September 11th

Date: September 12, 2014
Date of Senate Meeting: September 11, 2014
Number on council: 12
Number present: 11
Prepared by Lara Kritz
Chairman Nicholas Startt called the Senate meeting of the 2014-2015 Associated Students
of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:03 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of
the University Union.
Roll Call
The following senators were not present:
Senator Tillinghast
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Hightower move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate
Second: Senator Aguilar
Motion: Senator Soto moves to amend last weeks minutes
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Soto strikes “Vice President of Acemadic Affairs” to
“Chairman”. Strike number present “1” to “12”. Add “Tillinghast” after senator in
section 4.01. Add “Soto” after senator in section 4.02. Strike “The executive
council” to Chief of Staff Jared Gorshe. Add “book club” after comic in discussion
for Item J, 2nd sentence. Strike “Senator Soto” to “Senator Aguilar” and add
“Senator Soto states most fraternities allow members who identify as male on
their Drivers license and other documentations to be apart of their organization”
to questions on Item K. Strike “102” to “1 to 2” and strike “shots” to “shirts” in
Executive reports, Vice President of Government Affairs – Brittney Simon. Strike
“There was no meeting this week. First meeting has been scheduled for next
week.” To “Senator Soto reports that we had our first meeting this week where
we approved one senate bill and helped another student with the process of
being recognized as an official club. Congratulations to Senator Startt for writing
his first bill and just so everyone knows Appropriation meetings will take place
Monday’s at 7:30 pm in the ASNAU Office.” In Appropriations Report. Strike
“There was a meeting this week, but nothing to report” to “Senator Buchta
reports that this weeks Legislative meeting was cancelled but she has been
working on changes for the by laws. Also, Legislative Meetings will be held
Wednesday’s at 9:30 pm in the ASNAU Office.” In Legislative Report. Strike “He”
to “She” in Senator Reports, College of Arts and Letters, Reed Emerson.
Vote: Unanimous. Last weeks minutes amended.
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Unfinished Business
Item A
Motion: Senator Soto moves to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: NAU Hockey Club
Second: Senator Buchta
Discussion: Brittney Simon speaks representing the NAU Hockey Club. The NAU
Hockey Club would like to become an NAU recognized Club to be involved in the teil
ggates and to have events around campus. The club is made up of hockey fans that watch
both the local and NHL games. They attend local hockey games and meet to watch the
NHL. They also wish to organize pick up roller hockey games around to campus.
Questions: Senator Soto asks if the club watches or plays hockey and if they are
members of the NAU Hockey team. Brittney replies that the club watches hockey
and there are some members that are hockey players.
Vote: Unanimous. Item A: Club Recognition: NAU Hockey Club has been approved.
New Action Business
Item A
Motion: Senator Buchta move to vote on Item A: SB 27-10: ASNAU Student State
Affairs Budget Line - $4,312
Second: Senator Emerson
Discussion: Brittney Simon states that she needs funding for 1,000 “Voting is Sexy”
T-shirts. The t-shirts will cost $3.62 each and the shipping and tax are free. The tshirts are not only for NAU voting, but also for the election on November 3rd. The tshirts will have the new ASNAU logo on the front under the date of when the voting
takes place. She plans to have roll over money to fund a sexually assault awareness
campaign on campus in the spring.
Questions: Senator Soto asks were the ASNAU logo will be. The newly designed logo
will go under the date of voting on the front instead of the back because of costs.
Motion to Amend: Senator Buchta move to amend Item A: SB 27-10: ASNAU
Student State Affairs Budget Line - $4,312
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: Senator Buchta strikes the amount of $4,312 to $3,620.
Vote to amend: Unanimous, Item A: SB 27-10: ASNAU Student State Affairs
Budget Line - $3,620 has been amended
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: SB 27-10: ASNAU Student State Affairs Budget Line $3,620 has been approved
Item B
Motion: Senator Silva move to vote on Item B: SB 27-11: NAU Archery Sports Club $3,360
Second: Senator Hightower
Discussion: Paton Keller, president of the NAU Archery Sports Club, asks for funding
to attend a national, 3 day, Bow Hunting Competition in Missouri. The funding would
cover car rental, gas, hotel fees, and registration fees. The club has done fund raising and
projects to help the community to help cover the trip.
