ASNAU SENATE MEETING #3. 0 TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: September 19, 2014 Date of Senate Meeting: September 18, 2014 Number on council: 12 Number present: 12 Prepared by Lara Kritz Chairman Nicholas Startt called the Senate meeting of the 2014-2015 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:02 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Startt move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting Second: Senator Silva Discussion: Senator Soto suggests that the minutes be more direct. Vote: 10 for and 2 opposed, last week’s minutes have now been approved. Call to the Audience A. Parking and Shuttle Services - Presenter: Airen Stons - Thanks the senate for allowing here to speak. She has over two decades of experience working with housing and residence life. She is really passionate about keeping doors open for students and wants to fix the preconceptions that the parking people are “evil”. She believes the students think this because the amount of money that students are charged for a parking permit. She is all out telling the students the Why on how things are around campus. The most important thing for the senate to realize is that they are voting on money and that the parking and shuttle services does not receive any funding from the university. Everything they are responsible on campus for they are paying. They are responsible to build, maintain, and protect the parking around campus. They do minimally, half a million dollars in parking lot repairs in the summer and they restripe all the parking lots every single summer. They also have purchased a stripping machine to maintain the parking lots as a long-term investment. The striping machine is like a riding mower the paints the asphalt. This investment helps keep the parking lots organized for student parking and it avoids confusion due to faded parking lines. This summer the P66A parking lot was repaired for a price tag of $96,000 and the Forestry parking lot for $40,000. Three years ago the Mountain View parking lot has repaired because of leaking for a half a million dollars. She believes that if you pay to park on campus that the parking lots should be properly maintained. Building parking garages is expensive too with the Knoles parking garage costing 15 million and the San Francisco parking garage costing 25 million. Keeping those garages clean costs money too due to the custom machine needed that cost $70,000. Keeping the parking maintained will cost less money in repairs in the long run. The reason we build it them in the first place is because the most effective way to have more parking on campus is to build up instead of out. By McConnell, a few years ago, there were 100 parking spaces added for $400,000, that’s $4000 for one parking space. The price of the permits are determined from the cost of the department and any expenses and that is divided by the number of permits that they predict that they are going to sell. The shuttle services have improved greatly over the 6 years. 6 years ago, most of the busses were uses and half were broken on any given day and there were only 25,000 riders a week. We now have 15 brand new busses that are greener and more reliable with 50,000 riders a week and estimates 1.36 million rides were given to students last year. One of the reasons why we cant add more buses on campus is because the buses are always busy during class changes and to avoid that student should try going a few minutes before or after classes to avoid the rush. More busses would also cause more congestion on the roads around campus. Another reason is cost. One more bus just in the first year would cost a quarter of a million dollars. A new program this year in order to train new drivers over the summer to get their CDL. They also managed to keep al their drivers for 2 whole days, but then 2 students couldn’t cotinine due to classes. There is also going to be a new educational campaign to educate students on the bus system and how to use it effectively. The tickets on campus are also a big deal. My job is to make sure that you have the parking you paid for the entire year. Also, 50% of tickets given last year were warnings and during the first week of school, 2,000 warnings were given instead of tickets to educate people about parking on campus. They are still trying to find the balance between educating students and enforcing the rules. There is also an advisory council for parking that meets once a semester and there is an ASNAU seat on that. Carnival is coming up and one of the parking lots will have to be vacated to host that due to construction. Organizing parking needs are a constant balance of what needs to be done and what the people want. Transit this year has improved due to the partnership with Mountianlink and the adjustments to the route ten. There is also an accordion bus that is now running route ten. The route was changed so that the busses would not be caught by the train when going into downtown. Enterprise is also on campus for retail to help students and to decrease the amount of cars on campus so that the buses can run their routes smoothly. The age to rent is 18 instead of 25 and any driver license will due. Only 26% of students bring a car to campus. Last year the campus shuttle service cost 1.6 million dollars to run. The trend in the last few years show a decrease in parking permit sales even if the expenses for the parking and service continue to increase. The services have added in more temporary parking solutions around campus with the parking stations and other short term parking options for students. Students also don’t have to pay the full permit up front. The permit can be added