March 3rd

Date: March 8, 2016
Date of Senate Meeting: March 3, 2016
Number on council: 13
Number present: 13
Prepared by Kyra Johnson
Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the
2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at
4:01pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
All present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to approve last weeks’ minutes.
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved.
Call to the Audience:
Unfinished Business
New Action Business
Chair Dietlin: Welcome to our senate meeting, we will let everyone go first to speak.
If you are here for club recognition you will come up when I call you and tell us
about the club, what you will do, how it impacts NAU and how many people are
interested. If here for funding, once I call you, come up tell us what the funding is for,
how it will be used, and how it will impact the NAU campus. Once we have gone
through everything, we will go back through to vote.
Item A- Club Recognition: AO Campus Ministry
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition: AO Campus
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: Hi, we are here for AO Campus Ministry. We wanted to start our
own club on campus. We want to have hiking and devotionals every week. Its
really a place for everyone that wants to learn more about the bible. We want
people to enjoy us or if they don’t have friends to feel comfortable and have
Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: AO Campus Ministry has been
Item B- Club Recognition: Arizona Education Association NAU Student Chapter
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item B- Club Recognition: Arizona
Education Association NAU Student Chapter
Second: Senator Sowerwine
Discussion: Hi, the Arizona Education Association is an organization that is a
professional club focused on political action, community involvement and
education. We want to be involved on campus and reach out to the Flagstaff
Vote: Unanimous, Item B- Club Recognition: Arizona Education Association
NAU Student Chapter has been approved
Item C- Club Recognition: Super Smash Jacks
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item C- Club Recognition:
Super Smash Jacks
Second: Senator Beghtol
Discussion: I am currently a freshman here at NAU. I want to start my own
club on my favorite hobby. Back at home I went to a lot of tournaments and I
want to bring that here. I want to have get together to hang out make friends
and maybe raise money for a cause.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C- Club Recognition: Super Smash Jacks has been
Item D- Club Recognition: Tau Beta Pi
Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote Item D- Club Recognition: Tau Beta Pi
Second: Senator Mathew
Discussion: I am the President, Vice President and all of the executive team
for Tau Beta Pi since I am the only active member. For some reason everyone
has gone their separate ways and got an I received an email to say I was the
last member on campus. Tau Beta Pi is an Engineering honor society and
recognizes honor in engineering. I want to help keep the club alive for future
Vote: Unanimous, Item D- Club Recognition: Tau Beta Pi has been approved
Item E- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to table Item E- SB 28-95: Society of
Physics Students
Second: Senator Davis
Discussion: Not Present.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-95: Society of Physics Students has been
Item F- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to table Item F- SB 28-96: Future
Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda
Second: Senator Davis
Discussion: Not Present.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F- SB 28-96: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi
Beta Lambda has been tabled
Item G- SB 28-101: Kira Farmer
Motion: Senator Beghtol moves to vote on Item G- SB 28-101: Kira Farmer
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: Hello, I am asking for funding to go to a conference. It is in
Vancouver, Canada. I will be representing different departments, like
anthropology, on campus at this conference.
Vote: Unanimous, Item G- SB 28-101: Kira Farmer has been approved
Item H- SB 28-102: Catholic Newman Club
Motion: Senator Mathew moves to vote on Item H- SB 28-102: Catholic
Newman Club
Second: Senator Sivage
Discussion: We are asking for funding to take 25 students on an alternative
spring break to Los Angeles and they will be serving in a lower income
neighborhood and helping with the elderly community. The funding will go
to gas for driving and lodging when we get there. It is open to all
undergraduate students, but hopefully undergraduate students in education
or health care.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H- SB 28-102: Catholic Newman Club has been
Item I- SB 28-103: Emma Schraner
Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item I- SB 28-103: Emma Schraner
Second: Senator Anderson
Discussion: Hi, I am Rachael representing Emma today. She is going to the
World UN conference and the funding would be for hotel, flight, and
registration. She is going to be on a sustainability committee and since she
funded all the money herself this will really help her out.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I- SB 28-103: Emma Schraner has been approved
Item J- SB 28-104: The United States Institute for Theatre Technology
Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote on Item J- SB 28-104: The
United Institute for Theatre Technology
Second: Senator Davis
Discussion: Good afternoon, during spring break we will be taking 19
members to a conference in Salt Lake City. The conference will be helpful for
us wanting to learn more about our industry and help us interview to get
Vote: Unanimous, Item J- SB 28-104: The United Institute for Theatre
Technology has been approved
Item K- SB 28-105: NAU Racquetball Club
Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item K- SB 28-105: NAU Racquetball
Second: Senator Carr
Discussion: Hello, I am the director of intercollegiate play and we are
requesting money for the 2016 International Racquetball completion being
held at ASU this year. The funding will cover registration and portion of the
hotel fees. We have the top 6 players in Women’s and Men’s going and the
top 3 teams going as well. We are sending 14 people altogether. Hopefully
will be making new connections throughout the region.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K- SB 28-105: NAU Racquetball Club has been
Item L- SB 28-106: Kelcee Moore
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item L-SB 28-106: Kelcee
Second: Senator Graham
Discussion: I am here asking for funds to go to a cater source convention in
Vegas. The funds will go to the registration, hotel, gas and travel expenses. I
want to go to this conference, because it is one of the top catering
conferences on the nation and I believe it will help with my skills, and allow
me to job hunt. I will get to see vendors and new things in catering field.