Questions: Dr.Brandel asks how many are going. Paton replies that 4 bowmen are
competing this year and the coach will be attending also.
Motion to Amend: Senator Nobis move to amend Item B: SB 27-11: NAU
Archery Sports Club - $3,360
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Soto strikes the amount of $3,360 to $2,700.
Vote to Amend: Unanimous, Item B: SB 27-11: NAU Archery Sports Club $2,700 has been amended.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: SB 27-11: NAU Archery Sports Club - $2,700 has been
Item C
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item C: SB 27-12: Sigma Chi - $3,500
Second: Senator Buchta
Discussion: Katon Kenndy to cover the cost of attending a leadership workshop. The
purpose of this trip was for the executive council to gain knowledge and leadership
to better themselves and the community. They meet with all the other chapter
members to discuss. 10 emerging leaders attended also and they are the ones who
the funding will go to. Registration is $350 per person.
Questions: Senator Soto asks if he attended and what he learned from the
experience. Katon replies that yes he did attend and he learned how better to apply
himself to the community and how Sigma Chi is involved nationally.
Motion to Amend: Senator Hightower moves to amend Item C: SB 27-12:
Sigma Chi - $3,500
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Hightower strikes the total amount of $8,700 to $8,636.
Vote to Amend: 10 For, 1 Opposition, Item C: SB 27-12: Sigma Chi - $3,500
has been amended.
Vote: 10 For, 1 Opposition, Item C: SB 27-12: Sigma Chi - $3,500 has been approved
Item D
Motion: Senator Silva move to vote on Item D: SB 27-13: UTV 62 - $2,000
Second: Senator Munhall
Discussion: Paula Jones, production coordinator for UTV 26, is seeking funding to
produce a short film called “Act your Age”. It will be shoot and produced between
Sept. 15th and Dec. 1st. Half of the money will go to costumes and the other half will
go to props. Helps students learn how a film set is run. 20 members are interested to
be in this club. Will be submitted to several film festivals and will hopefully gain a
reputation for NAU.
Questions: Senator Nobis how many pages or how long is the film going to be. About
15 minutes. Senator Buchta asks if the props and costumes will stay with NAU. Yes,
they will stay in NAU.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D: SB 27-13: UTV 62 - $2,000 has been approved
Item E
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item E: SB 27-14: ASNAU Budget (Club
Headquarters) - $747.14
Second: Senator Buchta
Discussion: Savannah Libby requests money for the purchase of paper, glue,
lamination, a calendar, and white out. These supplies will be used to restock Club
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: SB 27-14: ASNAU Budget (Club Headquarters) - $747.14
has been approved.
Item F
Motion: Senator Pomeroy move to vote on Item F: Club Recognition: The
Underground Foundation
Second: Senator Alkhuzami
Discussion: Lex Miller, VP/Secretary of T.U.F., a group of students who want to
support and bring awareness to local artists. Will be holding lot of music events. We
are already planning shows and want to be accepted as part of NAU.
Questions: Senator Soto asks how much are you membership fees? Lex replies, $10
which includes every event for free, except higher price ones which would be a $5
entry cost, we hoping to raise to $30 to include more events and T-Shirts next
semester. Senator Munhall asks were the events will be held. They will be held on
campus and off campus. Senator Buchta asks how did you find out about this at ASU.
Her friend, Jacob Thama, will be the new President and has connections with ASU to
bring artists up to NAU.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: Club Recognition: The Underground Foundation has been
Item G
Motion: Senator Buchta move to vote on Item G: Club Recognition: Zeta Beta Tau
Second: Senator Emerson
Discussion: President and founding father of Zeta Beta Tau, is a non-pledging, nonhazing social fraternity. We have over 140,000 brothers nationwide at about 90
campuses. Held events like get on the ball, which we walked around and gather
signatures for donations to the Children’s Miracle Network. Our fundraising is a
good way to involve everyone on campus. We have volunteered on and off campus.
We want to get involved with more social events around campus.
