ASNAU SENATE MEETING #5 TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: October 3, 2014 Date of Senate Meeting: October 2, 2014 Number on council: 12 Number present: 11 Prepared by Lara Kritz Chairman Nicholas Startt called the Senate meeting of the 2014-2015 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:00 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call Senator Emerson was not present. Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Hightower moves to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Startt Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have been approved. Call to the Audience Unfinished Business Item A Motion to Untable: Senator Tilling hast moves to untable Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU - $3,500 Second: Senator Soto Vote to Untable: Unanimous, Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU - $3,500 has been untabled Motion: Senator Tillinghast moves to vote on Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU $3,500 Second: Senator Pomeroy Discussion: Chabad NAU is asking for funding for a trip to New York to meet with other colleges. They would like to experience New York, listen to presenters, and be able to learn about different colleges. They will not be able to attend without funding. Questions: Senator Munhall asks if they have attended this event before. Yes, their members have attended for the last few years in varied numbers. Vote: Unanimous, Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU - $3,500 has been approved. Item B Motion: Senator Soto moves to vote on Item B: Minutes For 9/25/14 Second: Senator Silva Vote: Unanimous, Item B: Minutes For 9/25/14 Item C Motion to Add: Senator Tillinghast moves to add Item C: Tau Sigma $1,220 Second: Senator Startt Vote to Add: Unanimous, Item C: Tau Sigma - $1,220 has been added. Motion: Senator Hightower moves to vote on Item C: Tau Sigma - $1,220 Second: Senator Nobis Vote: Unanimous, Item C: Tau Sigma - $1,220 been approved. Item D Motion to Add: Senator Tillinghast moves to untable Item D: SB 27-21: Partners in Health - $1,889.29 Second: Senator Startt Vote to Add: Unanimous, Item D: SB 27-21: Partners in Health $1,889.29 has been untabled Motion: Senator Tillinghast moves to vote on Item D: SB 27-21: Partners in Health - $1,889.29 Second: Senator Munhall Discussion: Britney is presenting as the president with partners in health at NAU. They are a non profit that works to build health care systems around the world. 3 members attending an event in Boston in the beginning of September. They went to Harvard medical school to train and do fund raising. They received tool kits to better help local people. They are now working on training their members. They are seeking funds for travel and lodging reimbursement. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: SB 27-21: Partners in Health - $1,889.29 has been approved. New Action Business Item A Motion: Senator Munhall moves to vote on Item A: SB 27-30: Sigma Chi $3,223.20 Second: Senator Soto Discussion: The presenter is an emerging leader from Sigma Kia and has come to present a bill. He is requesting funding for a Greek life event. This event occurred in the summer in Indiana. Sigma Kai has attended this event for the last 4 years. Questions: Senator Soto asks what he gained from attending. He relied that meeting over 2,000 of his brothers from different universities and witnessing the ceremonies for new members was a very touching and gave him pride as a member. Vote: Item A: SB 27-30: Sigma Chi - $3,223.20 has been approved. Item B Motion: Senator Silva moves to vote on Item B: SB 27-31: NAU Ceramics Students: Louie Albertson, Lalana Fedorscak, Tolley Rippon, Samantha Young, Coleman Anderson, Tommy Connery, and Katherine Timmons $1,100 Second: Senator Hightower Discussion: The NAU Ceramics Students are asking for funding for the pit fire festival in Bisbee, Arizona. Some of the members will be staying for the full 5 days while others will be there for a shorter period in time. The students will be involved in a workshop and an exhibition. They will also be giving demonstrations to the local colleges to promote NAU's art program. Some of the cost is being paid for by the local college were the demonstrations will be held. This will be a great opportunity to show of NAU as an option from students to transfer to. Questions: Senator Aguilar asks why a number amount for food appears on the bill. The students state that it was stated for their records. Vote: Unanimous, Item B: SB 27-31: NAU Ceramics Students: Louie Albertson, Lalana Fedorscak, Tolley Rippon, Samantha Young, Coleman Anderson, Tommy Connery, and Katherine Timmons - $1,100 has been approved. Item C Motion: Senator Startt moves to vote on Item C: SB 27-32: University Merchandising Association - $1,004 Second: Senator Pomeroy Discussion: University Merchandising is requesting funds to go to Phoenix Fashion week. They would be helping designers and stylists. They are asking for hotel expenses and gas. They are taking students to volunteer and make connections to help them receive jobs when they graduate. Questions: Senator Ben asks if they have attended before. Yes, they have attended the spring session of Phoenix fashion week. They also state that they will be attending seminars teaching about whole sales and different carrier paths. Vote: Unanimous, Item C: SB 27-32: University Merchandising Association $1,004 Item D Motion: Senator Buchta moves to vote on Item D: Club Recognition: RolePlaying Game Club Second: Senator Soto Discussion: The Role Play and Game club is seeking recognition in order to foster an environment on campus to build creativity. Their club would bring together like-minded peers in large numbers to socialize and interact. There would be a mixture of board games and online games like War of World Craft. Questions: Senator Soto asks how many people are members so far. There are 6 official members, but 11 have joined. They also stated that there has been an interest among students on campus. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: Club Recognition: Role-Playing Game Club Item E Motion: Senator Pomeroy moves to vote on Item E: Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Lions Club Second: Senator Aguilar Discussion: The Lions club is a group of students that help out in the community through charities and community service. NAU currently has over 20 lion members and are hoping to recruit more. Lions club international has 1.2 million members spanning generations. They would like to raise awareness to the current generation about the organization and what they do. They currently have 20 members that have paid their dues. Questions: Senator Munhall asks what kind of activities they participate in. They participate in the Special Olympics, with different clubs around the campus, and on a global scale. They aren't interested in traveling, but it may be an option in the future. They also participate in local fundraisers like the demolition derby, which raised $10,000. Senator Aguilar asks were do the club dues go. They fund events and go to charitable organizations. Vote: Unanimous, Item E: Club Recognition: Northern Arizona University Lions Club has been approved Item F Motion to Add: Senator Tillinghast moves to add Item F: Approval of the Parliamentarian Second: Senator Soto Vote to Add: Unanimous, Item F: Approval of the Parliamentarian has been added Motion: Senator Tillinghast moves to vote on Item F: Approval of the Parliamentarian Second: Senator Nobis Discussion: Senator Soto sates that she sat in on the interview process and believes that she is the best candidate for the job. Questions: Senator Tillinghast asks the senate parliamentarian to introduce her self. Alyssa sates that she is a sophomore seeking a degree in Physiology and a bachelor in science. She has had a fantastic experience with ASNAU and wanted to be a part of it. Vote: Unanimous, Item F: Approval of the Parliamentarian has been approved. Item G Motion to Add: Senator Buchta moves to add Item G: Adaptions to the By-Laws. Second: Senator Silva Vote to Add: Unanimous, Item G: Adaptions to the By-Laws has been added. Motion: Senator Nobis moves to vote on Item G: Adaptions to the By-Laws Second: Senator Aguilar Discussion: Article II Section 30 shall be changed to “Hire and terminate all staff in conjunction with the chief of staff”. Article VI Section 13, after discussion with the senate, shall read “Prepare and submit an annual fiscal budget to the executive council and the senate appropriations committee for review prior to submitting it to the senate for approval”. An addition of “Attending all regular and special sessions of the senate” and “Submitting a report of activities and accomplishments of the past week tot he senate” shall be added to Articles XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, and XVIII sections 11, 6, 7, 9, 4, and 7. Article VIII Section 14.C shall now read that the Senate clerk has “two” working days to distribute the minuets. Vote: Unanimous, Item G: Adaptions to the By-Laws has been approved. Executive Reports a. President- Jillian Zuniga - Jillian asks the senate if they are well. A few quick reminds, the welcome agenda and congrats. We do have a new staff member ITS and she is excited that the team is all put together. On the topic of Website Bios, Reed won first place while Ryan was a close second. Marketing has been doing an great job so far on all the posters for future events. The western undergraduate state program that you come to NAU on a discounted rate. There is also talk of the topics that will be discussed each year. There is a motion for only discussing tuition prices every 3 years so that other topics may be addressed. The next topic is to try and contact all the different resident halls in order for fliers to be distributed by the RAs. They are a really great outlet that ASNAU needs to use more often, so keep that in mind. The computer locks in the office will hopefully be installed soon and had to be delayed because of a lack of the necessary power tools. Tomorrow, she is going to meet with parking and shuttle services and there is a spot open to join her. There is also one next semester so if your entrusted get back to her. Other than that, hopefully by next Monday there will be progress with the go fund scholarship to study aboard. Last year ASNAU funded 50 students a semester through that fund. She also passed around a very rough draft of the 23 fee and genre voting. Jillian and Jared meet and revised the surveys. The voting for the 23 fee survey will be launched on Monday for a time span of 48 hours. The survey will be titled as genre voting but will include the 23 fee survey. Only 1,800 voted last year so encourage students to vote. The top eight genres are listed with the 23 fee with options to choose what the students did and did not like. Some of the services listed are new while others are reoccurring. The senator argues that some of the events will need a short description in order for the student to know what they are. The best idea that was presented was for a drop down bar beneath each that could be opened in closed to make the survey appear more condensed. Another idea that was presented was that there be required fields in order for the survey to be submitted so that students actually fill out the entire survey. And Lastly, it would be a good idea to included a comment box at the bottom for students to make suggestions or submit new event ideas. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Savannah Libby - First week of October so yeah. Thanks for coming to the tail gate and a thanks to josh breaking wrist to save the easy up. She hopes that parents enjoyed. Homecoming meeting will be with athletics tomorrow. She is trying to pair with an event on November 22nd and getting ASNAU involved with the food drive. She is looking at doing a thunder stick giveaways for homecoming. Just so you guys know, you guys will be working on homecoming on tailgating. There will be no ASNAU intoxicated members at the tailgates. Also, start thinking if ASNAU would like to do anything else with athletics. C. Vice President of Academic AffairsNicholas Startt - He reports that all the senators have complete their meetings. He is also working on Exal.doc with all the senate bills and if they were approved or denied. d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Brittney Simon - She made a thousand fliers last Thursday and ordered buttons. The idea is to pin the buttons to the paper with the info. Last week was ABOR and thank you for the people that went. There will be other events. She had an executive meeting with the president in which she had kind words about ASNAU. The #1 is the concern at ABOR was that tuition is discussed yearly. A new plan is that we would discuss it once every three years in this February which leaves spots for other prominent issues to be addressed. The buttons will be here on Monday. She asks that each person takes the time to pin buttons to the papers so that one person doesn't have to do them all. e. Chief of Staff- Jared Gorshe - Homecoming royalty packets are so please have them returned by the due date. The elections for genre voting start on the 6th. Thanks to all the people that tabled. We reached a lot of people so that is good. Discussed the carnival, we plan to decorate the 19th during traditions week. There are the new carnival ads so please put them up. If you cannot out them up, place them on Jared's desk. Family weekend was great with family game night being a success. Also, welcome to the new staff at ASNAU. Also, Special events have ordered crowns and robes for NAU king and queen. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Tia Yap, Nicole Ortega, Corey Permann - They report that the buttons will be here soon and so please at least attach 50 buttons to 50 fliers. They are looking forward to working on the tabling schedule through out the whole month. Last year they gave out water bottles. If you see the new interns say hello and be friendly. Also Corey is working on a project to present next week. A. Public Relations- Richard Trunzo, Kayla Boxberger - They finished the carnival posters so hang them up. They are working on getting a genre voting add in the Lumberjack. They are working on getting access to the electronic screens in the union to advertise up and coming events. C. Special Events- Spencer Carlton, Jeremy Chan - See Jared's Report D. NSG- Ryan Cook, Sara McCaffrey - They report that their past meeting wasn't eventful and they discussed the budget. They are planning a pumpkin garden social. Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Soto - They meet electronically. They are working on the elections code that will be presented next week. They are also made the changes in the bylaws. They are drafting an ideal election code document that will be reviewed in the future. A. Legislative: Senator Buchta - They meet and approved some bills. Please be consistant in email her. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Reed Emerson- Not Present b. Scott Tillinghast- Attended the SHAC forum. He worked with men's ultimate frisbee to write a bill. He received an email from the dean regarding last weeks china Jazz choir funding. He did not know that they did not know that they would get funding. They ended up in a bad situations so maybe the senate should reconsider funding them. Also, it is sated in the email that they did receive credit. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Benjamin Silva- He went to appropriations and meet with clubs and worked office hours. b. Alyssa Soto- She is waiting for a email from her dean. She is meeting with athletics tomorrow at the sky-dome. College of Health and Human Services a. Libby Munhall- She tabled and manged to get rid of all the fliers. The student advisory committee called and was wondering if anyone would like to sit on committee. They have space for 2 senators and meet 3 times a term. If you are entrusted email her. She also worked her office hours b. Ryan Startt- He did his office hours and attended a RHA meeting and approved the budget for the fliers to hand out in the dorms. He is hoping his dean contacts him on Tuesday or Friday. College of Education a. Cesar Aguilar- He meet with two clubs and wrote a bill. He has no been contacted back from some of his clubs and has a meeting with is dean on the tenth. b. Vanessa Pomeroy- She meet with clubs to write bills, made copies, and worked her office hours. College of Business a. Alexandria Buchta- She meet with their dean for evaluations and how that it is a problem with participation. She suggested that if you fill out the form, you don't have to wait another week to get their grades at the end of the term. She completed her office hours and she is up to date with the bylaws. b. Alwi Alkhuzami- He meet with his dean and worked his office hours. College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a. Joshua Nobis- He had a great time at family weekend and a smashing good time at the tail gate. He worked his office hours. He also educated his clubs on what they can and cannot seek funding for. He is waiting on a reply from his dean for a meeting. b. Brett Hightower- He completed his office hours. He is proud to report that his 2nd bill did not get tabled or edited at all. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— Not attending Art Farmer— Not attending Discussion Items - This weeks Golden Pine Cone award goes to Josh for receiving the most club feedback with 12 of 23 his clubs responding or 52% . He also thanks him for being at all the tailgates for the entire time and for helping with family weekend. Announcements -Corey cannot attend a meeting so would any senator like to come parking and shuttle services meeting. Jillian is attending a Liberal studies committee and would like a senator to come from 1 to 3 on Tuesday. Important Dates Adjournment Motion: Senator Hightower moves to adjourn the meeting Second: Senator Munhall Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M.