Vote: Unanimous, Item L- SB 28-106: Kelcee Moore has been approved
Item M- SB 28-107: NAU Sports Club Gymnastics
Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item M- SB 28-107: NAU Sports
Club Gymnastics
Second: Senator Mathew
Discussion: Hi, we are from NAU Sports Club Gymnastics and we are asking
for funding to attend a national competition in California. This has been the
first year we have been able to go. The money will go to travel expenses and
hotel fees for us to stay.
Vote: Unanimous, Item M- SB 28-107: NAU Sports Club Gymnastics has been
Chair Dietlin: For all the clubs/organizations and individuals here today you
are, at this time, welcome to leave if you have other places to be or other
people to see.
Executive Reports
a. President- Alexandria Buchta
- So tomorrow morning I have that call with student governments. I was
on a conference call with Jack and Vanessa with other universities for
Human Sex Trafficking Awareness. We wanted to see what they struggled
with and how everything else went well. Also, I am meeting with Cindy
tomorrow to talk about hiring a full time front desk person.
Senator Carr: So it won’t be a student?
President Buchta: Yes, it will be someone who can be here full time.
Chair Dietlin: There will be student front desk assistant as well.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley
- Working on CHQ email for clubs to send questions and concern to
C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin
- I had an academic standards committee meeting this week. We are now
focusing on standardized grading like 90-100 is an A. I am working on
getting a meeting with the provost and am hoping to get another campus
leaders event so we can eat pizza with him. I also would like to start
senate on time from now on so come a few minutes early to meeting.
D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy
- So yesterday I met with my directors and I are reviewing bylaws for the
student collective group. We will work on that and when it is finished I
will bring it to senate and if you approve it we will send it out to a vote. As
Ali mentioned we had the student against human trafficking conference
call. We are going to try to make it a national pledge for universities
around the nation and some international schools. I just received from PR
the voting is sexy t-shirt design. They look really good, so get ready, I am
going to try to order them before spring break. The directors are looking
at a dive-in speech debate at the new pool and if we can get it that is
really the true dream.
Senator Carr: Why are we doing shirts not stickers?
Vanessa: I want to bring it back, but I can order stickers too.
e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins
- I need anyone that can come to the reveal tomorrow from 7-830!!! It will
be so much fun :) I have been working on elections and send out many
updates, (Amanda or Ali) Explain why we are putting the colleges next to
everyone’s name on the ballot.
Chair Dietlin: In our constitution it says senate has to be consisted of 3
different academic colleges. On our ballot this year we will have the
colleges of each person running next to everyone’s name. If all 9 get
elected from one college the top 5 will be selected.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Why can’t we change that?
Chair Dietlin: We don’t have time to change it before this election, but you
guys could create something for next year.
President Buchta: We had a resignation from senate, so there are packets
for the open position, so spread the news to everyone.
Senator Sowerwine: When are they due?
President Buchta: Next Thursday.
Senator Carr: I think diversity in colleges are important, so that everyone
is represented.
Kristine: I think the idea was not having more than half of senate be from
one college, but we could probably re look over that since there are 14
senate seats now.
Senator Graham: I was thinking that it is hard to do 5 since SBS is a huge
college with communications under it.
Chair Dietlin: I think this is a discussion for legislative.
Senator Carr: I know last year we had to add 2 new senators, will there be
an increase this year?
Chair Dietlin: As of right now, no increase. Besides that, I have been
working on the concert giveaways and way to entertain people while
waiting for front of the line seats.
