ASNAU SENATE MEETING #14 TWENTY-EIGTH SESSION OFFICIAL MINUTES Date: February 17, 2016 Number on council: 14 Date of Senate Meeting: February 11, 2016 Number present: 12 Prepared by Kyra Johnson Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the 2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 4:03 pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union. Roll Call Absent: Senator Nunnally and Sivage Approval of Minutes Motion: Senator Roos moves to approve last weeks’ minutes. Second: Senator Moore-Sharp Vote: Unanimous, last weeks’ minutes have been approved. Call to the Audience: Chair Dietlin: For all the clubs and organizations here today for recognition, when I call your name you can come to the podium, tell us about your club, what you want to do with it, how many members you predict you will have and how it will benefit the students. For all clubs and organizations here for funding when I call your name come to the podium, tell us what the funding is for, how many people, what you hope to gain, and how it will benefit the students. Unfinished Business Item A- Green Fee Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item A- Green Fee Second: Senator Anderson Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Green Fee has been untabled. Chair Dietlin: So this was from last week. We have three options: 25% of student body supports it then we put it out as a vote, then a referendum and it is majority rules, the there’s writing a resolution. Senator Moore-Sharp: Is anyone here from the green fee? Did we ask for an update on numbers? Student: What is the referendum? Parker: Upon a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Senate, any issue can be referred to all members of ASNAU for a vote. Referenda shall be ratified by a majority of all votes cast in an election in which the referenda are placed on the ballot. Chair Dietlin: By using true blue connect, students could vote and that could be used as evidence on how many student support it. Student: Out of the three options, I thought there was one were students didn’t have to vote. Chair Dietlin: Option 1: 15% of student body would have to vote and then it would come to senate, Option 2: referenda would be sent out as a student vote, and Option 3: a resolution is when a senator would write a bill and it would come to senate. All of this leads to us saying asnau as a whole support it. Student: If we are already petitioning it can they work together? Chair Dietlin: If you want. A resolution needs to be written by one of the senators and once it goes through legislative it comes here to senate. Senator Moore-Sharp: They are gathering data for ABOR? Chair Dietlin: Yes Senator Moore-Sharp: What part of the referenda don’t you support? Student: I don’t know if you have seen the lumberjack there are two articles and it is clear that they don’t know what it is. We want to be clear on what it is for. Without fully explaining it would be more of a bias. Senator Moore-Sharp: I haven’t seen true blue connects, but would it be able to put that info on there? Chair Dietlin: We could have, as much information as you want, there is no limitation to it. Senator Carr: I understand their concerns, most people click to make it go away and vote without being informed. Maybe you have to watch a video before you are able to vote? Chair Dietlin: Kristine can we do a video first? Kristine: Yes, but there is no guarantee they will actually see it. Senator Rosic: How much is UofA’s and ASU’s green fee? Kristine: We did some research and found that they don’t charge a green fee like you said they do. Cindy: I talked to their administrator and we worked with the president. They had it approved, but never charged a fee. The other school had it apart of the tuition so it doesn’t float with enrollment as the students increase. $200,000 supports the office and $400,000 goes to the fee. It must have a student engagement element for each program. At ASU we are having a hard time figuring it out, but we know there is no separate fee on the campus for it. I reached out and there is a program and they couldn’t comment on how it supports efforts on the campus. They said we actually think you have more student engagement then us. Senator Ridge: Do you think you could hold a forum for students about it? I think it is a valid concern. Manager: I have called them about the amount of money for it and I can give you some paper that talks about it. We will never get a curve out. I can follow up with some information with the exact contacts. President Buchta: I was wondering if you have a budget that you have operated on and what happens if it doesn’t pass. Chair Dietlin: They told us last time; I will send it to you. Senator Rosic: I would recommend that we don’t want to move ahead without a vote so lets vote to do a referendum. Chair Dietlin: Article XIII: Referenda Upon a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Senate, any issue can be referred to all members of ASNAU for a vote. Referenda shall be ratified by a majority of all votes cast in an election in which the referenda are placed on the ballot. Senator Rosic: I personal like the referenda. Senator Carr: If I want to write a resolution, whatever senators want to sign on they can. Chair Dietlin: It