September 4th

Date: September 5, 2014
council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: September 4, 2014
Article I.
Number present: (12)
Prepared by Lara Kritz
Article II.
Chairman Nicholas Startt called the Senate meeting of the 2014-2015
Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:02 P.M. in the
Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Article III.
Roll Call
Section 3.01 All senators were present and attending.
Article IV.
Approval of Minutes
Section 4.01 Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to approve the minutes from last week’s
Senate meeting
Section 4.02 Second: Senator Soto
Section 4.03 Discussion: None
Section 4.04 Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Article V.
Call to the Audience
Article VI.
Article VII.
Unfinished Business
Section 7.01 None
Article VIII.
New Action Business
Article IX.
Motion: Senator Hightower move to vote on Item A: Approve Senate Bill
Funding Limit
Article X.
Second: Senator Nobis
Article XI.
Discussion: Senator Munhall asks how much money was given to clubs last
year. Clubs last year wear given a $3,500 cap the first semester and it was raised to $4,000
the following semester.
Article XII.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Senate Bill Funding Limit has been approved
Article XIII.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item B: ASNAU FY14 Budget
Article XIV.
Second: Senator Startt
Article XV.
Discussion: Chief of Staff Jared Gorshe steps in and states the budget was
voted on the previous year and that the senators this year would approve next years budget.
If any Senators have any questions to contact the Executive council.
Article XVI. Vote: Senator Tillinghast resends his motion on Item B: ASNAU FY14 Budget
was resended
Article XVII.
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item C: Vice Chair Approval
Article XVIII. Second: Senator Startt
Article XIX.
Discussion: Senator Tillinghast has been nominated. No other nominations.
Article XX.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: Vice Chair Approval has been approved. Senator
Tillinghast is the new Vice Chair.
Article XXI.
Motion: Senator Munhall move to vote on Item D: Appropriations Chair
Article XXII.
Second: Senator Startt
Article XXIII. Discussion: Senator Soto has been nominated. No other nominations.
Article XXIV. Vote: Unanimous, Item D: Appropriations Chair Approval has been approved.
Senator Soto is now the new Appropriations Chair.
Article XXV.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item E: Legislative Chair Approval
Article XXVI. Second: Senator Nobis
Article XXVII. Discussion: Senator Buchta has been nominated. No other nominations.
Article XXVIII. Vote: Unanimous, Item E: Legislative Chair Approval has been approved.
Senator Buchta is the new Legislative Chair.
Article XXIX. Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item F: Senate Clerk Approval
Article XXX.
Second: Senator Tilinghast
Article XXXI. Discussion: Lara Kritz has been nominated. No other nominations.
Article XXXII. Vote: Unanimous, Item F: Senate Clerk Approval has been approved. Lara Kritz
is the new Senate Clerk.
Article XXXIII. Motion: Senator Silva move to vote on Item G: Adoption of By-Laws
Article XXXIV. Second: Senator Pomeroy
Article XXXV. Discussion: The new By-Laws were recited by Senator Tillinghast. Article VIII.
Section 24 Subsection A reads “ A senator must have no effect on the hiring or appointing of
members.” Article VIII. Section 14 Subsection E reads “The Senate Clerk must submit copies
of all bills, resolutions, and references for prompt posting on the ASNAU website by ITS.” No
more questions.
Article XXXVI. Vote: Unanimous, Item G: Adoption of By-Laws has been approved.
Article XXXVII.Motion: Senator Buchta move to vote on Item H: SB 27-9: Public Relations
Student Society of America- $3,500
Article XXXVIII.
Second: Senator Soto
Article XXXIX. Discussion: Shannon Davis comes to the stand to represent the Public Relations
Student Society of America as the President. She requests funding for a conference in
Washington, D.C for 7 members. The conference would take place over 6 days in October.
There will be a series of tours and conferences for the members to attend in order to gain
experience to better inform NAU students. This trip would help both Student and the
committee to better develop the club.
Article XL.