Questions: Senator Startt asks how long rushing takes. Last semester, rushing took 2
to 3 weeks due to the fact that we sit down and talk with our candidates over a
extended period in time to make sure they are right for this fraternity. Senator
Aguilar asks are you recognized with IFC. Yes, we are recognized. Senator Buchta
asks when were you colonized here. October of last year but there was a
miscommunication with paper work that was not resolved until April. Senator Startt
asks how many members there are. There are currently 8 members and we hope to
double in size by next semester.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G: Club Recognition: Zeta Beta Tau has been approved
Item H
Motion: Senator Buchta move to vote on Item H: By-Law amendments
Second: Senator Munhall
Discussion: Senator Alyssa states the there will be nor more OA’s or IA’s and they
will be replaced with funding packets and the By-Laws are amended to add that
information. In Article VIII. Section 5 shall now read “and funding packets” at the
end of the sentence. Article VIII Section 2 shall read “Allocating moneys to
recognized clubs, organizations, and qualified individuals according to the funding
packet policy of ASNAU, as stated in the Student Organization Guidebook and
ASNAU By-Laws.” Article VIII Section 11.C.ii.1, 3&5 shall now read “1. Review
funding packets and senate bills, and submit them to the senate for approval. 3.
Review Funding Packets Processes and senate Bill Processes……. 5. The
Appropriations Committee Chairperson must submit all Funding Packets and Senate
bills to the senate clerk at least 24 hours before a Senate meeting in order to appear
on the agenda.” Article X Section 2.C shall read “All bills and funding packets are
encouraged to have a fiscal prospect of the purpose in question.”
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: By-Law Amendments has been approved.
Executive Reports
a. President- Jillian Zuniga
- She states that hopefully there will roll over money to fund more organizations.
There is a list of 7 major organizations- 1. Student and Organization Allocations
(30,000) 2. Study Abroad Scholarship (20,000) 3. Speakers and Performers
(25,000) 4. Diversity (15,000) 5. T-Shirts and Hand-Outs (5,000) 6. Special
Events (2,500) 7. Public Relations (2,5000). All number could be lower or higher
depending on enrollment. She thinks that Brittney should have more money in
order to have successful sexual assault awareness campaign. Will have an
updated budget by next weeks meeting. She meet on Tuesday with Pro host to go
over breakfast club ideas so that student leaders can meet and ask the president
questions, but because this is her first year it is more likely to be a lunch in.
ABOR asks about what topics she should address. One community, Many Voices
learned a lot about diversity. There is an opportunity ask to sit on the
Coordinating Committee for Campus Sustainability. The meeting is held in ARD
pod every 3rd week on Thursdays from 9 to 10:50, the next meeting will be next
Thursday. Next week she will meet with the GSG President to discuss the
relationship for this year and if you have any question to email me. The deadline
for any additional topics is next Wednesday. There is the Fall Axe Award for
distinguished seniors, the banquet is November 13th at 5pm, let your seniors
know. There are open positions for the Supreme Court Election Commission and
I am accepting resumes. Think of questions to ask about the parking and shuttle
services and the Enterprise system to ask next week.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Savannah Libby
- Get excited for the first tailgate! The game starts at 4 and the tailgating starts at
1. There is a sign up sheet going around, everyone should be there wearing their
polos and then I will provide a lunch of DeMarcos pizza. She has been working
this week to get clubs approved for the tailgate. The radio station Hits 106.1 and
929 will be there with their band and speakers. Tomorrow there will be an inter
kellick athletics and another meeting tomorrow evening to meet the president at
4:30. There will be a # contest at the tailgate, so think of a few good ideas.
Ex.#jackspride. This year at the tailgate, we will have our own section right next
to radio station and have games, food, pizza, cookies, and drinks. Bring any
games you want to play like soccer or football. We will be handing out
lumberyard shirts both at the tailgate and inside the dome during the game.
c. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Nicholas Startt
- Reports that he attended the appropriations meeting and apologizes to the
legislative committee for not making it due to rushing. He will send a googledoc
with timeslots that he is available to meet.
d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Brittney Simon
- Reports that she hired a new SSA director yesterday named Corey. He used to
work in Club Headquarters but was interested in ASNAU. If you would like to
attend the September 25 ABOR meeting and you need an excused absent get
your name into Dr.B by tomorrow so we can write those up. She would like to
see a lot of the ASNAU members there. If you get an excused absence for the day
you need to be there for an extended period of time. There will also be a
schedule for ABOR and she will send that out when she gets it. Start brain
storming on stuff to do for the sexual assault awareness event going on in the
spring. One of those days will hopefully be a self-defense class. Hopefully the
football team will be to bring life to the situation. Hopefully we can get the “Can I
Kiss You” speaker to be there to tell people what it means to get consent.