Staff Reports
a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin
b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow
- This week I worked on the voting is sexy thing. I emailed you all the
concert reveal things can you please send it out to everyone? I also have
the ASNAU voting advertisement and I will send that to you as well. I have
been working on how to use the boost thing on Facebook for the
c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner
-We are doing the concert artist reveal put on by sun entrainment this
week. If you can come please do so, because we need some help. This
week I worked on the student’s safety week with having cops come out to
come take about how to be safe on campus. Other than that we are
working on concert reveal stuff and Louie awards. Also I looked into
giving away prizes for the line to keep people entertained and have to go
through the bookstore so we will see how that goes.
d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears
NSG- Jo Olas, Dylan Graham
- We are planning a concert kickoff event from 4:30-6:30pm on April 21st
and we are hoping for at least 250 people. We are going to have BBQ and
get tables for eating, raffles, etc. We have a raffle started with a gift card
to the the popcorn shop and we are looking for other things. We are going
to buy center piece for the tables based on the artist’s genre. Also Wilson
hall won the Basketball competition and we are planning on giving them
a treat.
f. Sustainability- Sydney Shaw, Sarah Holditch
-Hi again, I don’t have much of a report. I have been trying to collect
garbage for the outfit. I will have a box in the office, probably tomorrow,
and if you want to donate clothing for the clothing swap. Also last meeting
you mentioned buses and transportation? What’s going on with that?
Cindy: I will follow up with you after meeting on that?
Committee Reports
A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer
- So we all know we are going to go over the budget really quick.
$250,000 is the amount we started off with and so far $110,855 but only
$44,707 has been taking out already. That’s not including the amount we
did today.
Senator Moore-Sharp: How did we end up with a surplus?
Chair Dietlin: That is what was in budget not surplus.
President Buchta: We have a budget for each different thing allocated. So
carnival, SSA, etc. This is the amount senate had at the beginning of the
year. This is the most amount we have ever had in the senate line.
Chair Dietlin: Last senate ran out of money, so we (exec) worked really
hard to find where we could pull extra money from.
Senator L’Ecuyer: The bills this week were still not so great, so if we could
continue to fill out all the whereas and the dates they are traveling, that
would be awesome. Also make sure you are contacting your clubs
because last week we had bills that hadn’t even gone through
appropriations yet. A person came in for a bill that has been tabled the
past few weeks and she didn’t know about it.
Chair Dietlin: The dates thing should be fixed with the new senate bill
template I created, because the dates will be when they are traveling and
we they are going to the event.
B. Legislative: Senator Mathew
- We are working on a piece of legislative that will create boundaries for
deciding when a club is a club and when individuals are acting
C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz
-I reschedule the Safe Zone 101 workshop on March 29th from 4-6pm and
102 will be April 5th. I am working on a new DMECCa training workshop.
The I was hoping to have the diversity committee after meeting to talk
about things such as pink washing, etc.
Senator Roos: Do we have to do it again if we did it already are certified?
Dallas: No you shouldn’t but I know they changed the program so will
double check. Also if you can’t make it to the workshops I have a pad by
my desk you can write it there if you can’t make it.
Senator Sivage: What time is April 5th?
Dallas: 4-6
Kristine: The Louie Awards during that day.
Dallas: If not there is one that Saturday at 1-3pm and if you cannot make
it I can try to reschedule.
Senator Reports
College of Arts and Letters
a. Abbey Matthew- We met with our Dean. There is a lot he is
excited about, especially the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare
Festival. Professors and Deans from every college will preform
a sonnet or something by Shakespeare.
b. Stefan Rosic- As Abbey said, we met with our Dean, he is really
excited about the 400th anniversary and hopefully will get the
information about it to Ali before hand so she can put it in the
email. We talked about the writing commons and he will get
back to us to see if funding will be an issue, maybe if so the
ASNAU could help out with that. International Women’s Day is
March 8th and there will be an event in the FCB it will about Dr.
Seuss and Striker and how institutions regulate gender.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
a. Brooke Graham- Drake and I are meeting with our dean soon
b. Drake Ridge- We scheduled a meeting with our dean and will
be meeting soon
College of Health and Human Services
a. Alex Roos- I want to apologize for not being at senate last
week, I was kidnapped by my family, but I know it was a really
important one to miss.
b. Ashley Beghtol- Alex and I are working on finding time for our
dean meeting. Women’s Lacrosse has a game this weekend.