Questions: Senator Tillinghast asks if the organization has participated in this
trip before? Yes, both current members and graduates have attended this trip before.
Senator Soto states that there is a misprint on the first page. $1,100 shall be changed to
match $1,128 as stated on the second page of the bill.
Article XLI.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: SB 27-9: Public Relations Student Society of America
-$3,500 has been approved and Amended.
Article XLII. Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item I: Club Recognition: Amnesty
International - Flagstaff
Article XLIII.
Second: Senator Hightower
Article XLIV. Discussion: Nicholas Hannon, current student and founder of Amnesty
International – Flagstaff, looks to raise awareness of false imprisonment in other countries.
They are currently looking to be re-approved by the Amnesty organization and would like to
become recognized by ASNAU to raise awareness. There was also the safety concern of
having the club off campus and being approved by ASNAU would eliminate that. They state
that they receive most of their funds from Amnesty and may be asking for funds in the future.
Approving the club would bring NAU student to learn about there cause.
Article XLV. Questions: Senator Tillinghast asks how many people are in this club? There
are 5-6 permanent members at the moment. Senator Soto suggests taking out the names of
the members form the clubs constitution.
Article XLVI. Vote: Unanimous, Item I: Club Recognition: Amnesty International - Flagstaff
has been approved
Article XLVII. Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item J: Club Recognition: NAU
Comic Book Club
Article XLVIII. Second: Senator Soto
Article XLIX. Discussion: Conner Lane, President of the NAU Comic Book Club, wishes to be
recognized by ASNAU as an official club. He states the comic book club have impacted him in
a big way and wishes to share his experiences with other NAU students. He has been holding
meetings starting 2 years ago with 3-4 people but that number has grown to 20 last year. He
hopes when the club becomes official that there will be an increase to 30-40 members. He
explains that they also review literature and films during their meetings and lead discussion
on how the texts affect their lives in a political and meaningful way. He describes his club as a
fun, laid back way to spend an evening.
Article L.
Questions: Senator Tilinghast asks Conner what his favorite superhero is.
Conner responds that Daredevil would have to be his favorite.
Article LI.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J: Club Recognition: NAU Comic Book Club has been
Article LII.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to table on Item K: Club Recognition: NAU
Hockey Club
Article LIII.
Second: Senator Silva
Article LIV.
Discussion: No representative stepped forward.
Article LV.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: Club Recognition: NAU Hockey Club has been tabled.
Article LVI.
Motion: Senator Munhall move to vote on Item L: Club Recognition: Sigma Tau
Article LVII.
Second: Senator Soto
Article LVIII. Discussion: Victor Guntate, president of Sigma Tau Gamma, wishes to be
recognized as a club. The origination consists of 47 members in the pursuit of manhood,
brotherhood, and citizenship. He wishes to be recognized to be more involved in NAU and to
be recognized as an official futurity .
Article LIX.
Questions: Senator Aguilar questions if it only for men. Dr.Brandel interjects
stating that it is recognized as a traditional organization and be gender exclusive is allowed. If
they were a normal club, they would not be allowed to be gender exclusive. Senator Soto
states most fraternities allow members who identify as male on their Drivers license and
other documentations to be apart of their organization.
Article LX.
Vote: Unanimous, Item L: Club Recognition: Sigma Tau Gamma has been
Article LXI.
Motion: Senator Nobis move to vote on Item M: Club Recognition: Student
Undergraduate Research Council
Article LXII.
Second: Senator Alkhuzami
Article LXIII. Discussion: Chesile Gartner, President of S.U.R.C., wishes to be recognized so
that they can raise awareness of undergraduate research options to students. She has gone
to a national conference and received the Hooper award for her presentation on using select
language and vocabulary in children’s learning environment. She also wants to spread
awareness to the students that are required to participate in undergraduate research for
their major.
Article LXIV. Vote: Unanimous, Item M: Club Recognition: Student Undergraduate Research
Council has been approved
Article LXV.
Executive Reports
Article LXVI.