would be the same format Senator Carr: Can we do both? President Buchta: Yes, but six people that sign on it is still like saying all students’ support it. Senator Sowerwine: I would still like to see the student body vote. Senator Graham: When do we have to have this done by? Chair Dietlin: It doesn’t have to align with their two week. President Buchta: ABOR is though looking at tuition at April. Student: If it fails then we have another year. Senator Moore-Sharp: To wrap this up, I can’t go forward with putting our stamp with out student input. Motion: Senator Moore-Sharp moves to vote on referenda for Item A- Green Fee Second: Senator Davis Student: How long would the vote be out for? Kristine: Do we have to call a special elections or regular election? Chair Dietlin: It is not outlined in the constitution. The election guideline is this. Parker: Article XV, Section 3: All special elections shall be under the discretion of the Elections Commission and shall be held in accordance with the procedures established in the ASNAU Election Code Senator Carr: What is a substantial number? Chair Dietlin: It says a majority of all votes casted out of the total amount in the election. Senator Carr: If it fails can they come back in a year? Student: If we gain your support and it’s after the deadline, does it roll into next year? Cindy: The advertising is two weeks alone so I think your time frame is too short. If you have enough forms and tabling then you wouldn’t have to put it out to a ballot. I also know this is being floated the same time as other things, so if you send out a vote and receive a no, then you are done. There is no coming back, if it doesn’t get approved. Senator Carr: Do you have a count? Student: No I only have 400 people in my pocket. Senator Carr: If you really try this week you could get 3,000 and this could be the first avenue and we could vote that we support it. President Buchta: When it comes in you vote yes and that it is correct and we support it, but it needs to go out to student body. Kristine: We still have to have time to look at all the signatures. Chair Dietlin: If we do a referendum it needs to be open at least a week. Parker: Section 6 states that Notification in NAU Student Media of any special referenda must be made no later than two (2) weeks prior to the date of the election. Student: What would it take to show you it is supported? Senator Moore-Sharp: In light of what Cindy and Kristine are saying, I think we would be willing to factoring in both with 15% and weight it in. If you had enough signatures it could be possible for us to support it. Senator Carr: We could support it by them showing a bunch of signatures. Chair Dietlin: It’s not required, if that’s what you want to do with signature then Senator Carr could write it. President Buchta: It’s not about being green, it about students being charged $40 more a year to attend NAU. Senator Ridge: I think if they want it they will support it and I think we need to respect the intelligence of student body. Student: We can’t send out a vote next week and have it done with a resolution next week? President Buchta: So basically to our understanding is you have to advertise it for two weeks before the vote. We are here to help you out with that. Student: That’s a three-week process and it will be too late, will it be rolled over to next year. President Buchta: To say ASNAU supports it, we would need that stamp of approval, it isn’t the same. They will need to write the resolution for it to continue on. Senator Carr: If we do write, it will it be good for next year? I have to disagree, it is money, but I am okay to pay more for this than something else. Senator Sowerwine: I still see the best option as a student vote and going through the right process President Buchta: For me I wouldn’t feel comfortable approving it either. Senator Moore-Sharp: Is it okay to table it? Chair Dietlin: yes Senator L’Ecuyer: If they bring 3000 signatures is that the same exact thing as the campus vote? Chair Dietlin: No it’s a majority of all students that vote. A referendum needs 2/3 of senate needs to vote and a majority of votes cased. Senator Carr: I think 3000 + signature shows a lot more support then the other way based on the email they got and having it from properly informed on their decision. Senator Moore-Sharp: I would disagree with that even if people don’t vote, we could still say we gave you access to that. Senator Sowerwine: I think it is a great tool, but I don’t feel comfortable with that. Chair Dietlin: If the student body votes no that eliminates the referenda. Student: I love the discussion, but that doesn’t fit our deadline. If it is not going to be done in time we don’t want it rushed. Chair Dietlin: Nothing will be done in your timeline, it is a week to write it, two weeks advertise it, and one-week vote. The senate is not comfortable singing something without student support. President Buchta: We don’t have another vote ABOR till April that still leaves three weeks until ABOR for you all to prepare. I don’t think it is crunching your timeline. Student: It takes time to get it on the agenda and still have to get presidents approval as well. Cindy: I think that’s correct. Senator Mathew: Is a referendum the only choice or we can table it? President Buchta: Giving them the option of a referendum is giving them the chance and they can say no and not do it. Chair Dietlin: Is that what you want? If not we should not vote on it. Manager: They requested everything by next week. Motion: Senator Mathew moves to table Item A- Green Fee Second: Senator Ridge Discussion: Kali: Is it possible to be put on the agenda and then be taken off it needed be? Chair Dietlin: No it is set. Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Green Fee has been tabled. Item B- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII Hockey Team Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item B- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII Hockey Team Second: Senator Sowerwine Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item B- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII Hockey Team has been untabled. Discussion: Senator Sowerwine: I believe we talked about tabling this because of the 5 coaches that were going. Chair Dietlin: I was in contact with the club this week and only 3 of the 5 coaches are going. Also the funding would only include transportation not lodging for them and we have approved funding for other sports for the same thing. Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote on Item B- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII Hockey Team Second: Senator Graham Vote: Unanimous, Item B- SB 28-48: NAU Ice Jacks DII Hockey Team has been approved. Item C- SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item C SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring Second: Senator Mathew Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item C SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring has been untabled. Discussion: Chair Dietlin: So I did look into if we were paying them again, but these two have already been reimbursed and the senate bills are just to make it official. Senator Carr: Where was the money taken from if we hadn’t approved it? Chair Dietlin: It was taken out of the executive line. Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item C SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring Second: Senator Ridge Vote: Unanimous, Item C SB 28-49&50: Sean Duncan and Nick Piring has been approved Item D- SB 28- 59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard, and Sabel Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to untable Item D- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel Second: Senator Graham Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item D- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel has been untabled. Discussion: Chair Dietlin: If you all go to page 8 in the packet there is information from faculty advisor. It says, “Here is a budget breakdown that I put together to be more clear about what we are requesting. The students will cover their own meal costs as a contribution to the trip. The faculty travel will be covered through the grant and other funding sources. We have requested funds through the Green Fund. Our department will cover the travel cost and we would seek reimbursement to our department from the Green Fund or ASNAU. I believe that there was some discussion at the appropriations meeting that we were requesting $16,000. I’m not sure where that number came from, but our request is for $868 per student or a total of $9548 for 11 students. Any support, however, that ASNAU can offer, will be useful and much appreciated. Other than what I have explained above, we DO NOT have other funding sources that can help get these students to the competition. Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item D- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel Second: Senator Graham Senator Rosic: I just felt that $9000 is too much for 11 students; a group of over 200 group can only get $3000. This is group. We talked about in legislative about creating a rule on that, but I think we can all agree this is group. Senator Carr: Can I move to amend the SB to read as a group? Senator Sowerwine: Instead of rewriting a bill for them as group, can we put it off till next week when it is done? President Buchta: It is easier to have them as individuals. Chair Dietlin: For financials they have to match names on receipts to senate bills Student: I believe there are two typos on the names. Jessica Beaver should be Bower and Michael Warte should be Wertz. Senator Rosic: What if we did $272.17 for each person. If they can’t go we could rewrite it later on. I would like to amend the senate bills. Kristine: There are only 10 bills but we said they were 11 people going? Chair Dietlin: As a clarification there is only 10 right? Student: There are 11, but I can double check. Chair Dietlin: Do the names line up with who is going on the cap stone? Senator Graham: Would it be possible to ask who would be no longer to go and re-amend to fit that? Senator Carr: I think they are still waiting for the green fund and they have a lot of time. Senator L’Ecuyer: Say we pass the bill and amend it then people can’t go; can we re-amend to distribute it different people? President Buchta: If you want to do that why would we pass the bill now? Senator Sowerwine: Can we still do $272 and then write it to re-distribute