to your other NAU expenses and the due date for payment is later in the fall, yet you will receive you permit by early august. People are mad because they don’t understand the way. Last year the senate requested that the parking lost for residents be free for parking after 4:30pm, but due to a great amount of opposition, that request could not be realized. But there is a service now that you can pay $4 for overnight parking. Also 2 myths that need to be cleared up are 1. That the parking services over sell parking and 2. That students believe that they should be able to park anywhere they want. First, they do not over sell parking and they leave 2,000 spaces open for events. Second, having less cars on campus decreases out carbon footprint and helps with traffic back ups around campus. The senate thanks her for what she does on campus and for taking the time to include ASNAU in the process. Questions: Senator Soto asks about the parking at the townhouses due to the fact that they do not require a parking permit. Yes, the townhouses do not require a parking permit and there are 3 parking lots on campus that you can park on after 4:30 for free. Dr. B asks that even if enrollment has gone up, why has parking permits gone down and also less parking permits do equal a smaller carbon footprint. Yes, there has been a decrease in parking permits due to the new options of transits on campus. Dr. B states that have a smaller impact is good and that that is possible due to the relationship that we have with the local buss services. Senator Nobis asks what percentage of the parking lots are full. 75% to 80% occupancy for parking permits. Art asks why the changes to the route ten were made. The changes to the route ten were made because busses were getting caught by the trains, which unconvinced students. Senator Buchta asks what parking is open on the weekend. Parking on employ and commuter lots do not require a permit. Dr. B would like to thank the parking and shuttle services for all that they do and to encourage ASNAU to spread the word of how great they are. B. Enterprise - Not Present. Unfinished Business New Action Business Item A Motion: Senator Silva move to vote on Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU - $3,500 Second: Senator Pomeroy Discussion: No Representative presented. Motion to Table: Senator Startt moves to table Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU - $3,500 Vote: Unanimous, Item A: SB 27-14: Chabad NAU - $3,500 has been Tabled Item B Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item B: SB 27-15: Open - Public Relations Line for Advertising Second: Senator Silva Discussion: This is to open the department and give them permission to ask for funding. Vote: Unanimous, Item B: SB 27-15: Open - Public Relations Line for Advertising Item C Motion: Senator Hightower move to vote on Item C: SB 27-16: Public Relations Line - $1,300 Second: Senator Nobis Discussion: This is for istock credits for advertising. Vote:, Item C: SB 27-16: Public Relations Line - $1,300 has been approved Item D Motion: Senator Pomeroy move to vote on Item D: SB 27-17: Open - Fall Fling Homecoming Carnival Line Second: Senator Hightower Discussion: This is to open the department and give them permission to ask for funding. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: SB 27-17: Open - Fall Fling Homecoming Carnival Line has been approved Item E Motion: Senator Pomeroy move to vote on Item E: SB 27-18: Open - Public Relations Line for Family Weekend Second: Senator Hightower Discussion: This is to open the department and give them permission to ask for funding. Vote: Unanimous, Item E: SB 27-18: Open - Public Relations Line for Family Weekend has been approved Item F Motion: Senator Munhall move to vote on Item F: SB 27-19: Olson Scholars for Social Justice - $2,200 Second: Senator Silva Discussion: The Olson Scholars are a group that is active in social work and immigration. They would like to send a group to the boarder to learn more about immigration. It would be a 4 day trip and the money would help cover hotel costs and transportation. This would help them educate the NAU student more and also gain valuable experience for their club. They are also doing fundraisers to help immigrate children. Vote: Unanimous, Item F: SB 27-19: Olson Scholars for Social Justice - $2,200 has been approved Item G Motion: Senator Munhall move to vote on Item G: Club Recognition: Music, Talks Second: Senator Soto Discussion: Music talks would like to be recognized as a club on campus to listen and discuss various genres of music. It is a small group with only 6 current members and it will be very low key. Questions: Vote: Unanimous, Item G: Club Recognition: Music, Talks has been approved Item H Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item H: Club Recognition: Unrepresented Second: Senator Emerson Discussion: Unrepresented wishes to become a club on campus to help educate NAU on voting and politics. They are looking to expand and hold debates on hot topics going on in D.C. They will receive all of their money from grants and only wishes to be recognized. Questions: Senator Soto suggests that there be a vote every year on the positions available in the club. Vote: 10 for and 2 opposed, Item H: Club Recognition: Unrepresented has been approved. Executive Reports a. President- Jillian Zuniga - She thanks everyone for listening and that it is so great to have someone come out in the beginning of the year to educate us all. She meet with the graduate student and talked about sharing our governing documents with them so they can work on reconstruction internally within their department. They will also be doing a student