President- Jillian Zuniga
Article LXVII. She apologizes for her late entrance due to the fact that her last class ends at
5:15 p.m. She congratulates the senate on the first voting session this year. She and Dr.B
attended the first Executive Senate meeting of this year and asks that if anyone would like to
join her that they are more then welcome to. She advises that the Senators meet with their
deans. She also attended the ceremony for One Community, Many Voices were she is the
master of ceremonies on Tuesday. She states that the 23 fee and advises that they surveys will
be sent out the 15th of September. The survey will included the suggestions by the senators
given to her the week of the retreat. She is also working with Jared to do a JDE random raffle
along with that. She will be meeting with doctor Dr. Reta Chang about wither she wants to do a
breakfast or lunch. She also spoke with parking and shuttle services on the location of the
homecoming carnival this year. She would the senators to send her 2-3 questions that they
would like to ask Eran Stan on the meeting on the 18th at 5:30. We will discuss parking on
campus. Also an Enterprise representative will be at the meeting for questions. She is meeting
with the Lumberjack to sign a new contract for advertising in the paper. Construction will be
starting for the new office being Monday. She is also meeting next week to address the tobacco
free initiative on campus.
Section 67.01 b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Savannah Libby
Article LXVIII. She advises that there is additional paperwork for the tail gaiting packet and asks
all senators to distribute that news to their clubs. Also the new lumber yard t-shirts are being
printed. She also needs help to find people for the meetings between Greek life and athletics.
She is also looking for a representative to attend a meeting in the dome at 8am on Friday. She is
also looking for help with the lumberyard to give out t-shirts at the game on the 13th.
Article LXIX.
Vice President of Academic Affairs- Nicholas Startt
Article LXX. This week he reports that he spent a lot of time going through the By-Laws and
Constitution. He is also finalizing the funding packets. Also he is attending academic advising
tomorrow and will report his findings to the senate.
Section 70.01 d. Vice President of Government Affairs – Brittney Simon
Article LXXI. She thanks the senate for responding and helping with the NSG kick-off. She
apologizes for the construction in the office that will be happening in the next 1 to 2 weeks. She
also worked with Jared to get 1000 t-shirts at a low price. The shirts are dark blue with the
words voting is sexy with a pair of red lips. She also needs people to sign up for table sitting for
the voting. The shifts should be around 30 minutes to an hour.
Section 71.01 e. Chief of Staff- Jared Gorshe
Article LXXII. He thanks people for attending the NSG kick-off and reminds the staff that there
is a meeting tomorrow at 1pm. He is working with the PR department to make new adds for
family weekend and for the homecoming carnival. He is also working on the royalty packets for
homecoming and is looking for people to table for sign up. He also reports that 3 positions are
still open, but he has 3 interviews tomorrow. He also asks that the senators post the up and
coming adds in their respective colleges. He reminds that many tabling opportunities will be
coming up do to family weekend, the carnival, and homecoming voting.
Article LXXIII. Staff Reports
Article LXXIV. Student State Affairs- Tia Yap, Nicole Ortega
Article LXXV. Nothing to report.
Article LXXVI. Public Relations- Richard Trunzo, Kayla Boxberger
Article LXXVII. The ads are being made for the homecoming and for the carnival and they
should be out in October. And the ASNAU logo is being made. They’re also contacting clubs on
Istagram and by Facebook.
Section 77.01 C. Special Events- Spencer Carlton, Jeremy Chan
Article LXXVIII. They are working on the genre voting for this year. Jeremy wants to say to have a
adventurous, safe, fun, ecstatic, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend.
Section 78.01 D. NSG- Ryan Cook, Sara McCaffrey
Article LXXIX. Ryan thanks everyone for signing up for the NSG kick-off. He reports that before
the event he had 100 sign ups and 30 of those attended and will continue to be involved.
Article LXXX. Committee Reports
Article LXXXI. Appropriations: Senator Soto
Senator Soto reports that we had our first meeting this week where we approved one senate
bill and helped another student with the process of being recognized as an official club.