it? Senator L’Ecuyer: There are people that can’t go what are we going to do? Chair Dietlin: They general want to split $3000 for who ever want to go. Senator Carr: I believe the concern that students might need more but I know other clubs travel and only get one club bill. Chair Dietlin: Yes, but most clubs have club accounts hat the check goes to. Senator Ridge: Can we motion to table? Motion: Senator Ridge moves to table Item D- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel Second: Senator Sowerwine Vote: Unanimous, Item D- SB 28-59 to 68: Pellerin, Robinson, Bower, Lindsay, Carl, Wertz, Ceniceros, Muente, Richard and Sabel has been tabled Item E- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades Motion: Senator Graham moves to untable Item E- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades Second: Senator Mathew Discussion: None Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades has been untabled Discussion: Global Medical Brigades is the largest organization for global health and holistic development in the world. We connect our students with medical professionals. We are travel to the reservation to provide care to at least three families. These members want to go and going allows them to learn about medical flied and interact with people outside of the US. The funding will cover the medical packs we will be using. Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item E- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades Second: Senator Graham Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-72: NAU Global Medical Brigades has been approved New Action Business Item A- Club Recognition: The Jewish Student Organization Motion: Senator Mathew moves to vote on Item A- Club Recognition: The Jewish Student Organization Second: Senator Roos Discussion: Hello. A short description of The Jewish Student Organization is that it is a place that will be able to support students and help them to stay connect to their Jewish roots. Along with that we will work to create an area for social activities for all students. Vote: Unanimous, Item A- Club Recognition: The Jewish Student Organization has been approved Item B- SB 28-74: National Association for Catering and Events Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item B- SB 28-74: National Association for Catering and Events Second: Senator Ridge Discussion: Our student chapter is for members in catering and event planning to meet professionals and get eventually get jobs in the industry. The funding is going towards our conference that was the 29th-1st. Our five girls shared one room and got to learn a lot on how to interact and network with other chapters. They learned about slate budget and expenses and how other chapters handle that. The request is to cover the flight, hotel and registration. Vote: Unanimous, Item B- SB 28-74: National Association for Catering and Events has been approved. Item C- SB 28-75: Circle K International Motion: Senator Graham moves to vote on Item C- SB 28-75: Circle K International Second: Senator Sowerwine Discussion: Hi, I am the secretary and president of Circle K International. We are here to ask for support to attend our annual trip to district convention, which included clubs in the southwest area. At the convection we do a service program all together, and gather new ideas from each other. It is 2628th and the funding covers the registration, half gas, and lodging. Vote: Unanimous, on Item C- SB 28-75: Circle K International has been approved Item D- SB 28-76: Bowling Club Motion: Senator Mathew moves to vote on Item D- SB 28-76: Bowling Club Second: Senator Davis Discussion: Hi I’m Doug. Our club bowls every Wednesday night. The funding is to cover a purchase we made that lets us compete in future competitions. We have fundraised with concessions through Sodexo, and give back nights at BTO. Vote: Unanimous, Item D- SB 28-76: Bowling Club has been approved Item E- SB 28- 77&78: FIJI and KA Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item E- SB 28-77&78: FIJI and KA Second: Senator Moore-Sharp Discussion: We are looking for funding for our event Lit Like Mick, which will directly benefit of USO that sends care packages to our soldiers and for research on muscle dystrophy. We raised almost $5000 at the event, but are still calculating the numbers for an official count. The funding covers buses, the room and speakers that we paid out of pocket. We also had a DJ and a brother that took pictures. The event was GAMMA approved meaning it was a sober event. Senator Mathew: The total cost $4000 and you both want $2000, is that correct? Presenter: Yes $2000. We added $50 to cover for taxes. Kristine: You said it was sober, but I just don’t think we should be funding an event called Lit Like Mick. Presenter: So it was a Disney themed event; there have been other through out the years with the same theme like Dirty Disney, but we want to make it different. The name has nothing to do with the idea of the event. Kristine: When I hear lit, I think of people getting drunk. Presenter: I get what you are saying. One of our guys came up with it, you know rhyming and all. We thought it was appropriate, because we did have killer light show there and lit means like it’s going to be off the