Also good luck to everyone running in the ASNAU elections this
College of Education
a. Alyssa Anderson- NR
b. Kyle Davis- Finalized date to meet with Dean.
College of Business
a. Lauren L’Ecuyer- We met with our Dean this morning at 8am.
We talked about diversity in the business college and the
amount of women and minorities being seen in that college. He
is thinking of promoting that on the power points for the TVs
in the college.
b. Warner Sivage: Met with dean, he was really excited with
Donuts with Dean idea. I was talking to a bunch of business
majors and they are concerned about minorities in the
programs. So we talked to the Dean about that and he sais they
have something which is like PHD of color it is for exposure for
people who want to be in the college but not have a minor or
major. Also a speaker coming to talk to people. Heads-up wind
power people next week.
College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences
a. Madi Sowerwine- We also met with our dean and got to talk
about hybrid vs traditional learning. Also asked us about the
add and drop process and wanted to know our concerns school
wise. He told us he is taking a class this semester and he went
through the whole process and said that it was lengthy and not
b. Stella Carr- Madi covered most of it. We have another meeting
with him in April and he is going to take us out to lunch. Also I
want to remind everyone how important it is to vote not only
in ASNAU elections, but presidential ones too.
University College
a. Marc Moore-Sharp-Met with Dean Banks and discussed doing
something for freshman during welcome week. She wants to
focus on students and making sure they are aware of their
resources. She put me in contact with the person that puts on
the welcome week. She wants to start doing things like doing
an email through us to target the student body, having PR
putting up flyers in freshman dorms, etc.
Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin)
Cindy Anderson— So for the administrative assistant, a long ago in 1999 we
hired a full time for ASNAU to replace the person in the role. She was beloved
by the students. The students were growing and a need for an in house
assistant. Hiring of Paula Logie and one of the things ASNAU did say they
would survive on the assistant they were paying for. I can tell you it is not
even for me and ASNAU can greatly improve with one. We are going to start
bring in, with approval of budget for the next fiscal year, for a hiring process.
Using the current spring enrollment of 19,667. We discovered you are
budgeting against your budget. Executive put money towards the senate so
you can high a higher budget to appropriate. This will allow the student to be
involve which will be the next senate that will do the hiring. To talk about the
comments about the elections, I suggest you know that the college rates of
are as followed. So SBS is not the biggest college.
Senator Moore-Sharp: The reason I was asking for, since this is student
government, people interested in the government would be disproportionate
then others.
Cindy: Some of it is the interest of the students being aware of the
opportunities here on campus. Guaranteed there are certain fields that are
promoted more in different colleges and that’s why. I think this is a great
Kristine Heflin— I am working on getting the elections set up on True Blue
Connects. I also need someone on exec to help look at it, but probably not
Vanessa, because she is running. I included the rule that no more than five
people from the same college can be elected. The ballots are open Monday for
24 hours, so 12 am to 12am on Tuesday. I have uploaded students eligible to
vote, I think we have caught any problems, but let me know if there is any.
Senator Moore-Sharp: Are we allowed to vote?
Kristine: Yes
Senator Carr: Can we know how many people are running for each position?
Chair Dietlin: We have one person for President, VPGA, and VPSA running.
Three people running for VPAA and twenty-two for senate.
Kristine: Also we have a write in candidate option and a none option.
Reed: PR is also going to make an event for voting on Facebook so make sure
to spread it around.
Senator L’Ecuyer: So I guess we were not having a forum for elections so
everyone could get to know about us and our stance, but wasn’t there one
last year?
Chair Dietlin: I don’t know that is a question for Lauren. I think that was a
scramble by my old position last year to meet the requirements.
Reed: Also the turn out was just us
Kristine: We will have a candidate statement for each person on the ballot so
there will be a little icon they can click on and it will have their “speech”.
That’s good, because I haven’t seen a lot of campaigning from anyone.
Discussion Items
Vanessa: Just to let you guys know in advance, mark on your calendar April
4th. We will be co-sponsoring the Hunting Ground again at 7 pm with Health
Promotions. Also I am helping help plan other events them like little black
dress and another club that wants to do a 5k run to raise awareness as well.
Senator Rosic: So I tried to talked to them, health promotions, about not using
little black dress this year because that is not gender inclusive, but I haven’t
heard anything on it.
Vanessa: I will check on that.
Important Dates
Motion: Senator Graham moves to adjourn meeting at 5:07pm.
Second: Senator Sivage
Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.