Congratulations to Senator Startt for writing his first bill and just so everyone knows
Appropriation meetings will take place Monday’s at 7:30 pm in the ASNAU Office.
Article LXXXII. Legislative: Senator Buchta
Senator Buchta reports that this weeks Leg. Meeting was cancelled but she has
been working on changes for the by laws. Also Leg. Meetings will be held
Wednesday’s at 9:30 pm in the ASNAU Office.
Article LXXXIII. Senator Reports
(a) College of Arts and Letters
Article LXXXIV. Reed Emerson- She reports that he has helped clubs make copies and have
completed his office hours. He also sent an email to his club but so far no one has responded.
Article LXXXV. Scott Tillinghast- Has sent the last week working with Nicholas to correct the ByLaws for this year. Has also sent an email to his clubs and a few have responded back, including
a past club that is looking for funding for the International Film Festival that they held last year.
He is also looking to set up a meeting with his dean.
(a) College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Article LXXXVI. Benjamin Silva- Has sent en email to his clubs with one responding that they
need some copies done and was unaware of the new club headquarters. They say thank you for
the update. They also wish to be more involved.
Article LXXXVII.
Alyssa Soto- She is working with Ben to send an email to their dean to set
up a meeting. She has completed her office hours for the week and has several clubs she is
helping write new senate bills. She is also working with Paula and Nick to send out funding
packets to her clubs.
(a) College of Health and Human Services
Libby Munhall- She reports that the Quidditch team has replied to her
email. She is also trying to set up a meeting with her dean.
Article LXXXIX. Ryan Startt- He reports that he is in the process of helping a club write a bill to
present to the Senate. The first bill he has written was passed today in senate. He has also
caught up with what his clubs have been doing over the summer. He is also apart of the
Resident Hall Association and will be finding out more about his voting role in that. He is also
trying to contact his dean.
(a) College of Education
Article XC.
Cesar Aguilar- He has emailed his club and 1 has responded so far. He is also
locking to scheduling a meeting with his dean.
Article XCI.
Vanessa Pomeroy- She reports that no one has responded to her email so far
and she has completed her office hours for this week. She is looking to schedule a meeting with
her dean.
(a) College of Business
Article XCII. Alexandria Buchta- She reports that she has completed her office hours and
worked n the By-Laws. She is looking to schedule a meeting with her dean.
Article XCIII. Alwi Alkhuzami- He has sent his email to his club with no responses so far. He
also attended the NSG kick-off yesterday and has completed his office hours.
(a) College of Forestry, Engineering, and Natural Sciences
Article XCIV. Joshua Nobis- He reports that he has completed his office hours and attended
the NSG kick-off. Also, he reports that 14.8% of his clubs have responded to the email he has
sent out.
Article XCV. Brett Hightower- He reports that he has completed his office hours and that he
helped the soccer club make some copies. He has sent out his emails already. His is also
speaking as a TA to one of his classes on Friday on the American Science of Civil Engineering
Club. He is also looking to schedule a meeting with his dean.
Article XCVI. Advisor Reports (Rick Brandel and Art Farmer)
Section 96.01 Rick Brandel— He reports that any graduating seniors in December that the Gold
Axe award packets are due September 26th. Also on October 21st, a neat tradition for the
homecoming deputies banquet and it would be nice to have a turn out for that in the high
country comfort center. Thanks to the senate representatives for going through documents this
Section 96.02 Art Farmer— He reports that the club registration will be offline for a few weeks
due to Kristine Koehler’s wedding. Congrates. We are moving to a new only system for surveys.
We will also be testing the new Resident hall system with the ASNAU members to make sure it
Article XCVII. Discussion Items
Article XCVIII. None
Article XCIX.
Article C.
Golden Pine Cone Award: Senator Soto
Article CI.
Important Dates
Article CII.
Article CIII.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to adjourn the meeting
Article CIV.
Second: Senator Startt
Article CV.
Vote: Unanimous, meeting adjourned at 6:04 P.M.