chain so to say. President Buchta: Kristine I mean I get your concern, but we hold an event every year called the undie run where students run around the campus naked. Kristine: But there are no laws against it, where as there are for alcohol and drugs. Senator Moore-Sharp: From where I come from lit can be an emotional state sweet and happy, not doing drugs and alcohol. Senator Carr: I am not one to know much rap, but there is a song about the Bic lighter I think and that’s what I thought this was; lit like a flame type thing. Presenter: There were a few people that didn’t think it was a good idea and we should have thought that through, but that is the idea we were going of off. Senator Sowerwine: If we are just going off the name then I think we can still pass it since they didn’t have alcohol served at the event. Vote: Unanimous, Item E- SB 28-77&78: FIJI and KA has been approved Item F- SB 28-79 to 84: Albertson, Fedorschak, Rippon, LaRosa, Wheeler, and Anderson Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to vote on Item F- SB 28-79 to 84: Albertson, Fedorschak, Rippon, LaRosa, Wheeler, and Anderson Second: Senator Roos Discussion: Hey guys we are going to a ceramics conference. What we do is take over a city each year, this year it is in Kansas. During the conference there are workshops, talks, and discussions. We get to hear about new mediums and revolutionary ideas in clay. It benefits us as artist to meet the people that we have looked up to and also learn new information. We are volunteering at the conference so that takes care of a certain fee. We can show our level of skill that we were taught here (at NAU) and maybe get people that want to study here. We are #1 in the nation for wood fire and #3 for ceramics. We are coming as a group; we aren’t technically a club, but want to re-establish it. The funding will cover gas, hotel, plane flights, and car rental. Senator Beghtol: I think there is an error the in whereas it says $350. Chair Dietlin: is it $350 or $320? Senator Anderson: Is it just this one or all of them? Senator Rosic: That’s my bad, at first the student said $350 then changed it to $326, but I adjusted it by $6 so the total wouldn’t be over $3000 for the group. Senator Mathew: If he is an individual can we just give the $6 to him? Motion: Senator Sowerwine moves to amend the sixth whereas striking $350 to read $320. Second: Senator Ridge Vote: Unanimous, Item F- SB 28-79 to 84: Albertson, Fedorschak, Rippon, LaRosa, Wheeler, and Anderson has been amended Vote: Unanimous, Item F- SB 28-79 to 84: Albertson, Fedorschak, Rippon, LaRosa, Wheeler, and Anderson has been approved Chair Dietlin: So for all the clubs and organizations here today at this time you are welcome to leave since we will be going into some housekeeping stuff and reports. We hope you all have a good night. Item G- Employee Approval Motion: Senator Ridge moves to vote on Item G- Employee Approval Second: Senator Graham Chair Dietlin: This is to approve Jake, Warner, and Dallas so their hiring is official. Senator Carr: Why was there no application sent out for Warner’s position? President Buchta: Stefan asked me about it but the easiest way to fill it was to pull from applicants from SSA and diversity director. We asked those people back for interviews and Warner was right for the spot. That’s his name right? Chair Dietlin: Yes. President Buchta: Previously when we hired Drake and Marc the interviews went out to all those who lost the election. Kristine: The constitution gives them a power to appoint anyone they see fit. President Buchta: And its not like we were friends, like I didn’t know him before the interview. Senator Mathew: It also says we have to advertise the vacancy for at least five days. President Buchta: I overrode that, but now that he has been fired you would need to impeach him. Senator Mathew: Does any one know Warner’s major? President Buchta: College Arts and Letters. Vote: Unanimous, Item G- Employee Approval has been approved Executive Reports a. President- Alexandria Buchta - This is my first senate meting of the semester. Last week we were at ABOR and it was super interesting. We met with both student governments and are starting on making a council so that we can all come together on important items. Saturday John, Vanessa, and I attended a meeting for the state budget and got to talk about why we love NAU and what we want to see happen with the moony. Next week all senators were invited for leadership dinner so make sure you come. Senator Carr: I saw an open forum for the president, are we going to advertise it? Chair Dietlin: No that is her own thing. Senator Rosic: Can we put it in the weekly email? President Buchta: Yes. Next week is diversity week and we have many events. I think are the filers printed and there is a Lopez Lomong ad so please take them and put them up. Couple other things is that I was at legislative and I know there were some people that didn’t come. This is your job you need to send a formal excuse to Amanda if you can’t be there. Senator Sowerwine: Have we decided what we are doing if we can’t make either of them? Chair Dietlin: I was busy this week, but I will be sending out a spreadsheets and hope legislative can find an alternative time to meet. For right now