to distribute. They will also be meeting with Rachel, the SUN Entertainment Contract, to discuss further details of the concert after the vote. Thank you to PR for working on the posters and flyers even though it was last minute. E. NSG- Annsley Niemann, Derek Lopez, Jeremy Chan - Derek reports that there were 46 students at the first NSG meeting last night. Jeremy says they brainstormed ideas for homecoming float and the September social. They also established the mission statement. Jeremy says in the next two weeks students of NSG will be matched up in the mentor program based on interests. Senator Boruch and Senator Tillinghaust ask if they will get to input their interests aside from major. Senator Smart says yes. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Boruch asks that senators please make sure to email her any bills being writing, and please email her during the day if they cannot make it to appropriations. B. Legislative: Senator Gorshe says that they worked on the bylaws and the resolution, thank you for passing and for showing up. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Shannon Boruch- Deans meeting on the 20th. She sat on the tobacco task force yesterday. Haven’t heard from any of the clubs thus far. b. Scott Tillinghaust- Office hours this week and attended legislative meeting and emergency senate meeting College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Ernan Cabral- Office hours a few people asked to print and wrote SB 26-7. Met with one of his clubs. b. Brittany Simon- Waiting to hear from Dean’s assistant. Emailed her clubs and she will be writing a bill for one of them meeting on Monday. Learned how to use, break, and fix the copier during office hours. College of Health and Human Services a. Zachary Howard- Deans meeting on the 18th. Office hours met with clubs Up till Dawn and Northern Arizona University Tennis Club. b. Nicolas Startt- Office hours in morning didn’t see anyone. Emailing clubs tomorrow morning. College of Education a. Kelsey Smart- Setting up appointment with Dean. Trying to get mentor program going with NSG, more in the next couple of weeks, the senators and NSG members will be paired by interests and please take initiative with person you are matched up with. Make them comfortable and familiar with office and ASNAU. b. Jared Gorshe- Office hours and communicating with someone from the green fund. Attended RHA meeting, interesting and nice group of people. Congratulations to Ernan on the senate bill. College of Business a. Ryan Cook- Emailed all clubs and heard back from 2 of them. Meeting on Tuesday. b. Alexandria Buchta- Office hours but haven’t heard from clubs. College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences a. Nicole Ortega- Haven’t heard from clubs. Approached about starting a club. b. Savannah Libby- Meet with Dean on the 27th. Heard back from a few clubs with questions about funding and such. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— First he would like to say congratulations to everyone for wearing their True Blue attire. Please let seniors know (those graduating this semester) Gold Axe Award applications are due October 1st. This award is very prestigious and encouraged. They would like to honor all of the outstanding seniors so please encourage people to apply. Please pay attention to your schoolwork, as that is the most important thing here on campus. The Executive team still continues to do a wonderful job. Art Farmer— He asks if the things on the agenda under unfinished business were accomplished, and discovers that they were not because the clubs did not attend the meeting, continue to be tabled. The Student Legal position has been posted. He has questions pertaining to the survey for Monday; he would like to see what Special Events wants to see on the ballot and the order they will be in. The survey will be open on Sunday at midnight and close Wednesday at midnight. Results will be available on Thursday. He next discussed how we used to put out information to families during family weekend and recognize various families during the football game and give away blankets. ASNAU used to present this award but the past few years it has gotten confusing. Now they are doing a drawing with the blanket giveaways at the game, it will be Saturday morning of family weekend. Art needs volunteers to present these rewards during halftime. He will be working with President Mastrud to determine who will do this. Discussion Items -None Announcements Golden Pine Cone Award: To Oregon for being attentive to in the office and for keeping up to date on the Greek life issues in ABOR. President Mastrud says to make sure when you are working in the office please do not wear headphones and acknowledge people who walk in the office. Especially those who are working front desk, make an effort to provide excellent customer service. Dr. Brandel suggests taking a picture or video to forward to Derek Hanson of True Blue to show university efforts. Chyna will take the photo. Ernan Cabral says he received an email from a Ms. Kelly and was wondering if anyone replied to her. Shannon Boruch has responded to her. President Mastrud says that Kelly would like to stand in on the meeting for her journalism class. Delta Epsilon Iota asked for a list of the most active clubs on campus and he wants to know who the senators think would be included. Senators mention ASNAU, Greek Life, Club Sports such as Ice Jacks, Blue Key Honor Society, RHA, and Intervarsity Christian. He met with the advisor and she wants a variety of clubs, religious and sports based. If anyone thinks of any more please email Ernan. Jared Gorshe says the 9/11 event went really well, thank you. Chyna says it has been our goal as ASNAU to go to as many events as possible, two upcoming are poetry slam by the literature club tonight, and the Can I Kiss You event, which takes place on the 18th. Please keep these in mind to get out there. Adjournment Motion: Senator Tillinghaust Second: Senator Startt Unanimous, Meeting was adjourned at 6:17 P.M.