e. Chief of Staff- Jared Gorshe
- Sign up for genre voting September 30, the first and second. He had a meeting
with Rachael and learned more detail about the carnival and the concert coming
up. There will be information set out on the specific voting on 6th. Jeremy Chan
and Spencer Carlton have been working on homecoming, carnival, and family
weekend. NSG is having elections on Monday and they will have a float in parade
and they are implementing a mentee program. We are working on a specific
location for the carnival. Congrates to Corey for being hired. Jillian and I will be
working on election for homecoming. Please sign up for tail gaiting. Have a safe
week end and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
Staff Reports
A. Student State Affairs- Tia Yap, Nicole Ortega
- The internship applications are still open and she has received a few in so far.
Excited to have Corey joining the team. We start tabling for the voter registration
the next few weeks around October 4th to start handing out t-shirts. And
hopefully people will wear their t-shirts for November 4th register to vote.
Lastly the director is looking to personal projects, Nicole to environmental
projects, and Corey is looking to blue light app with NAUPD to increase campus
safety. Also, the calorie and nutritional information project to educate students
that Vanessa started last semester.
B. Public Relations- Richard Trunzo, Kayla Boxberger
- They have finished the club funding ad and handed out tail gate flyers. There is
a new logo that looks nice. Next thing is family weekend adds for a Friday game
night. Also, the spring concert voting ads are being worked on. In social media,
follow us on instagram, twitter, and Facebook. Repost and # so that your clubs
will get the info. Tomorrow, you should wear blue and post a school spirit pic!
#TrueBlueNAU & #NAU1899
C. Special Events- Spencer Carlton, Jeremy Chan
- See Jared Gorshe Report
D. NSG- Ryan Cook, Sara McCaffrey
- See Jared Gorshe Report
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator Soto
- They approved bills and amendments. Meetings are Mondays at 7:30. And we
are looking forward to using the funding packets as soon as possible.
B. Legislative: Senator Buchta
- Discussed the By-Law amendments. Also, think about the GPA requirements,
the committee thought they were a bit low. Meeting times are now Tuesdays at
8:10. Minutes for the meeting shall be sent out.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Reed Emerson- Went to the pledge meeting and she is scheduling a
time to meet with a club for funding next week.
b. Scott Tillinghast- Not Attending
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Benjamin Silva- He reports that he is waiting for a response to a
senate bill from headquarters.
b. Alyssa Soto- She reports that she has completed her office hours,
attended a legislative meeting, amended the minutes, wrote a bill, and
attended the pledge meeting.
College of Health and Human Services
a. Libby Munhall- Reports that she completed her office hours, helped
fixed the computers around the office with Josh, helped people at the
front desk.
b. Ryan Startt- Reports he has completed his office hours, wrote a bill,
and had 2 new clubs contact him about funding.
College of Education
a. Cesar Aguilar- Reports that he worked his office hours and handed out
his 2nd business card.
b. Vanessa Pomeroy- Reports that she worked on a bill, completed her
office hours, and fixed the coffee machine.
College of Business
a. Alexandria Buchta- Working tomorrow and will set up a meeting with
her dean soon. Have been emailing clubs about funding. PSA. Please
keep the front desk clean.
b. Alwi Alkhuzami- Reports he completed his office hours, resent the
club email and received a reply from one club. He also reports that a
senate bill will be in soon.
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Joshua Nobis- Tried to help fix the computers, but it didn’t work.
Talked with his dean, did office hours, and attended some clubs.
b. Brett Hightower- Finishing office hours tomorrow. Sending general
information to clubs for funding.
Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Rick Brandel— Absent to attend another meeting.
Art Farmer— Remind that Kristin will be gone for 2 to 3 weeks and he will try to
work with the senate clerk to keep things running.
Discussion Items
- None
Jack Bolinson, founding student of the SHAC committee for a tobacco free campus and will
be presenting in next weeks meeting.
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Soto move to adjourn the meeting
Second: Senator Sliva
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:32 P.M.