you can speak to me. President Buchta: Also for senate meeting we are supposed to look semiprofessional. if not we look bad to our audience. Like sorry Stefan but that is not appropriate. Senator Rosic: That okay, it’s fair. Senator Ridge: So taking about that, what about those quarter zips? Senator Rosic: I apologize, but some people are wearing tribal print. Can we reframe from that because that it not right. b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley - Not Present C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin - Hope all of you have confirmed the hours you work and you are there for what you have listed your time sheet. If you need to make up hours please email me in advance, because I will question you on it if it is different from your regular times. Academic standards committee is this Friday and tomorrow by noon will be the due date for comments from you before I go into the meeting. Mostly I have been corresponding with clubs about being tabled. D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy - This is my first senate meeting. Thank all for your support. We made the front page for the daily sun for bringing human trafficking awareness to our campus. I have had a student say that they are working on clubs to bring awareness to. Last week we were at ABOR and had complements on our team on our appearance. It was focused on ASU since it was located there and tuition talks are coming up so we are working on that. We are creating an organization in the student governments on a statewide level. We are working on bylaws that will allow us to vote on things we want to take to a statewide level and it will take over from SSA. We are taking about having state regents on our discussions. We have tiers and there are checks and balances. Lower come up with ideas and then it is brought up to the presidents would have a vote on if the agree with it. There is a good balance. We tried our best to. We have also decided to go down and lobby at the capital to get more money for the university since the governor has proposed 8 million dollars goes back into higher education and I know president Cheng wants this too. If we do not get this we may not be able to keep the tuition promise. Senator Moore-Sharp: Have they cut the budget every year? Vanessa: $99 million was cut last year. Chair Dietlin: It is almost consistently been cut the last 8 years. Vanessa: We have never had such a cut as we did last year and that why we are pushing people to vote. If we stay quiet, they will cut us with out any push back. That why we have three student governments are going down with a joint strategy. I am in the works right now for a NAU group to get a bus to get students to go down with us. We had 103 students register in 3 hours. ASU had only 130 students for how big their campus is and that is huge accomplishment for us. NAU is feeling the Bern, that’s who won. The secretary of state was so pleased she talked about doing it again and bringing the phoenix suns. e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins - Not Present Staff Reports a. Student State Affairs- John Bower, Jake Gavin - It’s been so long since I have been here. I am just going to reaffirm what Vanessa said. The voter registration was a huge success and I got to speak at city council again. Just expect more registration events. Senator Carr: How does it work for students that don’t live here? Vanessa: You can register for in state or out of state with mail in ballots. If you have lived here for more than a year you can be considered an Arizona resident. It is so quick. John: Do it online of you are from a different state. Senator Rosic: For registration you would have to have a state id number wouldn’t you? Vanessa: Yes. b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow - I put those filers in your cubby so please put those in your colleges. Also we also have the diversity week filers and make sure to share on Facebook and other social media sites. Also tell your friends about it. Chair Dietlin: You should be attending the events as well. Reed: If you are in other organizations please share them on the other pages. Senator Moore-Sharp: LGBI? Reed: Shoot okay, don’t put them out, I will fix them. Student: What events are these? Reed: They are all for diversity week. Student: I am from shack and all we do is adverting so we can help. c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner - Not Present d. Information Technologist- Chantz Spears -Not Present e. NSG- Hali Wetzel, Kali Morris -Not Present Committee Reports A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer - Senate bills weren’t much better this week. Please work harder, please delete whereas from the template if you aren’t using them. If I emailed you about a bill thank you for fixing them. B. Legislative: Senator Carr - Senator Rosic: We passed a bylaw to go here, but I don’t know why it is not on the agenda? Chair Dietlin: Executive team thought we should digest it more maybe find a paid position for it. Senator Rosic: Okay well anyways it is bylaws of changing up the front desk assistant’s job of finances to having an actual financial manager. That way it makes us more efficient. We are going to bring a bylaw by next week for groups and deciding how