survey which they have hade the last 4 years this spring and it goes to graduates and undergraduates. They are working on a event like ASU’s Devil on mills that leads student to sport events on campus to be more involved on campus. She also went and spoke at the new ground breaking event for the new SAS building. The building will be a one stop shop for students and it will not be completed till January 2016. She will work with Art on the 23-fee survey to get everything completed and sent off next week. Tomorrow she will be meeting with SHAC about a smoking free campus and she will send out an email tonight. She is working with them to survey the campus and suggests that the senate meets with SHAC collaboratively. She is thinks that the campus is not yet ready for this to be put out there and that the timeline that they are presenting is to short and needs to be adjusted. She will continue on the SHAC and not require them to gather all their signatures again and to go through the paper work again. Any other discussion and questions will be answered tomorrow at the meeting. She would love to have all the senators there but wishes it would become over crowded. Perhaps we should make it a public forum and have any student voice their option about it. She will let people know if that meeting will still happen. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Savannah Libby - There are only 6 slots per time for tailgating. Please spread yourselves out on the sign up sheet so that we are not overcrowded. She hopes everyone enjoyed themselves. Please sign up even if it family weekend. There will be pizza and games for your families. The suns have contacted her and will be there family weekend and the radio show will be there again. There has been the idea of getting busses to the hockey games and she is in contact with the people to do that. c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Nicholas Startt - He attended appropriations and legislative meeting. He also held interviews for the final two positions and they should be filled by the end of the month. d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Brittney Simon - ABOR is next week. Everyone be conscious around the office next week because their will most likely be people from other schools walking around on campus. She has a schedule for ABOR that she will send out if you want it. There will be a more detailed schedule posted. Hopefully everyone will come. Please were your polos or something nice. If you need to park you will be allowed to park up there. You can bring stuff to work on. On Tuesday she participated in a call to the white house. NAU will be mentioned by the white house for the first ladies sexual assault campaign and she will send a link to the video. She is also working on raising voter awareness and what and what is no required to be able to vote by a radio interview. And she also asks that we keep the comments constructive instead of cutting people down and being mean. e. Chief of Staff- Jared Gorshe - Major props to the people that worked the tailgate. He has been working on the carnival on October 23rd and thanks the parking services for their help. The two empty positions in the office should be filled soon. He is working on a better PR campaign. Homecoming packets will be available the 29th. Ads for genre voting will be out by the 2nd. Will be at the Chick Fila station. There will be games on the 26th for family weekend. Looking for volunteers. NSG had elections on Monday and all the positions have been filled. They are making a float based on the theme of acts of kindness. Staff Reports A. Student State Affairs- Tia Yap, Nicole Ortega - Nothing to report B. Public Relations- Richard Trunzo, Kayla Boxberger - Nothing to report C. Special Events- Spencer Carlton, Jeremy Chan - Nothing to report D. NSG- Ryan Cook, Sara McCaffrey - Nothing to report Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator Soto - Nothing to report B. Legislative: Senator Buchta - Nothing to report Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Reed Emerson- Nothing to report b. Scott Tillinghast- Nothing to report College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Benjamin Silva- Nothing to report b. Alyssa Soto- Nothing to report College of Health and Human Services a. Libby Munhall- Nothing to report b. Ryan Startt- Nothing to report College of Education a. Cesar Aguilar- Nothing to report b. Vanessa Pomeroy- went to the CoCoSus meeting in Jillian's place, I attended my office hours, and attended leg meeting. We are still in the process of meeting with out dean. College of Business a. Alexandria Buchta- Nothing to report b. Alwi Alkhuzami- Nothing to report College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a. Joshua Nobis- I report that I completed my office hours. I also talked with some organizations interested in funding and will write my first bill shortly. b. Brett Hightower- Completed office hours - Met with Bio-Engineering Club for funding - Met with Project GIVE for funding - Helped NSG set up for the Monday meeting Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer) Rick Brandel— He asks that people come to the SHAC meeting tomorrow, if it is still going to happen, with a positive attitude and an expectation to listen. Art Farmer— Nothing to Report. Discussion Items - None Announcements - Golden Pine Cone Awards: Congratulations Savannah for an awesome tailgate and to Scott for writing four senate bills this week. Tina Yap introduced a new member to our team, Corey. Important Dates Adjournment Motion: Senator Buchta move to adjourn the meeting Second: Senator Munhall Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:32 P.M.