to classify it if individuals are acting together. We were going to vote on a chair but that maybe we can change meeting to have Stella be able to make it. C. Diversity: Dallas Diaz -Next week is diversity week. There is a mistake but hand them out anyway since people just take them and throw them away anyways. I will email them to you as well and you can post them on social media. I would love it if you could all come; I have people speaking about race, gender, and disability all the way to immigration status. I have meet with the lead of the disability commission and be helping be out with getting interpreter for the events and hearing assistances. I am going to email the movie producers to see if we can get subtitles with it. That’s really it and it’s going to be fun and I am super excited. Chair Dietlin: Can we not pass it out since there are mistakes they will poorly represent apart of this community. Senator Reports College of Arts and Letters a. Abbey Matthew- We are working on a meeting with our dean. b. Stefan Rosic-We are working on the meeting with the dean. We had one, but had to reschedule and I guess that’s it. Oh also we are going to be creating Facebook pages for all the Diversity Week events so please like all of them. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences a. Brooke Graham-I'm so sorry about missing appropriations, I totally forgot. b. Gabriella Nunnally- Not Present Chair Dietlin: I'm proud of our Diversity Director, she has been working diligently on Diversity week, and I'm excited to go to the events; I hope everyone else is too! Also, Black Student Union is hosting a Mardi Gras Dance tomorrow (Friday, 2/12/16) in Havasupai A, B, and C. It will be from 8pm-12am and it only costs $1 to attend! We are giving out beads and chocolate coins to our guests in celebration of Mardi Gras! c. Drake Ridge- So last week I was at ABOR and we are finding a time to meet with our dean. College of Health and Human Services a. Alex Roos- NR b. Ashley Beghtol- NR College of Education a. Alyssa Anderson- Donuts with dean this Tuesday b. Kyle Davis- Marc and I attended the residence life council this week. If you have any question come talk to us since it is pretty lengthy. First we talked about how enrollment affects us and how juniors/seniors wouldn’t be getting housing. They are though building new places and it’s going to be in the McKay’s parking lots and one off campus. They have like 2000 beds and constructions started this month. Then tomorrow we will be given rate increases. Senator Carr: What is the name of the off campus one? I have seen a proposal for the Hub, but people don’t agree with it. Cindy: I think it is 5 developments that cover 2000 beds. It has problems with the height regulations in Flagstaff. If you live that way, you have seen it south of kohl’s and that student housing if you head out to the airport that’s it. There are 5 approved projects but just not in one place. Senator Carr: Do you know when it will open? Cindy: I don’t know that, but you guys could probably find out tomorrow. Senator Graham: Is this just for student or communities? Cindy: You can rent by the bedroom; so you can read into that. College of Business a. Lauren L’Ecuyer- NR b. Warner Sivage- Not Present College of Engineering, Forestry, and Natural Sciences a. Madi Sowerwine- NR b. Stella Carr- NR University College a. Marc Moore-Sharp- Sorry about not being in legislative this week. I have a meeting on the 26th with my dean and I am looking forward to it. I am going to…Abbey (Senator Mathew) and I were working on bylaw changes before winter break so we are going to start working on that again. Also I went to the resident life council with Kyle (Senator Davis). Advisor Reports (Cindy Anderson and Kristine Heflin) Cindy Anderson— I wanted to echo on the comments on budget cuts. Your former president, he used to call NAU a state supported college, but near the end of his position he was calling it a state located university. I think your efforts have been great and that investing in our campus is great. When I see folks ask you to support them, I am advisor and I don’t want to tell you what to do but I think their crunch time wasn’t is properly planned. I think we need to look at it. Senator Roos: I just want to say that I really like your guidance and it helps me make a more educated vote. Kristine Heflin— I am working on Louie awards and I the nomination process. I think they are pulling for the end of February so mark your calendars. Senator Carr: What is the Louie award? Kristine: Different awards for outstanding faulty, students, and staff. I want to nominate Ester down stairs for it. Senator Moore-Sharp: So are they due tomorrow? Kristine: 5 o’clock tomorrow and make sure you look at who’s who application. Senator Carr: Is golden axe every semester? Kristine: Yes. I have also been working on update on policies to change the wording for our current practices to make sure it works for our law and us. Discussion Items Announcements Chair Dietlin: The golden pinecone goes to Senator L’Ecuyer this week for helping with all the senate bills. Important Dates Adjournment Motion: Senator Graham moves to adjourn meeting at 6:08pm. Second: Senator Sowerwine Vote: Unanimous, meeting has been adjourned.